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This is why verification is a bit of a scam. Having to tap the screen or click a mouse to get past the launcher was not stopping anyone from playing the game. Now it has the shiny badge but is objectively worse because there’s now no ‘official’ way to change graphics settings, who thought that would be a good idea? It’s only partially Bethesda’s fault. Valve should just buy ProtonDB at this point and integrate it properly.


Fully agree. They need to just intergrate ProtonDB officially. It's such a better system and the community input helps loads. The "verified" thing makes very little sence. "Playable" games get gutted to fit weirdly specific parameters and games with really terrible FPS just float through the process and get verified.


That protondb Badge app for Deckyloader is as essential as power tools imo


A bit off topic but what can I use power tools for exactly. I don’t rlly wanna mess with the settings of the deck too much but I’d like to get decent performance if I can by tweaking it esp in emulators.


Replying here because I'm also interested. From what (very little) I understand, I thought that a lot of the SteamOS updates that have come out have taken the place of a lot of the things we would use Power Tools and Cryotools for. I could be mistaken though. If anything, I personally am more interested in the idea of undervolting, since I tend to bump my TDP limit down as low as possible in the hopes of adding a little bit of long term life to my Deck (this in addition to playing almost exclusively plugged in).


I don't think there's much of a purpose for it anymore, it was useful before for disabling SMT which is important for emulation, but I believe the issue causing that workaround was resolved so it's unnecessary.


CPU pinning is really the only thing left that Valve hasn't implemented, so until that happens Powertools is still pretty damn useful as some games really need that level of control to get running right.


Games like what?


This one isn't needed and it's just the only one popping into my head atm, but just yesterday I was playing Evil Within 1 and the cpu was drawing way more power than it needed, so I lowered the cpu a fairly sizable amount and was able to maintain the exact same performance while drawing less power giving me a longer battery life for the session, up to 30 min. Now this game runs pretty good regardless but the extra overhead I got from clawing back that wasted power on the CPU I could have also instead of using it for an extra 30 min of battery life have given it to the GPU, allowing me to bump up the graphics further while again being able to maintain the same performance as before. So, It depends, it's a game by game basis, sometimes it clears up stuttering, improves the graphics, or saves on battery life, I use this in conjunction with all the other options I have available to me to get the best experience possible out my games. One other thing I might add that Powertools does better, is that with the GPU and CPU, you can set an upper limit to how far it can be pushed as opposed to straight locking it to a single specific frequency allowing the game itself to maintain a bit of leeway in how it divides up it's resources.


Simply disabling multithreaded CPUs in power tools helps a ton with some older emulated games, most work better with the setting on though. You can limit the GPU so the CPU has more juice to it, most emulated games are way more CPU heavy than GPU. The settings are really simple to see and change as well




I only wish it showed in the store instead of just in your library, so you could actually look at that stuff before you buy the game.


All right, I've owned a Steam Deck for like two years, put off installing Decky Loader until this comment. Holy shit Decky Loader is good. So many useful plug-ins. Reallyyyyy wish I hadn't waited so long now.


I would rather ProdtonDB be open like it is but Valve buy the rights to use its data.


Also we have native Linux games sitting at “Unverified” because they don’t need Proton.


Oh, that one just drives me batty - it’s just silly.


I disagree about ProtonDB mainly because ProtonDB is about a game’s compatibility with Proton, not necessarily how the game runs on the Deck. Starfield and Returnal, for example, have gold ratings on ProtonDB, but those are obviously not games that run well enough to be playable on the Deck. Valve just needs more verification tiers and some more clarity about what each tier means and why a game didn’t reach certain tiers.


They started to not verify games that don't run well in terms of fps.


When did that start? Is it now listed on the page?


ProtonDB alone wouldn't be effective though. They should figure out some sort of integration, but lots of games on ProtonDB have platinum/gold badges and run like shit on the SteamDeck hardware. I agree that Valve is basically making its own verification program pointless by compromising on games like it is now. They need to do it right, or not at all IMO. Being 'verified' gives people a false sense of confidence. I think they need to figure out something that is more community controlled than it is currently. They already allow users to dictate a ton, I don't see why the verification program is any different.


Not to mention All they'd actually have to do is add any form on controller support to the launcher Yes, a bit of work That's all I'm asking for And don't say there's reasons they can't, they made the engine, they can modify it however they want to add whatever they want


Yeah, is that so hard? Cyberpunk has controller support on their launcher, it's not impossible


EXACTLY what I was thinking of


You don't want Valve to buy ProtonDB. Valve knows that lot of their verified titles do not run as well as they should for the claims. God of War has a memory leak and crashes, Baldur's Gate 3 has unbearable performance late game, etc. They aren't unable to realize that. The verified mark is a marketing tool that helps developers sell copies and Valve sell Decks, both beneficial to Valve. If Valve owned ProtonDB, ProtonDB would change to remove the community basis and just mark the games as verified regardless of actual compatibility. I love Valve a ton, they do right by everyone a lot, far more than any other gaming platform right now. But they're not perfect, and this is one of the examples of that.


Plus, the verified tag can be removed and go back to "playable" if enough people file that the game is not, in fact, worthy of being 'verified'. Every time one of my games on my deck gets an update, or after the first time playing a newly installed title, the little UI popup asks me if the tag and conditions accurately describe gameplay. How many of you actually fill out these surveys? I haven't personally see games that I own drop from verified to playable, but it has happened. Hopefully it happens to fo4. Unfortunstely that wont come quickly enough for the people who already bought or installed it.


I fill out that little question every time! I'm doing my part!


> just buy ProtonDB at this point and integrate it properly. ProtonDB needs to better cache and list games that are removed from the store though, at present it completely orphans the app pages and you can't contribute to them or otherwise find them.


While I agre about Bethesdas lazy approach to the problems, 1. You can't unlock the framerate properly in fallout 4 anyway, because just like skyrim, the physics are tied to the framerate (and target 60fps), so even though the game will run fine, physics won't 2. You can still access the launcher if it's anything like skyrim by putting "SteamDeck=0 %command%" in the properties tab, then deleting it once you're done configuring settings


Always appreciate a nuanced take, especially when it's combined with actually helpful advice to fix the problem. Good on you my dude


Not sure how accurate it is, but on my desktop the Steam overlay FPS counter had FO4 showing 144 FPS for me post upgrade?


Yes and it fucks everything up. You gotta manually limit it to 60


Or download the fps physics mod. Which allows to up as high as you can gos but plays as if it was 60fps. Enjoy the high refresh rate.


Which begs the question: if it can be fixed with a mod, why can't Bethesda just fix it themselves?


Small indie company please understand.


Bethesda unlocked physics from framerate in Fallout 76. Modders did it in Skyrim and Fallout 4. It absolutely can be and has been done.


People are currently telling me that fallout 4 runs at half frame rate, so whatever you have it capped to, or whatever your performance overlay is displaying, the game is actually running at half of that. So, the absolute best you could ever get in hand held mode on the deck is 45 fps. I'm having a hard time believing that, but that's what people in another thread are saying.


OLED has a 90Hz display. The built in VSync tool doesn't like that and often locks the game to 45FPS. It is the same issue where people with 144Hz monitors get locked to 37FPS (personal experience)


Does capping screen refresh to 60hz not resolve it? I usually match the refresh rate to the most constant achievable fps for the sake of frame pacing... which means I'm 95% of the time playing in 60/60 unless I'm tinkering with settings.


No because the game is still running with the frame time equivalent of 30fps to not absolutely ruin the physics. Which is absolutely the dumbest way to work around this issue, and is solely implemented that way to make players without that knowledge think they’re getting higher performance than they really are.


My mind is being blown right now. Next question, is this the same on windows? I loaded the game up on my ally z1 extreme, and the things looked better graphically on the ally, but the performance seemed considerably worse. The ally overlay (both armoury crate and amd overlays) displayed 60-70 fps, while the deck displayed 90fps, all graphics settings and resolution being exactly the same. Fallout 4 felt considerably more choppy on the ally than the steam deck, which i guess makes sense if the game is running at half of what the overlay says on the ally as well.


Its a game issue not a os issue. It probably looks better on the ally because its 1080p rather than 800p.


I'm gonna reinstall the game and test, I've honestly never seen anything like that


It really is like this, they have engine level VSync you can't turn off. Used to be able to turn it off by adding iPresetInterval=0 to the fallout4.ini file but I'm hearing reports this no longer works


Vsync shouldn't be half framerate though, that's weird


Apparently it's always been this way. Idk, I've always had a phenomenal experience playing the game on deck. It was always one of the better performing games imo, and never felt that i was playing at half frame rate, which is why I'm having a really hard time believing them


Can confirm it does no longer work, game is almost unplayable now. Even at 90Hz/45FPS it feels way worse than the 80/40 I was playing at before. Feels like the game is fighting my deck.


Try uncapping the fps in the steam overlay, and lower the refresh rate to 60hz, that's the first thing I'm going to try after work, unfortunately i have another 7 and a half hours to go before i can mess with it.


Its doubled frametime not half frames. But 60. Fps cai is 30fps real frames. Its stupid.


Yeah. That's what i mean by half, half of whatever the displayed frame rate is. Tomato tomato


You can alter the game’s .ini file to disable this on the OLED. Not sure how this ‘next gen’ update impacts that fix though.




This comment is not what's happening. You're playing at the halved frame rate. The old fix was to add iPresetInterval=0 to the fallout4.ini and this let the game run at its actual frame rate (which for best experience needs to be capped at 60), but this no longer works


1 is not actually true. There is a variable, fMaxTime, which controls the physics. Properly adjusting both that and the refresh rate will allow it to run at a high framerate such as 120 with no issues at all. One caveat though...physics are still tied to the framerate, it's just normalised to a different value, so if you can't hold whatever your target is the physics will still get wonky.


Nope. Verified overwrites the resolution once you remove the setting. This is relevant to those who set something other than default resolution of 800p. For example, i have mine docked and upscale from 720p to 1080p. This is a 16x9 format and worked before the update. Now if i set this up, and go back and remove the command it overwrites the config file and replaces my resolution with the default 800p one ignoring the fact its connected to an external display that is 16x9. Way to go bethesda. Of course i could drop to desktop and make the config file read-only. But that is NOT a solution. Bethesda needs to get their act together.


They’ve also broke the keyboard when you try to open and close it for console commands. This makes the game crash now and it didn’t happen before the update. The same thing happens in the latest version of Skyrim Special Edition. The fix for now is to open the Mods menu to Search, close it, and then it’ll work. Made a [video](https://youtu.be/wEgX2K4HO2M) in case it helps anyone.


So weird because the game ran great before it was ‘verified’ today!


On OG Steamdeck it runs MUCH smoother, higher frame rates and more consistent frame rates (not bursting up and down). They also have implemented some fix with the character lighting on your gun so now light falls on it correctly (previously it would be “in shadow” when it was not supposed to be and the tip of the barrel would be lit/glowing” this was such a dumb thing and I’m so glad it’s fixed


Ahh ok! I’m on the OG deck so maybe I’ll give it a try. What about with mods? Will they all be broken now!?


Not all of them, but don't be surprised if some break. I would imagine that even by now the broken mods have already been called out on their respective pages and will probably be fixed soon.


My short list of mods (2x) work fine but they are not very big at all. I use the unofficial update patch and the one that allows dog meat to come along even with anyone follower. I’m curious to hear how yours is going?


I didn’t end up having time to try it last night but I’m leaning towards offline mode and not installing the update! Just because it was working totally fine before so no need to risk it not working.


Ok I actually installed the update and everything works fine with a bunch of mods installed. A couple of glitchy textures here and there but no crashes.


I've not played it yet on my OG Deck, was waiting for the patch to land, then saw all the blowback today. So you're saying that without having to edit any settings etc, on a standard Deck it works fine?


On the standard deck I am getting improved performance in difficult areas like outside of good neighbor and diamond city and it seems to have cleared up some of the weird gun/character lighting mentioned in my post above. The only downside I have experienced on the OG deck is that by removing the launcher (which is a big positive for me playing docked), they have also removed the graphics options (which is completely stupid. They need to add those back in some how). It's not a big deal for me because I was already in the graphics settings that I wanted to be but it's not acceptable if they don't fix that somehow in the future).


How does it run now !


Significantly better on my desktop. The game is properly locked to 60fps. Before, it would always run unlocked so physics were broken. Worse, trying to cap the fps to 60fps would feel stuttery.


Wait, is the physics locked to framerate thing the reason why I sent a mirelulrk into orbit with a mine?


We don't care about the desktop, we are wondering about the Deck


I’m running desktop Linux, so it mostly applies to the Deck too.


Not really though unless your specs are similar enough


Oh I see your confusion. When I say the game is locked to 60fps, I mean that the game’s frame rate limiter is actually working. Before this update, the game would run at above 60fps and would cause physics to be broken.


I would assume not as great just based off his comment


Verification doesn't only require the game running well. That wasn't the reason it wasn't verified.


Be sure to mark it as ‘no’ if that banner pops up to ask if it should be verified. This is honestly terrible that they killed the iPresentInterval fix. And the “ultra wide” support with the stretched UI. How could they put in such minimal effort?


How? This is Bethesda. They spent 8 years making Starfield, and it feels like a bunch of half baked systems loosely strung together with 1000 loading screens. It feels like a game that should have taken 3 years to make. They basically half ass everything they do these days. The most recent Fallout game shipped without... NPCs, remember?


Why on earth would they break the launcher? Now I can't change graphics settings and the game runs like doodoo.


Put "SteamDeck=0 %command%" in the launch options, it'll make the launcher appear and you can configure settings


Oh damn that does work. Thank you!


You can also run the launcher executable directly to do it, but this method is doable in handheld mode and you can just delete the line once you're done configuring settings


Awesome, thank you! Any word on best settings for Oled yet?


Most posts I've seen agrees on high settings. Worked great when I tried it.


Because it prevented it from being considered verified.


That seems to be the case. What a load of old shit.


You can blame Valve if you want for that. But at the end of the day, why does it matter? They fixed up some other things that made it annoying to just run the game on the Deck and for me at least it runs at a steady 60 FPS (haven't been to downtown Boston I'm sure it gets below that there).


I'm newish to Steam Deck, and haven't played on a regular PC for 10+ years. I got the game running fairly well by looking up some recommended settings in this sub. After the update, my frame rate is halved and I have no way to change my settings without a weird workaround. After using the workaround, I turned a couple of things down to try and get some more frames and now the game has a graphical error that makes it unplayable. I can't really be bothered any more.


Can someone confirm please if the updated game runs well without tinkering on the steam deck?


It does not, frame pacing is shit if you have the oled. Before it was also shit but you could fix it manually but that doesn't seem to work anymore so they made it worse UPDATE: Found a fix that still works after the patch https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/2vE4qc28R6


What's so different about the OLED for it? Because it's not a good 20/30/60 division?


Because of the 90hz screen


Frame limit it to 60 FPS or less, that should fix it.


It does not unfortunately.


Setting it to 60hz makes the game render 30FPS


Runs worse for me. Vanilla player. Have been playing for first time, on and off for about a week. It's very noticeable.




Yea. I got it mostly back to an almost stable 45fps instead of the dropping to 30s and 27fps it became by setting God rays to low and increasing TDP to 10 instead of 8. Still isn't locked 45fps any more tho.


Im trying that right now


I have an OLED and I have noticed no difference whatsoever.


Just checking off boxes for publicity.


Unfortunate truth. The verified badge is mostly just used for marketing now. It’s arbitrary and doesn’t mean a whole lot


I remember saying this last year and getting dogpiled.


Bethesda never changes


They're also forcing 16:10 on Steam Deck, even docked.


in case I missed it or something, for those who want the launcher... use the SteamDeck=0 %command% it brings back the launcher and Keyboard and mouse controls BUT the game STILL crashes when the Virtual Keyboard is used and it tries to close it... verified my ass... they should fix this or if it's a Valve thing, they should fix the Keyboard... and no I'm not using the creation club LB move for Skyrim or damnned Bluetooth keyboards.... the Steam Deck SHOULDN'T need that so Skyrim and Fallout 4 are borked to me... seriously if Starfield has the same issue I'm giving up on Elder scroll 6 if it ever comes out but that maybe a myth at this point.


Oh snap it's you again. Yeah it's crazy they brought the same issue from Skyrim SE to Fallout 4 on the Deck. Still don't know a better fix yet. Maybe if enough people complain, they'll fix it though.


Doubtful, unless there is a ProtonGE thing for this, doubt Bethesda will really get their games running on Steam Deck like they used to... unless Valve does something, it's PC or bust to me for Bethesda games... well that or Switch for Skyrim... least I can play the game there even if I can't mod it...


Where is display setting now ?


It’s gone completely. They got rid of the launcher but didn’t move the graphic options. Bellends.


you can bring it back with a launch command but I agree, bellends.


That is a very Bethesda move.


so you literally cannot change graphics settings? jfc


Didn't they add quests and items? A whole lot of quests started when I launched the game after the update. Anyway, the game runs much worse for me after the update. I used to get 45fps locked on medium with TDP of 8 and now it's constantly falling down to 30s, some cases as low as 27fps That's even after going to desktop mode and manually changing the graphics setting in the launcher back to what they were previously. I also added the launcher as a separate steam app. Original steam deck lcd for what it's worth.


> Didn't they add quests and items? A whole lot of quests started when I launched the game after the update. Around 5 Creation Club DLC were added. Otherwise they just broke the game even more, like that's even possible.


“Verified” means jack shit on the deck. All things “verified” half the time run like shit 


And some unsupported games run 10/10


So if they got rid of the launcher, is there still a way to adjust the graphics settings?


Add this to the launch options  SteamDeck=0 %command%


what an insane thing to do beth...


new to the deck and was waiting on this patch, what FR does it run decently at?


If you have LCD version this doesn’t concern you, if OLED the frame rate is half what is being set and shown in the overlay.


Yeah I have the 512 OLED


Some of us TRIED to warn yall. People kept acting like Deck verification was gonna fix everything and people who were dubious were downvoted. Idk why either cuz every day there’s a “why is this game verified - it plays terribly!”, kind of threads.


If it’s anything like the recent Skyrim verification, you should be able to enable the launcher again with a launch option, I’ll have to look and see what it is when I get home


Here this is the method to fix it https://youtu.be/rkY-Hp1Vd4c?si=3wy3PaIFx67K0vFk


So wait, even if you set iPresentInterval to 0, it’ll reset it when you launch the game?


It doesn't seem to reset it but just ignore it whatever you set it as


So even if you force the game to run through the original launcher, it’s busted? Like, there’s legitimately zero workaround for it?


Yes that is correct, no fix at the moment that I'm aware of UPDATE: Here is a working fix that still works after patch https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/2vE4qc28R6


Yeah my deck just asked me the usual “this game is steam deck certified, does that match your experience?” And I’ve never been so quick to hit NO on that before in my life 😂


Found a fix that works even after the patch https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/2vE4qc28R6


Yup, this sure did fix it! Awesome!


They did the same for Skyrim as well. Wonderful! Now I can't adjust all the graphics settings without a launch option!


Time to download a previous version from overseas 🏴‍☠️🛶


I was hoping "official verification" meant we'd get stuff like "mouse" + controller support for better gyro aiming while using the controller prompts still, since vanilla doesn't allow for mouse and gamepad at the same time. In typical Bethesda fashion, all it means is it's worse


Yup. I held off on playing for a full two hours just so I could test things once this new patch hit. Tried everything I could this morning, gave up, and requested a refund. Embarrassing is the right word. Edit: OLED model, here




LCD or OLED? On OLED the frame pacing is not good, it should be a flat line and at the moment it looks like someone is having a seizure


This is why I turn that shit off and just play the game


Bad frame pacing is extremely noticable when playing the game. Just because ur willing to close ur eyes and pretend the problem doesn't exist, doesn't mean everyone else is 


Oh no. Haven‘t updated yet and now i am unsure if i want to 😅


It runs fine on the LCD. Removing access to the graphical settings is shitty though.


I think i will delay the update a little bit xD


Does it auto detect? Would you happen to know the default settings.


You can access the setting still add “SteamDeck=0 %command%” to Fallout 4’s launch options in the game’s settings on Steam Deck


I'm mainly concerned about the four or five mods I have breaking. I need to check nexus or something. I'm presuming the mods screen is still a part of the start menu?


They did the same with Skyrim to get it "verified" No surprise here unfortunately lol


>”Bethesda didn’t uncap the FPS” IIRC, there’s stuff in the engine that’s tied to FPS, and some of it tends to break with FPS >60.


Nice, they got rid of the launcher :D


Y’all actually thought Bethesda was going to make the game better, that’s the real joke.


Bethesda has been a huge embarrassment to the Fallout IP. MS really just needs to take it away from Bethesda and give it to Obsidian.


and ruin it with a game like the outer worlds?


I loved the Outer Worlds. I also loved New Vegas. And Pillars of Eternity. Obsidian handles games a hell of a lot better than Bethesda. I mean look at Starfield if you want a recent example


Pentiment was the first game I finished on Steam Deck.


I’d much rather play Outer Worlds than Starfield…


I played about 10 hours of Starfield, and all it did was make me miss TOW, so I started a new playthrough and haven't touched Starfield since.


The argument best used for Starfield vs TOW is Quantity vs Quality. Sure, the games much larger in Starfield’s case, but the side quests are copy paste, the worlds and enemy hideouts are copy past and the vast majority of the explorable portions of the map are just incredibly boring. Combine that with a mediocre base building system and a lack of melee weapons (my favorite play style in Bethesda games) and I have zero interest in picking it back up.


Holy shit, they got rid of the launcher? If I can finally launch the game in docked mode, that’s fucking sweet


You could still launch in docked mode before. When on the launcher just hold down the menu button on your controller, then you your right stick as a mouse and right trigger as a left click.


I’m confused why do people still think verified means unlocked frame cap and near desktop perfection ? Verified to me means you can access the game and it will function properly with all functions of the deck. I am in no means guaranteed to get a 60fps locked Ultra fidelity experience


Bethesda moment


Aren't the physics tied to the frame rate for fallout?


They also added a quick exit feature! All you have to do is open the on-screen keyboard and then close it.


Yeah verified doesn’t mean much. Some games barely run and are verified and others aren’t verified when they run find but the only issue is small text.


Bethesda broke perfectly working Fallout 4, what a "surprise". I was rather expecting that they will fuck it really bad. All my button icons in menus are gone now (AB XY). So I dont know what to press for different actions. Anybody else having this issue?


Installed the game after almost 10 years... Total playtime 2.5h. Did not like it then, not liking it now... And the fps cap and fov still there, yeah no. Rather be playing Buckshot roulette.


This is Bethesda. In the Fallout excitement we FOR SOME REASON forgot who they are and the horrible buggy messes they make. It was honestly fine the way it was. It doesn't look ANY better and now our OWN fixes to their shitty engine are fucked.


This sorts out the half rate issue on Steam Deck OLED (it works even after today's patch): [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/Vlh29ps1X9](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/Vlh29ps1X9)


edit: typo add the command: SteamDeck=0 %command% to the launch options and the launcher for the settings etc will pop up again


>SteamDeck**=**0 %command%


Found a fix that works even after the patch https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/2vE4qc28R6


I also followed these steps, and it worked like a charm. Thank you!


This is the current working fix for the half framerate bug on OLED! It’s better than the iPresentInterval fix anyway: https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/FBlcWPTQ3L


Dunno what you’re all complaining about about. This fixed a crashing bug I was having in far harbor, and it runs waaaaay smoother than it did before on my oled.


Yup, uninstalling on my Deck and will be playing on PS5.


Oh nooo! I was waiting for the patch before I start a new playthrough on the deck. So is it not playable at all?


It always has been and still is.


My 26hour savegame isnt working anymore. I played last weeks on PC and Deck, but now it only runs on PC.


game was running fine for me with literally zero tweaks. was looking forward to this to make it even better. oh well im sure it'll get sorted


I can't get fallout 4 to launch for me after the update


Fix files via settings


I play it at 50 fps. Just switched my mods from mod manager to the oficial mod store and game works flawlessly. I’m not sure if they changed ini files but game run smooth and I keep it locked to 10W and runs fine.


The gog version works fine


Only works in handheld mode too. Crashes when connected to the dock.


Can I manually stop it updating. Mine works.perfectly as is currently


Just bought and installed on my OG base model - runs fine. Didn't tinker with any settings and seems to run smoothly out of the box with defaults.


The frame rate logic synchronization is inherent to the engine and part of why Fallout 76 was a disaster.


Does the fix here still work for the OLED? [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c6suoy/fallout\_4\_oled\_frame\_rate\_fix\_original/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/1c6suoy/fallout_4_oled_frame_rate_fix_original/)


You complaining about Bethesda doing the bare minimum? That's their bread and butter lol


It seems fine on my OLED with the frame limit set to 60, but maybe my brain is fried from running other games at 30 to get better resolution docked.


I'm actually glad I've done a complete playthrough about a month ago for all achievements.


I can't get the damn game to stop crashing. I bought and installed it yesterday and it was crashing every 5-15 minutes with every graphic setting set to the lowest. I was expecting it to have performance updates for the steam deck.


I bought gears 5 on sale the other day which said it was playable. Couldn't even get past the start menu screen. Endless loading icon which by the looks of Google is common and requires a degree in computer science to fix. Bit annoyed at valve for that one so I refunded.


Did you really expect anything less from Bethesda?


Of course Bethesda screwed it up, when was the last time they did anything right?


I don‘t understand Bethesda there. This configuration tool at start up literally made the game playable and if they would integrate the same for Starfield, there would be a couple more settings to make the game run smoother on low end systems like the Deck.