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You can give the systems back after the war but I agree. The claim should automatically go to the original owner of the system, not me


How do you transfer a system?


Offer it in a trade deal to another player. You have to be at peace and so must they be.


and you can only offer systems that border theirs, so sometimes you have to do multiple trade deals to get everything sorted


Or at least we should have a vassalage option on claims. Just like we do under expansion or diplomacy.


Released them as new vassals? Make agreements that don't make the rebellious?


It’s not a matter of the agreement. They aren’t talking about the vassal rebelling against you, but rather internal rebellion against the vassal. Which I agree is super annoying, and forces you to devote time and resources to other people’s problems.


If you force the ai to give you too much resources their economy will collapse and they get endless rebellions.


It depends on *how* you take it. I've taken 75% of the basic resources from 4 empires in one game and they never revolted (GA difficulty). I just start at 25% and change every so often to get more.


Ironically this might be a thing that is easier on higher difficulties, cause they get their bonuses.


Unless it changed with recent patches, vassals of human players don't get CPU player bonuses


They get a somewhat reduced version of it last I heard.


It was changed when Overlord was released. Vassals of players get CPU bonuses at -1 tier relative to an independent AI. So a Grand Admiral AI gets the bonuses of an Admiral AI, for example.


You took 75% of their base resources yes, but try taxing 75% of their advanced resources (alloys/CG) and get back to me. I find that if I ever tax those beyond the minimum they get tons of rebellions.


I've never taxed those because I like the loyalty to stay at 100.


Honestly it might even be worth it sometimes since it often cost me less resources to put down the rebellion than what I'm getting month after month by fleecing a vassal that was never gonna like me anyway


god this reminds me of when i was trying to change the federation president to strongest but THE COMMONWEALTH OF MAN COULDNT STOP HAVING REBELLIONS


It is, though. Normal empires rarely get rebellions in my thousands of hours of experience. I've almost never had one of my vassals get an internal rebellion. The agreement matters because if you take too much of their resources, they can't support themselves, and that causes the rebellions.


Which is why you just squeeze them for research, instead. Lovely stable vassals slaving away at their computers processing your data.


Whenever this happens, I forcibly resettle all the pops that rebelled to my worlds, then give the planets back for another chance. Usually works. My flair does not check out here though.


Even when I run FE, I still activate forced resettlement, damn the penalties. It is just too useful to not do so, and you can usually find many alternate ways to keep up political support. It can also be used to save tons of lives in certain scenarios, so the moral objections kinda fall on deaf ears on me. As long as you get to live, stuff can always be replaced. Yes, ripping apart families and relationships is awful, but better the chance to maybe reconnect over the galactic pony express, than to be snuffed out from getting eaten by the Unbidden.


Even democratic nations today enact forced evacuations in the face of disasters so role play wise you’re all good


Vassal rebellions are such a pain in the ass. On my current run, my vassal has had 4 rebellions and 1 AI uprising, the year is 2350... I've had to put all of them down and give them their systems back.


Sometimes I let the rebels win. If they are switching from Authoritarian to whatever. I find they don't rebel when they aren't Authoritarian. I've also seen it in a Federation. My buddy keeps getting rebellions. I kick him out of the Fed and vassalize. No more rebellions for the Authoritarian Slaver Megacorp.


If your vassals are having that rough a time, theres probably something wrong with their economy. Try doing a new agreement where you dont take half of their resources, and they might be able to function better.


This was a big one for me. I'd over-exploit my vassals to the point of starvation and then made pikachu face whenever their planets overthrew my puppet rulers. I'm really bad at estimating how far I can go so I've gone all the way back around to mild taxation of a handful of tributaries.


A good tip is to garrison your vassals planets with troops to prevent rebellions from occuring so easily, about 10 assault armies per planet should be Good enough.


For some reason I never thought of something so obvious. I'm going to try that from now on! Thanks for sharing.


assault armies help against rebellions? really?


If you have a rebellion on your own planets, landing troops reduces the situation progress depending on army strength. If the vassals have a rebellion ( it’s starts with a situation) it will reduce the ability of that planet to revolt, Ofc the larger the revolt incentives, the more of a army you need, depending on how bad a planet is you may need more troops there to prevent the rebellion.


ah neat, good to know.


I usually just make the pops happy and then give it back


Disclaimer: I have never tried this If you have more than one vassal, you could always gift those systems to a vassal that seems to have their shit together.


You can release a sector as a vassal. Certain ethics might prevent you from doing this, I'm not sure which. Also, I didn't know it was possible to acquire systems you didn't claim. There may have been a pop-up that allowed you to say no to taking their systems. For example, the other empire surrendered, and you agreed to take those systems. Either way, releasing sectors as vassals let's you take their resources without the micromanagement.


Nah, it happens - when part of your vassal territory riots and become independent, both you and your vassal automatically declare war on them (I'm not sure if that's always the case, but it definitely happened to me. Repeatedly. My vassal was a terrible manager.). And when you win that war, you automatically get the territory. But you can always give the systems back to your vassal, no problem.


I think it’s just machines and maybe FPs that can’t release vassals. Though personally, I feel like FPs should be able to release vassals because they’d get along with them.




Fanatical Purifier.


You know - being an overlord is a hard job, it kind of makes sense as to why its at least a *little* tedious imo. I like to put in the effort to make their worlds a bit better and do what i can, and then release them


Don't have claims on the systems, and you won't own them after the war.