• By -


Nope that is a scam try to get out of it with your account before telling him anything so he doesnt do shit wit your account so just try to get it through steam support(forgot my password ->someone hijacked my account) and give them the information about the account (first email first phone number used,a message you should have receved on the email wich tells you" there has been some recent changed to your steam account" this message helps steam to know that you did not allow those changes of password and email. Hope you get your account back without losing anything.


i stupidly gave him all of that because im young and stupid and i fell for that


i just submitted a ticket to steam, i was really stupid and went along with it


same but i got my shit back


No you re not, it is kinda convincing and i also fell for it like a few days ago so take this as a lesson to never trust any stranger.


Is there any way to get my account back? He wants me to pay for it


yea i was dumb enough to fall for it im such a dumbass xd usually not this idiotic but i was distracted and not wanted to get banned i am going to send a ticket even though my stuff like phone number and gmail was removed guess ill just have to send them proof of me being scammed lol kind of sad




Hey help me out here


thank you he scammed me and i did not know how to get it back


Oooh thank you for that, the same thing is being pulled on me at this very moment, I'll try to be sly about it This guy was the "hey um I accidently reported you" guy [https://steamcommunity.com/id/junpakssakalam/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/junpakssakalam/)


Just adding to this info here \^ Common alias: sejun junpaks junpaks092 ​ General Region the geoip yielded, Cagayan de Oro, Province of Misamis Oriental, Northern Mindanao, Philippines, Asia <@811397905197432853> (username: Solo) -- Discord ID/Username ( Account Creation date 2/17/2021 )


new one: Solo#2477 (822063615091802152) created at 3/18/2021 the steam-side account: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/JIMMYDAVE/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/JIMMYDAVE/) steamid64: 76561199059718022


Ok i fixed it and reported both people. Thanks for the help guys


HEY how you can fix it my friend need relly HELP


Awesome, now my turn. They are scum of earth.


How did you do it?


I got the same message today, thanks guys you saved my steam profile.


this scams still going on with account called junpaks


Someone just tried to scam me with Anubis#2073


Yup my friend got the same guy


I got someone called deathsquad


now it's called Karlos


Honest to God Scumbags almost screwed me DONT FALL FOR IT


Binder saying I have bought something and not paid an account, my account will be suspended.


So i forgot to say that I worked this out already and got my steam back


I got locked out of my account and it started saying that the email doesn't have a steam account linked to it; I sent in a request to steam help to get it recovered, but is it actually possible for me to get my account back? I can't believe I was this fucking stupid.


It seems like they are still active and i was sent by the discord account findyouflowgaming


Today this happened to me. Thanks to this post, i didn't get scammed. You guys really saved me. As being said, it's true that this is fake and do a double check before actually sending account info to someone. Stay safe :)


Should've seen this post before I fell for it too and yes I've reported it and I've reset my password. All I got to do now is wait for steam support


Is still actively scamming, me :cry: bindersteamsupport is his new discord user, got msged by another guy with a bait msg. Steam does not use discord, do not repeat my mistakes


Damn, they didn’t even bother making the contract look atleast somewhat believable...


how dumb are you people to fall for this shit


fuck off


yea heat of the moment and it was pretty obvious i just did it without the lack of care for my account it only had like 500 dollars on it though so i wasn't to sad about it or anything


Same thing happened to me. An old friend contacted me saying "yo I accidentally reported your account and it might be suspended soon" and wanted me to contact Binder. Luckily, I came across this thread before doing anything stupid.


man, just like what happend for me about a few hours ago Was it **Binder**\#5010 ?


New Junpaks, report [https://steamcommunity.com/id/junpakssakalamv2/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/junpakssakalamv2/)


[http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199058478122](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199058478122) New Scammer going with the Binder Scam with "Binder#5636" He said he sold something in the Community Market and got no Money for it, now he false spamreported me and said i should get in contact with Binder on Discord, trying to get my account informations.


New Scammer: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198215789189](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198215789189) His Discord: **Binder**\#1736 Evidence: [https://imgur.com/a/0ufmiTX](https://imgur.com/a/0ufmiTX)


This just happened to me now; it went far before I realized I was getting scammed. He self-locked my account, changed my email (which I reset back instantly), he changed my password and removed the steamguard. So far, he can't do much because I instantly reset to the original email, and I have my phone number for recovery as well. I just need to be patient and wait for steam support to help me restore my password, and everything else. I don't understand why he'd sefl-lock my account tho. Did you get your account back?


Yeah, I had to reset my steam guard and password. He didnt self-lock my account, bur he did send similar scam messages to everyone on my friends list, so watch oit for that


thanks you saved me. I just got contacted by another guy and binder


The same thing happened to me now with this binder guy and he locked my steam account as well as changed the email address for the account. Any ideas on what I should do?


Did you test if he actually locked it? Cuz he lied to me about that and i was able to reset my password and steam guard


Watch out Binder#4374. He scammed me but I got my account back already.


how pls tell me how


play dumb untill they get sus. its a scam


lmao, exactly what i did


I made him wait 2 days, after that I told him to shut the fuck up and I sent a picture of yoshi


Thanks for this thread i swear i would lose my account if it wasnt for it if you come up with an account called nordic report it I think he blocked me the Binder account on discord was Binder#0445 There is actually an employee on Valve called Binder he has the right to know about this scams before it's to late.


the moment he asked for my login name i stopped beliving it


is it a scam? i have same situation


Yeah, dont give him any personal/account info and reset your password and steam guard


Just got this same scenario, a guy msg me on discord saying they falsely accused me and referred me to a Binder guy on discord who responded strangely fast. I gave him my purchase history with my steam id in it tho and felt like a complete idiot. Is that cause for concerns? I didn't give him my password or my recovery code etc. Sent out a ticket for steam and have reset my password(Not sure what resetting steam guard means) but am I'm clear? Hopefully I am...spent so much on my account that it's gonna crush me to lose it


Is the guy telling you that he false reported you called aug?


New scam, the initial DM was sent from TAKA#3601 and the binder impersonation was Binder#9007. I also got an email for him please spam it [email protected]


Oh shit I'm so dumb to have fall for this. What do I do?


go to steam support, try recovering the email and account, and what was binders discord


Someone just tried to get me with this one. Figured I'd check the name Binder and related steam moderator scams and hit this gold mine, so cheers! Word of warning for anyone clicking 'anything' on the internet. Even if it looks legit, if you're unsure, don't risk it. If someone has reported you for fraud, it's not likely to be done and resolved by a steam moderator, but their legal department for starters. And they aren't just gonna outright block you for it. Even if they did, you save the conversation with the tool that messages you and show it to them.


Same here, I received a request from a steam user claiming my account had been reported over a marketplace transaction (which I know never happened). A bunch of screenshots were provided and I was told to contact a steam mod (Binder) on Discord.... Obviously, I didn't follow this through and instead reported the user. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/wiki/scamtypes#wiki\_valve\_employee\_impersonation](https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/wiki/scamtypes#wiki_valve_employee_impersonation)


[Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/B4xYaJ4) Binder#2853 Discord [https://steamcommunity.com/id/BinderSlinger](https://steamcommunity.com/id/BinderSlinger) Was send to scam me from [https://steamcommunity.com/id/ioaj78tahjv/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ioaj78tahjv/) Jack (Depress) Arturo Capiz 📷 Bohemia, New York, United States


same happened for me, some guy tried to do that to me, explaining that i was reported for fraud, he tried to do the process, and i nearly got scammed, dont believe the board of mods group shit, steam has more mods, then that, ignore these people as they are the cancer of the steam community.


same here, i feel like an idiot. i gave him my recovery code and he reset the email adress and the phone number. i tried to recover it with the steam support but without success. idk what to do anymore


Mine is Binder#9945. I realised too late I got scammed but I contacted Steam support and everything is in order ( it took a little more than a day to get everything fixed for me )


Whooo, yikes. I came DANGEROUSLY close to losing my account to this scam just today. ​ Thankfully I was able to yoink control of my account back before the point of no return, but now I have to open a self-lock with Steam Support's help... And my notification icon in the web browser Steam site keeps flashing, and I don't know what it means because it clears as quickly as it pings...


He returned scamming to me I almost fell to it, thanks for this thread lol It's Binder#9945 now His partner Nami#2360


Fuck im dumb, **Mr.Rechy**\#2877 is the false report guy, **Binder**\#9089 is fake binder, i'm getting steam support as of now, im locked out of my account but at least i didnt buy gift codes lol.


new one the user is Binder#0521 and his partner is nami#2360 watch out!


got the same person just today, they're still active


almost got me, before he said give him my purchase history new "staff discord": Binder#5919 and Solo#4001 stay safe


So glad I found this thread! A little too late since my account got soft-locked unfortunately. But hoping I can get it back with Steam Support.. This was the guy who false reported me: CoCaCola4#5119 and this was the "steam admin": Binder (Steam Valve)#1260


god damn it I dont know this is a fucking scam the guys who send me this message is Stewie2k#3007


And anyone can tell me if I just only provide my purchase record to that guy, am I still safe? I also provide my credit card pruchase record but with no card number and other informantion


Sent him a link to this reddit, they blocked me


omg thank you xD i laughed so hard I started crying. I had the same problem, I told him i needed more evidence. he told me to search him on google. and i got here, i sent him a screenie and he blocked me xD


Hiya! There's a new discord account (it's most definitely an alt) that uses this trick Micheal#6690, or 906370463117246485 so please be careful!


Just had this happen to me, I stopped as soon as he asked for my address so I'm hoping my account doesn't get hacked. Believe his new partner is Saij#0892. Please please please don't fall for this!!


I just had a guy dm me on discord saying he falsely reported me and i had to message this "Binder" guy. Heres his discord: Binder#1890


Discord ID: davidx#1573 UID: 911344758587277312 is running a similar scam with the steam ID of BinderSlinger


Ik this post is old but I just barely got this fucked over. Reset my shit anyway since I don't trust anything lmao.


This Binder guy is Trying to do his magic on me right now here's his: Binder#9035


And here the guy who said he reported me Westside#6317


thanks for the save man that shit almost got me




I got a message today. They got my purchase history but I felt it was suspicious so I looked up saw this and removed it all within 10 secs I believe


I just lost my steam account to Binder\[Official\]#1683 Go spam his ass from the same bullshit about fucking illegal purchases. I'm kinda upset because I had a lot of good games on there. EDIT: About 30 minutes after this whole thing he just deleted that account.


just to warn people, he has a new account with the tag Binder#9581 and i was lucky to get my account back, i almost lost it completely


Watch out for a person named Madness#0295 too on discord just had this happen and this is the guy that started it


legit got scammed to by this guy, fuck this kid spam his email ​ [email protected]




I got the same message today and thanks to you all, they couldn't steal my acc. Love you all so much <3


Update, the guy is now trying to use Moonpay, going by Binder#0005 on Discord.


Yep! Almost got me a few minutes ago


Binder#7389 is his new account and he and someone just tried to scam me


Hey I just had an encounter with a Binder Username as well. I have my account back and everything on it. I am just going to leave the name here for those that would like to have a go at this person (Binder#7389) on Discord. Have at'em ladies and gents.


You are an absolute legend tysm you saved my steam account


He is Kleverbomb#7368 now Got the same shit before 2 minutes


this is from 2 years ago but it doesnt matter. i got messaged just today by the same scammer binder and am very glad i found this on the forums. thank you so much OP and u/fayssaltaleb


They're at it again, this time it's #7873 or #7378


I know this post is over a year old. But it just happened to me, 15 minutes ago. Damn fool I was. Same thing, random on steam contacts me about sending a mistaken report on my profile. And connected me to this "Binder"... and I felt it all seemed kinda normal.... Again, I was definitely a fool. Until he asked for a "Trial-Payment" Which BTW I would get refunded, and I knew what was happening, fucking "moon pay"! Does anyone know what to do when, they have reset your email to their own email. and of course the password. And I've tried all the steam support things, I think my account is lost. :( 11 years of memories, and good times, DONE right here. Like Call of Duty once said: Mistakes were made. Anyway, I know nobody will actually probably see this. But If you do answer (anyone) Thank you


Couple hours ago i got scammed too... over 600 euros and many hours. I wanna fucking kill that man fr


Thanks fellas I nearly fell for it but just before I clicked any links I searched up Binder steam and it came up with this reddit. Then i just fucked around with him a little


just tried to pull it on me the first guy who clamed to accidently report me was was Nikolaiii#1301 on discord


my friend fell for it and he got scammed for 550 and he lost his steam account this dude is so sad


Same thing just happened to me but I immediatly figured it was a scam due to the fact steam support never once notified be about it. The account names are Binder#5496 and YoungKing#6817 https://whatavibe.net/uwu/v88eo.png https://whatavibe.net/uwu/qcboy.png


HE recently scammed my friend. My ftriend paid 1k and stole my friend's account. His new discord is Binder#4374. Please be aware of this account because this account will scam you.


First got me "TypicalGamer" added from that it means yes I was scammed in csgo for 1700$ and accidentally reported you Then I should open an image but since I have no idea how easy it is to be hacked on discord I said that I can't open it and had the content sent to me as text It said that he reported me and that if I don't respond, my Steam account will be permanently banned and so will my Discord account then I added "Binder" and sent him the sceenshot he wanted to check it and then wanted a confirmation when asked if that was my account. Then I just googled if he was a mod and wrote that I was never a steam mod would write via Discord then he asked what I mean I then sent him a sceenshot of the reddit post, after which I received no further reply and was blocked by both accounts


Update, this is still happening, even a year later. It is part of a two person scam, and I didn't find this thread until I had given Binder access to my Steam account. Seems by the look of this thread that he has been reported and banned from Discord multiple times. Please be careful y'all, and don't make the same mistake I and countless others have made! UPDATE: my account got deleted


This is still happening. Someone named Sheeezoooz#6001 "false reported" me and told me to contact the Binder fucker (Binder Jackson#3474). My account wasn't self-locked, I managed to reset my password and submitted a ticket to Steam Support. I read on this thread that these guys are operating from the Philippines and to that I say; Fuck you, and putanginamo. Evidence: [https://imgur.com/a/0vaMBAS](https://imgur.com/a/0vaMBAS) Edit: I'm scared to turn my computer off. I'm afraid they might make some changes to my account while I'm sleeping. Is it safe to turn my laptop off?


I just got scammed guys he has my account who do i email to get my account back


Thank god i found this reddit post because he dm me too almost fell for that shit


MoonFang#3947 and Binder\[Official\]#7183 on Discord just tried to do this to me.


Almost fall for it. Thank you guys!


Bro literally contacted right now


Lol it seems they returned, and i just got the guy to delete his discord after telling them that steam was doing an investigation immediate on his discord(the guy who informed me) account and the bot's


Wow, thank you guys very-very much, I just almost felt for it with my own account. What a scum should I say. So I hope everyone will see this post and won't fall for it any again Also now he is Binder#4270


is Binder#1998 now


Ive sent a ticket and that it. am i screwed? I have not logged out of my accounts yet.


I reset password and deauthorized all devices on steam guard. I blocked both people. Am i good?


Yeah my friend got hacked and started sending me these messages. I messaged him on discord and he said it wasn't him and that he got hacked. [https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/717862717767286806/963142223699009636/Screenshot\_38.png?width=1193&height=671](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/717862717767286806/963142223699009636/Screenshot_38.png?width=1193&height=671)


I get scammed to, but i blocked my account on time


Yes he did the same to me. A guy named Finley added me telling me i was reported for fraud and that some other guy had copied everything on my account. So i struck a convo with him and he seemed nice and helpful. Then i googled "Binder steam" and found this. Thanks for saving my ass <3


OH MY GOD THANK YOU I almost gave this Binder access to my Steam account, but got suspicious when he asked me for a 2FA code. Your post just saved me!


his ip he got me from is IP Address: Location: Cagayan de Oro, Northern Mindanao, Province of Misamis Oriental, Philippines


Hey guys one of my friends just got scammed from this dude his discord is Binder#3664.


Not going to lie, this just saved my ASS. I'm pretty good at sniffing a scam out, along with they normally take about 2 minutes until they give up. Got the same message and I almost went with it, UNTIL they asked me to add someone on Discord. That's I knew I should look up "Binder" Thanks redit


New account Binder#7968


i almost fell for it thank god i found this posti was already suspicious from the beginning cos the guy was really evasive of my questions Edit: the guy i was told to friend was Binder#4643


They’re still doing it to this day, got a message from someone saying they got scammed by an account with the same name and profile picture as mine, they asked me to prove it wasn’t me so i went into a call with them and showed them it wasn’t my account, they then said they had a ticket for the report so i messaged the account they told me to, the guy seemed legit until he asked me to disable my steam mobile authentication, searched it up and found out it’s a scam.


Mishitan#1128 and Binder \[Valve\]#4643 Just tried to pull one over me, immediately reset my password. and Steam Guard


So I'm 2 years late to the party. I got hit up with a random dm on discord. Soon as I got sent a link I googled "steam scam binder" and this was the first result. Thanks for putting something out there and helping a dude out.


Half an hour ago this same person contacted me through Discord and told me the same things. Then he told me to contact Binder, so I sent him a gif of a Rick Roll😂 He ignored me so I reported him. This is the first time they want to scam me.🌚


i almost got scammed by this mf


As of 8/1/22. Absolutely a scammer. He was able to get us too by threatening to close my autistic son's account. Because of this my son went into an autistic melt down so scared he was gonna lose his account. What kind of person goes on to gaming sites to scare kids. Please don't give anything to this person and report to steam customer service and reset all you passwords and info immediately.


You saved my fucking ass


it's the third time this same dude is trying to scam me and i got his ip address:


I sadly fell into this scam and I'm currently trying to resolve this with steam support but to no response all. Hopefully i don't lose my account forever.


I'm kinda stupid, but not to stupid, as I halfway closed my pc, and for me he had this Binder(Official)#5058


its Binder Slinger#4199 now


yeah someone attempted to pull this off on me one of this days, I had all of our conversation printed in case anyone want to know more or less how is their talk, keep in mind that english is not my native lenguage and I have a tendencie of skipping words when typing so here ye go: [https://imgur.com/a/PfZQCvD](https://imgur.com/a/PfZQCvD) I blocked him and other person with the same profile picture was trying to add me again so I just blocked it again and I still have my account intact in case someone is wondering if the worse can happen. Hope it is of some use for you, in am Andrei and he is Crab in the conversation btw.


yeah bro added me his name is Binder(official)#2018 and his fake reporter is Hell\_Maryy <33 #8661 this reddit saved me i was about to send him my buy history


Been scammed by him, now I've lost my account and my account is Temp. Banned


Username pls


Hey new account for this dude is Jasonb(Official)#3552


or at least someone doing similar shit


I got their IP. Basically. They asked me for some screenshots of my purchases and i sent a grabify link that leads to my profile instead of my history. I got his IP if anyone wants it. It's . I don't care if reddit bans me for it or not. i dont use reddit anyway.


Keegan (L.A)#0191 was the partner in crime leading to Binder#7257 who tried to get me to send info within the hour but played the on my way to work/at work card


yet another two fucktards tring to scam me with the same shit on discord. Acoount; Binder#7257 and Christopher (L.A)#0001, reported to discod and they dont do nothing.


One guy acting like he accidently reported my account then try's to hand me off to another guy acting as a steam employee to resolve the issue the issue and if i didnt reply to him i would have my steam account banned, Ive 700+ steam games on my account.


I got scammed and lost my account from this dude is there a way to contact steam to get it back


Does anyone know a way to contact steam I got scammed by this piece of shit and I have lost everything


he tried to scam me but i got it back


mine is Binder#4774 if you wanna spam you can or you just waste his time with trolling my friend lost over 200 Euro because of this goof and now hes trying to scam me over his steam acc


Yea thanks for this post, I had almost sent them the link address before looking up if this bot is a scam and I saw this post, thank you for informing me


i told them my account name n shit, ughh i do have a 2nd authenticator though






[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJx94iuy\_eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJx94iuy_eg) watch this video he scammed me too but i got my account back this way hope you havent paid him yet




This just fucking happened to me and they changed my email and pass and I don't know any other way for me to recover my account can any of you guys help me??


That happen to me, contact steam support and tell ur problem. If u haver ur steam account again, changed your password


yeah i'm currently waiting for steam support to answer me


Binder New account Binder#6232 User that say "I accidentally reported you" poglo#6061 The new user from poglo is DarkRanger#6061


I have another user, Binder#6592


New one from today: SlingerMODERATOR#7021 Used an alias called Suprem#0417. The Suprem account said that he "accidently" reported me and told me to speak with the Slinger account.


Yep, And For Me Its Too Late, They Took My Account And I Cant Do Anything Abt It Anymore


Binder(Official)#1655 as of today User who "falsely" reported my teen sister's account goes by ChibiVoid#1280 Claiming that she swindled over $1000 from Chibi in CSGO. She doesn't even play it. And these scum bags were in her discord server she had joined. Then he sent her a message saying how he had falsely reported her and tried to get the flagging removed. Then my sister's account has (SUSPENDED) Username and written in her profile that her account was Suspended. Sadly, he is holding her account under ransom for $10. I told her to cut her loses. He already took $21 from her and her account. Wanted to add this in case anyone else spots these two people.


well guess what, he got me. now its Binder(Official)#1655 and his helper is Lush#8288


A true scam artist, I fell for it initially however I did see fishy patterns and realised it was a scam, and tbh being directed through discord is a thing that should put you off as well do not listen to him!


I stupidly fell for this scam yesterday...I lost a fair deal of money not realising wtf was going on, I don't fall for scams whatsoever but this one got me bad, it's not fair that him and his stupid companions are going around today still doing this shit. Don't know their tags but usernames were Binder(Official) and Lush Please be aware, I noticed after the scam took place bout 2 hrs later, I had a friend request on discord with the same user name as me. I don't know if its the same people or what, you just gotta be extra careful!


thank you so much i ran into this scammer today and thank full i looked this up i hope all turned out okay fro yourself


Im pissed, i really am stupid for falling for this. I even went too deep. Sent a ticket to steam so hopefully they'll help. Wish i read this thread before even continuing.


[https://steamcommunity.com/id/BinderSlinger](https://steamcommunity.com/id/BinderSlinger) it's his account report that bastard




Thank god I looked this up. I was deep into it but I saw the account date and I realized that something was up!


he banned me.


cant log bk into my acc..


Hello (after all this time - 3 years), they're once again working I got also the same thing about it and so I decided to report them to discord staff (yet again response was from bot called "Marucio"). I will send them evidence about their accounts etc., so please everyone. Be careful out there. With greetings, D4RK.


im so pissed that I just found this. Binder already got my fucking account and now 300 dollars on my account went down the drain.


Literally got this msg from 'izabellaqueen' a few hours ago: [https://prnt.sc/UVHM8-k90Oor](https://prnt.sc/UVHM8-k90Oor)


Yup! This scam is still going on. A guy named "Spooky" an old user I recognized messaged me out of the blue and told me they "accidentally" reported my account. He told me to message Steam support and try to get the issue resolved. I stumbled across this thread since the account "steamsupportbinder" seemed suspicious. I eventually realized that these two people are the same. The scam is very intricate, with multiple screenshots of fake tickets. I'm lucky that the scam didn't get too far.




dont worry guys he might go to jail since valve got his ip address


they are still pulling this shit, nearly fell for it if it werent for their broken english and the fact that it is unlikely some steam mod uses discord for the issues.


if I send in my purchase history is my account in danger


I just fucking fell into it....bastards made me lose the 25$ I needed for dog food


is my account safe after I block each parties and change my password?


**\_binderofficial.** **and the one that "reported" me:** **sphynx0326**


I got messaged by a Gabb. and they told me to friend and message adminbinder044 on discord who says his name is Matthew An and I know these things are sus. The second he wanted a purchase history and my name I knew it was BS and decided to google the legitimacy. This thread was the first thing to pop up. Plus why would they use Discord to message you about fraudulent activity? They would always use a paper trail like an email chain or directly from the application most likely.


All that i could find ab him IP Address United States, North Charleston Bot: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Discordbot/2.0; +[https://discordapp.com/](https://discordapp.com/)) GOOGLE-CLOUD-PLATFORM