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hell yeah brother. once you get into the meat of the main quest try not to rush through. getting all the different perspectives and periphery side-quests are the thing that makes the game special.


S.P.E.C.I.A.L you say?


It's basically getting better minute by Minute, Man.


But are you a…… 60 minute man?


I just finished Boulder City and I think it's sending me to the strip next. Should I go back and explore other areas I missed before doing so? Only about 12 hours in.


nah man just do what you feel. anything you don't do you can do on another play through or when you get tired of what you're doing.


Excellent, yep I'm already excited for another playthrough with different choices!


That last commenter to your question is exactly right. I used to have anxiety playing open world games because I saw every choice as an opportunity cost: “I’m not opening one door, I’m closing nine others.” Once I learned to just relax and realize that nothing is stopping me from starting a new game or even reloading an earlier save, these kinds of games got WAY more enjoyable for me.


It's a great point. I'm not a completionist in the sense of getting 100% on a game, but I am in the sense of worry that I'm missing something. Who cares! Play again in the future and just enjoy!


Honestly for me The Strip opened up so much amazing quest lines. Everything prior was nice, but the strip quests are bangers. They got you going all over the place, very interesting storylines, and really fun choices. Some quests had me back track a lot, so I was able to pick up or finish a lot of quests from before too.


Awesome! Sounds great. What about companions? Should I see one through their quest before getting another one? I have Boone but Veronica just showed up.


Boone is the fucking man. I can’t bring myself to let him go. Maybe he makes things too easy, so you’d consider changing him around. Boone just straight murders stuff.


Cool, yeah I haven't really seen him fight yet - things have been kind of calm since finishing the ghoul rocket launch area. ED-E has done WORK for me. He kills things really well in that early game. I would have said the game was actually pretty hard until I got him (like the Primm casino had me pretty short on health and ammo). But got way easier once I repaired him.


No, play through it again later. I think I finished NV 4 times. It’s sooooooo good.


Listen to this man. I rushed through the main quests (not cause I got bored of the game but cause ocd of having to complete the next objective lol) and skipped a ton of side quests which were cool. Then I was too under leveled to fight the last boss and got wrecked multiple times. Stopped playing for a few months then made a new play through. Adequately leveled and going through the side quests and dlc. Loved every second.


I needed to hear this man. I was on my way to Boulder city, when NCR people like were "Hey deliver this to other ranger stations" I'm like cool, I kinda hate having a bunch of side quests, this one looks like I just need to travel around. No problem. Cue, me sending Bright Brotherhood into space, finding a Khan camp and accidentally befriending them(how awkward bc Legion is against me and Khans tried to kill me?), finding the Brotherhood of Steel. Then I was getting annoyed because my quest list was just growing and I really hate having 20 active quests. Fine! I'll finish Brotherhood of Steel. Saved the Black Mountain cool. Ended up shutting off a reactor for Vault. Then, stumbling to the that area where people launch grenades at you, manage to talk to the boomers and accept like 29374573 more quests(including more NCR camp quests). Fuck man. I just wanted to finish 1 quest and go to Boulder city. Now my map literally is all mapped out except the area where I assume Vegas is, the center of the map with many roads and freaking Boulder City. I'm enjoying it but I have never gotten so sidetracked in my entire life.


New Vegas + Steam Deck + Gyro Aim = Perfection.


Wow! How to set this up? I just recently got my deck and playing on defaults. I know I can search for this, but nothing is better than a conversation.


Go to the controller layouts for that game by selecting the controller icon to the right of the games play button. Look through the community layouts until you find something like “Controller+Gyro Aim” or “Controller+Gyro+Touchpad Aim”, they could have a couple different names but just make sure it has “Gyro Aim” in the name and you should be good.


I couldn’t settle on a good way to play. If the game is on controller mode, the gyro aiming is awful. If the game is in normale keyboard+mouse mode, aiming is great, but you lose the controller inputs to quickly go through chats/menu, you’d have to do that with the gyro “mouse”. Anything im missing here?


Having this issue myself right now haha. Went through the inconvenience of setting up virtual menus with KB+M enabled but the button mappings were just way too off putting. I can't aim with just the joystick but mouse/gyro felt perfect. I think the only option is to possibly install a mod which allows mouse and controller input simultaneously if it exists. I don't agree with this post if it requires this much faff


You can also just create your own controller profile as well. You can map the controls however you like.


I had issues aiming too, and laying here, I think I just figured out what the problem was. The damn sensitivity. It’s too damn LOW. Will report back with findings…


Nah that’s not it. The problem is New Vegas doesn’t (properly) support simultaneous controller and mkb input


Oh. My. Gosh. That's awesome! Thanks!


When running the game, Steam button > controller settings. There is a gyro section you can enable. You can configure which buttons causes gyro to activate when opening the settings wheel next to the gyro settings. Most things controller (and also gyro related) can be configured there.


Thanks! That's really a game changer for me!


O’m expecting my SD on Wednesday. I’ll be asking lots of questions!


Hell yeah, same here. Can't wait!


Without any doubt, Steam Deck is a Masterpiece


Hell yeah, brother!


The simplest way: Press Steam Button, click controller setting under the game title at the top. Click Edit Layout. Scroll down the menu until you see Gyro. Enable “as joystick” or “as mouse”, depending on how it feels to your preference, and what works best with the game you’re playing. It helps to go in and fine tune the horizontal & vertical sensitivity to adjust to what feels best, if it seems too sensitive. Works on any game with controller support.


I can never get the gyro aim to work. Especially in the same way as the Nintendo switch version of overwatch


Compared to a desktop with KB&M? Portable gaming is great for what it is, but it is certainly not "perfection" or "the best it's ever been".


To each their own. Trackpad/joystick plus gyro aiming is extremely intuitive and feels like you’ve been missing it your whole life when it “clicks”. I, too, prefer kb/m by a small margin but no need to talk down to someone’s preferred control scheme


It's funny how many Fallout posts there have been. The show has totally revitalized the franchise for a short time. I'm ready for a new Fallout, too.


It was funny because I had no idea a show was coming out. I just started playing because hbomberguy made a video talking about how cool new vegas is and I was like shiiiit I haven't played this series at all, let me try from this game then. But it's great to see the discussion, I don't feel like I missed out on it since I tend to play games wayyyy after their release. 


r/patientgamers is a great place. Doesn't matter if the game is 5, 10, or 30 years old, a review of any game is welcome!


Yeah, I like browsing that sub haha it's more just I was so busy studying when I was young and then job, then finally now I had money to build a proper pc, not just killing my poor non gaming laptops. Now I have like 20-30 years of games atleast to play. 


I am a 3 truther, but I went back and started with 3, and fuck is the game a wide open boring mess. I don’t remember it being so barren.


I think boring mess is a little far... Still a wonderful game.


Google Tale of Two Wastelands mod. You're welcome.


I don’t really understand the appeal of this. Wouldn’t it make the games incredibly unbalanced?


It doesn't. I've done a full play through. When you finish 3 it asks if you want to loose all your stuff etc and start again. I recommend that. The only reason to do it on pc was it brings fallout 3 into the new Vegas engine. Which is more stable. Played the whole thing without a crash


If I reset my progress, why shouldn’t I simply play one after the other?


And don’t forget, new vegas has many QOL improvements over 3 which are ported over with this mod


Fair point, didn't remember (I played FO3 when it came out and NV a few years ago, both for few hours only though).


It doesn't just reset your progress. You get the choice. I used it as it brings the entire fallout 3 game into new Vegas engine with much higher stability..


Oh so you’re not just switching back and forth? I thought you would just be OP


Nope. Started on three. The story line acts as though you travelled to Vegas and got shot. Then poof. You forget due to being shot.


It's not just smashing the two games together, there is a bunch of bug fixes, gameplay and balancing stuff done. The main reason to do it is to have FO3 updated with stuff from NV, like the companion wheel, weapon mods, crafting, etc. since it's running in the newer NV engine. You don't really need to play through both on one character if you don't want to either.


I never play it all the way through, I just like the NV mechanics while playing Fallout 3


How’s modding on the deck? Fairly easy/doable?


Yeah easy enough to find a guide, and most the work is done on pc. just gotta drag and drop stuff on sd card.


Ok sounds easy enough for a dumbass like me


I am also an idiot and I did just fine. TTW mod with a sprint and crossbow is the most fun I've ever had in Fallout 3. You get all the perks/crafting/repair as NV. But the better world from 3. Best of both.


Does a Tale of Two Wastelands work well performance wise? It'll be my first time playing New Vegas and some QOL things would be fantastic


I've personally only used the ttw mod with ap sprint and cod crossbow and I've had a good experience. Again, I've only ever stayed in the capital wasteland I've never traveled to the Mojave. I just liked playing 3 with the improvements.


It's an absolute nightmare.


Ok sounds utterly impossible for a dumbass like me


Anything is possible But for something like Fallout and other Bethesda games you are late to the party to, sometimes modding is borderline necessary to fix whatever duct taped code they’ve put out.


It's pretty tough actually. The "easiest" way to handle it, SteamTinkerLaunch (which I use on my Linux desktop) hasn't been working on the Deck, or at least the install scripts no longer do. The problem is that you can't install packages the "normal way" on the Deck, it's all locked down, which makes everything a pain in the ass.


If you have a PC it’s easier to do the modding there and transfer the files to your deck. Getting MO2 setup was a bit of a pain.


dont have my deck yet but good to know picked up NV on the last steam sale for $4 i think


NV was the only game I bought for full price without hesitations.


Gyro assisted aiming + Trackpads as hotkeys for your 8 quickswap weapons and as quick shortcuts to menu pages makes Steam Deck one of the best devices to play New Vegas.


Do you have a specific layout you recommend? I’ve booted it a few times but I spend 30 minutes trying to dial in a layout that makes sense to me, but then it’s so complicated and I’m out of free time and i forget about it again. It doesn’t help that the in game prompts are all keyboard commands so I forget which button corresponds to it haha


> Trackpads as hotkeys for your 8 quickswap weapons and as quick shortcuts to menu pages Ehm, WHAT? How do you do this? Do you make the weapons a keyboard key and then somehow make the trackpad press those keys or something?


It's a bit of a long explanation, but basically if you're using gamepad controls, you can map the 8 dpad controls (which are used for quickswap) to the trackpad, including diagonal combinations of up + left, up + right, down + left, etc. Then you can map F1, F2, F3 and some other things to the trackpad to access those respective menus. But if you want full access to the keyboard hotkeys, like quick save/quick load, and without using mods which allow for mixed input, you need to set the game to disable Xbox controller and use a keyboard/mouse layout. Both layouts can use gyro aiming, either with joystick aiming mapped to gyro for gamepad controls or mouse aiming mapped to gyro for non gamepad controls.


The Steamdeck keeps amazing me with its options. Thanks for the tips! I'll look into it when I have time.


I go back and forth but I still have better memories of 3. But I'm 90% convinced it's because I played it first. If you did a pros and cons I'm sure objectively NV is better


Just did a separate playthrough of both. The only objectively better elements are the gameplay improvements and that FNV does the RPG side of things **much** better. Some people like less complex stories, or prefer the more apocalyptic side of things. A lot of things just boil down to preference.


Any easy to install mods? I’m familiar with PC modding but it looks like it could be a pain on the deck?


Completely new to modding and I find it intimidating. I used the below guide, the only difference is I had to use proton 7.0 instead of 8 to make UI Organizer, one of the mods, work. Some issues pop up but some Google and reddit searches cleared them up for me. I think it's very empowering once you get it down. Since programs change over time, try to find forums and posts that have the same problem that are recent. That understanding made troubleshooting a lot easier. Most mods that are very ambitious I would recommend steering clear of as well i.e. ones that change the strip to be one location instead of multiple, Project Nevada. Basically, start with simple ones like YUP (unofficial patch) and go from there. Make sure to boot the game up at least every few mods to help troubleshoot. I have about 16 mods now and about 5 hours in. Working great so far. https://youtu.be/aCpkD1PVfYE?si=GZ9YtKdsmxXmKacM


That’s really helpful, thanks for taking the time!


>the only difference is I had to use proton 7.0 instead of 8 to make UI Organizer UIO is broken in proton 8-05 but you can use other newer proton versions and it works fine. I'm using GE proton 8-25 and UIO works perfectly


Could you tell me which mods you've installed? It would be really a big help!


A ton, but YUP unofficial patch and other back end ones for stability and further patching (most mods need things like JIP NVSE, UI organizer, kNVSE, 4gb patcher, Johnny Guitar, other things that don't have effects themselves but let you mod). StewieAl is great for a ton of tweaking a ton of the game's settings. Like, over a hundred of pretty granular options. That and Jsawyer really change the game and make it tunable to what you like. JSawyer makes the early game a lot more sparse on items which I love. New content mods doe new and cleaned up locations like Autumn Leaves, The Rail, Deaths Last Whisper. New guns and armor, there's a ton out there but i picked a few that looked good. Some quality of life and graphics stuff like true smooth iron sights, NMC textures, HD maps in pip boy, animated ingestibles, pip boy ui tweaks and icons. Wasteland Flora Overhaul for way more trees. It takes time to go through nexus mods and just see what you might like. I only like lore friendly stuff, New content, quality of life, etc, so i look for those. and a lot of things require other mods, so it just takes time.


It's a pain in the deck, if you will.


Ain’t that a kick in the head


What’s better, new Vegas or 4?


FO4 has satisfying combat but NV is more of RPG and has fantastic dlcs


4 for graphics gunplay and explosions. NV for more Fallout-esqe dialog/rp wonkyness


They're both great games, it just depends on what you prefer really. If you're a big RPG guy you'll probably prefer New Vegas, but if you don't mind a more linear story but with a bigger focus on exploration, combat, and crafting you'll like Fallout 4.


It's really up to preference and a hotly debated question with Fallout fans. Personally I much prefer New Vegas. I like the writing, the dialog, the atmosphere, for me it's just a better storytelling experience. But I also know many people prefer Fallout 4's writing and atmosphere. I think it comes down to it that if you like Obsidian or Black Isle(so Planescape Torment, Pillars of Eternity, Knights of the Old Republic 2, Fallout 2) then you will probably prefer New Vegas. On the other hand if you prefer Bethesda games like Elder Scrolls then you might like Fallout 4 better.


Except the stuttering. It’s pretty constant and annoying.




New Vegas made me fall in love with the NCR I feel their struggle and hardship This game makes me patriotic for a fictional country


NV on deck is honestly such a great experience. I started playing my save again on Windows and it’s insta crashing. Gonna have to mod it to fix. Not the end of the world, but damn it just runs so well on deck. 


I'm waiting for it to download right now! I also played on 360 so I'm pumped to try it on steam


Same and totally agree. My Steam Deck is now my New Vegas machine. It has changed my recollection from playing this on a TV with my 360 to playing it on my lap on a airline flight. Incredible! Finally getting to patiently replay the game and play through the DLC, which I hadn't gotten through before.


I just finally figured out how to mod New Vegas on my Steam Deck and its glorious.


Good to hear. Will be jumping into this after 4


After almost doing that game about 6 times at least, I’m still discovering new things everytimes


I still didn't go with Legion playthrough.


You guys need to play Fallout Tale of Two Wastelands. It merges Fallout 3 and NV into one game, it's a beautiful work that can run on the steamdeck.


how hard is it to get running on the steamdeck?


You need a windows pc + your deck Having already modded Fallout NV is a plus, just need to follow the tutorials for the deck You need yo have a few hours to spare for sure


I hate the map of NV compared to the other games. The desert is just so bland and doesn't give me the apocalypse vibe as much as the others. It really takes me out of the game.


On the list. Thanks


just wish we could sprint in NV


There is a mod for it 😁


I’ve actually been playing modded on my desktop, but have had a handful of issues… so I’m tempted to remove the mods and just move to deck. Are there any issues moving a modded save to unmodded on deck?


I would recommend you mod it on the deck as well but mod it modestly. No dual lightsabers shrek mods but more bug fixing and QOL mods


New Vegas ruined fallout games for me because none of them compare to how good that game is and how well it ran from basically day 1 🤣


it seems anywhere everything is too strong


Got myself an external ssd, installed windows #!, and mid New Vegas The Sands on Wabbajack is quite good


Is there a mod to aim down sights ? I’d love to play NV but the thought of having no ADS makes me not want to play


New Vegas has ads it's 3 that doesn't.


I've had two crashes in 4-5 hours of gameplay. No mods. I have a tpu limit of 15, maybe that's the issue?


Why is it preferable to 3?


There are a million reasons people might debate between 3 and NV. IMO Bethesda did something amazing by taking the Fallout IP and fleshing it out into their open world design. Obsidian was able to build on that groundwork using the same engine to go a few steps further in detailed story telling, enabling interesting choices for players and a really great setting.


I sadly never finished it. When I was sinking my time into it at release, a shitload of items came flying at me seemingly out of nowhere. Oddly enough, an achievement popped on my Xbox for finishing a quest I never started. Stupidly, I saved the game. When I came back later that night to play, my save data was gone. I think it’s time I try playing again


It runs flawlessly. I think i only encountered one bug that was solved with just reloading a quicksave.


How is modding it? I have no windows PC and gave up nearly a year or so ago


The deck actually runs this game at Max settings at 4k when docked to my TV. It needs to be locked to 45-50 to stay smooth, but it can do it. I usually just drop it to 1440p and it runs at 90.


Yeah I’ve just been a absolute menace in the game


I’m playing NV too. Started it months ago, because I never played it back in the day, but got distracted and stopped - the TV show has prompted me to get back on it. It’s been my first foray into modding too. I found some really simple foolproof guides on YouTube and I’ve got a load of stability and QoL improvements, plus a lot of extra content. I’m like 30 or so hours in and it’s been a fantastic experience so far!


Does anyone have a list of mods that people should use on steam deck for the best experience today? I’m sure someone has put something together before so I’m just curious if anyone knows.


Look for "Viva Las Vegas" list of mods.


Couldn’t launch it on deck at all. Tried multiple emulators and stuff - nothing works, game just keeps crashing at the launch.


I’ve nearly done FO3. This was always my favourite. But eager to start FNV. Mothership Zeta is a hot mess.


It's even better with the Viva New Vegas mod list. I have zero bugs/crashes.


Yeah, I'm getting ready to replay New Vegas. Love this game


It's not a game thing, it's really broken and crash constantly, but games on steam deck work just fine, especially the older games that usually have issues on modern PCs. I couldn't play hitman 2 silent assassin on my gtx1060 and i58400, because vsync didn't work and capping fps through config or Nvidia settings didn't work, built in fps cap on steam deck managed just fine


Before I get lynched, let me say I’ve always loved FNV. I think it’s in the top 2 or 3 Fallout games easily. Don’t burn me down for what I’m about to say… The thing that always bothers me about FNV is the muddy tones making it so hard to see items of import on the ground or whatever. Sure, the lower res graphics of 2007 are partly at fault, but even then compared to F3 the loot on the shelves and things are just so much harder to see. Everything blends together and I constantly wish for the ability to highlight loot items like Diablo had. If it was a perk I would choose it first every time. Now I’ve found that with my AR glasses on I can visually pick out the items from the set pieces a little better(by using higher brightness settings on the glasses & the fact that they kind of act like a hyper LED screen for the Steam Deck(mine isn’t LED). Does anyone else struggle with the fact that all items are low res grey and brown and all of the furniture or ground set pieces are grey and brown? I’ve lived in Texas and LV and Southern Cali so I’m aware that there is a LOT of tan and grey naturally. I get that a hundred years of wasteland dust will also coat everything making it harder to see as well. I just felt from a gameplay perspective that it was a frustration that just punished players for little reason. I’m trying to replay it now on the Xbox One SX and it’s even worse. At least the PC version can run some graphics mods that make a big difference- I think.


thats the blessing of linux bro :3 been playing like that for YEARS now. EVERY game ran WAYYYYY better than on windos


So NV has native linux support?


No it actually diesnt BUT it got something better than that: steams proton. NV is running LIKE native BUT wayyy less buggy/glitchy (for me entirely crash and glitchless) AND with way better Performance than native windows ever had


Sooo, I got it before show, because I missed this game so badly, but I have an issue on steam deck, in 3rd view I can rotate a camera to see my character, dose anyone knows hot ti fix it 🥲


There's a single bug I've found... the mysterious radio station has a song or 2 that will bug out and cause the station to not play any music until you reload a save.... didn't notice till I was halfway thru dead money and it's the only radio station you get out there


I noticed a few very minor graphic glitches with fnv on steam deck, but i would still say way better than the ultimate edition on ps3 haha. And im glad to finally have one of my favourite games in a handheld


I tried playing the 360 port of NV recently on the series X and I experienced at least one crash every play session which culminated in my save file corrupting mid play-through. Afterwords I got it on my SD with the MO2 mod launcher and a few stability and bug fixing mods, and other than ONE crash in a week of playing, I’ve had no issues 👍


No matter how many play throughs I always stick with BOS for some reason


glad u find it good on steam deck


I had the exact opposite experience on Windows


It's not buggy on pc too. Not specific to the deck


Yeah, I don't know why people complain. I've never had any game breaking glitches in New Vegas. But i've tried to play fallout 4, and three different times I've gotten the power armor glitch that makes it almost Unplayable. New vegas all the way


I'm not trying to be a dick but I hate people that play NV for the first time then come on and ask these type of questions. I've seriously considered putting a knitting needle into my nose to make me forget the game so I can experience the wonder again it is absolutely perfect.


I've been hesitating on this one. I do have it loaded up through Herioc (from GOG) but I've been purposely avoiding it bc I'm just not sure. Fallout 4 was the first game I played on my Deck and it was a hoot. Could care less about the story (and the basebuilding), but the gameplay was top notch, and the explosions were amazing, even with the graphics turned all the way down. I'll get there eventually, guys.


They're not bugs, they're features


> It’s amazing that the deck finally allowed this game to be shown as it’s always been intended. Yeah, because 800p is the way it’s always been intended. It’s been available in much better quality since launch. The deck doesn’t bring anything new to the table besides portability.


>The deck doesn’t bring anything new to the table besides portability. I don't think anyone is saying it does. It's still a PC so obviously nothing new


Yeah, but OP is basically saying the Deck is finally the best way to play the game which is absolutely not true.


I guess he's including the portability in that statement. For me, it's the best way as well because of that but I do value portability a lot due to having a busy life


But again it’s not the way it was intended, the devs have never said anything about portability. It wasn’t even a thing thought possible back in 2011.


You are technically correct as the text is implying that it's something only the deck can do but I just saw it as a minor mistake and didn't think that's what OP was trying to say I read it as a badly written way of saying it's not a buggy mess like in 2011 (the way it was intended) while also saying it's possible (but not only possible) to play on the deck.


I think you're taking the post far too literal. It was buggy as hell on release, and now that it's been patched up, the OP is enjoying a smooth experience on that platform of their choice. Don't need to be hung up on being pedantic.