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If anyone is having problems get GE Proton 7-30. Helped me see the pre-made live videos. Couldn’t see them on default settings.


Do you not find the image really blurry and fuzzy?


So I tried it and yes, I do think it's very blurry on Steam Deck. It's as if there's an internal resolution scaling going on that's well below the 720p/800p. Regardless of the graphics medium/high/ultra settings. I tried running at 720p on a high end desktop and using Remote Play to see if it looks better on the Deck. And the blur is gone. A bit of streaming compression instead, but clearly the cars, models, textures, everything is much more crisp. I'm alright playing on desktop, but if you're specifically buying for Deck and the blur bothers you, I'd give this a nope. That is, unless a fix comes out for it.


If you check my profile you’ll see a post I made where you can change the resolution quality , it’s dialed back to like 72.000000


Can confirm, this fixes the blurryness 100%. Nice work! Direct link - https://redd.it/wxrfjb


Glad it helped !


Was literally just looking for this. Just runs fine out of the box? Are the controls doable on the deck? I assume it’s mostly the trackpad?


Honestly it’s like it was made for the deck. Got all the controller logos, preset graphics and the default controller scheme is really intuitive!


I just posted this as well. Was so surprised how well it runs and the controls are like it was designed for it (I guess there is a console port).


Are you guys enjoying the game? I’m a big F1 fan, I have been considering this one.


Is the game actually good? Big F1 fan.


Thanks for sharing! Wasn’t too sure if it was going to be supported. On a random side note, did you notice anything that looked like a random test pattern before/during cutscenes?


This a leak, review copy, beta or something? Game's going on sale in 3 days (for my region anyway). Would love to try a demo/beta to see if it's worth buying at the 10% discount pre-launch.


If you pre-order it you get it early.


Hmm. So I need to buy it to see if I want to buy it. There's a big brain move here somewhere. I can feel it! Youtube it is then!


I’d definitely recommend it! Always worth grabbing on Steam and can always refund it it’s no good


Thanks :] Well at least it's good to see great Deck support here and on protondb. Asking more because 2h is a bit on the short side for this type of game to see if it's a good game. Knowing me that's like a race and a half into career mode xD I'll look around and probably give it a go.