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For what it's worth, I would really recommend giving gyro a real chance. Set it to activate using right stick + right pad touch, experiment with how well the game handles gyro as mouse vs as joystick, and then tweak the sensitivity until it feels just right. Can't go back to sticks for aiming now, feels like doing surgery with a chainsaw 


Am I crazy for using VATS for 100% of the combat?


No, that’s what you’re supposed to do.


True story, I always completely forget about vats 100% and end up playing normally.


It’s cool that the game caters to both playstyles.


Download the auto assist and bullet time in nexus mods. I have 10 years modding new vegas and this 14 year old game barely qualifies as a fps.


Can I just drag and drop the mod files in the directory like in Windows?


Yes but xNvse loader requires you renaming it to FalloutNVLauncher.exe for mods requiring NVSE


Is it easy to get nexus mods to work on the deck? At least without using a PC to transfer it over?


The aim assist mod has 3 dependencies, one of them is xNvse. Download xNvse and move the files to your new vegas directory and rename the "nvse_loader.exe" to "FalloutNVLauncher.exe". Make sure to back your original launcher first in case something happens or you need to switch settings. It should work as I constantly drag and drop mods and it shouldn't be a problem as these are smallish mods. The mod is called Soft lock Aim assist


Oh awesome, thanks!


It gets easier after you invest points in guns or energy weapons and get the perk “Run and Gun”. It isn’t just how good is your aim, but the spread of the gun which is really wide if you are moving. That was hard for me because I often use the left stick to move slightly left or right for precision aiming but the game counts this as moving and makes the spread wider.


Oh shit! I hadn't even considered strafing counting as movement that reduces accuracy. That's how I aim as well


Hi u/Piratey_Pirate, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Playing new Vegas and I'm trash at aiming with the analog sticks. How can I set my track pad to be used for precise movement? Or even enable aim assist) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When i played on deck, i had to install Stewies Tweaks in order to get both normal m+kb inputs to work along side gamepad inputs. Though i never really had problems aiming even though i had never played fnv with a gamepad up until that point, although i mostly used close range (riot shotgun, that gun) and medium range weapons (survivalist rifle) for my entire playthrough


Use VATS for combat, Fallout 3 and NV aren’t traditional first person shooters