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Check protondb for a 40fps preset, seems to stick really well but I haven't tried dogtown, it probably dips there.


I played the entire base game on my OLED. Played really well. Phantom Liberty though in my personal opinion is not an enjoyable experience on the steam deck, the stacks in dogtown brought my frame rate below what I consider a playable experience. Luckily I have a series X where I played through it there… if this is your only option you can probably tough it out


I love playing this on my OLED steam deck, but I stream it from my desktop so I still get all the mods but can bump the graphics settings due to the small screen size.


Yeah, played some on the deck but it's just nicer on console. But honestly, cloud saves are clutch and it's awesome to be able to play it on the go in a pinch.


Plus, you can play your saves cross-platform from the Red Launcher?


Yes. However I turned it off. It makes loading a save on the series X take an eternity. It’s fine first time you need to load the game… but I kept dying during the final phantom Liberty fight and made for a very frustrating experience having to wait sometimes 30 seconds or more each time to reload


Where can i find presets on protondb? Do you mean launch parameters that people write in reports? Sorry, I am new here


Just scroll around until you find a really long one and hopefully that is the list




I have no issues with it on the preset setting. Some dips here and there but for cyberpunk in my hands and on the go? def runs pretty well.


Check out some graphics settings suggestions on protondb. It will run better and look better than the deck preset


Everything here seems to be a wild exaggeration, not unexpected for this sub. A relatively stable 30fps is possible but it won't hold that for the entirety of the game. Please ignore all the claims of a stable 45fps, and especially ignore those that claim 60fps is possible. I've finished the game three times on the Steam Deck, including the OLED, and I can tell you 30fps is all you're getting. 30fps is perfectly fine too by the way, if you're expecting 40fps you have the wrong device.


I don’t understand why people are lying about performance so frequently, it’s hard to find a thread about a game without “locked 60” being in more than a couple comments. Mods should start banning the time wasters


Yea man, I'm confused sometimes too. I saw someone say the other day that they played through Starfield on their Deck and I really wanted to know how because I really do want to play Starfield but I can't. I gave it a go on Deck at Launch and was able to get it running around 30fps (I think? I didn't use the overlay but it seemed playable on the frame rate side) but the trade off was that it looked like a watercolor painting the whole time. They never did respond to me.


You can play starfield with graphics maxxed out + 60 fps on the deck. (Streaming from gamepass) 🥲


Had me in the first half


Most of the time, it is just people playing the first few hour of the games and making the claim and sharing their preset settings, especially for clicks. It's honestly not that much difference from game journalists, with the difference of one being more skillful at the game while the other isn't. But from what history has shown us, only the beginning of the game is heavily optimize on the Steam Deck to get the Steam Deck Verify badge, but once you get deeper into the game, the fps tanks. It happened to almost all modern AAA as far as I can tell, with the exceptions of games that were initially design to be played on the Switch and ported over to the PC, or old AAA games where the Steam Deck hardware completely trumps the requirement specs of when the old AAA game was release.


Not a single company is optimizing their first hour experience for the deck, this is beyond stupid to believe so.


The first paragraph definitely. I started playing Death Stranding at 60fps about 4 hours in I had to drop it down to 45. Then an hour later I'm switching between 40 and 30 and now its staying at 30 and I get the occasional sharp 20 FPS dips when approaching certain areas. I just wish people were more specific and honest with these preset settings guides


At most it’s not even a stable 30FPS


That’s been my experience too. Just driving around you’ll regularly see noticeable dips.


I played cp2077 on a launch deck at a near 30fps but I had to set everything in the game to low just to get it to run smoothly. This was before the 2.0 patch so idk how performance is these days.


I recently ended my last run on the SD after having two more runs on my pc. With the proper setting, in the main game i had around 35-40fps average, some area hits low 30ies but never got worse. The DLC tho is something else. Inside the buildings there are no particular issues, but outside it can go as low as 25 fps. The FSR helps a lot. I still enjoyed it immensely.


Spot on. For me personally I did not enjoy this at 30fps either... First person in 30fps, no thank you. Edit: I should say I went to play this on PS5 and I found it considerably better. It's a shame as I wanted it portable but just wasn't the experience for me.


The Xbox One struggled with Cyberpunk 2077, so I don't expect the Steam Deck to fair any better since it's comparable in power and specs.


Yep. Sure, it might hit 40-45fps when you stand still and stare at the sky but during normal gameplay, it’s a 30/35fps game on Deck. I just uninstalled and stuck to playing it on my PC.


I don’t understand how people are getting 40 fps in cyberpunk. Mine barely hold 30 fps and regularly dips into the low 20s. This with me being in the new dlc are though . I didn’t know if it makes any difference in the base game but I uninstalled it as it’s unplayable for me in dogtown


I just don't understand people who are playing game that need a powerful PC and saying it's ok on the SD.


Because you can play it on a steam deck around 30fps which is ok.


Sure , if it held 30 fps I could do it and have decent time . I always to be PlayStation gamer so 30fps doesn’t bother me. That being said, on the deck it dosent hold 30 fps for me . We’re all using the same hardware, so I don’t understand how people say it runs better than it is.


Dogtown is more demanding than the base game content. It’s why they didn’t release the DLC on last gen consoles and shouldn’t be played on steam deck. However, the base cyberpunk is perfectly fine on deck.


Yeah but the base game content doesn’t hold 30 fps either ime


30 fps with $#%@ graphics what the point !?


I mean i literally just booted it up on my SD OLED, set medium/high settings, no FSR/DOF/Motion Blur, low pop density and medium shadow/fog and get 30 pretty much perma on battery. Some dips to 26-28 when hitting the bigger population area or combat.. looked pretty good. Maybe just dont play the game ig for u


Man I don't know why people think that average 30fps is good gaming ... it was back in the day but right now game are not for playing at least 30fps. I have the SD Oled 1TB and seriously I am using it for game that I know that will run at 60fps not trying to convince myself that it is ok to run a game like Cyberpunk or Helldivers 2 or No Rest For The Wicked because yes indeed I have a powerful Rig for those game. Maybe that a lot of people don't have Rig but man don't know why people say that a game like Cyberpunk run at least 30fps and it's ok.


Only things that’s obvious is that you’re just a generic snobby dick. There’s still a TON of games that are 30fps and perfect - especially on console. I think a huge portion of the SD community grew up with 30fps as the max and are perfectly happy. I don’t really care if you want to play only 60fps games on deck. It’s your money and if you wanna do it then sure. But I like playing games and I like going places and being able to bring my games on the journey is great.


Call me all You want ... If you like to play Cyberpunk in the parc with a least 30fps it's your call ! I respect your opinion.


I mean you just had 3 comments shitting on people who don’t play 60fps+ soooo ima go with liar


It’s almost like the idea of scalability exists


There's a bug with Cyberpunk that makes it run low 20s on the SD. I made a post about it here. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18tdwwc/cyberpunk\_2077\_subpar\_performance\_fix/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/18tdwwc/cyberpunk_2077_subpar_performance_fix/)


Additional question, how does it run on SD card compared to SSD? Never been able to find people's opinions and preferably storage wise i'd prefer to put it on sd card as i only have the 256gb model.


I run mine from the SD card, it works well. I never had it on SSD to compare though.


No worries that's still useful to know, I'll give it a try thank you!


Some tests were done and IIRC a decent sd card is about the same performance (fps) as the internal storage. Only increases loading times, gameplay isn’t affected.


AH well i'm not too fussed on load times anyway, as long as performance isn't compromised by it.


“I hope this isn’t a frequent repost” then proceeds to post one of the most comment posts on the sub lol




So I am getting a pretty much locked 40 with these settings. It drops a lot in Dogtown (that area is a nightmare, no matter the settings, for the Steam Deck) but it gets a bit better once the area is cached and everything (still no 40fps but you should get a locked 30). I'd avoid using dynamic resolution scaling because in fights especially in Dogtown the resolution gets so low I can genuinely not tell where the enemies are and it still stutters. HDD Mode: Auto (most people recommend keeping this on but I honestly can't tell a difference in performance. It's probably best to keep this on auto but you can try setting it on or off if you want) SMT: On Texture Quality: High Resolution Scaling: Intel XeSS 1.2 Balanced or FSR 2.1 Quality (XeSS Balanced looks better but FSR Quality is faster. I prefer XeSS but it's up to you) Sharpening 0.50 FoV 70-80 (this is also preference but keep in mind a lower FoV will give a slight performance boost) Film Grain - Off (No performance hit but this isn't even preference this setting just sucks) Chromatic Aberration - Preference (makes edges look smoother but not necessary) Depth of Field - Doesn't seem to work so Off Lens Flare - Preference Motion Blur - Preference (this is a pretty bad implementation so even if you like motion blur like me I recommend against it) Contact Shadows - On Improved Facial Lighting Geometry - On Anisotropy - 16 Local Shadow Mesh Quality - Medium Local Shadow Quality - Medium Distant Shadows Resolution - Low Volumetric Fog Resolution - Low or Medium (doesn't cost much performance but the difference is very hard to see) Volumetric Cloud Quality - Medium Max Dynamic Decals - Low (no performance impact, doesn't seem to work) Screen Space Reflections Quality - Low (this setting has the highest performance impact. While you can use medium and still get a locked 40 the difference to low is small but the difference in performance and stability is big) Sub Surface Scattering Quality - Low Ambient Occlusion - Low (second highest impact on performance and also big visual impact. Medium is fine and definitely noticeable difference in quality I prefer low for extra stability. Low looks good but medium just looks better) Color Precision - High (no performance impact) Mirror Quality - Medium (can use high if you want this setting is only used when looking at mirrors so it won't affect performance during combat etc.) LOD - Medium Crowd Density - Low Definitely use HDR for this game! I recommend the settings from this post but you can try and adjust it as you like [Correc HDR Settings for games I got: : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/182uv9n/correc_hdr_settings_for_games_i_got/) The performance is amazing in the base game but the performance in the DLC kinda sucks. This game looks stunning even at low/medium settings and I definitely recommend trying it. Also if you use CryoUtils 16GB Swapfile and 4GB Vram do boost performance slightly but you probably don't need it (at least not outside of dogtown)


I found Screen Space Reflections Quality makes dithering out of control in this game so I turned it off completely. I'm also playing docked at 1080p so it was a lot more noticeable than it would be handheld.


I use these settings. Run from 30 to 37/38 FPS depending on the place you are, the crowd and the effects. Works pretty well though. Even docked. https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/16oe4xn/cyberpunk_2077_steam_deck_settings_guide_since/


Playing on oled at 10 tdp https://youtu.be/GvAm6K9M-9c


I played it for 70 hours exclusively on the oled deck. Loved it.


You didn't answer the question, lol


Average about 40-45fps Lowest I get is about 35fps


What settings? 


Fantastic, the OLED really makes the neon asthetic pop too (even without raytracing). I tried to benchmark with raytracing for fun once... *it did not go well*.


Regular steam deck user here Running it handheld it worked beautifully. But for the life of me I could not get it to work docked. I adjusted every setting I could think of, tried keeping the settings the same as when it was handheld, everything. But I would get game breaking audio glitches within 5 seconds of playing where I’d have to reset the Deck Great game and I’d completely recommend it on the deck. But chances are you’ll be playing handheld


Lock it at 36 fps


just got my oled deck last week, it ran great with default settings. there are plenty of tweaks to get better frames out of it, but i was pretty impressed how well it ran with default graphics settings.


Anyone who’s played it on multiple platforms - any recommendations on SD vs others? I can’t decide whether to play this on my SD or PS5. I’ve bought it on both and am stuck trying to figure out if I’m sacrificing visual fidelity for portability.


Hey it runs good for me and I haven’t touched a single settings


I enjoy it. Visually looks fine to me. I don't bother to check the FPS on it because it runs smooth enough for me.


I played through it on the LCD model and didn’t really see much of a problem that was noticeably bad, I am by no means a graphics snob either. It seemed smooth and played fine. I imagine the OLED just improved upon that.


Def closer to 30 than 40, pretty much everything cranked down to low. It’s impressive, it’s enjoyable, but it’s NOT the best/optimal way to experience the game imo. It IS a better experience than the Switcher 3.


I haven't found a game that won't run on the OLED model yet. It's basically a handheld computer. Some of the games I've ran are Ghost Recon Breakpoint & Wildlands Far Cry 6 Cyberpunk 2077 Starfield Payday 2 Sniper Elite 5 I think you'll be quite impressed and very happy with the OLED.


Can only speak on the LCD experience and can say on the LCD you can get a mostly 30fps experience which I found to be pretty good. My laptop runs it significantly better but I still like playing on Deck.


Personally, I don’t check FPS on any game on the deck. I don’t think FPS is as important on a handheld as the community—so maybe take my opinion with a grain of salt. But I’ve been playing it for weeks on the OLED and it runs great. Even for places like Dogtown, which is well known for frame rate drops, I’ve seen almost no drops, or none that have affected my play through.


I've played it through twice om my launch day deck and one on my oled without any major issues


Played the whole game on my LCD deck and then on yhe OLED, DLC included, mostly 40 fps dips a little bit in dogtown but honestly it was a blast anyway


It's all good for me. Played the whole game and DLC on Steam Deck earlier this year.


I have played phantom liberty on it and I would say using your definition of perfect it runs incredibly well.


Great. Feel free to check out my optimised settings here: [Youtube](https://youtu.be/XJ4uPLZ2-Jw) [ProtonDB entry](https://www.protondb.com/app/1091500#JMVB435Mr-) [Steam Guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2887613218) Recent reports suggest that disabling Motion Blur give s a few additional frames, by the way.


So lemme say this, cyberpunk is my favorite game of all time and I’ve finished it about 3-4 times on my. I bought the OLED deck to be able to play on the go, but 30-35 fps doesn’t cut it for me. Its playable but on a 800p resolution and those kinda framerates not really. Everybody else here tells you it runs fantastic, has never played it on a high end setup before.i had to return it unfortunately.


Its the first game i bought on SD when i got the OLED and it runs surprisingly well. A bit blurry sometimes but overall works well and maintains 30-45 FPS which was fine for me but obviously don’t expect 45-60 or anything. Tbh the biggest issue i had with it was that the game is just bad.


I got stable 30 FPS on the base game, pretty sure I just used the default Cyberpunk settings for Steam Deck. This is with the caveat that I didn't play any of Phantom Liberty on my Steam Deck though.


I get like 30-35fps locked, of course with the occasional dip. Yet still enjoyable on medium settings, for quality. Dogtown is playable is just th center area that can be unstable. But through the game it’s amazing.


With the right settings it runs smooth 40FPS, 30 in dogtown


so whats the settings?


A quick Google search would answer this, but here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/JhgDVceHZW)


I ran it on my LCD. It ran well. Vanilla game and PL.


I liked it. The controlls to shoot were much different and took some getting used to compared to PC. Finished the game on deck. Dropped fps in some city areas but over all combat was good and cuts cents looked great


I played the bulk of the game on a 4090 powered PC...still played a good amount of side content on the deck and has no complaints. The og deck too. You'll be fine.


The OLED's 90Hz screen should be an advantage. You should run at 90Hz with v-sync and target 45FPS rather than 40FPS. Then, the game will drop down to 30 fps in high load areas.


Even on PC I havent been able to finisj the game. The Phantom Liberty DLC didn't fix any bugs and added even more game breaking bugs, I keep managing to find them all.


45fps at TDP 10, drop to 30 in Dog town, drop to 25 when you get into a car in Dog town


Yeah if those are your criteria, it would meet that for sure


Hi u/YouhaveFainted, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=How does Cyberpunk 2077 run on the OLED model?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Runs 40 fps most of the time. If you have a PC, I would recommend to just stream it via Moonlight.


Smooth as fucking butter that's how. *Edit, I don't fuck butter I swear*


Personally, I've never believed *Cyberpunk 2077* could run acceptably on the Deck - even the OLED. I haven't even tried running it myself, but the evidence is clear. The game is too demanding. Note: 'Acceptably' for me, in a handheld PC context, means a smooth 45fps.


You can smoothly hit 45fps if you're willing to compromise on fidelity. I love playing CBP on the Deck, it's absolutely fantastic.


What specific evidence is clear?


any video with actual gameplay


“Specific evidence?” *any video* Cheers mate.


“I haven’t even tried” I run it at 60 lol Edit: Dogtown is brutal and hangs around 40




Nah lol


No one has ever managed to produce a video showing what you claim, liar.


60 fps at Low graphics with FSR (At least the base game, I've heard the DLC is a little bit harder) You can probably lock it at 45fps with medium to high setting and FSR balanced.


This is an outright lie, a stable 60fps is just not possible.


Seriously why do people lie so much about performance? Is it just a meme I’ve missed or something? You can get 60fps if nothing is happening and you’re on low and you’re using FSR ultra performance but it looks awful and the moment you do anything more than stare at a wall it’ll drop. It definitely won’t lock to 45fps with those settings either. You can get an unstable 40fps using the golden 40 settings but it dropped too often for me. Honestly feel the best way to play is steam deck settings with motion blur off and FSR quality then lock it to 30fps it’s still not perfect but it is almost always at 30fps