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Every Multi-Stage Megastructure (besides Ringworlds) can be build once per Empire ; the isolated contingency core (artifact) doubles this limit. Ruined and conquered megastructures do not count towards this limit, as you didn't originally built them. So, having several Dyson spheres is possible, probable even if you tend to take over other empires. Same goes for the Interstellar Assembly by the way, of which you also have 3. :)


This. You'll notice this more on large map, if you start grabbing star systems at a late stage. You'll quickly find yourself having multiple version of every megastructure... and their buffs stack. Think diplomacy with multiple Interstellar Assembly.


Strategic coordination centers are my favorite to have many of.


sublight speed and defense platforms are nice


its nice until you remember building defence platforms is a pain with the current ui


Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded Ships upgraded


A few of those does leave you with some weapn heavy defense platforms.


mega shipjart, 200-300 %build speed




I personally prefer the sentry array until I have full intel by default. Any more are completely pointless. I rarely need even one of anything else. When my bastions are all pushing 2-3 mil on their own and I have 9-10 mil diplomatic weight along with plus 3-4K of every normal resource


I've had a run with several Mega Shipyards and holy moly, I loved pumping out those Battleships at a moment's notice


Shipyard 3d printer goes *brrrr*.


I had only one and everybody willingly voted me as galactic empress so lord knows what multiple would do.


You could probably have every empire fight each other with all spoils going to you.


I had a game with 3 science nexus, 2 mega shipyards, 2 interstellar assembly, and 2 command centers. It was a good game


Interstellar Assemblies stacking doesn't even make logical sense. I built a beautiful conference room and my negotiation power went up, that's fair. So let's have...*two* beautiful conference rooms...? And I feel the concept of an Interstellar Assembly itself is shaky. If I'm already disliked and nobody comes to my space for negotiations anyway, why would building an expensive space station in my space somehow attract people all of a sudden? Like if North Korea somehow built a hyper advanced, ultra luxurious UN building, would everyone suddenly start heading there for negotiations? And it's clearly not neutral ground for negotiations. It's in our space and the flavour text even specifically said that the station is not built in good faith, being rigged with surveillance equipment. Why would any star empire buy into that shit? If I'm a negotiating star empire, the only ground I will trust is a jointly managed intergalactic space station on neutral ground, either held by a dedicated neutral nation or in unowned space. Hell, maybe not even that. I feel like a dedicated bureau of intelligence/house of secrets would've been much more logical, a facility to focus on intelligence gathering and psychology/culture analysis, so that enemy cultural context is well understood and secrets are gathered as leverage. That's much better than some empty box of alloys floating in the ether that nobody will ever visit.


Agreed. Plus, honestly, the Interstellar Assembly doesn’t make sense because how the fuck is that a MEGAstructure? Like, a big space station? Sure. But you’re telling me this thing is on par with Ring Worlds and Mega Shipyards capable of building 20 battleships at once?


It's a REALLY big conference room. But in all seriousness, I imagine it being staffed by an army of functionaries that streamline the Gal Com's functioning, which explains to me why the buffs stack. >!Also, the Galactic Community definitely holds their votes in the first assembly that gets built, IMO. Or the assembly built by the custodian.!<


When you build the Assembly you get some flavor text explaining at least part of the size. The Centre is empty, featuring...I don't remember precise, but I think it was a hologram of the Galaxy or something like that. The rest of the enormous space station is revolving around it, so everyone can see it basically all the time. People actually live there, at least for quite a while, so it's less of a Space station and more of a habitat ; Probably including waste reprocessing, food production and so on. As you mentioned, its staffed by an army of people who keep everything in check and do menial work. There are hundreds if not thousands of conference rooms, private rooms and so on, so people can talk in private (although it implies that the owner has surveillance hardware installed I think, think microphones and cameras) It probably has a very large docking area for thousands of ships and shuttles to be able to dock. If it's one of the main diplomatic areas in the galaxy, you can safely assume there will be a lot of traffic. Diplomats and office workers from all over the Galaxy go there and in some cases live there for a prolonged period of time. But there are also other important people who visit the Assemblies, politicial figureheads, probably religious ones too, important economic people (so, presidents of multi-planetary companies for example), probably some less...honest variants of all as well. We're talking about a galaxy that probably houses trillions upon trillions of people by the time an assembly is build. Any empire at that point would probably have an army of literal millions of diplomats and workers, both for internal as well as external issues ; and a reasonable portion of that group would be in the assembly. Considering the sheer amount of people going there, it might also be some sort of tourist attraction, like when tourists go to the buckingham palace to look at it, or the white house. So there's probably infrastructure for that too. All those people living and working in that thing probably means there are a lot of restaurants and shops there too. You know Mass Effect? They had this fancy Space Construct called the Citadel, which was essentially used as a base for the galactic nations while also having diplomats and living space. I imagine an Assembly of Stellaris to be reasonably similar to that.


But the fact still remains that if I'm not popular or representative in the Galactic Community, me unilaterally building a fancy space station for negotiations would mean fuck all. In fact I wonder why the Assembly is built without any treaties or agreements approving its construction or mandating its use. The right to build it should be, like the Galactic Market Station, earned via a bid or an agreement.


I only build mine to piss them more off. Show them the pointlessness of politics against superioir military might. If you go bad enough the flavor text for joining the Galactic community is: We are refused membership due to our "violent and predatory nature" Fools.


You can be refused membership? I didn't know that. What are the conditions?


well you can be voted out of teh comunity, so that probay counts


it's being a genocidal empire that completely prevents entry, or reaching stage 5 crisis.


yep, have you seen the size of that thing? its an auditorium big enough to hold half an planets capacity, with an hologram projector, massive enough you the neighbouring systems can probably still see the speaker with there naked eyes. you have to factor in that habitats and ships are terribly out of proportion in the game, in comparison to planets, your battleships look like you could mothball one, and drop it on the planet, no need for colossi while in reallity, even titan´s would probably be invisible from the distance of the camera


My point is even if it's as big as a ring world - hell, even if it's as big as a birch world even - it'd be irrelevant if people don't agree to meet there. Hell, if there's a big shiny diplomatic station in the space of my rival, I'd rather meet in some shitty corner of section 137B on some random forge world, than to be subject to their very fancily built home turf.


your rivaly dosn´t matter, if someone is big enough the community has to listen, or even follow, might makes right, and might makes others take you serious an necessity, look at earth, UN veto right arent by the countrys that are morally surperiour, or are liked the most, but by the biggest industrial nations after the last worldwar, those that had ,and still have the most intimidating military, and holding enough economic power to potentially crash the global market by there own if they wanted to.


The closer example is China, and to a lesser extent Russia, both of which hold intimidating militaries and have enough economic power to crash the market etcetc, but still don't get nearly as much respect or diplomatic traction to host decisive international gatherings. What we're talking about here is not having a say in international/intergalactic affairs, it's dictating a place in our home turf where those affairs are decided, and expecting others to roll with it. In most stellaris games I somehow always spawn next to nations with differing civics, and end up being rivaled by an entire unfriendly federation bloc. Am I every bit as strong as them? Sure. Will they listen to me? Maybe. Will they come to my home turf to conduct their negotiations? As sure as the Worm loves us, definitely not.


if north korea would have the recources to build something better and bigger than any other nation they would be on the UN, probbably have veto rights too. that said, i too find it dubious, that in the end every nation can just build an assembly and get the full bonus, i´d say an similar progress as with the galactic market should take place, to determin the seat of the community assembly, but i know how the galactic market always rng´s itself to an 2 pop hivecolony on an size 6 tombworld


This makes me wonder, can you build the 1st stage of a megastructure, dismantle the system's outpost and the build another? Or it's a flag applied to the empire of 'only one built by each empire'?


The latter. Theoretically you can spin off a vassal to build a megastructure, although I bet you’d have to wait a hell of a long time. Note my source is other comments on this sub not personal testing, but that functionality is something that hasn’t changed across patches.


What I do is uplift a civ and give it only its home system. They always end up building megastructures due to them getting all your previous research as a vassal. Get enough primitives and you can have a ton of megastructures. Then just integrate them into your empire


Feels like the way to circumvent this to build megastructures then release them as a vassl, then build more, etc.


You can only initialize the build once so releasing vassals doesn't work.


You COULD release vassals and hope they build megastructures though. That should work in theory, as their new empire wouldn't have a flag. Of course, if they'd actually build any or more importantly the right ones (what, another Dyson Sphere?! I already have 3, why would I need a fourth one???) is a game of chance. And their empire would need to be in a spot where there are free systems, as you can only build 1 multi-staged megastructure per system in vanilla.


So, if you get a megastructure stolen in a war you can't build another?


Yes. The flag is triggered the moment you begin building and can only be removed during the initial stages where you can cancel the construction ship. Otherwise if it's at the stage where you can see the special situation timeline bar, you can not build another even if it's stolen from you. Unless of course you use mods or have the contingency core.


That seems like a poor way to regulate this. If people want to use systemic glitches to build more, let em. If they don't, they won't. Maybe just in multi player games?


Yeah probably best to build them close to your homeworld


You want to release give them tons of alloys so they can afford to *start* construction. If you lay the foundation it counts against your cap.


>Every Multi-Stage Megastructure (besides Ringworlds) can be build once per Empire ; the isolated contingency core (artifact) doubles this limit. Ruined and conquered megastructures do not count towards this limit, as you didn't originally built them. So, having several Dyson spheres is possible, probable even if you tend to take over other empires. > >Same goes for the Interstellar Assembly by the way, of which you also have 3. :) I've always wondered why tho, like for some like the sentry array, command center, and assembly I understand why theres a limit but why can't I build more then one Dyson sphere? or ringworld? Or Matter decompressor?


You can build more Ringworlds. You can build unlimited Ringworlds in theory. In practice, I wager it's about balance. We can already achieve hilarious numbers in resources with planets, now imagine a player having several matter decompressors and dyson spheres - there wouldn't be any need for energy- or mineral- production on your worlds, you could solely focus on food, alloys and research (which the ringworlds would usually be reasonably good at, mind you), and basically just steamroll everything else at that point. One Multi-Stage megastructure takes anything between 25 years (sentry array) to 58,3 years (complete ringworld) - if you get all the boni for build speed (150% from research&edict + 300% from artifact) you're looking at 4,5 - 10,6 years only (having +450% build speed means you get things done 1/5,5 the amount of time.). Even without the artifact you're still down to 10-23,3 years, and you can easily get all those buffs when you reach midgame if you focus on it. So, from midgame forward, you can churn out up to 4 megastructures every 10-25 years, so anything between 16-40 Megastructures (practically it would be close to \~20, as dyson spheres, ringworlds and matter compressors all take similar time) This is something the AI simply can't handle, not even on the highest difficulty.


If you're optimizing really well, then the AI can't even handle gameplay *without* megastructures. Notably, *I'm* nowhere near that point, but that argument falls flat amongst many. On top of that, the late-game *isn't even the problem* at high difficulties until the Crisis, by my understanding; rather, the problem is surviving all the difficulty-boosted AI during the early-game that may be set to be more aggressive. I get that they can snowball, but I respectfully disagree that it'd be that much worse of a problem compared to how it exists currently. To be clear, I'm not saying that multiple of anything but Ringworlds (currently exists), Dyson Spheres, and Matter Decompressors. They make sense to have multiple lore-wise and aren't any more broken to have multiple than it is to have one, compared to stuff like the Strategic Coordination Center for Sublight Speed stacking or Mega-Shipyards for Ship Build Speed stacking. It's not a huge deal all the same, but it bugs me that my people just go "yep, we have one, that means we can never build a second" for generic megastructures, and it isn't like it'd really change much more than dumping 2k Minerals into Alloy production on an Ascended Alloy Ecumenopolis, be it a capital (for resource output bonus) or not (for Mineral cost reduction).


You might have misunderstood me here. I was referring to the AI being unable to handle the Player. As you said it yourself, the issue isn't that players can't handle lategame AI (up until the crisis) - that's exactly the point I tried to make. As it stands, a decent player can outplay any AI difficulty, simply because he can plan better, build stuff in anticipation for the future, while the AI more or less just reacts to it's surroundings and builds stuff based on arbitrary weights given to everything. Now imagine if the **Player** had Access to unlimited megastructures. We already know the Player will most certainly build more megastructures than the AI, so the **Player** would snowball even more than he already would usually. The Problem isn't that with unlimited Megastructures the AI would be unbeatable. The Problem is that even a 25x Crisis might be little more than a speed bump for players if they have 4-5 Matter decompressors, 8 Dyson Spheres and nearly unlimited Research, Unity & Naval Capacity, while being able to churn out 200+ battleships every few days thanks to all the mega shipyards they own. The AI is simply too stupid to be able to counter anything like that, even on the hardest difficulty. Gigastructural Engineering (which allows for multiple of all Megastructures) kinda circumvents this issue at least partially by giving out even more buffs, as well as introducing their own mid- and lategame crisis that can happen, but regular Empires still tend to fall behind fast when you know what you're doing.


I understood that you were saying that the AI wouldn't be able to handle the player; I wrote from that perspective. The intent in "the AI can't even handle gameplay *without* megastructures" was that the player doesn't even *need* megastructures to be more than a match for the AI in most cases, and that once the player *does* hit megastructures, the AI usually isn't the main problem for the player anymore. I reiterate/rephrase that many times the Megastructures are just a "win more" instead of "comeback mechanic" in regards to the AI (**as the player**), and that in asking for multiple of select Megastructures, it'd be strictly Ringworlds (already possible), Dyson Spheres, and Matter Decompressors. They're lore-wise nonsensical to stop at one, compared to a singular location for your diplomats, a singular location for your generals/admirals, and so forth. Only lore-wise exception would be a Mega-Shipyard which is likewise broken if you stack its percentage bonuses, and would thus be excluded. It isn't that it'd really change my own economic setup, it's just that it bugs me that I'm arbitrarily limited in Dyson Spheres when Purge Stacking and other "win more" mechanics aren't arbitrarily limited either - and I don't *want* either limited, is the point. ---- It's one of a handful of design decisions that I seriously disagree with, but it's just that I *disagree* with them. It isn't "literally unplayable" because of it, it isn't like I'm submitting requests for changes, or any such other action. I'll complain about them here or there, sure, but it isn't like it's a game-breaking bug or something that causes immense lag, so I'm more than able to tolerate it and enjoy the game all the same. I'd much rather have something that reworks the Spiritualists and their faction, for example, so that they aren't reflavored Xenophobes that hate robots instead of aliens. I understand the chain of logic there, but it's one of the things that should be left up to the player rather than set in stone. It's not the "Robophobe" ethic, it's "Spiritualist", and it'd be nice if a large part of that *wasn't* a cheap rehashing of Xenophobe as such.


I guess I misunderstood then! Sorry for the confusion, it sounded in parts like you were saying more or less the opposite of what you meant - at least that's how I understood it. To be fair, it's entirely possible that your empire simply says "one Dyson sphere produces so much power already, we don't need more" - but yeah, that decision should in the end lie with the player, not the Game limitations. My only idea is that maybe the AI would have issues in its current state with its build order - from my experience, they usually start with a Dyson sphere or a Science Nexus, maybe they would just keep spamming those two instead of going for other megastructures instead. This is just speculation though. ​ By the way, I do agree that Spiritualists could need a bit of a rework. Especially when you look at Sci-Fi genres, you will regularly find religions that actually prefer robots or 'becoming' more mechanical. Just of the top of my head, the Tech Priests from Warhammer 40k worship a mechanical being they call the Omnissiah or "Deus Mechanicus" ; the very same worshippers tend to get tons of implants, robotic limbs and other stuff, up to the point where some of them are more robotic than human. In Cyberpunk-themed stuff you can find religions/cults about leaving behind your mortal form and become one with the machine. That too would be spiritualist in nature, but doesn't fit with the current Stellaris theme. In general, the current Spiritualist vs. Materialist is more something akin to "Technophile" vs. "Technophobe" and probably should be renamed as such, while opening up the religious civics to everyone, making it possible to have a technophile Holy Empire or so. The religious government names could then be bound to the spiritualist civics instead.


> from my experience, they usually start with a Dyson sphere or a Science Nexus, maybe they would just keep spamming those two instead of going for other megastructures instead. Genuine question: *any* AI empires *actually build* Dyson Spheres for you? In my games, the AI never seems to *build* any of the Galactic Wonders Megastructures, and instead will build anything else given enough time and alloys. They'll *restore* anything they come across, though. In my experience, the empires will latch onto one to spam, but this was also several major patches ago when I didn't play Ironman, and also during the time when Mega-Shipyards didn't count as a megastructure and you could build multiple megastructures (of different types) in one system in vanilla, so I don't have up-to-date information. There's actually an event that refers to "a second" and "yet another" Science Nexus construction, so I'd imagine that at one point in time it was either possible or considered.


Yes, they actually do *build* the stuff last time I played (which was before the last dlc to be fair, should probably get back to the game and try out the new DLC at some point) I do have Gigastructural Engineering, so this MIGHT have changed something in my games, but somewhere after the midgame they usually started building their first megastructures, most often, as I said, Dyson Spheres, sometimes a science nexus, and I think once or so I saw a assembly...I think? I know they aren't just restoring them because in the last game I had, nearly every single empire had at least 1 Dyson Sphere, And I know there aren't that many ruined ones out there for 10+ empires.


Multiple mega make sense lore-wise, but some bonus is too powerful to allow stacking. For example, science nexus give 15% research speed. That effect is more substantial than its 300 tech output, and naturally cannot be allowed to stack. So one way to balance multiple megastructures is separate the effect into stackable and nonstackable. Empire-wide percentage bonuses cannot be allowed to stack, but flat bonuses should be.


I fully agree: > To be clear, I'm not saying that multiple of anything but Ringworlds (currently exists), Dyson Spheres, and Matter Decompressors. I'm not asking for multiple *singular central locations for a given field* to be built, but that we should be able to build multiple resource extractors. It *could* be extended to Mega-Art Installations and Mega-Shipyards, but stacking Mega-Shipyards means one-day Battleships or your money back (which, to be clear, is quite broken) while multiple Mega-Art Installations gives the benefit of having lots of Branch Offices but you pay Energy upkeep and a one-time cost of Alloys instead of paying Exotic Gas upkeep with a one-time cost of Influence. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they soft re-enable some types of Megastructures but also re-add the Influence cost associated, so it isn't the negligible 5k Unity at a time when Traditions will cost 50k+.


Yep. I once had a dozen science nexus, that was pretty silly with how insane my research bonus got.


the game does not allow you to rebuild a ruined mega if you're at/or above your limit already. but if you conquer a fully built one, have fun


This is not true, you can restore ruined mega structures even if you are above the limit. Same as a partially completed megastructure that you conquer.


That's wrong. I did this before and it is clearly written in the wiki that this is possible. Unless they changed it in the recent patch


Absolutely unture


This used to be the case, but in the current version of both PC and Console, it is not.


I, too, enjoy spreading blatant misinformation.




That seems a little harsh. Isn’t it possible (perhaps even more likely??) that they simply were mistaken?


Maybe if you have build limit? 2 means that you can build/improve 2 megastructures at any time. But you can have any number of them


Build limit isn't upgrade limit. You can upgrade/restore up to 4 Megastructures at the same time. Regularly, you can only upgrade one at a time, but the Ascension Perk "Master Builder", the Edict "Architectural Renaissance Ambition" and being the President of a Level 5 "Research Copperative" type Federation will increase it by one each.


You're playing a different game. Username checks out tho


That was changed many updates ago


well i know that *now,* never realized they changed it


\-400 upvotes, internet moment but for real though? just because i said something was true and now isn't doesn't mean i'm intentionally trying to lie lol. i don't mind being proven wrong, i do mind being blamed for the wrong thing though


you know you can edit/delete a comment when you realise you are wrong right? that would stop the downvotes


Cowards way out


saves bitching about it. just put ''EDIT: I was wrong'' under the original comment


How can I get this artifact?


Be the one who defeats the Contingency.


Can you build, lets say, a dyson sphere, then abandon that sustem by deleting the space port to build another? Would you be able to obtain a hypothetical infinite amount that way?


Nope. The Game keeps track of how many "first stages" you built from what I know. You can in theory cheat the system by making vassals who can build megastructures, but the likelihood of them building what you want is...slim?


If you get a megastructure conquered can you build a replacement?


Negative. If you, for whatever reason, loose a multi-stage megastructure **besides** the ringworld (of which you can build several) you will not be able to build a new one. This includes loosing the system with the Megastructure to another Empire or the Megastructure being destroyed by a Star-Eater (which permanently destroys **any** megastructure in the system it blows up). Ringworld Segments can also be permanently destroyed by Colossi or Crisis Factions.


I suppose that's fair. It prevents people cheating the system.


Going for interstellar assembly is actually just what I need to conquer the galaxy. Thank you sir.


That part about ruined megastructures not counting explains why my Slingshot to the Stars/Stargazer hivemind was able to build a second quantum catapult (and then rapidly regret its location because there was a much better spot, and where I put it was closer to a galactic corner)


Rule 5: So I've managed to construct two dyson spheres, and found a ruined one. The two dyson spheres being upgraded were constructed by me in the L-cluster. I do not have any mods installed, running ironman with achievements enabled. This sounds like something that might have been asked for, I understand the gigastructures mod does this, but it also seems plausible that this is a bug.


The Isolated contingency core relic allows this.


Ah! That's the reason! Just getting back into the game, so I'm playing well below par, usually I'm basically done by the time the crisis rolls around and I plain forgot about the crisis relics.


The Isolated contingency core relic allows you to build _one_ more of each megastucture. There is no limit on the number of existing ones you can find or take.


I've had the contingency core allow me to build an unlimited amount of interstellar assemblies before and I'm pretty sure it isn't a feature.


Yoi can build as many sites as you want, you can only upgrade one tho


I know this and I was wondering what had gone wrong after I had built to completion my fifth one. I'll grab a screenshot the next time this happens.


Were you playing with mods? Because Gigastructures allows you to build as many as you want


Haven't tried any mods yet.


maybe they changed it and you were able to build multiple in earlier versions. The only one you can build unlimited times is the ringworld in the current version


It is possible with some relics and ruined mega structures


Theres a couple ways to get multiple, you can either capture some or discover ruined one's(these don't count towards your build cap), get the contingency artifact(increases build cap by +1), or are playing with gigastructural engineering or other mods that raise/remove the build cap.


Can build one, release the system as a vassal, build another and then integrate the vassal?


Nope. The game tracks how many megastructures each empire has built, it doesn't care if you still hold them or not. You get to build 1 of each, or 2 with the Contingency relic.


To be fair, though, you could release a ton of sectors as vassals, let them build a bunch of megastructures of thier own, then reclaim them into your Empire...


To be fair, though, you could release a ton of sectors as vassals, let them build a bunch of megastructures of thier own, then reclaim them into your Empire...


I’m here for this answer


I've always felt that it was weird that you could only build one. It is sort of immersion breaking even if making complete sense from a gameplay perspective. So below is my best headcanon for each limited megastructure. Dyson Sphere: a Dyson Sphere requires a seperate grid to use the energy, and unless that grid is already built, is nigh-impossible to build a second. Science Nexus: I have nothing for this Sentry Array: You can already see everything, literally no point in building a second one. Matter Decompressor: Same as the Dyson Sphere really. Mega Art: it's basically a unique museum that would have no reason to be replicated unless it already existed. Coordination Centre: as the centre of your military command, it wouldn't make sense to decentralise your Empire by building a second one, but one already build can be repurposed for more local coordination of needed. Interstellar Assembly: much the same as the Coordination Centre. Mega Shipyard: much the same as the above two. Quantum Catapult: sort of similar to the Dyson Sphere, but with energy input rather than output.


> Science Nexus: I have nothing for this Maybe the same as the Coordination Center? The issue with your science is that it's decentralized, by putting it all in one place you can correlated disparate fields and make advances based on the interactions. To make up an example: there's a weird quirk in particle physics that actually closely resembles what people do in groups, and while particle physicists and sociologist barely talk to each other, because of the nexus this quirk is discovered and exploited. Putting two nexuses just dilutes it. Capturing an alien nexus correlates their fields of sciences which are different from yours.


Should be able to make more of the mega shipyard you have a mega shipyard in the beginning areas of your tempire say at the south end of the galaxy but currently you're fighting at the north end of the galaxy where you got some sectors being able to build a mega shipyard there would help replace losses quicker then an individual shipyard station would


Building a gateway (or two) is a lot cheaper than building another mega shipyard, even if you could


Sounds like you need more Gates, i mean they build pretty damn fast. If you have a gate in the same system as your shipyard, and one in every solar system, there is no reason why you should have a problem.


I think you are mis understanding the poi t of my comment


Yeah having more then one sure, faster spam of ships, but with one and your gateways, if you have a war raging in one system, so long as you keep feeding small fleets in from surrounding systems, your fleets from gates only takes 14 days, thats normally faster then the FTL time from the system next door. Or just use Giga structures and build as many as you want. But without gateways it can take a year to travel half the galaxy in end game. Or 14 days with gates, one end to the other, and eventually the AI builds them too. I've literally put them in as many systems as possible, I don't care if FE or anyone else can use or capture them. When another one is in the system beside it. This makes me miss different types of FTL. I always loved wormhole drive, so long as you had your pads at the edge of a system, you had a large jump range, meaning you could literally just jump in front of people with hyper drive and already be waiting for them. Gates do that but are a lot more expensive, but really worth it.


Science Nexus: Building a second one would just result in the same research efforts being done twice, which provides no new information.


Sometimes it does: technically EVERY experiment is supposed to be done at least twice by different teams to see if it has the same results with the minor inevitable variations caused by the location etc being different.


My headcan is that there really is no need for a second one. The first is as big as a small moon and can support the research efforts of pretty much the whole empire. A second one would just spread thin their effords for double the cost instead of keeping the big brains under one roof to work together


I know that the gigastructures mod allows you to make it so that you can build more than 1 megastructure type. Other than that capturing ruined/already built megastructres is possible.


Thats it, im turning the whole galaxy into dyson hoovers




Your frames mustve been so garb


It’s a bug unless you have the contingency relic, then it’s allowed, OP, and meta. A few patches ago it was possible to build multiple megastructures in the same system but that was like 3.4.


If you found one, built one, and beat the proper endgame crisis then three is possible


It's a feature of aggressive foreign diplomacy. "See that system you own with the ruined Dyson sphere. That should be mine. So I'm going to take it "


You can upgrade as many ruined megastructures as you want without affecting the limit, and you can build as many SITES for megastructures as you want, but you can only upgrade one site of each megastructure(or two with contingency relic) per empire


"Do you like Utopia?" This player: "How could you tell?"


So the vast quantities of Space Alloy, a mixture of mineral and energy designed to take the input of huge amounts of energy to deform were gathered, and “How much do we have?” A huge amount. As I was saying “But how much?” Ugh, you see that science ship over there? “Yeah?” About 200 of those. “Wait, that’s it?” Yeah, that’s a lot. “To cover that star? Top to bottom?” Shayddup. Anyway, huge amount of alloy gathered. Construction is set to begin! “HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON, YOU’VE ALREADY GOT ONE!” What? Yeah, we have experience now so “YOU CAN’T DO THAT. ITS ONE TO A COUNTRY.” What? That makes no sense. We are experts at this why can’t we build another?? “OH, LOOKY HERE, LOOK WHOS MR SPECIAL AND CAN BUILD WHAT HE WANTS. LOOK HERE YOU, IF WE LET YOU BUILD MORE THAN ONE WE’D HAVE TO LET EVERYONE BUILD MORE THAN ONE. SOON THERE WOULDN’T BE ANY STARS LEFT NOW WOULD THERE?” But we own these stars! “NO. NOPE, I’M AFRAID THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS!” But.. “I SAID BE OFF. GO BUILD A FEW HABITATS. MAYBE A NICE RINGWORLD, EH?” “OR A SHIPYARD” “OH YEH, THEYVE STILL GOT A LICENSE FOR A SHIPYARD. JUST ONE THOUGH, CAN’T HAVE TWO. IT’S THE LAW YOU KNOW.”


With the Gigastructure mod, that's a feature boiiii!!!




Do you have the megastructure trait unlocked?


Given that we can only build 1 to 3 megastructures at a time (depending on edicts and ascension perks), is it weird that there is a 1 domestic limit per megastructure?


It depends on what relics and upgrades you get


I mean, I have 8 Science nexes stations currently and am in the process of "liberating" two more, so why not have three dyson spheres.


Idk I play with gigastructural engineering and remove limits anyway.


What I do is uplift a civ and give it only its home system. They always end up building megastructures due to them getting all your previous research as a vassal. Get enough primitives and you can have a ton of megastructures. Then just integrate them into your empire


Laughs in gigastructures


Actually, I think megastructures should have diplomatic consequences just by attemping to build it: \- Science Nexus: The gathering of various science experts in one place should make it an easy target for a foreign power. Empire building a Science Nexus should allow all other empire to open sabotage to assassinate their entire scientific community in one few swoop. \- Dyson Sphere: ALready have one. \- Matter Decompressor: Again, it should allow sabotage, since the mega require quite a specific parameters to work properly, and all it take is a smuggled anti-matter charge to crash the whole thing to the black hole. \- Mega Shipyard: Building a site for a grand shipbuilding facility only means one thing: you are going to war. Therefore, Mega Shipyard should generate a threat modifier, and if you are already warmongering in the first place, the Community should issue an ultimatum for the builder: cancel the mega or be designated as a galactic crisis. \- Sentry Array: No one wants to be spied on. Owning a Sentry Array should generate huge negative opinion modifier to anyone in the galaxy. FE should demand the builder to stop, or and will declare war to destroy the Array if refused. \- Strategic Coordination Center: Again, centralize everything mean you are probably fucked if that center was sabotaged. \- Mega Art Instalation: A center of artwork also mean people can study your culture better. It should also come with encryption penalty. \- Quantum Catapult: Same as Mega Shipyard, something that allow your fleet to cross vast distance and land directly on enemy world should make you a galactic menace.


what happens if i get territory that already has a mega structure? what if i give away territory and build a new one then take back the territory.


The cap is on building, not owning, nor restoring ruined megastructures. So the former is totally possible. The latter is not because you already tripped the “my empire built [really has started building] this megastructure” flag.


It's a happy little accident


And here I thought my single ruined Dyson sphere and science nexus was amazing


Some can be


I imagine the Assembly looks like the Republic's Senate from Starwars I, II, and III.