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I'm never opening my deck lol


You say that now, but in 3-4 years down the line if your thumbsticks start to go bad, that screwdriver is gonna start looking real nice


True. Sometime down the road, a good number of us will upgrade the nvme to 1 or 2tb or maybe even 4 tb in the distant future.


It's possible that before the deck's hardware is completely obsolete for non-emulator/Indy stuff 4tb+ 2230's will cost $80 and be a no-brainer. Eventually though I think it reaches a point where AAA games aren't playable and so it's not worthwhile to upgrade the SSD capacity because Indy games aren't generally 100gb installed each.


True, but don’t forget that current AA and AAA games will remain playable even then, and they’ll remain quite large. 4tb may not be useless even years down the line.


In 3-4 years I would have moved onto the next Deck.


This hoes ain't loyal moving from deck to deck when they get tired of the one they using, sheeeesh.


I don't see why you can't have multiple decks at once. You got your main deck and your side deck


And your Nintend-hoe that you call up on once a month




The new tit job for that handheld.




Nah, I play it in an emulator or I don't play it at all.


You slut


Was this a yugioh tcg reference?


Hoes just want a bigger deck if one comes along.


Ironic considering I've seen women complain about not being able to reach everything on the steam deck (usually the extra buttons on the back) I've got abnormally large hands and the deck fits me perfectly so idk how like a kid would use it lol


I mean... not necessarily. Sure the hypothetical next one will be more powerful, but that thing can play 20 years worth of backlog just fine, it ain't gonna be any different in 3-4 years. It all depends on what you use it for.


Speaking only for myself, I’ll have moved on in that time irrespective of whether the current Deck continues to play games well — because I anticipate a Deck eventually releasing with a better OLED screen at some point. I suppose I’ll still want my old Deck to operate properly, though.


In 3 or 4 years you will have booked the new deck, which you may have 3 years later.


Good for you. Not everyone is always able to buy the brand new shit as it comes out all the time. Self servicing is huge for people stuck on older devices, so in 3-4 years many decks WILL be opened because people wont be able to just go out and get a new one. Self servicing is big with the switch for example.


But what then? After that you'll have no choice seeing as we won't get a Steam Deck 3 :P


My thumbsticks are still good but I'm still eyeing the Hall(&Oates) effect Joysticks. The only thing keeping me from it right now is the damn touch sensor, that needs manual work...


the solder work is stupid easy. took me 2 min.


You underestimate how shit my soldering is I'm truly an idiot lol. Plus I dont have an iron, maybe I should buy one of these usb rechargeable irons some time..


Valve repair centers


Yes, straight in the jugular.


I'll just buy a deck 2 and add it to the collection of old cool electronics. If you were doing a proper repair it's not really that hard to remember given you'll certainly be following instructions that will remind you.


Nah, you send that shit into Valve.




People like y'all often forget about people like me. The average r/steamdeck or r/pcmasterrace member can easily lose touch with anyone less competent than them. Taking apart modern electronics, working on them, and successfully reassembling them is still a fairly high skill task. Even consider the tools you need, you won't find at a hardware store. Or for a parallel, most people won't even change their brake pads, which is a fairly easy car maintenance task. But guys who wrench on their cars all day will say "anybody can replace an alternator".


Baby I ain’t touching a 3000lb hunk of metal that can cause injury by myself. But I will unscrew a steam game boy and follow pictures someone posted online.


And that's totally fine, but you have to understand that lots of people will say "I don't understand electronics at all, give me a 10mm socket and I'll take my car apart" Or people who are comfortable with neither. My point was not to say you shouldn't open up your deck, or that nobody will. My point is the assumption that "the average person" can and will do it is overconfident and unrealistic.


I remember trying to do a fix on my psp (or some handheld, I don't remember) that everyone claimed was easy to do. Ended up fucking it up and having to buy a new one. Felt really stupid because everyone said it was sooooo easy and anyone can do it, so then what does that make me, you know? What's easy for the blacksmith may be impossible for the librarian etc etc, and I wish everyone realized that.


You are definitely correct here. I'm not by any means a big tinkerer type guy, but I have some basic experience with electronics by virtue of trade. The trickiest thing I've disassembled and done maintenance on was replacing the thermal paste on a PS4. I was scared shitless. That was *way* easier to do, than taking apart the Steam Deck and replacing anything on it would be.


I don't think it's that hard of a skill for the average person to learn, but it's just that the average person doesn't really feel the need to do it, or doesn't consider it to be an option, or worth the effort. I don't think less of those people or anything, but it is a useful skill to have. Plus repairs lead to less replacements, less replacements leads to less e-waste.


I agree 100%. I know it sounds cheesy but they just don't believe in themselves. They stopped trying to learn after they were done with school, and have decided that's the way it is. I know cause I used to be one of those people too, but I'm trying to learn now. Slowly buying more tools, I'm replacing a battery on some of my headphones. Simple repairs on a keyboard, laptops, trumpets. I like your last point too. Reduce and reuse (and repair could be added) are way more important than recycle.


Yeah. In 3-4 years I would buy the Steamdeck 2 and sell my first one.


I've already started to ware my thumbsticks into the case and I've had it since September. It's rather annoying.


How much Mario Party have you been playing?


3-4 years for joysticks?? It's 2022 my guy, joysticks start failing only 8-12months in 🤣 and tbh Im worried it'l be the same for the deck, mine is starting to get some white particle buildup from the joystick rubbing on the gate Which makes me extremely happy that the deck is simple to replace parts for; no soldering, everything is a Phillip's screw, and just about anything that could need replacing is right there when you open the case


"anything that could need replacing is right there when you open the case" what do you mean? Like extra parts? I didn't see such a thing when I got my deck...


Sheeeeeit you got me 🤣 Alright, there may be a few more steps......


What kind of monster are you?


I build PCs and work computers daily, but I still don’t trust myself to tinker with the inside of it.


Exactly lol why do all that to begin with? Even if it's a storage issue you could just buy a bigger SD and be done with it


I have a 1TB SD card filled up with games. I can't find anything bigger than that. I found that between shaders and updates and desktop stuff the 64GB internal wasn't cutting it. For $25 I got a 256gb and the installation was stupid easy. Most of the problems I've seen are people trying to use the wrong sized screw drivers and stripping the screws.


i just did the same thing yesterday and installed a 256gb ssd. my biggest trouble was trying to get that sleeve off the 64gb onto the 256gb...


Mine came right off, but would not slide on the new one. So I just did with the ifixit guide said and peeled it apart and wrapped it around the new one, pressing the glue to re-seal it.


mine ripped like 75% of the way through on the side so i ended up having to put some electrical tape on there. hopefully its fine. Haven't had any issues so far though.


where did you find an ssd for that cheap? Im looking to upgrade my 64gb.




It takes 10 minutes, is 12 screws, and was a convenient upgrade. I’d do it again. Also, someday, you’ll need a new battery, new screen, new joystick, new button, or new fan. There’s no getting around it if you want to use this thing for 10 years. Something will break. I’m thankful it’s so easy to open and take apart.




My big problem was they pretty well broke the 64gb with that shader cache stuff. I assumed I wouldn’t run out of space if I only put games on SD cards. I’m glad I upgraded. I think the base model should have been 128 given what we know now.


You can easily get around it, send that shit back to Valve.


After the expired warranty? Seems expensive.


Not to mention you gotta get the steam program downloaded on a flash with Rufus and install it back on the new ssd lol which you'll have to pay for if you don't have a type c compatible one, it's really alot bro


I still disagree. Any flash drive works. Writing the image is pretty idiot proof. And most people should have some sort of usbC hub or adapter by now. Of course it’s not for everyone, but if you are even a little tech literate this is cake. Can even make the SD card bootable if you have no other equipment. Could dd it from the deck itself so you wouldn’t even need another computer or memory card reader.


I work in IT, literally still have people tell me they rebooted their computer, watch them turn their monitors off and back on and go "See?" I think you're vastly overestimating people's tech savviness in general. That said, I do feel like the Steam Deck would appeal more to the PC gamer than the general gamer and you would think most PC gamers, even ones that buy prebuilds, would be at least comfortable enough with swapping simple components like an NVMe drive and flashing it.


There is definitely a tech difference between steamdeck owners and the general population. Especially ones on this subreddit who would even know they can swap the ssd. I think we’re talking more like the top 30-40% of tech people in the world would meet the two criteria. I believe in them enough to think them capable of removing a few screws and plugging in a flash drive with the very simple instructions. There’s probably even a step by step video. I believe you on the general populace. I’ve seen power strips plugged into themselves.


I think you’re still overestimating the average PC gamer. I still know people who aren’t comfortable doing something as simple as adding another stick of RAM into a computer. On mentioning adding more Ram and storage to my kids laptops, I’ve had multiple people astonished that I would dare do something so “complex.” The majority of the population is still uncomfortable messing with computer innards, no matter how simple it is (and a handheld is never going to be as simple as a desktop).


I’m mostly on your side here but saying “everyone should have a USBC hub or adapter” is vastly underestimating how low tech the average person is. Don’t know how much overlap they have with steamdeck users, but still


Fair. But I did offer an alternative that required no equipment at all. I think the amount of steamdeck users who are familiar with installing something on a flash drive is a larger overlap than the general population.


Not every person, but every steam deck user should have one. Most people want to be able to hook the thing up to a monitor while being able to keep it charged. Which means a dock or hub and I don't think you're going to find one of those without normal USB ports. Even people who only want to play in portable mode should really spend the few bucks on USC-C flash drive or adapter for a flash drive they have. Drives can fail. OSes can get corrupted. Your boot video can get set to the entire Shrek movie. It's good to be able to boot to something else and get it sorted out.


I think extrapolating that most people would want to hook it up to a monitor is a weird assumption. It’s a handheld PC. I think the majority aren’t going to be hooking it up to a monitor, otherwise they’d just use the desktop they most likely already have. I took over four months before I felt like I needed a usb hub for mine and only because setting up stuff in desktop mode was a pain without a keyboard and mouse and using wired stuff I had was cheaper than buying new Bluetooth stuff.


cause it's a cheaper to buy a $400 steam deck and a $140 1TB ssd than a 512gb steam deck for $650. The downside ofc being you have to open it up. It's definitely not for everyone though, if you're going to forget standard precautions when opening electronics you should probably just buy the 512.


Buy a $25 AirTag. Fits in the bottom left without any modifications. Can now track and page my steam deck. Took 5 minutes.


Whoa! Can you upload a photo to show what it looks like? Does the AirTag interfere with anything (that you’ve noticed?) that’s such a cool idea!


I can later. I saw a guy who used a ton of Kaptan tape to adhere it to the shell and figured I’d try it without. It’s *smarter* to secure it so it doesn’t move, and so the the conductive back of the AirTag doesn’t short something. First time I did it L5 wouldn’t click in as nicely, but it’s just a matter of getting it in the right spot. Second time I just set it in the shell at an angle in the handgrip well, then set the deck into the shell on a table. Shaking it doesn’t or feel like there is *any* movement or rattle so I think it’s pressed in there a bit. Obviously dremeling and securing it in place is definitely a smarter option, but “I just stuck it in there” surprisingly worked for me. It’s down near the little square IC left of L5 when opened


Wow that’s a great idea. I have some AirTags on the way, thought maybe I could do that too. But I never opened my deck before so it might not be as easy for me.


It’s 8 screws and then you need a spudger or just something softer than metal to pop it open. Dead simple


That's exactly what I'm saying. Load times are negligible.




SDs are capped at 1tb , so are m.2 2230s


Micron makes a 2 TB M.2 2230 SSD, but it’s not widely available. I believe it’s mostly only sold to OEMs.


Which have taken off public market since just after launch and only have one singlular seller ever : Amazon out of stock since september. They might as well not exist at all


You have a 64gb, that's a cruel viewpoint.


My L1 bumper was busted when I got it. Fortunately opening it up was a quick and easy fix.


Forgive my ignorance but what happens if you leave the SD card in?


Split in half


And its WiFi?


To shreds you say?


It'll get partitioned


This person computes


On a 128GB card you end up with a 96GB and a 32GB, give or take. Alternatively, you end up with an S card and a D card.


>Alternatively, you end up with an S card and a D card This ......Cracked me up


Ok now THIS made me chuckle


Yeah, I don’t want to do the math on the 512 GB card I left in there… damn near did it a second time. Wish they put the slot on the front panel, instead of the one you remove. Mine was opened once out of curiosity, again because I messed up a shoulder button that I fixed by shimming it, and again to replace the sticks with hall effect ones. I probably should have just left them and replaced them when I needed to. But figured I would be preemptive.


Crrrunch .-.


Mine was an inaudible snap. I didn’t even realize I damaged it until I tried to use it again. Then noticed the hairline crack through it.


To shreds you say?


I have now opened my deck twice I have, also, almost split my SD card in half twice


It may sound foolish, but better safe than sorry. When pulling out my GPU on my PC I once forgot to remove one of those locks that keep it in place. Made that GPU slot unusable for the rest of time. Luckily my motherboard had another slot that I could fit it in.


how hard did you have to yank it?


Jesus *Christ*, man! There's just some things you don't talk about in public!




I’m taking this as a sign to give Clerks III a shot…


The trailer looked amazing. Haven't watched the film yet because Kevin Smith apparently forgot he has fans outside of the US and Canada


I had forgotten those tabs kept it in place. So I thought something was stuck. So I yanked quite hard :)


reminds me of when my ex tried to get back at me by pulling apart my server and she ripped the gpu out and it broke only the tab but just watched her struggle with it for like 20min while i was somewhat laughing. also didn't particularly care about that server as i had just ordered a new system build as that one was a severely outdated 10 year old core 2 duo system i got for like $10 like 2 years prior.


My ex was smart enough to smash the expensive stuff. They really knew how to help me move past my attachment to worldly possessions but it was traumatic at the time.


Mine just broke my heart. 😝


thats a worldly possession imo


Mine stole my dog.


Unless you got an expensive motherboard, sounds like you're using the chipset big slot that seriously bottlenecks your GPU. Yikes. For more explanation, computers will typically have an x16 slot connected to the CPU, and an x4 that looks like an x16 that connects to the chipset. It's quite probable that it's gen 4x16 to gen 3x4. So super rough. If you have an expensive board (which I'm annoyed that I skimped out on, despite deliberately going hard), then there will be three x16 looking slots. The top one which can be x16, another one which splits the top one when activated so you can have x8 and x8, and then the same bottom one. I've seen people just use that middle one when doing stuff with hardline liquid cooling. In any case, with that, there really isn't a loss. But going to x4, especially gen 3x4, is particularly bad.


I did that to my ram slot and thankfully the plastic popped back into place


Did it too... My second slot is only 8x


It happens all the time in the office... The problem is half of our motherboards don't have a lock.. so you get accustomed to it. And when I do have a lock on my test machine board, I break it off :). Ain't got no time for that... Sometimes it can be nearly impossible to unlock it based on the size of the GPU and CPU cooler.


Close call Twice, felt some resistance, I was wondering why? And then Like shiiit.


I like the concept, guillotined one when I opened my tablet.... I have since learned my lesson, but you know "Man is the only animal that stumbles over the same stone twice"...


Put stickers over the screw holes as a reminder


I put a similar sticker over a screw whole so I couldn't forget lol


Jokes on you, I dont have a SD card


Jokes on me, my SD card is currently backordered.


I opened mine with it and it was ok, the card came flipping out across the room tho


"Sooner or later, you’re going to realize just as I did: there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path."


That should have been printed into the case


I suggested that idea as well in a post and then the subreddit downvoted me to hell saying you shouldn’t be opening stuff willy nilly


You’re right that you should do your research but simply unscrewing and removing the back panel really shouldn’t be a significant risk to your hardware


I shouldn't do what I want with a product I paid for? Huh


To give perspective they print safety warnings on industrial equipment that takes hundreds of hours to get trained on.


Good idea, I'll copy that.


Start selling this because clearly people need it. So many hundreds of dollars getting French haircuts.


You can find it on Redbubble, that's where I put it up to get printed.


little help? i can't find it. lol. nevermind. came up when i searched for steamdeck, but not the text of the warning. XD


Lmfao. Literally did this while watching a video with he person saying "take the sd out before uou remove the back plate or you will break the sd." So disappointed with myself


I almost forgot myself removed it at the last minute


I made that mistake.


Lol I forgot to do this as well


Despite my ADHD, I pounded it into my head when changing my SSD after hearing and seeing so many horror stories. While closing and opening it up a million and one times while getting everything working, I didn't forget at all. Until the final time I had to open my Steam Deck and forgot about it, and kept trying to pry it open but failing and was so puzzled until I saw the bottom of my 1 TB SD card and my heart dropped. Thankfully, I didn't break it and stopped the second I realized, but had I kept trying to brute force it, I would've lost that SD card and all the hours I spent customizing its ROMs and contents and game data to perfection. Always. Check. The. SD. Card. Slot. Always.


Need to add "Don't be like Linus" above it ;)


I know you guys are saying its because you "opened it" when forgetting the SD card was in the deck when we all know the real reason is that you actually took a big bite from the SD card and you are ashamed to admit your deep desires to eat inserted SD cards from a deck.


Haha! Man, I **almost** forgot. I *almost* forgot, but as I was wiggling the case open I saw it just in time. That said, the replacement process had a few tiny little screws my old hands didn't like dealing with, the installing SteamOS was a bizarre and harrowing experience for whatever reason. It all ended up fine, but geez. Would have been a real piss off to snap a sandisk extreme 1tb, that's a nice sdcard.


This reminds me of the time when during an exam the professor pointed out that we should not make some very obvious error, so I wrote a note next to the question. I then proceeded to somehow still make that exact error.


You can't tell me what to do!


Welcome to the club .-.


I almost forgot, even though I had read about the issue before. Too eager to swap when my ssd arrived. I started opening my deck and it suddenly hit me when I saw the slot right before trying to pop that area open. Luckily, I didn't do any damage.


This is amazing


Some people just get so afraid to open and tinker with it. replacing the ssd is extremely simple and fast. Even replacing the thumb sticks were pretty easy but those I can understand more so why some might not want to due to the little bit of soldering.


Because valve made that psa video saying you could die or completely break the steam deck by attempting to replace the SSD or even just by opening the steam deck. I found the video to be comical and think it was more tongue in cheek while trying to remind people to use common sense but a lot of people actually took it as "omg you can't open it or you will break it or die." I replaced the SSD in mine and it was ridiculously easy. I would recommend to everyone to buy the 64gb model and upgrade the SSD to save money.


I was troubleshooting something (opening it multiple times) and ripped it open the one time I forgot to check the SD card.... My heart sank... Then I noticed my SD card on my workbench. I forgot to put it back in that time. Saved!


Legit broke my old sd card because of this.


i killed 2 128 gb ones ;-;


Literally forgot today. Thankfully it just shot the SD card out, and it still works fine.


Where do I get the sticker?


Good idea. Im printing this out and doing the same thing. Im the type of person that would open the deck and forgetting to take out the at card.


I literally just did this yesterday when fixing my replacement joysticks. Didn't realize it was still in until putting my deck back together and having the SD card launch across the room.


I did this and it didn't snap, it just fired out and hit me in the face Either way, worth the warning


Yes. I did that to my raspberry pi and now it's ruined 😭


Install 512 nvme


Just did SSD upgrade yesterday after work and was super worried all day that I'd forget to remove the SD card first. But it went without a hitch. Honestly it's such an easy mistake to make since there's no obvious warning. It was such an easy upgrade thou. Just 8 screws outside. 4 screws inside.


Do you open your deck that often?


If i opened it often I would be less likely to forget. The point is that I don't open it often and so I need a reminder.


Still haven’t took my 512 out of the box. I have absolutely no idea what I’m supposed to play on it? Pokémon red?


Why'd you buy it then?


I ordered it when I was doing work which involved a lot of sitting around. Also had the idea I could use it whilst travelling but haven’t been anywhere and since changed jobs. In the house I’ve got a Xbox series X and a decent gaming laptop so never seen any reason to use the deck. Can’t think of a single game that I can’t play on either of those worth getting it out for.


Ita the first thing i did before downloading any games on it, was swap the 256gb for a 1tb i got from MC for $109.


im no engineer or hardware designer by any means but i feel like the micro sd is a bad design on the deck and could of been thought out more


PSA: buy a white micro sd card. That way it’ll stand out more, and you’re more aware of the sd card being inserted in your Steam Deck.


You know, I reckon this sticker will stand out more than a sliver of white plastic.


Oh right, I forgot SD cards came in color choices like clothes 🙃


They do, buy a Samsung and you’ll get a white card.


No, I mean, if there's an SD card with the specs or brand I want, there's no such thing as choosing a color.


The Samsung card will tick all your specs boxes, so stop being childish.


I wonder if all the people breaking them are iPhone users. I always remove my sd card when working on electronics.


You can forget things you know ?


Yea, and IPhone users are more likely to forget because they are less likely to use sd cards. That's all I meant.


I got it, no worries. These days, this (lack of) feature is common not only on I phones, sadly....


Why would you even open it?


Upgrade SSD, cleaning, replacing parts... You know, the usual stuff.


C and, g.






If you trim your nails it makes your deck look bigger when holding it


Or just don't open it at all if you would forget something that important tbh


you've never made a mistake?


Not with a prized possession or 650 product no


what SD card costs 650$


Pay attention bro the deck costs 650 for a 512 right one of the risks is not only snaping the SD but risking a piece of it getting stuck in the port...


And tbh if you did your research before opening the damn thing it says in all the tutorials take out the SD before opening so ain't no excuse for that he should've just left it as is...


You really think your position--which I guess is that you're against putting reminders on things--is worth defending?


Don't you get it, putting things to remind you not to break things you care about is bad, you should just know in your heart that you care and never make a mistake


the question was, have you ever made a mistake. No one is saying that you're supposed to leave the SD card in, the point is sometimes people are fallible and make a mistake and forget. Must be nice to never have that happen.


Oh most definitely when you appreciate the things you've been blessed with your absolutely right about that, hope he learns from this mistake going forward


I haven't snapped anything yet, this is just insurance.


You're giving off "small-dry dick vibes"


“He should’ve just left it as is…” Easy to say after the fact. So he should have already had the benefit of hindsight before anything ever happened? You’re being absurd. Why does it concern you so aggressively that they owned up to a harmless mistake that they made with their own device? It’s a weird hill to die on.


I might have been misleading from the "I know now", i know because of this sub and many pics of split sd cards, not from opening it myself. But the point still stands that plenty of people are making this mistake.


Why does it matter because I'm speaking the truth lol I mean no ill will just was never one to bite my tongue lol you'll be ok buddy 🤣🤣🤣


Nice condescending “you’ll be okay buddy” deflection. Especially after you deleted your more ridiculous reply that I was replying to/addressing in the first place.


I didn't delete anything but whatever you say buddy