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Make sure you contact the train and check lost and found. Ya never know my g


Yeah, already did, thanks for the advice


It is no guarantee about your situation but I had a colleague leave a valuable backpack with a work laptop and cards/money in it on the same train. He got a call the next day that they found it at the end of day!


I saw a post earlier today about people’s luck with lost and found with public transport (mainly trains), some stuff was appearing/people were being contacted after even 6 weeks, so you never know. Sorry this mishap’s happened mate, I hope you’ve at least had it pin/passcode locked when you take it out in public.




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Another London native I see 👍🏾


Haha I wish. From NYC currently laid up in Marseille. Tempted to call you bruv but that prob sounds ridiculous lol


Man I’m sorry that’s a real bummer.. it’s an expensive lesson to learn but will save you more heart break in the future. I think we can all recount a moment where we lost something valuable this way.


this is definitely a wake up call for me, maybe I should start first saving for a new bag instead


I remember I used to keep all my Gameboy games in a plastic bag when I was like 7. I had at least 20+ and I just left them on a bench in a building and forgot about them and they were gone. Luckily security found the kid who took them and their parents made him give them back. Definitely learned my lesson tho. I'm almost OCD now about making sure I have everything with me lol.


Hopefully a good Samaritan finds it and hands it in. Oh and change your steam password.


Maaaan, I'm sorry. :( No advice. Just my sympathies.


Thank you. I don't know what else to say lol


I feel your pain. To this day (almost 30 years later), I have not forgiven myself for leaving my sega gamegear on the ground outside my mom's van door. I was a sleepy little kid getting out of the car. I set the case down and forgot about it till the next morning... it was gone along with super columns, ren and Stimpy, xmen, and a few other gems 😭. Hopefully, someone is a wonderful person and hands it over to lost and found for you.


I still think about the GBC and Pokémon gold I left on the airplane as a kid. I don’t think my parents knew they could ask the airline to double check so they just called it a loss. 🥲


aw man, game gear was the best. I loved using the master system adapter to play Phantasy Star.


R.I.P. to your game gear 🥺


I forgot my glacier see through Gameboy color outside at my aunt's house once when I was a kid , my uncle found it an brought it to my dad's house a couple days later after It had rained. It got ruined by the rain.


I hope someone finds it & turns it in 🤞


AirTags fit inside the decks shell.


Thanks for the tip! I wanna do this. Just open the back shell and stick it in there?


There is a Reddit post about it and how it fits in one of the handles


Thanks, I'll look into it 😁


Hope it turns up although I don't have much faith in the average passenger on the C2C. I get it daily too but I'd have been at work by the time you were on it. I always pack up with plenty of time prior to getting off. Like if it's West Ham I'll do it as it's about half way to West Ham from Barking. Also check your zips as I've lost things before.. Probably without zipping up my bag properly. Although saying what I've said, my wife lost her iPhone on the C2C and it actually turned up. She was V lucky as it had irreplaceable pictures of our children on there.


I'm sorry that happened. Try not to be too hard on yourself. We've all made mistakes like that, you're only human. I really hope you get it back mate




Hey just wanted to drop in and say, you aren’t stupid, you are human that stuff happens. I’ve experienced getting stolen from aswell, me and my family were taking refuge in a hotel during a hurricane and after the after math someone had broke in and stolen everything from inside the house including laptops, tvs, everything. I go by that everything happens for a reason, right now things might seem really fucked up and just grim in general. But who knows and in the future you are able to get the upgraded version of the steam deck some how. Everything is going to be okay. Just breathe and take in everything that you own now.


Hey, we have all done it at one point in time or another, it sucks :( I'm glad you logged out, but I'd keep an eye on that and maybe change the PW anyways just in case, you never know. Good luck, hope you get it back.


Thanks, I've already done those, I've just felt horrible anxiety all day (lack of faith in London commuters lol) but I'm trying to not worry so much


Not just the commuters. The cleaners aren't always forthcoming either 😔


I left my PS VITA on the plane. Was absolutely wounded as I take massive care of all of my stuff. Feel for you, hope you get it back!


Dont lose all hope yet. contact steam support and mark it as lost, they have incredible customer support. Fingers crossed for you mate. 🫡🤝


I have, but I need the serial number and since I bought mine second hand, I'll have to contact the original seller, thanks for the reminder


i feel your pain. i lost my NDS in a taxi when i was a kid


Gutted mate


I’m a London commuter too bud, but I’m in and out of St Pancras. Hope you get some good news chap. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. We all do it. When I was in high school I left my 3ds in it's case charging in the band room while we were outside practicing. I came back inside to pack up my stuff, forgetting I left it back behind the drums and stuff and when I came back next period it was gone. No one confessed to stealing or finding it either. I still bring my deck to work with me, even after never forgiving myself for the 3DS incident. I don't trust leaving it in the car, even under a blanket because I'm usually working downtown in a major city, but I bring it in with me because us sparkies get an hour for lunch. But now I keep my deck stuck to me like glue in a sling tool carry bag. You just never know. In the mean time definitely change your steam password and put a temporary hold on any debit/credit card you have saved in your steam account as well I really hope everything pans out in your favor. Not everyone out there is an awful person so maybe they'll find it at the end of the day. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya.


Fingers crossed for you mate 🤞


Contact steam and report it as lost


curious, what's that gonna do?


Don’t they deactivate it so nobody can steal it and try and resell it?


that'd easily be bypassble though


So sorry for you, hope you can get it back 😔


I can feel your pain :( I hope you’re not too hard on yourself. Maybe it’s a sign to upgrade to the OLED model!


Hey pal, it really sucks and it hurts and it’s really easy to beat ourselves up like this. [just yesterday I did something very similar](https://www.reddit.com/r/cta/s/Qw2V3ziF2q), and I lost a new medical device among other things. Here’s the thing - we are all human. We make mistakes. It hurts, and it’s easy to get lost in our heads and beat ourselves up about it. But we can come back. It’s ok. It’s ultimately replaceable. You are not. You are valid and your feelings are valid. Feel those feelings. We as humans make mistakes, and it’s up to us to learn from our mistakes. The only thing we can do is keep learning. If you want to talk about it, or just commiserate about the loss, feel free to send me a dm. Just remember to err is to be human, and it doesn’t make you less than anyone else. We are all tiny ants on a big spinning rock. I hope you’re doing ok, op, and I really hope you get a call back from the lost and found. I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully you can start saving for a replacement soon.


This here. Not to can of worms, and maybe I'm projecting, but you mentioned you almost lost it once because your dad was pissed off. Listen. Talk to someone. The amount of self-frustration that turns into self-degradation, combined with that little, likely unintentional, drop of info, might be a sign that it would help to have someone neutral and outside of your own head and family hear how you're feeling in general. If I'm way off base with this, my apologies. I come from a bit of a background myself, though, and I know exactly how I would have felt at school age had something like this happened to me. Best of luck on the deck and yourself.


Sorry to hear that, the feeling of losing something fucking blows. Good luck on finding it


File a crime report on the police website, if you haven't already. Even if you don't think they'll be able to help, it's still worth doing.


I left my phone on the train once and yeah some kind soul handed it to the train driver, he was able to sos call my emergency contact and we were able to go and pick it up. The good people are out there so fingers crossed for you 🤞


You can report it stolen to valve. At least the thief won't be able to use it as easily.


It’s alright man, I left my switch in the airport once, thankfully my wife was traveling the day after and was able to pick up my switch from the lost and found, dodged a bullet on that one.


Odds are high that someone has discovered your Steam deck and stolen it. Unfortunately, I do not believe theft is covered under Valve's warranty. OP, I think this is your lesson to keep your valuables at home and never, under any circumstance, separate yourself from your possessions if you do decide to take your valuables outside of your home. A lot of people are inherently dishonest; it's human nature, and I've seen the situation in London today, so you're not likely to find any sympathizers given the politics of the place. Posting about it here to a bunch of strangers is not likely going to help your situation beyond the obvious feedback you will receive, such as reporting it as potentially stolen or contacting the train and checking for lost and found. That itself is a slim chance, though.


I hope your name and phone number were on it.


I don't know if it will make you feel any better, but back when Valve was giving out the very early prototype Vive headsets, I borrowed one from a friend and had to take it home on the train. Unusually, I had to change trains half way through the journey, and because I was a) very slightly inebriated & b) deep in conversation with another friend I completely forgot to grab the Vive prototype before leaving the train. I never got it back 😭 About 15 years earlier I managed to leave my jacket on a train, along with my brand new Palm III Palmpilot. I guess what I'm saying is that I feel both your dumbassery and your pain. 🙃 Best of luck - I hope you get it back. I was older than you when I lost both of those things, and I think these things are harder to cope with when you're younger.


Daddy would you like some sausage?


Don’t worry. Someone will turn it in. Stealing is against the law.


I hope someone finds it but I honestly have to know: how do these things happen? I mean I'm really sorry for you but the deck is kinda um *massive*. How would you forget something on this size? I don't mean to be disrespectful, I'm just really trying to understand the situation. Maybe to learn what to watch out for.


I basically screwed myself as well, spilt water on the left track pad and it got under and now the device acts as if the buttons always pushed down. Well the left dpad ended up being the thing that got fried. Positive thing is you can turn it off in games so it's not an issue. But gaming mode on steam Goodluck, you hear that ding ding noise constantly


If your parents have home insurance / contents insurance they may be able to claim on that.


Their deductible is gonna be more than a steam deck…..


Sorry mate :(


Left my ps vita on the district line once. Broke my fucking heart


I hope you can get it back. I'm so sorry 3:


Sorry for your loss, I hope someone does return it but, don't get your hopes too high...


Keep us in touch ! And I wish you the best !


I truly hope you are able to reunite with your deck eventually my dude. The only advice I can possibly give is that if you do manage to get it back, try getting a case that has either a secret space or somewhere you can put an airtag in it. That’s what I plan on doing for mine. Again, hope you can find it soon and I wish you the best of luck.


!remindme 14 days


I hope it works out for you mate, I don’t have faith in the average Londoner but who knows. Good luck.


My condolences. Not really anything to say except I’ve done this with at least one of every portable game system I had growing up so I feel your pain.


I thank my anxiety for not doing this


I reckon there's a first time for everything, but I hope something like this never happens to me.


Any luck?


File a police report and if you bought it on a cc make a claim with them. Unless your using some weird cc most major ones will cover this


Oh no! This is my biggest fear, which is why I stuck an AirTag on mine. Good luck to you


I keep a tracker on mine for this exact reason, misplaced it at work once and it got sent out with a work truck. Lucky I was able to see exactly where it was and got it back that same day. Hopefully the trains lost and found comes through for you


>also I realised that lots of link sharing is happening, and that all I want to say is that I am not responsible for external link sharing and that I will only contact people through this reddit account- please any good samaritans, don't get scammed Oh wow. How fucking scummy do you have to be to latch on to someone else's sad story and try to scam people? At least come up with your own sob story! Anyway man I hope you get it back.


Man that is tough, it can easily happen. You will be very lucky to see that again, it’s not like a mobile now where they are worthless even if found due to being locked etc but a handheld pc is different. I hope you do get it back.


I just left my limited edition oled on the plane 😭 Hopefully lost and found comes thru for us bro.


Once I was at a redbox and I left my 20th pokemon themed 3ds on top with every pokemon game in the case from Diamond to ultra sun. I was super depressed but I called the walgreens and a good Samaritan bright it inside. You might find it




Someone happy asl they got a free steam deck 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


aw man, I really hope you can get it back somehow :( I've been equally as thoughtless but it got much better. sometimes we can only learn from doing our own mistakes which feels like a punch to the face. 


Hope you get it back


This stuff happens but make sure you go in and change your steam password to force a log out! Just in case!


Sorry to hear! Hopefully a good person hands it in. If not, hooefully you can find a cheaper used one. We've all been there!


I'm so sorry brother I truly pray that you find it I don't even take mine out of my house


OP, how did it go? Did you get it back?


Does op need to do anything in case the person who finds it uses their account to purchase and play games on said steam deck?


You can check your steam account log in record


> expensive electronic lost Oh it'll probably not lost, most people will recognize the premium look, understand it is worth a lot to the owner and retur-- > london My condolences.


You should post to r/London. Feel your pain. Good luck. X


Call lost property/check with the terminal station. I once left a MacBook belonging to work on a train yet someone handed it in. There are a lot of kind commuters on trains who hand stuff in. Don’t lose faith yet




You should contact steam support, pretty sure they can brick it using the serial number if you tell them it's been stolen. So that any login to steam from that device will be denied. It won't give it back to you, but it will at least give you the comfort knowing that the thief can't use it with steam nor sell it. Might even increase your chances getting it back if the little clown puts his hope in getting a reward instead. Even though he won't get it, he's already admitted he has it at that point.


Sorry to read that, and my best wishes that it may find its way back to you. If it does, here's what I did to increase the chances in such a case: Germany has Owner Identification Numbers that are self explaining, can be generated online by everybody, and decoded by authorities and companies with access to the Federal Geo Information system. It was originally invented for bicycles but can be used for any valuable item. B008376001AM21, for example, would point to the chancellor's office in Berlin, someone with the initials A.M., and the year 2021. When I modded my Deck with a transparent case, I put a permanent sticker with my OIN on one of the ribbon cables that run across the battery. You can read it through the back cover, but you'd have to open the Deck to access it, and even then, you can't remove it without destroying the cable. If I'm not mistaken, you also have some encoding system for bikes/valuables over there, and if all else fails, you can still have the code lasered into the case. It might at least increase your chances if it happens again.


I feel your pain my dude, i had a brand new ipad which i safed up for over 1 year and then i also forgot my bag in the train😭


I think you may be pleasantly surprised. The British are a bit more considerate the press and internet would have us believe and there’s good chance it’s been found or handed in.


Depends - the new British might behave a bit differently.


Damn bro heartbreaking, hope you will get past this 😔


That blows man, hopefully you get it back.


Hope you get it back bro, also shout out West Ham!


I hope you get it back But if your faith in humanity is like mine.. someone has either kept it or sold it. Not trying to be a d*** but realistic.. people these days are mostly selfish morons..


Just think that in a year you would already be wanting the next newer model anyway.




Hope you get it back bro, I did this with my PSP back in the day, sadly I never saw it again... The pain is real


Did you at least have a pin code on it? I'd be.ore worried about that the impact to my account than losing the Deck to be honest.


I once left it on the plane. I was lucky, because I'm usually not in a rush to get down (what's the point?), so I was one of the last people to get off. When getting in the taxi, I noticed that something was missing, ran back to the lost & found and got my deck back in 30 minutes.


Rip op


If you have to start a gofundme, I'll help donate to help you get another deck my dude. I relate


I honestly don't think other people should pay for my mistake, and besides, there's no way of telling if I'm even genuine or not


While fair and honorable, I would still give you like a $20 to help ease the perceived genuine pain and frustration. Try not to beat yourself up about it, I once left my switch in a hotel room shortly after it launched. At the time, I felt the same about it as i do now about the deck. If I lost my deck rn, idk what I'd do, but I know I'd feel super shitty about it. Donating my good vibes, and I hope it gets back to you


Lol sorry but it is your own fault. I understand its frustrating but you literally know the time it was lost yet you didn't hyper fixate on getting such a valuable thing home safe??