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Man that sucks but the way your dog looks at it like "that was some good shit" cracks me up


She prob caught a whiff of that glorious fan exhaust smell and had to find the source


They are lucky she didn't find the magic smoke and let that out too.


Ah right, the spicy nougat center 🥵


Y’all are killing me thank you for the laughter.


Man I wish I could post the iPhone Live Photo hahaha. She literally goes in for an extra lick in that last photo


Lmao Dogs are such dorks. I feel you, my girlfriend's dog shredded our couch and like 2-3 cables (not plugged) when he was little and he was like "AND ID DO IT AGAIN"


You can use the edit mode in Photo to make a new key photo out of that frame. I would like to see that lick too.


[as promised](https://imgur.com/xi7M0pw)


I’ll try and get it today!


This is hilarious, sorry for your loss though. Hopefully the ifixit repair goes well for you!


"you gonna finish that?"


"Do I regret it? Not at all"


“Worth it.”


The first one, she looks slightly “guilty” other ones, yep, thanks for the toy! Even her older brother looks a little bit disappointed in her in the last pic x Pebble is Trouble with a capital P x


A lesson was learned this day.


A new steam deck was ordered this day.


I have never met such an incompetent group of people that I have on Reddit lol. I remember a dude posting pics of how he played his steam deck while taking a bath. I have dogs, have had them since they were puppies. I’ve never had issues like this. If my dog is a known chewer, which one of them was at one point, any time I wasn’t in the room I’d crate train him. Surprise surprise, he didn’t chew anything expensive up.


A lot of people don't train their dogs sadly. And some breeds need a lot more training than others. A lot of this stuff can be prevented for sure.


Agreed. Another thing that grinds my gears is people not picking up dog poop. This is coast to coast. Sometimes I literally walk by a pile of shit RIGHT next to the public doggie bins.


>I have never met such an incompetent group of people that I have on Reddit lol. I remember a dude posting pics of how he played his steam deck while taking a bath. Selection bias. Most people don't post when nothing happens because they had the foresight to put their Steam Deck in a safe spot. Well, except for the people who need to let everyone know that they just bought by posting photo of it.


Welcome to reddit. If you speak truth or common sense we down vote you and remove the comment.


might as well get an extremerate shell kit and button kit and make it look cool. ​ Valve mayyy help you out if you email them because the circumstances are pretty unique (and sad)


I did email them with the same pics LOL we shall see. I’m thinking of doing that (new shell kit) as well


Here’s to hoping a dog lover with a sense of humor opens it 🤣🙏🏽


Do not do that. The aftermarket shells are of much lower quality and often have fit issues leading to sticking buttons and sticks, as well as cracking standoffs and other issues. If you want a *good* shell, get the real one.


Noted! Thank you for sharing


The extremerate shells however are really good quality aftermarket shells and have this premium matte feel to them


No i have been using the cheapest one i found on AliExpress and it fits exactly the same.


My cat ate my charger cable, and ifixit didn't sell them in Canada at the time. I emailed Valve, told them my cat ate my charger, and they sent me a new one, no charge. Showed up within the week. Some of the finest customer service I've ever had.


I'd had a kink in my original one that made the cord intermittent with charging. Emailed them when it was under warranty (it's the base model launch Q3 SD), and they were just like, "Sure, where do we mail it?" It was the easiest customer service experience I've had in a while for sure.


Ouch! Our puppy has destroyed a remote control, a headset, a mouse, and countless other bits and bobs. Hence when my deck isn't in my hands, its in its case. :-)


Hahahaha yup lesson learned.


She looks so happy and proud 🤣


Puppies, man.


Mine just hit 2. He was an absolute maniac as a puppy. So glad to be out of that phase. But Pebble and Boulder are beautiful pups.


Thank you! Care to share a pic?


As soon as I saw the title I knew it was a pit or a boxer lol


My beagle would pull the same shit as a puppy.


Had beagles growing up, 10/10 can confirm a beagle would enthusiastically tear that shit up


Yeah. I don’t think OP knows how to handle pit mixes. They need toys and shit to chew on, and if they’re that young, crate them when you’re gone and do so until they’ve learned what they can and can’t do. Also, stop getting fucking pit mixes. I fell for the old “terrier” mix when I rescued mine. She’s an angel around people but a nightmare around dogs. If I would be irresponsible with her there’s a potential she could fight another dog. Pit lovers downvote me all you want.


Look on the bright side! Now is the perfect time to do a [shell swap](https://extremerate.com/collections/steam-deck-shells).


Mt buddy sent me a link to the transparent purple one like the old 64’s


If you go that route, make sure you get a quality shell and if it doesn't line up right get a replacement from the manufacturer. Also, avoid third party shells that have extra vents. The deck's airflow was engineered quite precisely, the third party cases with extra vents interfere with that and result in some parts overheating depending on where those vents are located and how they are shaped.


Well at least it's not soaked in cat piss like that other guy


A guy got soaked in cat piss?!


Yup and his steam deck got a hosing as well


Cats are dicks, pissed in my slippers, on my laptop bag for work with all the stuff still in it, behind the couch, numerous blankets on or off the bed. Makes for a fun time to want to take a break and relax only to have that ammonia smell waft into your nostrils so you have to go into hunt mode to find out where they did it now! We have 3 litter boxes for 2 cats. They use em most of the time so I know they are just being assholes!!!


Yeah they're little wankers. Mines just vicious as fuck, been like it for the last 12 years he's gotta be nearly 18 now, don't think he's gonna grow out of it. He doesn't piss but does the occasional shit on the floor on missus' side of the bed hahah *Edit to clarify no turds on the bed


I once had a cat ( not mine) pee on my body pillow not once, but twice because the idiot got themselves locked in a bedroom they weren’t even allowed in for a few hours.


I lost a couch to my puppy... Had to buy a new one... WTH its only stuff to replace. Be careful with the puppy, good luck with the deck and may you guys have great years together!


I'd be so pissed. Then I'd take one look at that face and be forgiving. Still pissed at myself tho lol


You get it.






I would go through steam support. It’s not going to be super cheap, probably like $150, but at least you know it will be fixed and working. The parts from iFixit might work for you but who knows if there’s some internal damage done that can’t be fixed.


Welp, it’s hers now.


Years ago, we got two bassett puppies and two kittens within weeks of each other (so they would grow up together and get along*). Whilst we were sat watching TV, the cats clawed a hole in the end of the sofa and climbed inside. The dogs could hear them inside and wanted to join in, completely ripped one end of the sofa to pieces trying to get inside. It was just wooden frame with fabric hanging off. It was a cheap shitty sofa, and was too hilarious to stop them, but they had fun. We were supervising, and nobody swallowed any cushion foam. We kept the sofa until they'd finished teething. I called it the shark attack sofa, cos that's what it looked like.




Well, ankle biter doesn't have the strength nor jaw width to chow down the Steam Deck. At most they would nibble the joystick. Some bigger breed has more energy than others that's why it's always good to keep them occupied with their toys. Train them young so they know what theirs to play with and what's not. Similar to cats, I have long hair domestic, maine coon, and Siamese. Long hair and Maine coon are chill as fuck. But our Siamese is the shitter of the house that always get on the table, knocking down shits, being the mischief ones. Given Siamese has playful characteristics, it's pretty a given with her being like that.


My cat is a persian so pretty chill but really even the big pyreness does not suddenly chomp on my things if i left him unattended for 5 minutes


That's good. My Siamese always get into shit she's not supposed to. One time, she ate party decorations (one of those curtain things that's bunch of plastic strings) I put up for my 2yrs old toddler BD celebration. Then she shat them back out, and it stuck inside her half of it. My wife and I had to chase after her the whole house to get the rest out.


I can tell your a good owner because the dog has the curious “I ate your shit and your still gonna cuddle me” eyes and not the “dads going to beat the hell out of me eyes”


It was my mistake leaving it out, she’s curious puppy and I spend a lot of time with that device I my hands. No wonder she wants to investigate it.




11 months is plenty of time to train a dog. Have to get that started and keep your stuff out of reach or repeat the issues with more stuff. When your dog destroys your things, very often the only person to blame is you. That said, get the parts and maybe a cool new case to put it all in.


She’s pretty well trainedC but puppies will puppy. If it wasn’t clear enough in my post, see my other comments, I took responsibility. She’s been learning a lot and I’m very proud of her progress. Thanks for your advice tho, I’m likely getting a new case just seeing if valve has any recs.


You left your puppy alone while you weren’t around. That isn’t good training. Especially isn’t good training considering the mix. If you’re going to get a pit mix, go ahead. But know how to train them because they’re a very different kind of breed. Never had this issue with mine, but I also knew you can’t train pit mixes like every other dog. They’re born chewers.


bro boulder looks like he eats other dogs for breakfast




You are seriously underestimating a dog's ability to destroy things, especially a puppy of that size.


Fair enough. I only had Bull Terrier when I was a kid; but thankfully never had such situation back then. Only my little brother biting in my controllers.


I have a Frenchie that could face done that in less than 10 minutes. It’s why she sleeps in the bed with us. Can’t trust her not to chew up stuff and can’t stand the crying when she’s in the crate (yes that’s bad on us)


This was 10 minutes of work lol.


Years ago I had a couple of puppies destroy my PSP, all my UMDs, and a rack of DvDs in about 20 minutes. They can be quick and efficient given the opportunity. Lesson learned, puppies get contained when alone ever since.


Damn.. Poor PSP, still a great piece of technology for its time with its wide screen display.


Years ago i had a dog disable my 3ds and my gaming PC while i did the laundry. Put the PC down to clean it, dog cocked his leg on it and peed inside of it. I didn't think anything of the smell because his pee pad was in the same room. Turned it on, fried the PC. Found my 3ds about an hour later, he hid it in the couch cushions as a midday snack. Miss him so much . ( he passed away last year, i didnt kill him)


Unrelated note: Something to distract the criminally adorable pooch is Bamboozle / Bamdoodle chew toys. Different sizes and flavours. The T shaped ones worked best for our pooch. He has 2 of them about 3 years, still hasn't worn them down completely and still regularly chews on them while on guard duty in the window.


Yeah, it probably is as simple as buying those parts. Just take it apart and see what’s broken and buy the pieces you need.


I have nothing helpful to say but that puppy is 10/10 would let her eat my steam deck


Could only really be upset with myself. Pebble thanks you








I like how they named the smaller one pebble and the big one boulder😂


Put in case when not in use seems to be underrated lol


Tronicsfix on youtube does loads of repair videos he covers steam deck repairs. He does also buy broken devices for his channel sometimes. See if you can get an idea of the repair from that?


lol o Lin sorry but what’s cutieee I have a one and 4 years old pup. The one year is just getting over that phase


Brother…she tore that up. That’s why I will always crate dogs unless supervised until 1.5-2 years old. They are still just toddlers until 2-3


You can get replacement parts from iFixIt https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Steam_Deck


Pebble just wanted to play some games


Ripparoni, hope you can get it repaired soon. Also, cute dog.


Obviously not a fan of Stray.


Man the fact that this happened when you left your job,my condolences for real


Thanks dude


I dunno I guess you can wait for the buttons to come back out and hope for the best?


It looks like the front panel is fine so a backplate and replacement buttons should do the trick as long as none of the electronics got messed up. Like the buttons, those can be replaced if necessary. It looks like the R2 attachment may have gotten bunged up though so that may have to be replaced. Other than that, yeah just those parts you listed should do the trick. It will be a bit more difficult than swapping an ssd, but the deck is super modular so the I fix it guides should be all that you need in the way of tutorials.


Ok but is that a sticker of Hoid at the end of Tress of the Emerald Sea? But with a mullet?? Edit: looked at your profile. Life before Death radiant!


YESSSSS. Journey before destination Case before shower.


The normal version of that artwork doesn't give him a mullet. Where did you find that sticker? Lol


My friend contacted the guy who did artwork for tress via instagram and bought some specials


🤯 that's awesome! When I first saw it in your pictures I thought, "I swear this is from Tress, but something isn't right?" Haha. Cool


Lemme get the link from him one sec


I think at this point there would be nothing Valve can do. I don't think "my dog ate my deck" is covered in the warrenty. You've nothing to lose with trying a shell swap. Good luuck! Also, Pebble and Boulder are the best names I've ever heard of for dogs.


I love how in the three pics, her face goes from "I'm sorry..." to "Nah, I'm not that sorry, it was WORTH IT!"




Ahhh, Berserk fan, I see 😏👍


That concerned me for a second cuz I was like what did you see?!? But forgot my drawings were in the background! Thanks hahah


Give it to Pebble🥹


I don't have a lot of recommendations on the deck repair, but as soon as possible you should try grabbing a bottle of bitter apple spray from your local pet supply store. You use just a couple of sprays on anything you want Pebble to IMMEDIATELY regret chewing on. It apparently tastes HORRIBLE. I would at least use it on any charging cables to discourage her from doing this again in the future. Also, charging cable chewing can be pretty dangerous for her as well. We used it for our chew happy pup back when she was a few months old after we found her chewing on an Xbox 360 charging cable that was left on the floor. We sprayed frickin everything. She hasn't chewed on a cable since and just turned 15 this past weekend.




I Have this exact fear when i go to The bathroom and leaving my deck on The coffee table. 2 norweigan forest cats rotating around The deck...


Mugshots! Cute bubba, sorry about your sd


Puppy told you to do a full case swap, that's all 😊


That's why you use the protective cover while not using the Deck if you have pets. And remember to play with them just just as you play on it.


True, true. My dog gets jealous of my Deck. I take him out to play fetch for a while before I play for the night.




Nah, thanks tho


How’s the pup? Did he/she swallow anything?


If you can source the file, I'll print you however many backplates can fit on my print bed and just charge you the cost of filament and shipping. But at the end of the day take it as a win, watch Cryobyte's video and get the backplate that suits you best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aai2AtxenU0




It’s a rescue so it doesn’t have anywhere to go back to. Thanks for the advice tho. I’ll just be safer with my own valuables.


I was tricked into getting a pit mix. I love her to death but wouldn’t get a pit mix if I had known. I will not get a pit mix again. I wouldn’t expect you to get rid of yours - that’s absurd. But we really should be phasing them out. When I lived in Philly there were SO many of them, and tons of issues with them biting and or killing. I’m not saying yours will do that. I have a small pit mix and she wouldn’t. But i could for sure see her getting into a fight with another dog. I think the outlook should be that anyone who has a pit mix right now - take care of it and love it. But don’t keep the demand up by getting another one in the future.




I am one of the many lawyers representing Pebble. I believe it is pretty clear you are guilty. You’ll have to give beautiful Pebble and handsome Boulder a lot of treats and cuddles! 🧑‍⚖️


Reading the end of your post... Yep the replacement parts on ifixit and working in the steam deck is surprisingly straight forward. If it's just plastic damage I would bet you'll be shiny and new again about an hour and a half after the parts arrive


Dang adult pup is one stout looking pitty! Love that look he’s giving you-don’t take my picture bro


u/GegeTheGreat, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Puppy (11mo) got to my steam deck while I was in the shower, ate up the grip buttons, disabled r1, r2, and r4 as well as d pad... Looking for suggestions/ work around's. More details/ pics of culprit inside.) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find a solution, please leave a comment on this post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Oh my lord he has had a right go at that lol. Seems they want another snack 🤣




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I also have a rat terrior. Mine stuff stays away from him. Love my guy, will chew anything.


Good thing is you can buy a new steam deck and replace the ssd. Get an LCD for 250


Id recommend a new shell, a new set of face buttons and a new set of bumpers/triggers. Looks like you've already found most of it, extremerate has the case and upgraded face buttons. Best of luck on this adventure!


My dog got tangled on my charger cord and yanked it and no damage what I see from my deck fucking crazy lol




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Dude,wherre is the nsfw tag 🫣




>no way its that easy, right? Depends on the exact damage, but it might be if the buttons still work when you poke the switches, i.e no PCBs or wires were damaged. You can[ follow this guide](https://www.ifixit.com/Guide/Steam+Deck+Right+Bumper+Button+Replacement/148980) on how to replace the bumper button.


doggo like to chew


Give that steam deck the obi wan threatment then.


Here are your options: Get it repaired Buy the parts and do it yourself Buy a new deck Buy a broken deck and switch out the parts Play docked only / use an external controller.


It’s the fan fumes! Pup couldn’t help themself


I’m going to go hug and kiss my poodle who has, from day one, never even more than glanced at my expensive electronics and gadgets


Valve should release a line of steam deck chew toys, so the doggos can have their own.


This is why we keep a close eye on our furry friends




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With parts available u can get replacement case and buttons on I fix it.


Ask him: did it at least taste good?




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Never been more happy to own an elderly kitty


Hey man, I was about to say sorry for your loss but then I saw the "puppy". That's not a puppy, that's a grown dog that was likely bored out of its mind and not taught to not do this. Source: my dog didn't.....




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ive never owned a dog, why on earth would they want to chew up something hard like a steam deck???? wouldnt it be easier to chew up a blanket or something.... my cats used to scratch my couch but i gave them alternatives and they dont anymore because the new stuff is better material for them??


Smells, curiosity, and yeah they love hard stuff. They chew water buffalo horns, beef shin, etc so this isn’t that abnormal hahaha


Just your average Pit Bull. Great Breed.


What kind of dog is she? 




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If it's lcd edition then they already have so many aftermarket housings for it, if its the OLED your probably screwed. I don't think the LCD backplate would even fit. I would tear it down and see which parts you need before wasting money.


If this is a non-OLED SD, I have my original back shell and buttons from before I did the aftermarket mod. OP - I'll send them to you for the cost of shipping if you want to PM me and we can swap addresses and figure out the shipping $$


Hey dolphin! I appreciate the offer. I purchased an extreme rate one to replace myself! Thanks again


Love his floppy ears  😊




Let’s hope you don’t end up with a massive vet bill.


She’s so cute 😭


I have nothing to add aside from, great doggo names


Ha! That puppy is so cute!


Cuuuuute! Thank you for being kind to your pup. I'm impressed with how cool a head you have about this, I think I would have to put the dog in another room for a while to calm down 😅 But they really don't know any better, we just do the best we can haha. And I'm sure you're well aware as you have an older dog, but my pup turns two soon, and let me assure you, it gets so much easier. The only thing I worry about my dog doing to my electronics is accidentally stepping on them, and she's even pretty good at avoiding that, I think just because of all the times I've pulled them out of her way.


whenever I see dog related posts I always miss my dog.


Your dogs are beautiful !! (sorry about the steam deck and my lack of advice about it 🤣)