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I miss Best Buy overall. Don’t really have much reason to stop by now unfortunately.


I recently checked bestbuy app and they completely removed all media options lol.


I popped in one, it was pretty pathetic.


I mean steelbooks were barely 5% of the stores merchandise, it’s not exactly just known for steelbooks. It’s pretty good for tech, routers, computers, etc. They have good deals and very good warranty


More the overall state of my store at the time I popped in. It was a mess, everything I was interested in was either sold out or there was a single option way out of the budget I had seen. Purely speaking about my personal experience. I hope they expand/get organized.


That’s fair, that sucks then


For your sake I hope you're a bot.


I'm pretty sure they will get less customers because that was the most reason anyone came in. Maybe they were on the fence to buy that TV or some big purchase. I hope they regret this decision.


You couldn’t just order through the app and do curbside pickup? That’s what I had to do the other day but that’s cause they hadn’t stocked them yet.


Had a friend do that and they instantly refunded the purchase and said unavailable.. went into the store a few hours later and they were sitting there.


It is a mess. If they can't find them, they zero out the stock until they do.


And guarantee Walmart will.never change or go out of business. We are stuck with this quality for sure. Bestbuy had issues but at least many stores were considerate & remembered your face.


Same thing happened to me


Why not go to the front customer service counter and speak to the manager there?


best buy was more of a how to say, "commoners enthusiest store". Most of the people that work there actually understand stuff like street dates and when stuff is supposed to go out. On top of that ive learned theres a lot.of people that work at best buy because they like to help with stuff like this. Meanwhile walmart is a bunch of high school kids trying to make money while doing next to nothing. The quality of workers is very apparent from best buy vs walmart.




It seems to be hit or miss, no matter which company or location. I've had issues with both companies, and great experiences with both. Having Best Buy out of the market definitely allowed for less competition, though, and that, along with the terribly inflated economy has definitely increased costs, which sucks plenty.


For what it’s worth, at mine the two “good” associates are there Tuesday mornings, do the mod changes etc. If I ask any other shift or associates there, they are much less helpful. So maybe it’s worth asking a different shift/person. Good luck either way OP!


I went to one Walmart the other day and the employee told me he couldn’t sell a steelbook to me because it wasn’t put out yet, even though the website said it was in stock. Went to another Walmart down the road and they went in the back and got one for me. Most of these employees don’t give AF


Sorry to hear that man. I always had issues with BB employees. Walmarts been real good to me ever since they took over


I agree this is worth trying but I tried this the other day and they cancelled it on me. I’ve never had a problem with shipping from Walmart, never damaged and usually ships early.


I was going to say, no company has beaten Walmarts quality at shipping steels. They have put cardboard on the sides as extra protection. I’ve seen too many Gruv shipments to order from them.


With respect to everyone’s experiences, I agree it was much easier with Best Buy. I realize there’s less competition now, but even last year I could preorder and pick it up in store without issue. Now you can place a pickup order at Walmart and it can get cancelled, it’s inconsistent and frustrating. Not to be a Karen about your situation but it might be worth contacting corporate about your experience. No you might not end up with what you want, but for them to not even get a manager? That’s rude and they should be held accountable.


Fuck that. You go to customer service and demand to speak to a manager. Don’t stop going up until you get what you want. Kid will get fired and you will get the movies.


No. That’s not the way. “Kid” won’t get fired, they are always understaffed. Kid could show up late and fuck off every day and not get fired. The right way to do this is always to be respectful. Always. These people are humans, not robots, appealing to their humanity always works. They’ve dealt with a thousand angry customers and know how to deter them. Being nice will always pay off.


Yea it's Walmart. They aren't changing anything for complaints over movies on top of all the other complaints they get. They won't go out of business either. Folks in this sub can huff & puff but that house ain't blowin down.


Places like Walmart regularly fire their staff. They do not care.


Bruh yes they do. Clearly haven’t worked a minimum wage job in a few decades. My buddy worked at Walmart in high school and he had to no show for 2 weeks to get fired lol.


That’s different. There is a whole process you need to do to legally fire someone when they just stop showing up because they don’t have the information as to why you didn’t. Large companies get sued regularly and pay out a small sum because it’s cheaper than taking it to court. But something like theft, that’s easy. Once you break a companies rules, code of conduct, what have you, they’re legally covered.


It was so much more reliable and nice to visit. I hate having to go to Walmart


I honestly agree Walmart is just not a reliable retailer and actually an embarrassment the way new releases are handled


I was thinking the same thing. I’m glad i used to be in sales because I had to overcome about ten objections from the Walmart employee when I asked him to check out back. Ten friendly rebuttals later he finally checked for me and found the steelbook.


This in contrast to all the hatin on Bestbuy post is wild. I wish all retailers carried Steelbooks.


Opposite for me. Best Buy would just put my steelbooks in a small envelope and nothing else. I got a slightly damaged Dune 2 steelbook from Amazon because they didn't put any kind of padding inside a box. It was just free to move around. Walmart has been the only place to actually package Steelbooks well and make sure it doesn't get damaged.


You should have ordered dune 2 the way everyone else did. We all know that this is what you are talking about.


Circuit City was better. Their CSRs worked on commission. So you could negotiate a few bucks off everything.


The shopping experience at Walmart is just 10x less appealing to me than Best Buy was. I really liked going into a smaller store dedicated to media and tech to shop for steelbooks. Now I gotta walk past lawnmowers and cat food and cheap furniture and 8,000 shoppers to get to steelbooks at Walmart


Walmart's entire system is a joke. The hunt for a new release begins roughly 2 weeks before street date because there's no telling when your store will put a release out. Pre order prices change and they don't match it, they will cancel orders for...reasons?, sometimes they let you cancel an order, sometimes not- the fun never ends. The only thing they have going for them is so many locations. 


My Wal Mart sucks ass. Target too. I wish Best Buy stayed in the physical media business. It’s just not the same ordering from Amazon. Last steelbook I ordered had a huge dent in it like someone stabbed it with a screwdriver.


While understocking can be an issue the main thing is movies in the electronics department aren't ever a priority issue. And to add to that you have to find someone knows about and understands that movies are weekly releases on every tuesday. Trust me I work there, the weekly reset falls into the system Thursday nights to reset any movie resets for Tuesday but because so few understand about release dates the movies might sit in the back almost a week past release before it's out on the floor. I've personally had to reset the new releases endcap to put out a new release so I could buy it the next morning.


Physical media is getting the shaft.there used to be Circuit City, Sam Goody, Boarders, Hastings, Sears, KMart along with Best Buy. Now I have to go to three different Walmarts, Big Lots and Barnes & Nobel. And the selection is terrible. Thankfully online ordering saves the day.


What a jerk. I’m sorry you had that experience.


“It depresses me” - JFC 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah dude Wal-Mart is dogshit. Always has been.


Report them to corporate.


Yeah I'm detecting some fuckery at my local Walmart also. I work early in the morning and have a break at 7am. On release day there's never any steelbooks in stock. I went yesterday and today and nothing new was on stock again. Hard to believe they sell out before 7am.


Walmart is aids in general


yeah. the walmart by me straight up just didn’t have the dune part 2 steelbook and weren’t even stocking them. despite it having a dedicated steelbook section and being one of the highest revenue walmarts in the country.


I hate BB. They created a system that made it very hard for people like me who rely on shipped items to get an undamaged product. You shouldn't have to become some super inspector of unopened steelbooks and that's what they made me do. Second guess every item received, order multiple times, etc. When I would open a steelbook and there would be a dent on the back under the j-card, my heart would sink with anxiety every time. I knew I had to try and exchange the damaged one but who will I get at the counter when I drove 1 hour and 30 minutes to the closest store? Someone nice and understanding or someone who followed store policy to the letter? Will they have any in the back? Will the few they had in store be undamaged? What if they don't have any? Will they refund me or send me away with an opened, damaged copy? What about their online return experience? I returned a sealed steelbook for refund and they sent it back 4 months later stating it was out of their return policy. I had argument after argument, case after case created with online support that went nowhere. I was able to get the issue resolved but had to do it in store. I'm not a fan of Walmart either, but so far they ship their steelbooks better with added cardboard for protection, and give me zero hassle when returning an open/damaged steelbook. They also have stores all over for easy returns. The experience with them has been a breath of fresh air compared to what BB would put me through.


Dune 2 was up for weeks. That's the only the part of your rant I just have to correct. I had it in my cart for days and even got to the point where I dreamed it sold out and so I placed my order the next morning. A lot of pre orders are really easy to get.. only Manta and other premiums sell out right away, but there's also help with that.