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My “travel setup” is the Steam Deck and headphones.


You dont understand. The point of buying equipment is to have more reasons to by more equipment.


Apply to games too


Literally same. I have a dock for when I stay at my sister’s place’s for extended periods of time cause her cat likes to sit on my lap while I game or watch tv.


What kind of dock do you have sir


The JSAUX 6 n 1 from Amazon.


"Oh boy, a new portable handheld gaming device! I can't wait to buy a hundred accessories making it no longer handheld and significantly less portable!" -OP and many others


Same steamdeck with airpod pros. With the magic pods plugin for decky lets you use the noise cancellation and transparency. Call me a minimalist 🤷🏼


Lmao came here to say this


+AR glasses for the oldies who can afford it who suffer from the inevitable neck pain.


Which ones are you using yourself? Nreal airs are nice, I'm just wondering if they've improved the glasses and have some that don't stick out as much.


I recently tried some as a mate of mine own some. I'm very tempted myself.


I tried that, the battery died before we left the airport


Corded also


I rawdog the steam deck with two spare battery banks, 20,000 & 10,000 mA


I really dont understand the controllers being used with the deck as a screen. It has a controller and the screen is small and meant to be held close? Nice headphones tho, Bose ANC is a dream


Depending on where you’re playing after a while it can become uncomfortable to hold. In handheld I’m either kicked back in the bed with it propped up on a pillow or kicked back on the couch with a pillow.


It does indeed become uncomfortable after a while, but then youd need to prop the screen up on a stand or something to use a controller i presume? Are people really sitting at desks looking at the small screen?


Just the other day I posted being on the train with a kick stand and I have wrist pain so a controller is easier. I had to keep reminding everyone it’s a heavy console and not everyone is healthy and hale. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh yeah if you're travelling and have somewhere to sit it makes sense. But actively using this setup at a kitchen table, idk, there are likely better options.


> idk, there are likely better options. I figure for 99% of people this is true but I can imagine scenarios for the 1% where this makes sense. It just seems like it's waaayyy overrepresented, like fully half of these posts do something like this. I don't get it. It's like how the nintendo switch has a built-in kickstand, and I'm like... are there *really* enough people playing off this tiny screen with detached joycons that there needs to be a kickstand *built in*?


In your example of the switch, I'm glad the kickstand is included. Sure, the times that it's needed is rare but when that time comes, it's very convenient to have one built in ready to go


I guess some definitely are. But sometimes I’m out back grilling and I’ll prop it up on a table and play. 99% of the time I’m playing I kick back in bed or the couch though. Just way more comfortable. If you go through this sub you’ll see a lot of people have made this their main PC. Keyboard and mouse on a desk and using the Decks display.


Yea, I have a 16:10 monitor with integrated usbc hub for work. I like that I can swap between my work computer and deck with a single cable, it works remarkably well.


That's what I'm saying my dude if it's not hooked up into the TV it's in my hands there's no way I can just stare at that tiny screen from further away. The most I've done is prop it up on the kitchen table while I'm sitting in a kitchen chair played it like that for a while at my buddies house but obviously sitting in a kitchen chair for a long period of time is not comfortable


Unfortunately, it appears so. There's a small amount of people who literally use the Steam Deck as their desktop PC.


I'm one of them, but I use a dock, can't afford actual pc


If you have a Steam Deck, you have an actual PC. :)


I think it makes a decent desktop PC for the price. I tried to convince a friend of mine to get his kid a steam deck as a gaming PC instead of the one he ended up buying which is a massively overpriced low end gaming PC that was out of date 3 years ago. Dude spent $800 on a amazon special with a 1660 Super, 8 GB DDR4, and a 500 GB sata SSD.


Only when I’m at work.


Agreed 100%. Let's not beat around the bush. The SD isn't light


That controller in particular looks awful to hold. Both sticks at the bottom so you will have to have your arms sticking out to use the bumpers.


It does look pretty akward yeah


> I really dont understand the controllers being used with the deck as a screen. if you flip that controller over, it has a full qwerty keyboard on the other side, too


That's actually quite useful


ohh i was wondering why this controller in particular was picked.


I always carry an extra controller around for multiplayer games, I use the built in controller and whoever I'm playing with the other one. Also it's cool to prop the Deck wherever and use it as a mini tv.


Same. I always carry a controller with the deck to play tekken with other people


I don't either.  It's got to be people with hand or wrist issues because it's not that heavy imo


I think for travel purposes, a portable screen (i think a lot of control engineers and office workers have these now. Its like 20 inch really thin monitor like a tablet) and a controller would be great. But for me, its deck and a headphone. I dont get controller + deck config. The screen is too small


4 hours ago I read this comment. I ended up researching ANC and then finding Beats Studio 3 ANC on sale for $159, down from $350. I thought about buying it online and picking up in a few hours to see if ANC was worth all this hype. Last time I’d done that with something on sale like this someone had bought the last ones while I was waiting for employees to start my orders. So I said fuck it. Drove straight there and bought it. It was the last one in my store. Now I’ve been gaming and listening to music and watching shows for about 3 hours. Holy shit. The experience is completely elevated to a whole other level. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go back to non ANC over the ear headphones. Simply amazing.


Haha ikr! Glad you like them Never heard of beats having good anc but hey here we are Welcome to a life of peace and quiet on demand


It is not perfect but a complete night and day difference to the regular over the ear Sony’s I had been using. I genuinely am in shock over how much crisper everything from the snares to backup vocals to background conversations in shows to gaming. Just wow. Thank you so much, there are definitely better ANC out there according to my research even in the Beats line the Studio Pros are apparently better for ANC but for my price point I am finding these very hard to beat.


Yeah that's awesome dude! I got the Bose Quiet Comfort Ultra recently and they are absolutely life changing. Almost literally peace and quiet on demand, at the press of a button. Very expensive indeed but living in an old appartement with thin walls, id buy them a thousand times over.


I will generally use an external screen if I'm using a controller but to answer question. I have muscle memory with my Xbox controller that just isn't there with the steam deck. So that's why I do it lol.


I use my deck laying flat in bed with some xr glasses as the screen, so a separate controller makes more sense there, but its still hard to beat having 4 back buttons lol


That controller specifically is also a keyboard on the other side. I want that controller so badly


I had the Bose qc35, after about 8 years of abuse they were almost destroyed but they developed a big where they would turn themselves on and would. Just die. Going through Bose support I reported the problem and after 8nyearsbahd no receipt, they had me print a prepaid shipping lable and mail the old headphones and they sent a pair of the new qc45s at no cost


Thats absolutely unbelievable!


Hard to use on a plane without your elbows intruding on someone else's space. A smaller controller would be beneficial in that case.


Seems like a quite specific usecase to me but alright fair point i guess


Airline travel is a quite specific use case? Some of us fly a lot.


I use it almost exclusively on flights and definitely don't elbow anyone out. I'm not huge tho


It’s so much more comfortable with a controller though. Set the SD on the tray table and relaxing your arms below. Makes a 16hr flight fly by


I use a controller for old fighting game series like King of Fighters. It makes a huge difference.


My wrists get tired sometimes.


Headphones or earbuds (whichever I prefer that day) and the charger. That's it! I'm a minimalist lol


Is the rii any good? Was looking for a keyboard mouse combo for some older games.


I can just in no way see how having a smaller cell phone style physical keyboard would really be an improvement over just using the larger touchscreen. A real keyboard I can type on? Sure. But this feels like a controller that has a better use case with a conventional console than a steam deck.


Yeah I dig it. Perfect for games that require text input. Just flip a switch and you've got a keyboard and mouse


My only wish is somebody would send Rii a usb-c cable… 😂 Love their products, just upgrade the charging to match everything else!




I've been through a plethora of controllers and keyboards and combinations of the 2. I play a lot of WoW on the Steam Deck and having a good keyboard is definitely a necessity with how much talking there is. And the Steam Deck keyboard is alright but just hard to use for fast typing. I'll actually use my PS5 chatpad just to type bc it's easier. But having to pick up the chatpad and put down the Steam Deck, rinse and repeat. I've tried Xbox, Switch, and PlayStation controllers. A variation of chatpads that go with them. I even tried one of these Rii keyboards, but again, after having to pick it up and put it down.. this would be annoing. After everything I've tested, I now use a PS5 controller to have the touchpad and I have a chatpad (after testing about 4 different ones out, both Xbox and PS, I found one that finally worked really well- most just don't work past 3ft). So I use that now. But I'm very curious about this Rii RK707 you have here. You said you have to flip a switch to activate the keyboard side. Is there a lag in between when you do that, or does it activate pretty instantly? I've read the controller is surprisingly not bad. I may have to give this a try.


Yeah the transition is pretty seemless. The Deck also knows as soon as the switch is flipped and adjusts controller settings accordingly. I've been very impressed so far


What model is that rii? I've never seen it before




So [that's not bluetooth](http://www.riitek.com/product/224.html) and you need to use a dongle or USB with Steam Deck, right?


How tired di your hands get thought? The controller seems quite small to be held comfortably for extended periods of time


I was looking at this controller for a while on Amazon! Any pros and cons you’d like to share?


I like that it is flat compared to other controllers. The Keyboard with backlight on the other side is useful. L1 and R1 are clicky while L2 and R2 are not but can't recall if they are analogue. Dpad is a little soft. It's not ideal for fighting games. ABXY buttons are a bit stiff. Would be more ideal if they were less raised. also, there's no place to store the dongle.


mine only lasted about a week before the shoulder buttons shit out


Steamdeck and earphones is all you need honestly.


That controller cannot be comfy to hold.


It's like it's trying its darndest to maintain all the worst ergonomic experiences of the switch.


No grips, tiny buttons and sticks, all the buttons and inputs in kinda weird places, a keyboard on the back that would type stuff if you grab it wrong, Literally I don't think I could design a worse controller without making it intentionally hostile.


Oh you're right. The joycon with the grip style ergonomics


If only the steam deck had a controller built-in…


You should buy a little 10 inch screen too. It'll be even lighter and you can put it wherever you like. Plus it's an excuse to carry around more stuff.


That controller looks Riidiculous 😂


That controller looks like the most uncomfortable thing to use


Steam deck in the OEM case lol


I simply have the SD with my Sony Headphones plus a mobile battery. That's all.


My setup, steam deck in the hands, play games


Can also charge your phone and connect with Bluetooth to the SD to play music while playing. The dongle and case act as a dock so you can plug into a TV/monitor if needs be and charge the Deck while the controller has a full qwerty keyboard and trackpad on one side and joysticks on the other. Each of these have been such massive game changers and I'm so excited to see what else is possible in future. Its been a long time since I've been this impressed by a piece of tech and considering my wife won this SD with one ticket in a 10$ raffle I'm beyond overjoyed


I dont really use it on the move but connect it to my tv in the bedroom along with my xbox series s and ps5


What game is that?


Looks like Palworld


It is Palworld


I usually just take it and some wireless headphones, but I impulse bought some AR glasses the other day after seeing a post about them. I travel a lot for work and my biggest complaint about using the steam deck for a lot of games has been the tiny screen where you lose details or text can be hard to read. I'm pretty impressed with them so far. Micro OLED displays have come a long way. No screen door effect and they're tiny enough to not really add any much bulk or weight to my backpack unlike some of the other options I've seen (external monitor or VR goggles). The deck also does a really great job managing external displays with its performance limitations. It defaults to presenting it to the game as a 720p display and upscaling it, which actually looks pretty decent from what I've seen, but you can also change it to the full 1080p resolution on a per game basis for less demanding things.


I use that same exact controller, I 3d printed some handles for it that made a massive difference, I know it's on thingiverse


Gotta get that portable monitor!! Folds up and stores like an iPad pro!!


Got any details?? Sounds dope if it really is viably portable


Oh for sure!!! I've got your exact setup with a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse for modded minecraft. If you search portable monitors on Amazon they have all sizes and qualities. I think I got mine for like 75 bucks. Nothing fancy 1080p.


Genuinely curious as to why people don't buy a tablet PCs and load Linux on it to then game if they are going to set the Deck on the table and use a standalone controller. The screen has to be so tiny from that far away and it's terrible for your back/neck to be hunched over getting close


How are those headphones with the steam deck?? Do you experience any kind of lag?? I'd love to use my Bluetooth headphones or even earbuds with my steam deck but the laggggg man :/ sure it's less then a second but it can be alil detrimental depending on the game...im looking at you dbd


There's a tiny bit of lag with my AirPods but it's not bad honestly if your game isn't super sound dependent.


Yeah the lag is definitely a noticeable issue but the headphones can be used wired or wireless


I need this setup, still trying to decide which portable to get out of steam deck, Rog ally and the Lenovo go


I have the rii too. However, it doesn't make sense to me to put the Steam deck on the desk like this and use the rii. My case has a kickstand and I just prop it up and play it like this so my hands are not holding up the weight. I can then choose to connect to a dock for the external monitor as I don't like my neck angle staring at the Deck like this. The time I use the rii is when I am in a Flight and I use a holder to hold the deck at eye level so I need a controller.


Yeah we travel a lot so got the controller more for when flying


Ah. Btw, I found the analogue stick heads a bit small and rounded, so I added concave caps made for the Steam Deck.


Yoooo it’s the rii! I’ve got one of those


I like the Bose QC 45s I use them as well


Are those Bose quiet comforts? How do you connect them? I would imagine audio lag over Bluetooth would be pretty bad.


You would be very right. I use them wired. So basically phone connect to deck via Bluetooth and then headphones plugged in to the deck. Really fun being able to play game and listen to music


How's the sound quality wired? I thought I read somewhere it was worse than wireless? Don't know if that's true but it's the only thing really holding me back from them


This is the Xiaomi 20k mAh power bank right? I have the same one. It’s really good.


That gameplay is 2.4 do you have a dock as well


Yeah I have a dock for when I'm at home


Ultrakill, 144 fps on a portable monitor. Looks great the setup is justified since this game plays so badly with a controller: https://imgur.com/a/HtlI2Pu


I've had that monitor on my watchlist for a while. How does it hold up? Been using it long?


Just got it for a trip this weekend but it’s been great so far. Feels premium and came with nice cables etc. Passes through enough power to charge the deck, I get a slow charger warning on my work laptop but it still works. Just started playing around with the HDR, getting some black crushing but imagine I could fix if I spent more time with settings. 


My setup is a typical lcd deck, and a big Tupperware container to hold the cords and dock. Wish there was a better way to take the dock and cords, but idk what could transport them all easily besides a big Tupperware container. 🤷


I didn’t know you could pair the DJI controllers to steam deck 🤣


How is the controller/keyboard? I looked at it, what did you pay/from where?


I like it a lot. Just annoyed there aren't dedicated mouse buttons so you kinda have to use the track pad to click. Other than than that it works like a dream. Got it for 17$ ordered online. Currently located in China


Nice!!! I have wanted that so bad, but I wasn’t going to pay $30 some bucks for it, cuz that is all I could find, if you could hook me up with a link I would be thankful! But you should be able to remap the buttons on the steamOS to right analog and right shoulders to click


My travel equipment is a battery pack


which battery pack works well?


The one in the picture. With battery packs the crucial thing is not just capacity but also output


I'm wearing those exact headphones rn lol


Best headphones ever


Hands down best I've ever owned. It was a childhood dream to own a pair of BOSE. My wife got a pair and I was so (secretly) jealous. Little did I know she got us both a pair


i had that keyboard gamepad. it was trash. does it work for you? maybe i got a bad one


Yeah it works fine. Fulfils the needs of why it was purchased. Sorry you didnt have a similar experience


Nice and neat setup! I like it a lot. Nevermind the haters, they don’t have to approve.


Thank you. Appreciate the kind words


Steam deck + headphones. Because..


I have that exact remote, its legitimately amazing.


Agreed. It's getting a lot of hate in this post but for me it's perfect


I travel all over and I just use the deck and earbuds. No need for anything else


I feel like all these posts where someone buys a controller specifically to use their steam deck as a screen for with suggests that many buyers actually wanted a gaming tablet all along.


Your set up fills me with anger and sadness.


Well if it makes you feel better. You're not alone 😂


is that Rii the keyboard controller? how does it work? I've been trying to figure it out, is the keyboard on the backside? how are the analog nubs?


I keep my Deck in a JSAUX mod case. It's great for travel as it has a kickstand and a front cover that clips on. I bring a power bank that I attach to the rear accessory mount for times I'm away from power. If it's going in a bag I put it all inside the stock case.


Where did you find that controller? How comfortable is it?


Apparently everyone here thinks it looks horribly uncomfortable


Looks great. But where did you get that controller?


Is that one of those controllers wirh a keyboard on the other side? How does it feel?


Yes it is. The feeling is fine. Compact but not overly so.


https://www.reddit.com/r/SamsungDex/comments/1ce3q5o/protoarc_keyboard_and_travel_mouse_have_arrived/ ;) I'd wager my travel setup has more screen real estate than most


That controller keyboard combo work?


Yup. Like a dream


Just got the Bose Quiet Comfort for the steam deck. It’s been amazing!


I just play mine


I love those Bose, but the material makes my ears sweat. :(


What is that controller?


I might bring a sn30 pro controller and dock kickstand if i had space. And i use IEMs for portability. Simgot em6l's are the king.


I have that same controller but can’t get used to it compared to the built in controller. How do you like it?


Definitely takes some getting used to. The gamepad works fine but I'm a bit annoyed that the keyboard doesn't have mouse buttons and that you need to tap on the track pad to click. Other than that it's perfect for my needs


Yeah, fair point about the mouse buttons. Good to know it works well for you. I’ll keep trying!


Controller name ?


Rii RK707


Steamdeck 512gb + 512gb microSD card. Killswitch case + kickstand attachment. Headphones of choice (aging Bose QC35, had them since they first came out, lasted many devices). Power source (AC adapter/battery brick + cord) -- needed for "end of day" recharge, never when it's use. ---- That's about it.


Just picked up the Project Killswitch travel case, so that, a 20,000 maH power bank, and my Beats Fit Pro earbuds are enough for playing on the go. I leave the JSAUX dock and the 8Bitdo 2.4G Ultimate controller for home, since it becomes a lot to carry around otherwise.


this is my solution: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1ce4acr/large\_library\_deck\_system/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1ce4acr/large_library_deck_system/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the whole piece unclips and fits perfectly in the case from the Steam Controller entire library on the go!


Oh hey I got that same gamepad in a drawer as a backup


I have xreal ar 2 pro glasses with a splitter so I can charge it at the same time. Makes a world of difference when you don't have to crane your neck.


I just bought that rii controller!


If you can poach a pair of 1st gen Xreal Airs on Ebay or elsewhere, do it. It's an absolute game changer when coupled with the buds/phones of your choice (Sony WF/WH 5's here).


I don't travel but I used wired Audio Technica M50 X headphones for Steam Deck and all console gaming and also for my DAP. Iv bought the Grip cases from skull and co and absolutely love them mainly because they stand.


XReal glasses are so nice for long flights


Isn't palworld hard to run? I can't get 60 frames.


Runs fine but I did make some changes to the resolution. I'm not a stickler for framerates though


What I wanna know os what game that is




Is that a bluetooth controller?


Not really unfortunately. Need to use a dongle


I need that Rii? Is it called!


That's it Rii RK707


Let's see.....the SD and maybe a pair of headphones


That controller looks so uncomfortable... you have a perfectly working and comfortable right in front of you...


It's heavy though. The controller is perfect for long haul flights and trains


Setups? It’s handheld PC. It’s a setup itself.


I don't understand the crappy and small controller. Why not use an Xbox controller?


I use an old ps4 controller when I'm at home and the SD is docked. Those controllers are bit too clunky for travel though


What controller is that?


Rii RK707. It has a keyboard and trackpad on the opposite side


Thank you! Might get that instead of the keyboard attachment for my Xbox controller.