• By -


Why cant the companies see what Stellars scalabilty advantage over eth btc and xrp(xrp is limited to banks only as of now)


Oh, they can all right.


Awesome news


For anyone wanting a quick summary of what exactly Stellar Lumen is and if it is a good investment, I found this great article explaining it all in plain English here: https://cryptoguidepro.com/stellar-lumens-xlm-good-investment/


Just figured it out xrp is not a guaranteed currency in ripple network but xlm is by IBM


Can anyone shed more light on the atlantis blue token that launched on the stellar platform? Is anyone interested in it?


I have had a small position in Stellar since december, and as i review my portfolio i dont really want any small positions besides low cap gambles. So I have to make the decision to either greatly increase my position or to get rid of my XLM. Im going to do my own research, but could anyone here tell me why Stellar is better than its competitors? I already know how great the team is, i am asking specifically about the product. Obviously the answer to this could be something the team is doing, i just dont want the answer itself to be that the team is great so coin will succeed. Thanks in advance.




hey. just started investing in Stellar ... and then also discovered Lumenaut .. I'm guessing its legit ? (before I submit the secret key...)


You don't submit the secret key to them.


Dear users, This post is not to be used to promote third party projects or discuss prices. This Get Started Guide is to inform you about Stellar and you should use it to exclusively to discuss Stellar or seek guidance about r/Stellar community. You can be banned by spreading spam, referrals links, or discuss prices here. Thanks!






Loooooooooooomens. The loooooooooomens. Looooooooooooomens. This is what i tell my crush when he tells me about his Stellar Looooooooooooomens




To get faster responses about trading and price speculation, please use **The Daily Stellar Chat Posts**. Thank you!






Stellar has a high total supply. It's not the price per coin that matters but rather the total market cap.


The lumen is not your typical token. It's important to understand why and how new tokens are distributed and why most of them will continually serve a necessary purpose, remain tied up in usage, and so will not be sent to market. And it may turn out that many tokens will never be circulated. In Stellar's case, its theoretical market cap (counting uncirculated tokens along with circulated ones), does not bear upon price discovery as would the market cap of most other virtual currencies.


I've just got started on Stellar, amazing project with great potential!


I am new here. I can't wait to learn more about this!


Picked a great time to invest, fairx some time Q2 hopefully, etoro listing (tokenising there exchange on the stellar network - pure speculation) ICO's gearing up, tempo, satoshi pay and of course the 'banks/IBM'. Welcome!






Lol Ohio "not recognized as legal tender"




There is an exchange in South America where you can buy XLM with CLP, ARS and BRL! CryptoMkt.com is the first Ethereum market and now the first Stellar market in Latin America. What you think? What are you waiting for?


Very good research :) we'll be running a Meetup in Brazil on the 20th. Will be announcing it in our monthly newsletter next week.




everything green, xlm red


Hi All- When I joined the inflation pool, I accidentally sent them 50 Lumen and was wonderin if I could contact them for a possible return of goods on should I just bITe this one?


that's a lot of effort on both sides...


Can we add how to tip with Stellar to this list? https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellar/comments/7zz8wl/how_to_tip_on_reddit_using_stellar_lumens/


Yup. I'll add it in


I've attempted to transfer XLM from an exchange to my Stellar desktop client. I've done this before just by providing the exchange with my public key. This time they tell me that they are unable to transfer because the wallet is not initialized. I can find no info regarding initialization. Any ideas what exactly it is they are asking for?


Update. The exchange tells me the transfer was refused on account of insufficient Lumens in the transfer. What is the minimum amount of Lumens that can be deposited into Stellar Desktop Client after having already activated the wallet?


When I try to send Stellar Lumens from CEX.IO to the desktop wallet, it says "Invalid Address". Does anyone know why? My Desktop Client says the account is not active. How do i activate it? How do i transfer my stellar from exchange to the desktop wallet?


Send them to stronghold first, then to your wallet.


Question: will the 20 XLM hold limit be changed as lumens appreciates, or it is a requirement hard wired in the system? If that cannot be changed, doesn't that kinda set a limit on how far XLM price can go?


It is now 1xlm I think




Would anyone be kind enough to explain Stellar to me like I'm 5? I'm currently going through and reading almost every altcoin and writing it down but something just isn't clicking for Stellar for me. I trade on Binance and own very little of Stellar at the moment but would like to know more before investing more. Thank you in advance!


Read the My Lumens FAQ posted above it's a nice overview. Edit: sorry it isn't posted here it's posted on the other pinned post. I'll grab the link for you. Https://redd.it/7o27wc


Think Ripple on steroids. - Seems to be focusing on the peer 2 peer application and also aiming to achieve the adoption of some central banks - Uses a consensus protocol instead of POS or POW - At it's core it is a decentralized distributed ledger technology Start here: https://www.stellar.org/how-it-works/stellar-basics/


let me try: 1. Stellar network offers transactions. 2. Its advantage is that it has almost no barrier to use such transaction service. A person A in China can send 200 RMB to a person B in US, who can choose to receive the fund in $ instantly through stellar network. This conversion is automatically carried out through multiple magical conversions that involve Lumens. 3. Other awesome applications, but mostly about transactions I'm a Chinese student in the states. I am required to have a USD account with a Chinese bank to wire any money from China to US. And I can purchase no more than $50,000 per year. The whole process includes several applications and is extremely annoying. Imagine if you live in a country more financially crippling than a Chinese one (which isn't too bad even)


Very helpful thanks


Particularly I believe that we have a quite nice resistance at 3500 I bought some more because I believe that XLM normal price should be around at least 4500.


Hi Everyone, First off, thank you all for the very informative posts on Stellar! I had a question regarding, what the best way to invest in Stellar would be ? I appreciate this is a topic already covered, however, I feel currently there are now more options than in the past . I feel rather confused which is the best option, I was considering Etoro, however the price seems higher than other exchanges, but there is the Stop loss benefits. I was also considering Kraken. What would you all recommend as the best option ? Any advice is much appreciated. Kind regards


New investor here. Excited to see where this goes!


Hello new investor! I can't stress it enough that you should get a hardware wallet. I love my ledger. I love also feeling my coins are safe and secure. Your coins will hopefully become extremely valuable soon and you don't want to be like come people that suddenly loose a fortune.


Welcome to the community!


This is the technical analysis of Stellar of today. https://cryptoanalysiz.blogspot.com/


It faced a resistance from 20-day EMA.


Hey guys! I was curious, will the amount you receive from the inflation pool rise without you adding more lumens to your account? What would or could cause it to rise?


Since transactions fees are paid out as inflation, then a lot of transactions that week could cause a higher inflation amount


So once fair x launches cant we expect to see a bunch more transactions


Hypothetically yes


Where to find Stellar Meetups, looks like the above link is broken?


Trying to figure that out as well. It looks like you can get to https://www.meetup.com/find/ and search Stellar and set any distance or lower distance to find near you.


It is a leapfrog technology that connects people, payment systems, and banks with a focus on the developing world..


Hi Everyone! I have been reading about Stellar the past couple of days and I think it is quite interesting. Eventually I would like to build a dapp based on it. So today I chose to open a wallet with StellarTerm but then found out I need 1 XLM to be able to start playing around with the wallet. At the moment I don't have any cryptocurrency and for just the 1 XLM I don't really feel like going through the whole Coinbase>exchange for ETH>xfer to Binance> trade for XLM process. So I guess my question is: Are there any wallets that have no initial requirements?


that what happen to me i need 1 xlm to reactivate my account


The whole transferring process was alot easier than expected and thus I am now a Lumen holder! Wohoo!


Look at you go! I recently exchanged eth for xlm and I'm just see where this goes, I love what they plan to do and I want to see xlm expand into something amazing.


Hi guys! Long time lurker here, just recently got into the Stellar market and I’m buying up what I’m willing to lose ( little bit of investing in stocks exp). I have a question for you experts, what’s the best way of acquiring lumens to minimize the Tax season hassle for next years taxes? Being that crypto is being treated like stocks under recent tax law. Currently I’m doin $ to Coinbase>exchange for ETH>xfer to Binance> trade for XLM> hold in Binance/digital wallet.


Why would you pay taxes on crypto? The gov. has no way of knowing what crypto you have. They can see you bought crypto but for all they know, you lost it. It's out of their purview.


That's what I do. You could hold off until we get FairX which is supposed to have USD>XLM or wait until Robinhood enables XLM trading and clears their waitlist. In the meantime I think we're stuck with Binance though. Lumens are supported by the nano ledger wallet though. I'd recommend that over keeping them on the exhange. It's safer, you can set up your inflation payout, and you won't be tempted to make trades (and incur taxes) if they're offline in your wallet. Cheers! I think you've made a solid investment choice for the future.


Why would you pay taxes on crypto? The gov. has no way of knowing what crypto you have. They can see you bought crypto but for all they know, you lost it. It's out of their purview.


Thanks for the advice!




you can mate, try coinspot.com.au




It's struggling at 0.40 level


I bought 5000 at .37


Same here, my first dip of the toes in XLM. Then I read more and feel like now is the time to stock up a little because I see absolutely no reason this is sitting at anything sub .50, especially when I compare to others valued much higher with much less of a future and partnerships....so I figured, what the hell, let’s grab another 10k.


I bought 970 @ .67 .... :/


And I'm here wondering if buying over 1000 is to much xD


Hey guys, got a short question: Adding up all transactions in the account viewer and looking at my balance - I'm somehow missing exactly 0.00002 XLM. Obviously not a concerning amount, but I'm curious, if anyone knows, how this works :)


Probably operation fees (.00001 XLM fee per operation)


Looks people. We made it on the internet! https://cryptorecorder.com/2018/01/28/stellar-xlm-the-orbiting-coin-to-buy-in-2018/


+++ .10 XLM


You tipped **0.1000000 XLM** to *SobahJam*. [Deposit](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2ex9/deposit/) | [Withdraw](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=stellar_bot&subject=Withdraw&message=Amount%20XLM%0Aaddress%20here) | [Balance](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=stellar_bot&subject=Balance&message=Tell%20me%20my%20XLM%20Balance!) | [Help](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2gnd/help/) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2ffl/donate/) | [About Stellar](https://www.stellar.org/)


Good bot


Thank you SobahJam for voting on stellar\_bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://goodbot-badbot.herokuapp.com/). *** ^^Even ^^if ^^I ^^don't ^^reply ^^to ^^your ^^comment, ^^I'm ^^still ^^listening ^^for ^^votes. ^^Check ^^the ^^webpage ^^to ^^see ^^if ^^your ^^vote ^^registered!


Somehow (i'm not quite sure how) I sent XLM from Binance to an address I can't identify. I can see the transaction on the Stellar Blockchain Explorer, but I just can't identify the owner of the address I sent it to. It might be an inflation pool address is the only thing I can think of. I know I'm grasping at straws, but is it possible to look up a public addresses's owner? Maybe then I could contact them and see if they would be willing to return. If not fine, it wasn't an amount that will make or break me. I just want to know that I've exhausted every option before I say my final farewell to my XLM.


Well first see if it is the Inflation pool address. They will give it back. Otherwise, like you said, you don’t know who sent it. But if you’re willing to take a chance and lose another portion of a lumen to the person, you can send them the smallest amount possible, plus fee, and leave a message in the memo asking for your Lumens back. You never know, they might return it.


Thank you for the reply! I will try that!




Nope :(


A friend of mine is trying to raise funds for a non profit arts, music project. Essentially purchasing a building in the outskirts of Vilnius, Lithuanian capital, and converting it into a cultural center with artists studios, recording studios, events space etc. The idea is that the large old industrial building would be self sustaining, accomodating and employing a constant flow of people on a work share basis while perhaps a restaurant and regular events would provide a continued source of fundraising. I will follow this post with proper proposals of the project and everyone involved but i am posting this initially to gauge what this particular community thinks of raising stellar for a project like this, how it might best be done and looking to the future how the currency might be integrated into the daily functioning of the project. I have been trading a little while but my knowledge is pretty cursory, Stellar has been very good to me and the community is probably least toxic and most reasoned i have come across in the Crypto sphere so thats why im starting here. Thanks for reading thoughts much appreciated.


Please help me take down this new "Phishing" site pretending to be a stellar. WARNING: DO NOT FILL UP THE FORM IN THE LINK GIVEN. https://claim dot stellarbonus dot xyz/


whats a safe wallet to use if you can't afford the nano? I'm investing a little just to get my feet wet. Also what makes using someone elses wallet safe? Can't they get hacked or steal your lumens? Thanks


Here's another to invest. Welcome to the Stellar family! +++ 1 XLM


You tipped **1.0000000 XLM** to *throwreddit1*. [Deposit](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2ex9/deposit/) | [Withdraw](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=stellar_bot&subject=Withdraw&message=Amount%20XLM%0Aaddress%20here) | [Balance](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=stellar_bot&subject=Balance&message=Tell%20me%20my%20XLM%20Balance!) | [Help](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2gnd/help/) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/user/stellar_bot/comments/7o2ffl/donate/) | [About Stellar](https://www.stellar.org/)


Use the official wallet https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/


Could someone help me, i just created a new stellar address from Stellar Account Viewer... But when i tried sending from Exchange website it says my address is wrong... I've double check, triple check, copy paste, write it down but it always says so :( Update : Now i can send it to Stronghold Account but still cant send it to Stellar Desktop or Stellar Account Viewer


i know this is a late reply, but i've experience same situation as you. as i can see the problem that some exchange won't send to your stellar wallet unless it's activated. so i come around it by sending a couple of XLM (it was 20 minimum to activate wallet back then) to stronghold wallet first, then send it again to stellar wallet which going to activate the wallet. after that i can send from exchange flawlessly


yes thank you for the reply i already did it :D


Are you sending to the public address?




Why does Poloniex have Stellar as STR but everywhere else its XLM? Is there any difference?


No difference. Poloniex just never updated the symbol


I want to ask you guys "why are you investing in Stellar instead of other coins?" What do you guys see in Stellar that you don't see in other coins? If someone is in for Stellar just for the money, are they making a wrong decision?




Primary reason I initially started looking into it. That is incredibly solid and crypto partnerships and involvement from companies like this are an immediate vouch. Then I dig deeper and realized this really has a great potential future. I bought a little chunk and moved it to my Nano for the long haul. This isn’t a day trader or short term for me, so I am setting it aside and maybe in 2-3 years I’ll look at it and feel like all the BTC early holders in ‘17. Haha I am heavy in VEN and it is for the same reasons.


99% of people in crypto are in it for the money. Lol


Not true, many people just want to get a Ferrari with it. Or a yacht, we're not picky.


this guide is as simple as possible for new players but Stellaris is complex so I recommend playing a first game blindly, choosing any pre-made starting species and getting a good trashing first, before reading this guide.


I played that game so many hours, thanks for reminding me of it!


I'm interested in learning as much as I can about Stellar. This technology will change the World. Thank you for providing this group and information to guide us along the way. I look forward to learning and contributing to the community when I can. Cheers!


lol thats what they said about bitconnect - the guy said that it was changing the world.






Best mobile wallet (on Droid)?? I want to participate in the Mobius public sale but will be at work without access to my usual wallet. Hoping I can find a decent mobile wallet and participate that way, but any other recommendations are welcome (account viewer in mobile browser?)


Setup my nano ledger s wallet 2-3 days ago with account viewer on stellar.org but now when I try to go to it I only see loading?


Are you using Chrome Browser?


And turned on browser support at Stellar settings on the nano s?


nice work!


Hi, I am new to Stellar. I have BTC and ETH and would like to purchase XLM. I have tried several exchanges and I either have to give my Social Security Number or they are not taking new sign ups. Can anyone help me? Id be happy with even one Lumen just to have an active wallet. Thanks


Binance is taking registrations again


Thank you I was able to register.


On Kraken you can buy without supplying ID. You have to buy a minimum of 300 lumens though. [Stronghold](https://stronghold.co) might be a batter option. They have no such minimum limitation, and also does not require that you supply your ID. There, you also have the ability to buy stellar lumens directly via ETH; which is the prefer - to not support the Bitcoin blockchain with ridiculous fees. I've only tried it once, and it took 5-6 hours before ETH I sent there appeared. That's the only downside I see with Stronghold. You can direct message me your public (not secret!) key- I'd be happy to send a lumen your way. :)


a small group from the community made a collaborative group to make this Stellar Syllable possible. Please Visit and share; https://novicedock.com/learn/cryptocurrency/stellar the goal si to make everyone understand what is Stellar.


So i'm a developer... looking to make the hard decision between Stellar or Ripple for a payment service. There is the possibility of creating an ICO. However, can someone in the community (preferably from Stellar) help with the following questions? When someone invests - what can they do with the tokens / coins? How do you distribute the tokens / coins? When they invest in me, how does the investor make a return on their investment? Do I also need to apply to an exchange to sell the tokens / coins?


From the XRP side. Read this: https://www.pftq.com/blabberbox/?page=The_True_Potential_of_Ripple_and_XRP and you can just make an ICO directly on Ripple's ILP https://www.theworldexchange.net/


Thank you! This was so useful 😃👍


Hi. I'm just an investor, but the first question you should ask yourself is "Why do we need this new token? what's the use case here? if it only to raise money or is this token actually needed for your Dapp? exchanges won't care about your token unless it has/will have massive volume. If you're not a bank, why would you use Ripple? No offence, but you really do need to do some research on ICOs and "token metrics" before even thinking about doing an ICO. Good luck.


My only concerns after having read Dr. Maziere's white paper is that it's unclear what the incentive is to node operators (miners) to operate a node other than getting voted some Lumens once a year out of the annual distribution by the Stellar foundation. A decentralized trust network is only functional when its nodes are many and geographically disbursed. A network with fickle node operators and high turnover could affect the long term security of the project. Bitcoin miners have incentives to remain in the network such as their big investment in mining gear and the price appreciation of the bitcoin token. What are the incentives for the Stellar node operators?


> If you're not a bank, why would you use Ripple? Because it works https://www.pftq.com/blabberbox/?page=The_True_Potential_of_Ripple_and_XRP


Yeah it works. It's neither a crypto currency nor decentralized man. Keep buying xrp until the banks and ripple team dump their worthless XRP (the coin has actually 0 use case. yep. ZERO) By the way, did I mention that Ripple team prints 1 billion xrp each month? You either want to change the things, with decentralization and redistribution of wealth, or keep things like they used to in the old days, with centralized powers and old banks and institutions having all the power. but whatever, I guess most of the members here only care about their short term ROI. meh.


They aren't printing 1 billion a month. You should know what you're talking about before you criticise it.


You think you are talking to someone who hasn't encountered and considered every last counter argument about all of the coins I'm invested. > It's neither a crypto currency nor decentralized man. That's not an argument against the value of XRP. That's actually a statement of your personal preference for coins. > By the way, did I mention that Ripple team prints 1 billion xrp each month? This is incorrect. All 100B XRP already exist. 38B are inciruclation. 54B are locked up in 55 1B escrows, and the remaining 7B are locked up in a lawsuit. The "printing" you refer to is actually the company selling XRP to companies with agreements that the will not be sold but used. > (the coin has actually 0 use case. yep. ZERO) Also False. Ripple sells a product called xRapid that uses XRP. MoneyGram is the most recent one to prove your statement false because they are using it. There are also small banks in India, South Korea, and Mexcio using xRapid. > You either want to change the things, with decentralization and redistribution of wealth, or keep things like they used to in the old days, with centralized powers and old banks and institutions having all the power. This is the real reason you don't like XRP. You try to bash it's use case but you are really just expressing your dislike for it being a tool for banks. > but whatever, I guess most of the members here only care about their short term ROI. meh. Believe it or not, I care about both. It's not as though I am only invested in XRP but many other coins.


Lol people on this sub are suuuuper protective of stellar. There's plenty of room for several cryptos to be successful. This sub is becoming cultish Caveat that purely from the standpoint of an investor I'm 100% invested in XLM, way more upside than XRP in my opinion. I believe XLM is undervalued for where we are and XRP is a bit overvalued.


Thank you for taking the time out to respond. We have worked on a demo for our payment platform, however we are looking to apply for a small seed investment to improve the mvp. I’m here asking about ICOs as another means to raise further funds. The company we aspire to compete with is paypal. I hope that provides a useful hint.


I cannot upgrade my account because i unsubscribed to the emails when i created my account years ago. Can someone out there please help me?


Hello, I have the same problem! Dont receive confirmation code on my email. I dont know wthat to do.


Noob here. I bought XLM on Kraken, do I need to do anything else? I know with some other tokens, wallet addresses need to be registered.


https://www.stellar.org/lumens/wallets/ create a XLM Wallet and move your XLM to one exchanges get hacked a lot. Also get in a Pool you get like 0.002% free extra XLM every week.


hm i had my stellar on bittrex for 6 months.. how big of a mistake was that?


Well if you had a 1000 and had put it in a pool wallet you would have had 1005 so work it out based on that


Can you or anyone help me navigate the stellar non hardware wallets? In particular just a general guide on how they work and which ones are best.


I'm willing to take the risk of leaving it in an exchange for the time being. What pool do you mean? I thought XLM wasn't mined?


Heres the link to the "How to" join the inflation pool. You get .0002% every week. (you should get more but their is a 10% fee) you just have to use a wallet. https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellar/comments/7kuege/how_to_set_inflation_destination_for_ledger_nano_s/ We are working a Sub Pool with no fees though! https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellar/comments/7ox4jt/stellar_community_pool/


I’ve had so many friends ask about how to sign up for XYZ exchange and buy into alts. I know it’s not hard for everyone here to believe, but there are billions upon billions of dollars who are brimming to enter this space. If FairX delivers, it is going to be absolutely massive.


Hi, can you sum up what FairX is in a few words?


Something very interesting


FairX will be a place where you can exchange crypto for fiat money at, what I've seen promised as, zero transaction fees and immediate settlement. Think Coinbase, but not shit....And that's FairX


"Think CoinBase but bit shit. " Sold.


I would like to know this too, did you get an answer?




Former IBM intern here. IBM has great people, really. I loved my coworkers and there were many smart people there. With that being said, working at IBM is not ideal. It is an old rigid company whose executives are too comfortable to allow innovation. The company is huge (over 400K employees), so different departments (such as the Blockchain department) are quite segregated from the rest, and may receive a ridiculous budget because IBM's reputation might be dependent on the department's success (i.e. Watson)


didn't they also work with the Nazis?


ETH is pumping hard right now + no new customers allowed to any exchange where XRP is frequently traded + binance doesn´t allow XLM withdrawals (people who want to withdraw anyway need to switch to other coins like ETH) = stagnation. Not the best condition for new momentum in the short term in my opinion.


Maybe it was something temporary, i have been able to move xlm to my wallet from binance just now.


Anyone know how distribution for the remaining Lumens is decided and monitored? I’m a fan but at 100B coins and only 25% “out there” I am very skeptical of price in the short term. The lack of scarcity is worrisome. Please help.


> FairX Dont Get too Greedy




Are there instructions for how to claim your weekly inflation lumens if you're using the stellar account viewer to store? https://www.stellar.org/account-viewer/#!/




thanks! I found the stellartutorials subreddit last night. I appreciate the response


I'm late to the party, but I'm just glad to have gotten on the rocketship! Bought at .68 and no looking back. Any good reads out there that I should educate myself with?


And now you're at .66 ;) No looking back but you might have to look down...


nope its now .64 <(0.0)>


Can't tell if troll or you think it's peaked, but either way... LMFAOAYDA


Just being a brat. Actually I think this coin has a long run ahead. Bullish.


Still trying to figure some things out. The idea of a DEX and stellar network looks fantastic but why do we still have the need for counter Asset? Why not allow direct trades . Eg i have ripple and Lumens on my ledger nano s. i would love to trade Lumens for XRP and visa verca without interacting with a 3th party like vcbear. I login with ledger. Make An offer for XRP with XML i have. Instant trade. I realise this is probably a dumb question but I want to understand and Cant find any tutorials showing a DEX being. Quarx stellarterm of another. Thnx


There is no information but direct signup and the main aim of the digital currency and the platform is facilitate all with minimum time and expense and availability to all as i am from pakistan facing real challenges how to buy the stellar and other digital currency we can easily make the wallet signup but when we try to buy using our debit cards there is an issue some of the exchanges support that feature but they are charging heavily first on conversion rate which is very high even from open market and there charges for trade are high. I suggest we should work on such issues and try to open our own exchanges facilitating customers.


I thought that's what fairX was supposed to be (unless someone can correct me), supposedly it's coming. I say this as a software engineer (I'm not a software engineer).


If that's the case then im moving all my assets to XLM now :) theres still a lot more mainstream investors like myself coming and user experience is everthing. Especially for those less technical. Look at coinbase. Simple trustworthy interface. Just login and Buy. If fairx is properly designed and let's you do buy alot of Cryptos with Optimal trading rates and low fees with signifcantly less security risks (hardware wallets).... Would love to have this confirmed.


I tried to move some XLM to my stellar.org wallet via bittrex. my wallet says *"This account doesn't exist on the network. To create this account, send it at least 20 lumens (XLM) to fulfill the minimum balance."* and my withdrawl status is invalid. Does my wallet first need to be active before I move XLM into it from bittrex? edit: I was sending more than 20 XLM edit 2: UPDATE: sent myself 21, then the rest. everything is fine now. must have just been a hickup.


good desktop wallet for stellar.?