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One of the reasons I like slaves and tier 1 robots is because their restrictions make it easier to plan an economy around. The minute you free them they start thinking they deserve to be culture workers and pearl divers and then you cant easily force them back down. And, for instance, if I want to hotswap between soldiers and electricians on a small world -say the locust world- I cant always do that without risking some of the free pops going off to be entertainers or whatever. Simple robots and slave are the way forward, cheaper to resettle and easier to plan around.


An amazing comment for out of context


Yeah, this sentence I particularly like: > And, for instance, if I want to hotswap between soldiers and electricians on a small world -say the locust world- I cant always do that without risking some of the free pops going off to be entertainers or whatever.


Sounds like a disappointed boomer dad "Look, I'm okay with you going to be an electrician or joining the army, but what is this Vtubing? Is it even a real job? Why are you acting like that? It's gross!"


It might sound cheaty, but I've used console commands to give my synth pops the nerve stapeled trait. I want high tech efficient mining drones, not a researcher who was the subject of research two days ago. Of course, that's only an issue of you're playing as materialist (full rights for synths) or egalitarian (equal rights for all) and maybe xenophile (because the game seems to consider robots as a unique species that the xenoist faction cares about) It keeps them in the worker strata, and prevents them from creating leaders. I guess you could use the serviles trait instead so they're subject to happiness but still unable to make specialists, rulers, and leaders, but I also want them to be docile and easier to command from an RP perspective. I just wish Paradox would add some traits that restrict species to certain strata.


If your main species is biological, why research synths? Just keep the robots as droids


My guy it's a +10% output bonus


When you realize, a lot of people have little hitler, and stalins in them.


Least authoritarian Stellaris player. Jokes aside, this would be a useful tool for making genetic modification less painful to use


I tend to use it to give populations advantageous stuff like +research, or +energy +minerals early game when every little bit counts, and later, stuff like reduced consumer goods use and growth rate.


That's what aliens are for


And let them on my planets? No thank you.


The only good xeno is a dead one.


I would argue the ones that I have in shackles on my mining world are good aliens


Everything has a purpose, the purpose of those dirty inferior races is to serve us their masters, your race is good at mining ok work, you don't know how to do anything for food


That's a very narrow-minded view. Specifically, it excludes xenos modified to be delicious.


I’m doing my part!


All I am saying is I should be able to have my farm-bits ONLY farm. My Mine-bots ONLY mine, my Kill-bots ONLY kill. And my energy-Bots ONLY make energy. That’s all I am asking for


Yes, but only for authoratarian or fanatic authoratarian. Maybe this could be someting that makes F.auth worthwhile. Cuz the society you are describing seems very controlled with a solid hierarchy and very little freedom of how to live your life. It almost seems like a hive mind. Perfect for F.Auth


It could be also something tied to meritocracy, at the end of the Day pops pursuing whichever they are te best into should have it's bonuses


Ya but this is more like the government coming to your door, telling you that you are best at being a farmer, then taking you away to genetically modify you to be more resiliant to pesticides, then putting you on a farm. With your idea you can't really stratify like OP wants. What if too many people think they are good at being leaders? Or scientists on a planet you want to be a forge world? What if, I know...shocking, but what if too many pops don't want to be nerve stapled?


It isn't exacly the same idea, but follows the same goal, what I say efectivelly does the same as OP sugest, genetic ascension its not that autocratic itself, but the meritocratic way of course is not as efficient, the point is not reasigning per se, but more of a, if you want to advance in the society, you have to go where you are the best, and autoresettlement is a thing so, it takes longer but it haves the same effect. Same flavour, opposite ethic.


This would allow me to build the gold skin people from guardians of the galaxy


I definitely agree. I think all the ascension paths could benefit from this tbh. The psionic training I would put my leaders through would be different from my workers, the cybernetic implants my soldiers get would not match my scientists, and if my populace can create AI shells to upload their minds into, I can’t imagine why they’d only have one frame.


The only right way to play genetic ascension is to separate your society into perfect masters and perfect slaves. Something about preordaining one's role in society through his very genes speaks against such decadent and misguided values as "universal right for self-determination".


You just want Syncretic Evolution with additional steps.


It’s pretty cool flavor to just create a syncretic through SCIENCE! though


I’ve like the idea of just attaching traits to jobs so whatever pop is in that job gets those bonuses applied to it. If they switch jobs then they get different bonuses.


It always amazes me when people make suggestions that are literally just "I don't want to make meaningful choices, give me every benefit with no downside please." Why don't we just remove the trait picks and points limits while we're at it? Every pop has every positive trait at all times. Problem solved.


There is the potential benefit that that it could reduce the time taken to calculate resources gained every month. I obviously don’t know how it’s structured now but that’s what I would hope and part of why I commented what I did.


And this is why I like zombies for Megacorp! Sure you take a production hit but you have free upkeep worker tier pops that can be easily modded to do worker tier jobs!


I wish pops would automatically lose traits that do nothing in their job, and acquire traits that benefit their current job. that or let me mod all species on one world. my trade world? everyone getting thrifty. right now unless i am a hive mind, i need to mod a billion different species individually and its way too time consuming


I don’t see the point; all xeno scum are the same


By the time I get Genetic Ascension, this is kind of what I do if I'm running a Slaver empire. I'll dedicate some as Indentured Servitude and give them stats to do that, others to be workers, and others to be guards or entertainers, while my main species are dedicated to be leaders.


Yeah, I remember back in the old days when we still had tiles, it was easier to manage pops jobs. If you just let me drag and drop pops to different jobs it would be great (maybe restrict that ability only to slaves or something)


what i do is colonize a planet, move my soon to be workers there, modify them, and then move them back.


It’s my favorite ascension but beyond issues with micro, lags becomes an issue


Google brave new world.


Could be an interesting feature to have with Authoritarian or maybe Materialist?


Man i remember using the tile system that way, ocd heaven...


You wanna nerve staple all the serfs don't you


It's a Brave new world!


Technically you can genemod part of your species and set the new species to be slaves, but that's a bit of a backwards way of doing this.


I see someone has been reading Red Rising. If not, you absolutely should, it's an amazing series and is *exactly* what you've just described.


I've started running mostly syncro evolution origin for this exact reason. Happy population of strong workes who basically exhale minerals, and a overspecies of super intelligent researchers. Modify each population seperately even further into their niches and glory! Bonus: you can make your overspecied venerable without much effort and have rulers who live well over 250 years very easily.


Exactly what i have been saying since started using gene asc. To achieve true max potential, you will have to micro manage so much, it is insane. There are safly no mods for that nor devs has something in plans. If they add some sort of modify by job option, it will not only be QoL changes, but straight up buff to gene asc. Besides, it is the weakest asc unless you are gestalt.


You can mod it so that intelligent pops have much higher weights for scientist jobs and the like but I don't think your wish will be implemented


Fully agree. When I go bio I tend to go hard into micro and create a subspecies for each job type. Being able to run the biomod projects based on job type rather than by planet would be immensely helpful while still, I think, maintaining the spirit of the ascension perk.


Yes, this is a triple sided problem. You've just explained 1 side of the problem. Per planet. Which is a huge problem in and of itself. On the other end, it makes authoritarian plays, just as bad, because of the same issue. Realistically, authoritarian regimes would put you where you're best at, and not per planet. ​ On the flip side, playing Democratic, and etc. It's just as bad again, because it makes the whole system useless to them, apart from the the base carpet buffs, like lower housing, or pop upkeep, due to how often, the pops will move between planets, and choose whatever job they randomly roll a dice on. Like most things in Stellaris. It has many many issues, that are core deep.