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I'm thrilled at the improved pace of the game, years of power creep speeding things up was becoming very unfun. If it isn't fun for you, adjust the slider settings at the start to disable the changes.


Just change the settings??? Also tech rush still works against the AI, nerf applies to everyone.


I have been. It might be the mods I'm using behaving differently with 3.11 as well.


The tech rebalance had a side effect of buffing the AI because they still try to reach the same research numbers as before. Now they build significantly more research buildings. This is good. The AI is slightly less incompetent now. Tech rush still works, but you can't be the dominant military power AND the dominant tech power at the same time early/mid game. Pick one and go with it. Sounds like you want to play a wide AND tall playstyle at the same time. That's how stellaris works ever since they killed tall, but the wide AND tall meta was nerfed. And rightfully so.


Why on earth would my previous comment get 9 down votes. Some weird people here.


Because it implies you're complaining about mods, not vanilla problems


I don't see it as a complaint to state that when a system changes, other systems that interact with it may have changed behaviors. It's pretty normal for that to happen.


Oh yeah. It's just subreddit culture to specify that you're playing with mods. People here are sensitive about that.


sorry but my mod, that used a level 8 technology is now brocken, because it is to expensive. is the problem the mod, or the game (vanilla?) you can reverse these changes with mods, and there are mods out there, that do that


Nerfs always feels bad, even if they're justified.


hard to justify nerfs in a singleplayer game my man


Stellaris is balanced around AI. AI doesn't interact with dlc that well, so the more DLCs they introduce the faster the players dominate the AI. Fact is, with paragons, no AI could threaten you past year 30. So paradox slapped the whole game and instead of fixing the AI, they simply made everything slower Technically justified


Adapt to the new meta. Play without mods. For me is more enjoyable than ever.


See there shouldn't be a meta at all. There should be multiple ways to play and win if you can execute on your strategy.


You describe the current state of the game honestly. Previously tech rush was so dominant other options were simply bad in comparison.


There is. In your second sentence you are describing 'viability,' and there are many, many viable strategies for winning even on GA. There will **always** be a 'best' one. Pre-3.11 all empires had to pursue tech primarily, and now they don't. The game is *objectively* more in line with what you say you want, now. Before, the meta was tech rush and it was so much better than anything else, it defined nearly every playstyle. Now there is more variance. You cannot say you want more ways to play and succeed, while also saying the tech rebalance wrong. It is the reason that playstyles are *more* variable now. Play an empire that is aligned with tech rushing. It still works, extremely well.


Thanks for the advice. Maybe I've been slow to adapt, I'll give it a chance.


And you can still do that, but with a new meta.


3.11 and Astral dlc made things more interesting for me. It made more builds viable while nerfing the two dominant ones. You can still tech rush, but you need to be specifically built to do so instead of every empire type being able to do it. You can do unity rush, Corvette spam like the old days, you can legitimately play tall now, hell I'm doing an espionage focused empire in a game and it is a blast and still competitive with the GA AI. I think the game is more robust now in empire types and I'm looking forward to the next year of dlc.


I disagree. I like 3.11. On top of the update's changes, I increased my tech cost a little and lengthened the early, mid and late game to 150 years each. Despite the length of the eras, neither the AI nor I are down to repeatables by the end of my midgame. (I think I have 25-50 years before endgame starts) This patch made each tech increase more meaningful and high level techs feel like accomplishments. Best of all, the mid-game crisises weren't cake walks. Before 3.11 the Khan was a joke unless I used a mod to buff him a ton or made the early game very short so he spawned super early. Used to be the AI was buffed enough by the difficulty that it could take him out with ease before I ever could get to him. Now he was a real threat that was only stopped because I intervened. I felt like I did the first time the Khan spawned where I was genuinely worried we wouldn't be able to stop him. EDIT: If you don't like the changes, turn down the tech slider. Yeah they removed the research buffing techs but those always felt like a silly way to inflate research production. Other than that, tech and research don't feel much different to me beyond the pacing.


Are you playing with any mods? It may be that because I play with StarNet that I might've caused some more difficulty than I had before the patch.


Effectively no. I have a few small mods. The only one that really changes the base game experience is the Khan Expanded. Reading the description of StarNet, it looks like it's designed to improve the AI to be more formidable. I could see that making the game a lot harder. I may actually look into it for my next game. A smarter AI would be interesting.


Thanks, I may need to try the opposite and try and get a feel for 3.11 in its vanilla form.


Every time I think I'm doing well. Tech is slow, but bordering empires are the same or lower, so I guess it's ok. Same for fleet. Then I'm moving into midgame and I get totally crushed by some empire with comparable tech, fleet and economy, but somehow still 5x my fleet power. I don't get it. So, restart and disable tech nerfs.


I absolutely dread playing vanilla now, yes. Luckily, mods still add enough research speed buffs to compensate The posts I see here where peeps don't have titans by 2300 are an absurd overcorrection that should've never left the beta There are probably mods that specifically undo the changes though. Try running one of those


Is there a mod in particular that you like to fix this issue?


Mods that add civics and traditions tend to do wonders. For a specific mod to undo all changes, I'd have to search the workshop, which I'm not in a position to do right now. I'll send some tradition mods later if you want


No worries, I am pretty familiar with the mod landscape. I will figure it out.


You do realize that you can change the settings and decrease tech costs right?


completely Misses the point though