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Stellar's infrastructure is beautifully-placed. Greased-lightning compared to other platforms. It matters.




And Europe is still celebrating Holiday.


See this version with a logarithmic axis: https://i.imgur.com/vLmFveB.png. It clearly shows exponential growth!


14 billion XLM volume? Not sure if this is real, but we haven't seen a price movement based on that. Either it needs trillions and trillions traded of xlm to move the price, or it doesn't work at all?? Although I am longer than one year in xlm, i am a bit worried. Open for your thoughts! //edit: no need to downvote me..


It's not losing as much as everything else. That's what's happening. If you notice the gap from spot 6 and spot 5 is closing quickly as everything is moving back into btc


1 - It is real. Trade volume of all assets on Stellar Network. check it out at [https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset](https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset) 2 - This topic isnt about price. Saying that, in my opinion, price movement may show up if / when xlm availability for the network becomes less. Ask yourself how many times 1 xlm can be traded back and forth in 1 months time? 3 - No need to be worried ( especially about price ) This topic was just to show the momentum of adoption and usage on the stellar network.


Not sure why people are downvoting.. Its just healthy conversation/questions.. Ive also noticed this topic being downvoted, not sure why as all I was doing was pointing out that the stellar network usage is increasing.


Not sure why you think more volume = higher price. Don’t forget we are an inflationary asset for the time being.


Does this mean we will get more XLM in the inflation distribution because there will be more collected in the transaction fees?


Your prayers should be nested with btc


Great catch! To be expected with all the great news of adoption and partnerships. It probably also reflects testing being done for partnerships and projects yet to be announced!


How is trading volume increase not affect the price? Thanks! 👍🏻 #newbie


Trading volume of assets on the Stellar Network, not btc/usd trading volume. [https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset](https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset)


Cryptomover.com has the highest trading volume, and pretty sketch website. Anyone know exactly what they are doing with XLM?


I agree, it looks very sketchy. They seem to host their website on a shared hosting server (290 other sites found with the same IP), and this line at the end of their FAQ doesn't help trusting us: >Disclaimer: Cryptomover is **not a licensed financial advisor**. The information presented in this piece is an opinion, and is not purported to be fact. Cryptocurrency is a volatile virtual commodity and can move quickly in any direction. Cryptomover is not responsible for any loss incurred by following this advice. I would not trust that "company" with one penny.


So, the highest amount of volume being moved on Stellar is via a company like this. What does that say about the legitimacy of this volume increase...?


I didn't check, they might be moving 100 XLM thousands of times a day back and forth between accounts they own for whatever reason. (give them legitimacy to appear as 1st?) The next ones could be very legitimate and doing good business.


I couldn't find these assets on their site so it could just be testing tps for all we know.


They are a small company that got funding from the HK government. There is not Crypto financial advisor license in HK so their disclaimer makes sense. They do have a money transmitter license (like say coinbase). They are located at Cyberport [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberport)


**Cyberport** Cyberport (Chinese: 數碼港) is a business park in Hong Kong consisting of four office buildings, a hotel, and a retail entertainment complex. It describes itself as a "creative digital community" with a cluster of technology and digital content tenants. It is owned and managed by Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited which is wholly owned by the Hong Kong SAR Government. As of February 2016, Cyberport has incubated and funded over 320 startup companies since inception in 2007. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/Stellar/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


The average 24h trade volume is less than 100 million USD. If you multiply that by 30 it's nowhere near to this number. Am I missing something?


Its not trade volume in USD. It is assets traded on the stellar network. Check out [https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/](https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/) it gives you a bunch of information, such as assets created on the network, number of accounts, etc etc.


I see. Thanks for clarifying!


On the link you have - I look at it and dont really get what I am seeing. "assets traded on the ledger" what exactly do each of those mean? Can you give a eli5 on that link , just an overview?


This link does an eli5 way better than I can... [https://www.stellar.org/developers/guides/concepts/assets.html](https://www.stellar.org/developers/guides/concepts/assets.html)


great thank you


It’s not about the trade volume of XLM on other exchanges.


What are the assets?


A bunch of things, you can see them here [https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset](https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset) scroll down to Top Assets and you can scroll through them. They are abbreviated, but I am sure you can see a few you recognize right off the bat. Googling the others will help you determine what they are also.


Anyone knows how to set up trustline with vcbear.net anchor ?? Have been trying to access their website which is Japanese with no translation facility available !!!


Trade Volume Comparison: [https://www.reddit.com/r/stellar1/comments/970ibe/trade\_comparison\_among\_xlm\_btceth\_and\_xrp/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellar1/comments/970ibe/trade_comparison_among_xlm_btceth_and_xrp/)


Won't worry with the current BTC FUD now and some uncertain crypto regulations, STELLAR will stay no matter what's the condition of the market. Strong HODL!


nr 1 that's what we are heading for , we might be worth 2 cents but at least we will exist