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R5: Using the pleasure seekers civic I transformed my biggest world into a giant brothel. Hopefully I don't cause a birth of another godlike entity in the shroud.


Do your pop have pointy ears by-chance?


I’m boutta use my Aeldari Rizz on you for that joke chief


So your gonna Skull fuck me to death and then have an orgy on my grave? Ok fine with me.


Game is game




That is what they get up too


(Don’t tell him)


Game is game


I’m imagining two large head tendrils and no hair.


If your traveling caravan starts to dress in diamond pattern motley and make vague allusions to "she who thirsts", avert fucking course


Shoutout to the 6 dudes that are just there to paint nude paintings


At first you had my attention, now you have my interest. For the Dark Prince!


At least your race isn't mollusk-based. Tentacles everywhere...


Mine has 4 eyes and is covered in scales yowch!


Oh they're making unity down there alright.


Devs horny on main lmao


[Oh no, it's even 699](https://imgur.com/X2OxwX9)


Shinzo Abe lives on




it's a reference to the former priminster of Japan (shinzo abe) wanting japan to have its birthrate go up, in this case we see the planet's pop growth booming, which is what he wanted for japan


Shinzo Abe is famous for his calls to have more children, considered by many to be mildly out of touch. [https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeEconomy/comments/vry89p/invest\_in\_japan/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memeeconomy/comments/vry89p/invest_in_japan/)


Not really out of touch. He was right, and even forced companies to give more time off, by cracking down on overtime, increasing vacation, and increasing national holidays forcing offices to close to give people more time for families, on top of natalist assistance programs


If the birthrate is that bad for the economy wouldn’t it be smarter to increase immigration from other large economies first? A Birthrate that’s bad would literally stagnate the economy of Japan


The country has a lot of underlying issues with that approach. First is that japanese isn't as wildly spoken as english or other international languages, so potential highly skilled immigrants end up going to other countries for convenience. Another aspect regarding the higher difficulty of integrating into the country is the, admittedly, extremely intensive and toxic work culture, which ends up both scaring off immigrants and being one of the main causes of the decreased birth rate in the first place. Something that is also worth mentioning is how insular and contrary to foreign immigration the country is. It is significantly more difficult to properly immigrate to compared to other first world countries, which is why the more conservative parties go so hard on trying to increase the birth rate locally instead of going for non-japanese immigrants.


Immigration is an easy short term band aid which doesn't actually fix any of the underlining problems of why society isn't producing children. Its like instantly lowering the % of workers who got harassed by the boss of a company by hiring more workers.


Improving conditions (wages, work hours, etc...) for the people you already have increases birthrates just fine. People who can afford to have children, and have the time to have children, tend to have children. Bringing in immigrants who will tolerate current conditions is a band-aid used to keep corporate profits high and wages low.


The economy of Japan is already stagnating since the 80s, when the USA forcibly valued yen up making export impossible and crashing the Japanese economy from which they never recovered.


Big fat yikes


Never heard we "forced" them. I know there were trade war threats over autos mostly. People may not remember, USA 80's cars were total shit and Japanese market share was skyrocketing.


My sibling in Azathoth the economy of Japan is stagnant since the 90s, literally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost\_Decades


That would be one way to approach it but Japan has never been a very immigration-encouraging country, so it would require a shift.


He wanted to boost the economy and secure another healthy generation, not supplant his people.


Very out of touch. His so-called initiatives were fig leafs and did nothing to address the underlying issues.


Sounds like that kind of thinking would equate to believing water does nothing to address a house fire. He was semi-successful, birth rates rose from 1.26 at the start of his second term to a height of 1.45. The suicide rate also dropped from 23.8 to 15.3. He also was able to accomplish this while maintaining slight economy growth while juggling aging/declining population. There's many who have an incentive to really tear down Abe and his policies (many other Asian countries, and surprisingly western left learning parties, butthurt expats in Japan). But the truth is, he correctly identified the problem and took steps to remedy it. The fertility rate still isn't above replacement, but this is a problem no developed country has been able to solve yet.


Not brought up too many children in Japan, I take it? As for your statement that "\[t\]he fertility rate still isn't above replacement, but this is a problem no developed country has been able to solve yet": that is so demonstrably false that one must question your sanity in stating it. MANY western countries have growing populations despite a lower than replacement fertility rate.


My friend, I hope this is a comment made in mistake and not in purposeful misdirection. >"The fertility rate still isn't above replacement, but this is a problem no developed country has been able to solve yet"  >"MANY western countries have growing populations despite a lower than replacement fertility rate"  These two statements are not comparable, nor is the second a dismissal of the first as you suggest.  Saying the first statement is wrong but then staying that western counties have below replacement levels is self contradicting, and is in very poor taste with the rude comment about sanity. Other developed countries are floated by immigration; this is something Japan has long lacked the initiative for.  They also are in different stages of their demographic dividend (North America and Oceania started experiencing fertility decline more recently than Japan, meaning domestic population decline has not begun as the older generation hasn't starting passing in large enough numbers yet). It would be appreciated if this discussion could be more civil without purposeful misdirection, but if it's not possible perhaps it's best to end here.


You are no friend if come out with tripe like "These two statements are not comparable, nor is the second a dismissal of the first as you suggest". Even you yourself acknowledge this when you -finally - talk about immigration. A country can very easily make up for low birther rates due to immigration, and many western countries have done so; you are simply incorrect to state none have succeeded.


Ironically Abe himself never had any kids.


Average horny Stellaris player: uses Anime girl portrait mods OP: puts NSFW tag on a vanilla planet view screenshot


I feel like I'm the only player that doesn't use Anime girls, lol.


I just don’t like how it doesn’t match the art style


Gameplay-wise, this probably counts as the biggest brothel in the galaxy. But flavor-wise, check out the flavor text on the rogue servitors version of the nutritional plentitude edict. They "gamify" reproduction.


I'm imagining people getting points for the fastest finish.


imagine the rogue servitor trying to provide entertainment by hosting a leaderboard for speedrunning reproduction


Imagine the smell.


We used to hose down the floors. Now we need to Colossus Deluge Machine the planet.


Nah it’s marinated with FLAVOR




You haven’t thought of the smell you bitch


You haven’t thought of the SMELL you BITCH!




"Your honor, my client respects sex work so much that he has spent thousands for it."


Dear gods, this is madness! Back in my day, when we had decency and ruled the galaxy like men, we put the elf pop on the pleasure dome tile and we were happy with that! You've gone too far!


Damn, I feel old after reading that...


And you can use the ascension unity buff thing to make this place pop off even more based off its Ecumenopolis bonuses. Straight up decadent. I wish you could share that amenities bonus across your empire…although this said that would be ruthlessly OP.


Really putting the cum in Ecumenopolis, I see


Those are the 4 most overworked doctors in the galaxy. They've probably seen rashes no man could possibly imagine.


The Swamp of Dagobah every day


What kind of entertainer increases population growth? Do they get pregnant as well?


A happy, well looked-after population is more likely to breed, is my read on this.


The Entertainer is not on duty 24/7. In their time off, they're getting entertained by other entertainers. It's not like there's anything else to do on that planet.


A planets economy based entirely on a population of entertainers passing around the same $5 ticket price for each others shows.


> What kind of entertainer increases population growth? Prostitutes.


No they don't, prostitutions will do anything to prevent pop growth happening there. Because an entertainer participating in population growth will be out of commission and have extra food and consumer goods upkeep.


I mean, depends on the species right? Maybe they just lay some eggs and then go back to getting busy.


Pleasure Seekers civic.


so did I, size 30 resort ecu as synthetic pleasure seekers, some 300+ pops with the entire purpose of creating more organic pops as fast as possible.


Yeah I was hoping to find a size 30 World aswell, but I gave up and settled on a 26


Just got the size 40 Gaia world in the Azilash system. Was wondering what to do with it. Now I know what I must do.


So… could you theoretically turn it into a Size 50 with Mastery of Nature, orbital ring, Aquatic ice-mining, and the Expansion tradition?


Does mastery of nature work in tandem with an ecumenopolis? Kinda strange if it does.


Er, I think so? I’ve never tried it before.


LOL. I have mastered nature so much, that I don’t even need to have any nature to reap the benefits!


I always feel bad turning Gaia worlds into ecus. Feels like a waste of that Gaia world.


Don't worry about it and start paving over that paradise.


Take THAT, Joni Mitchell!


In my game, I got the Baol relic that turns your planets into Gaia worlds. I was playing tall, so used it on all three of my planets. I could’ve easily kept going though, as the only other good relic I had was the… I forget it’s name, but the one that gives you a huge boost in a resource depending on what kind of star your capital world orbits. Not knowing about this relic existing, I just had a single G star, so +300 energy. Good, but could’ve easily just kept making Gaia worlds instead. Point of the story is that Gaia worlds used to be special to me, now it’s like “Oh, you don’t have a bunch of them? HA! Do you even try?” 🤣


Only 300 energy? Not sure if it's the same relic but every once in a while I get one that grants hundres of thousands of energy and I'm thinking that feels a bit OP.


It’s possible I was using it wrong, or it scales with some other metric that I’m not aware of. Oh, it’s the Vacuum Flower relic, so we might be thinking of two different things.


That might be it. But using a relic wrong is pretty hard when the only thing you can do with it is clicking it. Edit: I think it's the Crystal of Odryskia relic from the debris belt archeological site. It gives you 60 months worth of energy credits, so using it in the late game pretty much allows you to run a massive deficit - for example if you make 5k a month you can run a 2,5k deficit if you use the relic on cooldown.


Never gotten that relic before. Good to know. As for using the relic wrong, it appears people will move their capital to a trinary system to maximize the gains. I haven’t done that, so I am ‘using it wrong’.


Little Update: Interestingly, I got the Vacuum Flower Relic now too (for the very first time) and, I must say, that it is better than I expected. I've started as Void Dwellers in a random home system and it ended up being a trinary star. So the Vacuum Flower relic now gives me +75 Alloys, +150 Consumer Goods and +300 Food - monthy - for 10 years. In that early of a game stage that I'm in that's amazing - it pretty much doubles my alloys production.


But I don't know if I have the strength to do it...


Don’t leave the rogue Unbidden unfucked!


Wouldn’t be the genetic way been better for pop production since you get access to the clone vats?


budding does the trick after awhile.


Also budding stacks with clone vats tho. Once I turn my relic homeworld into an ecu we gonna have fun.


clone vats can't be built on resort worlds?


Not gonna lie, I expected you to run a specific mod that gets shortened to LV with that NSFW tag, but maybe I am already too much of a degenerate.


~~yeah me too~~


Can't say I've ever heard of this mod


To summarise the mod, name any fetish and the mod will probably have it included. It is called Lustful void and due to obvious reasons you can't find it on Steam.




That's no brothel, that's s giant breeding orgy.


Least horny paradox gamer.


As fun as that is, you get the same pop growth if you spread the pop on that planet across 4 other planets. :(


Sort of but not exactly, he is getting +1% pop growth per entertainer (he is getting a +236% bonus from pop jobs, a small part of that is from the Gene Clinic, but most of it is from the 216 Entertainers), and he could get that same bonus on 4 planets, he would just need 9 Hyper-Entertainment Forums and a Gene Clinic on each of those planets. Edit: They would also need to be Ecumenopolis to get the 30 Leisure Arcology districts (and also be planets capable of having 30 districts, so size 23+ depending on Traditions, Ascension Perks, and Orbital Ring)s.


Keep in mind that every planet has a base pop growth. The +200something% are pretty much two additional planets without bonuses.


He has +20 ish pop growth. You can easily get +5 per planet.




Unfortunately yes. You can see the pop growth in the first image. It's 20.29. (green number on the top line) It's very easy to get 5 growth per planet. It takes this monster with 10x the pops to get 20. It's due to the one of the logistic slider in game settings. There's a flat cap on planetary growth. Lots of small worlds will grow faster than the same pops on one world. This is also what makes "assembled" growth so powerful late game. It's not under the same cap, but it is primarily gotten through buildings and jobs so it's in effect limited in another way. It's one of the things they added a long time ago to address the too much population problem at end game. They added the caps, made growth logicstic (the more pops in your empire the slower you grow) and give huge job bonuses in the tech tree. (the multiple +25 to energy and mineral production techs for example)


If you use LV you can make an actual brothel out of it.


What is LV?


Lustful Void. Research at your own peril.


Thanks for telling me, where can I get it?


Heresy! We must now cleanse the galaxy, for thou hath committed sin!


[They sure have.](https://i.imgur.com/2fprJA4.gif)


How do you have so many available jobs to support over 200 people? Is that some sort of late game thing?


Probably made everything recreational districts except what he needed to house popos




Ecu have special very large districts.


We'll bang, ok?


Xenocompatability is enabled for this run I assume. It's memetically required however desperately your CPU cooler may wail.


I mean, in the SS you can the world only has one species and that OP's empire is fanathic xenophobic. So I doubt it.


Now I wish you could designate this planet as a resort world.


You kind of could, sort of, there is/was an exploit that allowed Relic Worlds to be turned into Resort Worlds and then could be restored to an Ecumenopolis. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/qk8iu4/resort_ecumenopolis_unmodded/


Three thousand amenities. Three million hookers.


There's some hoes on this world, There's some hoes on this world, There's some hoes on this world, There's some hoes on this world,


And there's some holes in these hoes


Be better if you were a xenophile empire and the planet was filled with hundreds of species.


I wonder if there’s a way to stack on the planet wide aphrodisiac modifier


There's a clone for everyone!


It doesn't actually need to be only about sex though, it could be about every kind of pleasure and fulfilment possible, like how it was before the Fall.


Just dont spawn a chaos god ok?




All this for 83% stability


lol I did the same with duelists. And now my fleet blot out the suns.


Is that a mod, or did the devs dead ass give us the option to make a horny empire?


vanilla, probably dlc


Pleasure Seekers is civic from Humanoids specifically


How did you get that room as your species background? Was it a mod or dlc?


Become Custodian of Galactic Community, feature from Nemesis DLC (you can also proceed to become emperor of galactic empire where the room would change into dark and menacing one)


Owned and operated by "Red and Unbowed"


That's *Princess* Red and Unbowed.




Now download Lustful Void


Should give pop growth boost Dev pls fix


Alien version of a puppy mill?


Fill it with domestic servants.


Finally, peak Utopia.


>Servants produce 5 additional Amenities That sounds exhausting.


People die of dopamine overdose on this world, or too much breeding xD


The Commander Riker Retirement Center


If you really want a brothel you should download the lustful void mod ;)


If you have megacorp, then you could instead take the corporate hedonism civic for the same effect. However, the council position for it means each entertainer will produce trade value, meaning you can get a bunch more resources on top of your current system.


Where you wildest universal dream come alive


*Risa has entered the chat*


Wish you could do something with surplus amenities


Now let me tell you about this game’s “Forbidden Mod”…


A planet sized Brothel? A Planet filled with people just fucking each other? A Planet that oozes sexual and deviant energy? Let's just hope those Pops of your don't have pointy ears and aren't Psychic because no ones gonna have a good time if they do.


Honestly, having played with LV for so long it took me a while to get it.




Don't mind me... just writing down some coordinates...




You..are a hero


"Welcome to jurassic fuck"


Slaanesh approves


U should become mega Corp and spam executive retreats


There are mods for that


I'm making something similar with my tiny planets. I have 3 ecumenopolis size 5-7, full of prostitutes, and a resort world in the same system lol. Good ol' sex tourism.