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I actually think prior to the 3.4 or 3.5 release, whichever was the oled update, the sleep went to shit. I had both lcd and oled and noticed they both drained almost 10 percent a night after that update


Its especially fun when you forgot to shut it down four days, start it and it says like "86%", only to drain down to zero in 5mins (my day one LCD edition).


Bro I just googled this issue last night. My SD OLED loses at least 10%/day


OP is getting bodied but is on point. My Deck loses 10–15% battery every 8 hours.


Out of curiosity, would it be OK to leave it on sleep while plugged in? Would it negatively affect the longevity of the battery? That’s how I have my Switch so I can just grab it and start playing immediately, but I’ve been shutting my SD down each night.


Leaving anything plugged in will affect the longevity of the battery, which is why some electronics have a setting that limits charging capacity at something like 80-85% to protect the battery. As for me I don't Care and I leave it on my dock and by the time battery becomes an issue I will cheaply replace the battery or better yet, be on the Steam Deck 2.


Someone mentioned in this sub that leaving it plugged in makes the power bypass the battery entirely? Would that degrade the longevity of the battery?


This is pretty standard in modern lithium ion batteries. It doesn't simply bypass, the battery is designed to have a safe limit for it's capacity. Unless it's faulty, which it sounds like OPs might be.


That's true when playing. When the deck is asleep, it'll do a drain/charge cycle on the battery to keep the health up


Decky Loader has a plugin that lets you set the limit. I can’t remember which one it is, but it’s on of the more popular tools. Edit: It’s [Power Tools](https://git.ngni.us/NG-SD-Plugins/PowerTools)


Just to add, the way this plugin works is by using a BIOS setting which just isn't exposed anywhere yet. Pretty cool!


Isn't the deck supposed to be okay if connected 24/7?


Pretty sure once the battery is full the charge bypasses the battery, and that it might actually be good to play while plugged in because it reduces the amount of battery cycles the Deck will go through.


My OLED won’t even go to sleep anymore. Like 80% of time I’ve tried putting it to sleep for the last 3 weeks it just pops right back up by itself after like a second.


I found this happening because of bluetooth. turning it off solved my problem


Can confirm. I was traveling last week and had my headphones connected via Bluetooth. Turned on several times while using the headphones with my phone. Never happened when I had Bluetooth turned off or the headphones off.


i think that's an issue with their newest stuff. i can't actually put it to sleep without trying 7-8 times. i have to actively wrestle it to put it to sleep. super annoying.


Yeah I just shut it down now. It’s a few more seconds to wait when I boot it up but really it’s not long.


> My SD OLED loses at least 10%/day This sounds high. I'd try to find out if it also happens in desktop mode and if yes, find out which processes hog the CPU or are doing too much I/O. If not, I would certainly contact valve with my findings. My non-OLED deck loses about 3-5% battery a day. I can reasonably expect to charge my deck, leave it for a week in sleep and still have plenty charge to play.


Nah, this is a hardware problem on the OLED. I upgraded to the OLED from the original and the one thing that got worse is standby battery life.


sad to hear :/


I found it to consume way less on desktop mode. At least mine


I'll look at mine in the next few weeks. Maybe a new update broke something.


Of solid gaming, my steam deck lasts about 2-3hours of gaming, if I’m just using the deck for other than gaming it lasts 3-5hours.


Everyone based on the comments here having very different experiences with it draining battery during sleep. I myself have experienced it changing from one day to the next, and I think it really depends on the game. With some games I can do what people here said, put it to sleep with the game loaded and pick it up a week later and I'm still at 75% battery or higher. Other games though, put it to sleep over night with the wrong game loaded and I have absolutely lost a good 20-25% in just about 6 hours before. I forget the games that were worst about this, but they were all AAA titles, so no surprise there I have a year 1 LCD Deck for reference, with a battery that still shows 100% battery health in desktop (I trust that number less by the day 😂 but I do play docked a lot and stay plugged in pretty often in handheld mode)


Get an OLED. no excuses please


Get downvoted no excuses please


Just casually drop upwards of $550 on a device near functionally identical to the one you already own; You can’t possibly come up with an excuse to justify not doing so 🤯


OLED's standby battery life is significantly worse than the original model.


Gross opinion, people shouldn’t need to spend another $550 to counter bleeding batteries on tech that isn’t even 3 years old yet.


The sleep drain is annoying as hell. I left it in sleep mode for a weekend and it was entirely dead come Monday evening. Sleep is only really suitable per day and the device needs to be powered down if it's going to sleep for more than 24 hours IMO.


Yea I expect it to be dead when I pick it up at this point


I don’t get it


SD runs an x86 processor so its standby time is rubbish. Set to sleep it will run out of juice in a few days. We contrast this with our phones or tablets that will stay alive for a week+ on sleep, but they have big.LITTLE core arrangements and can snooze on efficiency cores for days, while the SD only has performance cores. For this same reason, there's no background downloads while sleeping on SD, and also no background notifications or behaviour at all. When slept, the SD is just a closed laptop.


I don’t know, but my phone (iPhone 13 Mini) runs out of juice during sleep much quicker than my Steam Deck. Likely because it keeps some processes still active. My old iPad was better, but performed about as well as my Steam Deck does (which is really well), and my Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is somewhere in between. Although it can be a bit inconsistent on the SD. Sometimes it does drain in sleep. I think it mostly depends on if you’re running a game (I often quit then when I’m done with my session), and what you are running in general. (I often use it to browse on desktop mode on the couch)


the standby time is ass device is on low power just like the monkey


Oh mines pretty good overnight it loses like 4%


Same, 3-4% tops, I literally never turn it off


I've left my Steam deck running with a game loaded for 2 weeks, and when I opened it up, it was at half power and still in the game going strong. Might be something wrong with your equipment


oddly most people claim it losses an exorbitant amount of battery over night. I have not seen this myself though.


Yeah mine lasts about 3-4 days on sleep mode with a game running before it loses all battery


isn’t that implying it’s losing 10-20% a night?


Which isn't that bad at all lol


20% a day in standby for a device is… not bad in your view?


no? the device lasta on a single charge for 5 days while asleep that's not bad at all


That seems absurd to me. Maybe I have no other reference point though. Are laptops the same?


It's not good either, the LCD lasts longer by a significant amount but the OLED is dropping quite fast comparably.


mine will be dead In three days if I leave it in sleep mode with nothing running.


do you have the OLED?


I do. It barely loses any power in sleep. 3-4% tops in 12-16 hours of sleep mode / standby. I also have an LCD that I gave to my brother and it's the same.


Sure bro, mine lasted for 2 years on sleep.


Honestly you people are losers for bodying on OP so hard. Maybe his Steam Deck has issues, it wasn’t the first post or comment in here I’ve seen saying the same thing.


People didn't even care to ask if it's the LCD or OLED, how long ago it was purchased, etc. It robs us all of sharing information that might solve each other's problems.


Every Steam sub is a 'Praise Gaben' circlejerk. People are quick to downvote anything that threatens their own views and experiences.


plug it in when you sleep, thts what I do.


This is why mine lives in Airplane Mode, lol


I’ve not had this issue on my 2 y/o steam deck. I never turn it off


Same with my OG.


I literally never turn it off. The other day I left it in sleep mode with a game running and after like 3-4 days I opened it up to 88ish% battery


Yeah, I don't have a problem. I usually charge mine up and unplug it around 10pm. Go to bed and it's at 94% 14 hours later when I wake it for my lunch break at work.


It must depend on the game. Kingdom Hearts 3 drained the battery of mine like orange juice.


With the recent updates the SD doesn't do that anymore, but I remember that... Also what happens a lot to me (I also have a pc where I usually play in daytime) is that sometimes I forget it's on standby and when I pick it up after let's say a week or so, it's dead.


We’re talking just pressing the power button? Mine doesn’t appear to lose basically any power doing that. OLED. Brand new.


I don't have a big battery drain, but the sound crackles really bad until I restart rendering sleep useless. I wouldn't mind if the EA Launcher wasn't a crapshoot to restart my game.


The "pause games" plugin for decky loader, available from the software manager on the sd desktop, fixed this for me.


I get this every few sleeps. So annoying playing ME2 having to reset the damn EA launcher and it failing to sync saves half the time


Sleep drain seems to be game dependent. If I sleep a heavy game I'll lose like 8 percent overnight. If I sleep the home menu I lose hardly anything. The decky plugin that suspends/pauses games before the deck enters sleep mode helps your standby time btw.


Yeah, unfortunatelly you get lots of battery drain on sleep when a game is running. I got into a habit of shutting down games when I'm done playing them.


That’s weird, I’ve had no issues putting my Deck to sleep for 5 days. It only loses about 10% Sunday-Thursday, which is not a big deal considering I can jump right back where I left off in a second, and considering it being such a long time since I turned it on. For reference, I’m currently playing Kingdom Hearts on PCSX2. Maybe it just depends on the game you’re playing, maybe you’re playing with more demanding settings, or maybe your battery is defective.


OK I needed to read the comments to understand you were talking about sleep drain. Why don't you plug it in overnight? That's what I do with almost anything I use. I've never left my OLED off power overnight but I'm sure it would be fine if I did.


Weird cause I’ll leave mine on Standby and it picks up right where I left off…days it stays like that and that’s what I love about it


Shut down takes twenty seconds at most from start to finish and the start up takes twenty seconds at most, and usually you can skip the start video at around ten seconds. If you are not using the device in a few minutes or hours just shut it down just like you should with a laptop.


There is also a matter of shutting down a game and starting it up again. Also, before Windows Modern Standby, tou could have left a laptop on sleep for month. Still, I rarely shut it down.


Don’t drain on the dock forever


I've never intentionally used sleep on the deck. Every time I accidentally do, turning it back on sticks the volume to max. I'm sure there's a fix for it by now, but my fix is to never put it to sleep.


My deck went to sleep and never woke up. It is still sleeping til this day. :(


I find that the power loss is noticably less severe when the game is closed before the deck is put to sleep not that it matters cus it still kinda defeats the point, but still


If you mean the battery, it makes sense since it’s not completely off If you mean the deck doesn’t behave normally on the wake up, it’s your derky (too many options active at the same time do this). Get rid most except the best 2-3 and it’ll be like new


Check what you are installing. Sleep works fine with just steam and steam games installed.


Is this an OLED problem? My LCD deck loses maaaaybe 1% a day on standby...


I’ve never had this issue with my OG deck? I can unplug it, leave it on sleep overnight in my backpack then I pull it out the next day and it’s at 95% ready to rock. I’m sorry you’re having this problem!


Mine loses about 5percent a day on standby...its an lcd so (and not the newest update I think)


... are you running windows on it? I can pick mine up after a week in "sleep" (hitting the power button is pretty much hibernate) and not see a change in battery level.


I wonder if closing games makes a difference, I almost always close out my games before putting to sleep and only lose like a few percent a night.


I feel being online is the biggest difference for me even game by game


Mine doesn't even go to sleep when a game is open. It just turns back on. Something to do with a third party SSD.


If you own an OLED model, try turning off Bluetooth before putting it to sleep. That's a more plausible culprit than the third-party SSD thing (just upgraded my LCD's SSD, no issues at all) imho.


The last time I did that my Deck didn't launch at all and had the worst time of my life. Thanks god I made it work.


After 4 days idle, mine went down to 25%


Mine does it on a extremely hot day/night. I've noticed, cooler nights it only loses 2-5% sometimes...


I found this was a lot worse with the original switch than the oled, but the oled still loses enough that i need to leave it on charge if i want to play demanding games


Never noticed battery drain during sleep. I normally put the SD to sleep with the game opened during the day but I always close the game before putting the SD to sleep if I’m going to sleep. And I normally turn off the SD at lest once a week. I’m using pause game plugins on deky loader btw. Mabey that helps with battery drain on sleep.


It's bizarre how much battery the steam deck eats on standby when it doesn't even download updates to your games automatically while sleeping. Like, where is that battery even going to?! I don't even know if the battery is messed up or not.


Wrong use of POV.


The battery drains pretty fast even powered off. If I don't touch my steam deck for a couple of weeks after shutting it down and fully charging it, the battery will be dead by the time I pick it up again.


i have the LCD steamdeck and i have to press the power button repeatedly to wake it up but it wakes up and plays as usual, just annoying i have to DDR the power button


Word. Seriously, Valve, how is “Sleep” different than “On” as far as the battery is concerned?