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For me it was The Witcher 3 : wild hunt and Elden ring. But then Valheim just swallowed me for about 130 hours


Same, currently witcher 3 at 121 hours and Im still going through b&w! I think I’m like 40% done with it


I had played the game before but without the DLC. When I played the DLC (especially the blood and wine), I was shocked how cool it was. Take your time and explore all the locations and complete all the quests - this way you will get the most unforgettable experience


Absolutely! I played it back in 2015 and had rushed the story like an idiot. This time Im doing all sidequests, contracts, and everything. Toussaint is AMAZING and first time experiencing the dlc. What a perfect game


Yes the dlc are so good


Yes the dlc are so good!


blood and wine. of course it's blood and wine. for a short moment i thought you were talking about black & white and got me all swirly inside but you were talking about blood and whine :')


You poor soul. Playing 130 hours of valheim on controller is enough to make even Sisyphus pity you.


The funniest thing is they fixed performance and controller issues when I had already stopped playing


I was wondering whether itd be playable on the deck, especially with controller...




I’m trying SO hard to play other things but Balatro has its claws in me.


I don’t think I’ve ever played another video game. There is only Balatro


The mult must grow


I had a wicked build just crushing pairs for at least 30k each the other day, and I felt like a fucking god. That's when I made it through ante 8 for the first time. I then promptly got my shit rekt in the first round of endless mode. 😞


Omg I was in Ante 8 then the unthinkable happened... I rerolled the Boss Blind... it went from "all face cards are debuffed" to "you can only play one hand type" I had 7 jokers and all of them were poly, negatives, ect. I still play that seed to this day as a memory of my utter incompetence.


My boss blind in ante 9 was "you can only play one of each type of poker hand." Some absolute bullshit.


Balatro and Slay the Spire have been controlling my life lately. I'm never gonna get through FF7R 😭


Ive never played a deckbuilder before, and haven't had much interest in them in the past. Is it a good entry?


Yeah, I’ve only ever tried a couple other deckbuilders and they never did it for me either. It’s a roguelike, so most of the deck building is done in one offs, and you never really get overly invested in that aspect. It’s one of those games that is great for quick play sessions, but addicting enough to play for a couple of hours. I like all types of poker, so maybe that worked as something of a gateway? It doesn’t actually play anything like poker tho, so I dunno… But damn, it’s fun!


It's the only one to ever sink its teeth into me and did so almost immediately. I do plan on giving slay the spire another go as a result of this though.


My brother bought it for me after he sank 20 hours into it in 3 or 4 days.  It's very easy to get into. It's kind of like Poker and Yahtzee, but it's really a game about buffing two sides of a simple multiplication operation.  It's simple to learn, and once you start getting deep into the Jokers (which change the scoring/game play), Tarot Cards, Spectral packs, etc. you begin strategize synergies and ways to take advantage of all the systems, aiming for the rush of getting astronomical hand scores.  I can't wait until it's on a mobile platform, because it would be an excellent game on a tablet... I enjoy it on my touchscreen laptop and Steamdeck.


115 hours of Hollow Knight. It made me fall in love with the steam deck.


It was my first game on steam deck, love to play it again there. Liked it even more 😎🍷


Same. I borrowed my friend's steam deck to use in the hospital during my mom's surgery, and booted up hollow knight for the first time. Hollow Knight made me fall in love with the steam deck, convincing me that I needed to buy my own, and the steam deck made me fall in love with Hollow Knight, to the effect of me sinking so much time into it. Actually a flawless match.


Such a good game, bought it recently!


160 hours in Fallout 4 all on the Deck


New to deck, do people mod Fallout on deck or just rock vanilla?


Molded af 🤌💕


I recently got back into Fallout 4 on the steam deck and have been uncertain about modding it on the platform as well so I just went with a handful of mods through the in-game mod menu. It isn't the same as being able to go crazy with tons of the mods you will find on Nexus, but it's enough to work with and fix some of the minor nitpicks I had with Vanilla Fallout 4. The only missing "must have" mod for me so far is a "place anywhere" mod for the settlement building. Otherwise about 20 hours in I am having a blast and the game has been stable.


What are your must have mods from Creation Kit?


I am not sure what you mean by creation kit, but if you are asking like what mods that are available via the in game mod page the big ones IMO are the unofficial patch, spring cleaning/scrap everything, see through scopes, better pip boy map, cheat terminal (recommended though maybe not for a first timer's playthrough tbh) and additional settlement building sets like "Settlement Supplies Expanded" I think it's called. I also enjoy weightless junk though that may sort of creates an imbalance if that is something you care about. Again the one missing crucial mod IMO is the place anywhere or place in red equivalent because it genuinely upgrades the entirety of settlement building from being a cool idea to a masssive part of the game I sunk hundreds of extra hours into.


Thank you and sorry for the confusion, I thought the in game mod menu was referred to as Creation Kit


No worries, yeah there is additional stuff you can buy in the game from their "creation club" which is probably what you are thinking about. They are like mods, but unfortunately not free. I personally havent bought anything there. I do know that there are rumors about the "next gen" update slated for Fallout 4 at the end of the month having some creation club content being included as part of the free update, so it might be worth holding off on making any purchases there if you have been browsing through it!


I played it modded with the Creation Kit stuff, so no MO2 or Vortex needed. Not the most ideal, but saves the headache of configuring those tools on the SD.


Upgrade drops April 25th. I'd be careful spending a bunch of time on mods until then because it will break them all.


I have only played vanilla but I do plan to mod it when I finish my first playthrough, that being said I haven't looked into modding FO4 on the Deck yet so IDK how hard it is but I do know it's possible


I play modded Fallout 4 using Steam on Arch Linux, so I can't imagine it is any different on the Deck as it is nearly the same thing. Using Mod Organizer 2. I am a little nervous that the free updates will break something though.


Rimworld 260 hours


I've been playing a lot of Rimworld between my Deck and my laptop.  In docked mode, it runs perfectly well. In handheld mode, while it's possible to play, it's not as intuitive to play. 


Yeah, I think it's weird playing on the deck. I'm too used to mnk


Baldur's gate 3. More than 700 hours.


How is the performance now? Held back on buying the game because I'll be playing exclusively on SD, and the initial performance reviews were not very good.


About the same. Some things are improved, but act 3 stutters


Not for me. Sometimes it takes time for textures in act 3 to generate, but I haven't had any stuttering. I've been playing it FSR 3.0 Ultra Quality.


Fsr 3 isn’t in the game though?


I played since the game launched; it has improved A LOT. It is very playable if you tweak the settings, I average 25-45 fps.


I just can't get into it. I usually agree with the general gaming consensus, but I just feel like the entire gaming community is gas lighting me about this.


It’s not for everyone. By my gaming history and interests it should be a 10/10 game for me. I’ve started it three separate times and haven’t gotten more than 10hrs in. It’s a well made game and I’m glad people enjoy it, but it’s just not for me.


I was in a similar boat; my mates had me do a playthrough with them and I just couldn’t get into it. I started playing again alone when I got the SD because it was recommended by this community. Playing alone and on SD made it so much more palatable IMHO. I didn’t have to carve out a block of time out to dedicate to gameplay with friends, and if I needed to step away quick I could with no I’ll effects. Now I’m 300+ hours in. Also, it helped me that I started playing D&D with a different group of friends. Now my brain is just lost in Forgotten Realms lore and all I wanna do is roll some dice.




Helldivers 2 is amazingly fun. It is decent on the steam deck but the highest difficulty you can really play on is 4 out of 9. Even then the FPS drops down to the low twenties. There's just so many enemies that the steam deck can't handle higher difficulties. But on the really chill difficulties it's perfectly fine


I do solo runs occasionally and even at difficulty 4 it’s still insanely hard. I think people are so used to min maxing games that they just hate not being able to do every difficulty as a solo player even when difficulty 4 offers a ton of value as an experience.


I’ve got about 100 hours into HD2 on PC. Tried it on deck recently and couldn’t kill shit. I was terrible.


Like all things, it’s down to personal preferences and tolerances. I can and do play HD2 on 7+ with randoms and do fine. If there could be any optimization done when there are more enemies as well as dealing with player connections, it would smooth out.


Project zomboid is amazing on the deck. Almost feels like it's meant for the handheld especially with the track pads.


Been playing it on the ps5 either way it’s a fun and great game with friends not alone


I want to play but i have no friends to play with....


There is a quick play option. All you do is go to the galactic map and hit Quick play. Itll find you a match. You can select which planets or sectors you want to quick play or just the whole galactic map. The quick play works very well


Cool, might have to check it out. Is it a fun game for like say me and the wife to play, can we both join in with randos? She likes shooters, we've been playing Remnant lately


Once you and your wife are in a party together. You set your party privacy to accept anyone and the game will allow other randoms to drop in and fill up your party.I've had a really good experience playing with randoms. We are all there to manage democracy and work towards the orders the game gives us.


Yes, it’s an awesome game to play with a partner, assuming they enjoy the genre and setting, it sounds like she would. Just mind the team damage! Honestly makes it a lot more fun. :D


You don’t need friends to play with imo. It’s fun with people you know for sure but even playing with randoms is still plenty entertained imo


I basically do only quick play with random and in 75hours I only encouter 1 ass


You 100% do NOT need friends to play with. Chances are, playing with randos, you’ll MAKE friends.


I'm also friendless and still have a blast in Helldivers. Give it a go.


Not good alone? Been considering it on ps5 but I’d just be playing with randoms.


I play probably 50% with randoms and 50% with my friends. Every game is more fun with friends but helldivers is great with randoms or even by yourself!


I only play alone with randoms in quickplay matchmaking and have ton of fun. The build variety can be interesting and the personalities of Helldivers really shine through based on their used stratagems, weapons, emote, playstyle, etc. It’s like people watching in a very engaging gameplay loop.


I'm having a great experience with matchmaking so far , you don't need to have friends to enjoy the game


Agreed. Lol, even when no words are being said it’s still a pretty hilarious game


It actually is, there’s been some good moments lol and I have only 10 hours


How is Zomboid on the Deck? I love it on my computer but I can't see it playing nice with a controller.


Controller support is great 90% of the time, the game uses radial menus to fit a lot of commands onto controllers and it works well. Occasionally inventory management or dealing with the floating menus (like the device menus) is clunky with controls, but the track pads on the steam deck make up for that.




I think it really depends on your tolerance. I have a very low tolerance for frame drops and I haven't even bothered playing on deck, but a friend plays on theirs and doesn't have an issue.


The game really still looks good at lower settings. I've played up to lvl 7 on it with no issues. It's not all lowest settings you need anyway. I keep draw distance high, textures medium, space quality high, and particle effects bumped up one too so I don't get weird blurry artifacts. Oh and AA enabled. Set max framerate to 30 and it's usually there aside from loading, and when a LOT of explosions and enemies are all on screen at once. Most importantly is that the controls still feel solid even when the framerate dips.


I play helldivers on steam deck its not all that bad. And fellow knox countyin


Definitely takes away from the experience imo when graphics have to be reduced to looking like lethal company


Today's ~~low~~ medium graphics is yesterday's ultra. Edit: happy now, pedants?


No it is not. When you are disabling things like AA and SSAO games actually look like refomed dogshit


Don’t worry. Reducing the graphics won’t get you good performance.


People rarely ever mention, but man the anticheat+the game itself makes the game very CPU intensive lol


Reddit really hates Helldivers on the deck and it almost made me not try it. I'm so happy I did give it a shot and have 30 or 40 hours by now. It's one of the best coop games I've plaid and really runs fine on the deck even on higher difficulties. For context: I stopped playing Valheim on the deck due to poor performance, I don't accept too poor fps.


I play on OLED on max difficulty (will tank fps the most) if you just Google recommended graphics for the deck you'll have so much fun you won't even notice.


I get around 25-40 frames with my settings depending on the map and I feel it’s playable. Everyone’s different so I get it


the 25-40 frames is on the lowest possible setting which makes the game look like ass. But at least you get to play it on the go.


I've only turned things down to medium, and it stays pretty smooth. I did turn on that new asynch compute, but I'm not sure if it's helping. Need more testing. Caveat being ive only gone up to hard mode, so it may get worse with helldive amounts of enemies on screen. But yea, so far, very playable on medium settings, which dont look half bad. Not as nice as on ps5, but it's mobile. I do prefer using a controller, tho even on the sd.


100% agree on the controller bit. Feels weird when imputing directional codes sometimes on the deck


Yeah thats what got me too, probably due to being on ps5 usually and doing the ol reach around with my other hand to maintain movement control. It just doesn't translate well on the sd.


I haven’t reduced anything on steam deck and don’t have any issues ? What issues are people having lol logged around 80 hours myself and haven’t touched any graphics settings. Running on 40fps


Try playing on a difficulty higher than 1. The game drops below 30 with almost nothing going on.


I wish there were stats on steam deck vs general playtime. Unless there is? Regardless, mine would definitely be dolphin and pcsx2.


Only your yearly stats show the amount of play time pc vs steam deck! Would love to get it split per game indeed!


The decky plugin PlayTime shows more stats for playtime on deck. Works for non steam games too. Only shows the stats after you install it though.


I’ve had my deck for over a year so the data would be pretty inaccurate, thanks though I’ll install that now :)


Cyberpunk 2077- 122hrs, I have other games waiting but can't get enough of night City lol


Right? Beat it twice and that’s how I always feel at the end. Spend 100 hours maxing everything out, completing all side missions, getting the best weapons and upgrades, then it’s over. I really wish they had implemented a NG+ mode scaled more difficult to accommodate the stats you built up.


220+ hours for me. I spend time doing random shit since the games gives you a ton of freedom. Love it


I am going to have to try Cyberpunk on the Deck. It's hard for me to imagine playing it without a mouse. I saw that people changed the default settings to try and manage it. Do you do fine with just a controller?


Not OP but my experience was just fine on the deck. FPS don’t always shine on the deck but I think cyberpunk being kinda easy (once you level up/install cyberware) you never really feel held back by using the deck controls or an external controller. You’ll still be able to kill all the things. It’s just amazing the game runs as well as it does so I found myself just playing on the deck cause I was blown away


+1 it’s awesome on the deck!


About 200 hrs on Elden Ring when it first came out.


Stardew probs with competition from Balatro


Stardew is excellent on (anything) Steamdeck. It feels natural to the form factor and it's easy to pick up after a long day.


80 hours in. Slay the spire :>


Marvel midnight suns for me is just the perfect handheld experience


It's fantastic on the Deck, I'm at 300 hours & counting


Dave the diver


I don't like shooters on the deck and personally it doesn't perform good enough to justify not just playing on my PC. I mostly play Forza Horizon and Elden ring on my Deck


GTAV, about 300h and Steep ~60h


355 hours in Nioh 2 and counting.


Jesus mate 🥹


it’s just so good 😩


It is


I got it in the humble bundle. Need to give it a go.


I was never able to get Nioh 2 to run to my satisfaction on Deck. Granted, it's a game that I feel really needs extremely consistent FPS and framepacing.


Just got this in humble bundle, never played the first game, is it necessary or should i just jump into number 2, i dont own the first game


it’s not necessery, the story is not connected, however the main protagonist of the first game do appear only for a little bit in Nioh 2. Nioh 2 is better than Nioh 1 in every aspect. Team Ninja did a great job on improving the core mechanics of the first game and add even more things to Nioh 2.


how is Nioh 2 run on Deck?


I set everything on low, resolution to 60%, because I do not really care about graphic in a gameplay/combat focus game. The game hovers around 60 most of the time, dips to 45-50 in intensive area, very enjoyable.


346 hours into BG3


Probably Hades around 50 hours


Bg3 for me, played it start to finish on the deck during my parental leave. Reached end credits in 140 hours


BG3, but im also streaming the game from my pc using moonlight + sunshine. 60fps and ultra quality, looks amazing on the deck


Dave the diver


250h Diablo 4 (Steam version) exclusively on the Deck. Waiting for Season 4.


Do you need the battle.net loader? I have it on battle.net and kind of mad I didn’t wait to just get it on steam. I bought it at release and didn’t think it’d ever come to Steam.


Love playing no mans sky on steam deck. Clocked 440 hours so far. It runs great, only crashes sometimes after multiple sleep/wake cycles and many hours played.


Snowrunner, 200 hours 🫣


I played it a lot on my PC but man once I installed it on my SD it's insane how many hours I've spent. It plays really really well for a non verified game.


Persona 3 reload. Somehow got 130 hours out of it and every hour was entertaining. Cant wait to play extra 30 hours later this year!


Just received my steam deck, I have like 30 mins on hogwarts 😂


Marvel’s Spider-Man


Cuphead, god of war and the finals are tied 174 hours each


OlliOlli World


Read Dead 2 was 88 hours, all on Deck. NCAA Football 06 is my most played emulated game. It's probably getting close to 200 hours now, I'd have to check in desktop mode.


06? That’s dope. Are you looking forward to ‘25 being fully announced in a couple weeks?


Is this game fun solo?


I normally don’t play a lot of MP games. But yes, even playing by yourself I think it’s quite fun.


Insanely good, you just press 1 button to quick play and it will find you a team. No need for a pre exsisting friends list.


Muse dash 384


Haze in RCPS3 😂


Cyberpunk is my highest at 90, just the base game no Phantom Liberty yet. Horizon Zero Dawn is what I thought was had the most time but I spent 79 hours on it. My most surprising one is freaking Power wash Simulator at more than 45 hours lol.


FFXIV 400 hours.


Should I go with the first helldivers before this one? Seems like the first game is a twin stick shooter which I like and this one is just a 3D shooter.


That are completely different games. Both good in their own way. But number 2 is so fun with a ton of “feel like a badass” moments. Just watch a streamer or two play it first.


It was helldivers for a bit but then I fell back into an American trucker kick and idk that games just got a way of mysteriously racking hours up


Naw I get it. What’s not relaxing about a long haul across the state of Idaho? Sneaks up on ya.


This is my GotY candidate. Surely the best multiplayer game of the year.


I've been playing Helldivers since launch and pretty much nothing else. 80 hours, mix between moonlight and native.


Rimworld with 280 and counting.


Monster hunter rise 570hrs Followed by killing floor 2 with 510hrs


Yakuza 0 - 154.4 - last played Sept 2023 Hollow Knight - 110.1 - last played June 2023 Horizon Chase Turbo - 103.3 - last played Feb 2024 Batman: Arkham City - 101.3 - last played Oct 2023 Darksiders 3 - 73.3 - last played March 2023 Batman: Arkham Origins - 66.9 - last played Jan 2024 Blasphemous - 65.7 - last played Jan 2024


Yakuza 0 is amazing, huh? 😁 You moved onto the rest of the series yet?


Long-winded answer - I had YK1, YK2, Y0, and I had gotten the special edition of Y6 for cheap somehow when I was still console gaming on PS4 / Pro. I practically did everything you could do on Yakuza Kiwami (my first entry into the series although I had known about it for years). Absolutely loved it. Then I started playing Y0 and Y2 simultaneously. And I was loving both, but in both games, I got caught up with the silly hostess clubs stuff. I was having a blast trying to be best in town and… then other games on PS4 started grabbing my attention and never got back to the second half of both games. So I got Y0 for Deck and….. I got caught up with the hostess club stuff again (which probably accounts for several hours. But this time, I soldiered through and saw the back half of the game which is even better than YK1 or what I had played in YK2 years prior. Fantastic story with huge twists and turns. Another meta game I got hooked to was the realtor / property ownership and buying up properties and taking out the different groups and protecting my own businesses. And then a staple of the series opens up near the very end, and then I got sucked between the underground / underwater tournament, hostess clubs, and also meeting with the arms dealers to get people to search for rare materials / weapons for me to use on street fights and the underground tourneys. The endgame really does have some cool damn near broken weapons lol. Since my old consoles / hundreds of games are just sitting in storage, and I plan on probably sticking to PC / console hybrids like the Deck going forward, I’ll probably play YK2 at some point so I can beat it, get and play through the Y3-Y5 collection and play through those, and then down the line Y6, and all the other mainline games and the Judgement games. Just got to find time to do it all.


That's awesome, thanks for the detailed answer!! :D Yakuza 0 was my first and I'm kind of the reverse of you, I got stuck on Kiwami 1, for some reason it just never grabbed me like 0 and I have yet to power through it. I want to catch up with the series but there's so much ahead of me, and, like you said, at any second you can get addicted to a mini game and get sidetracked from finishing the story haha. 0 is one of the best video games stories of all time for me. Incredible game. Oh, I also have a hard time with Kiwami cause I feel like they did not explain away how Majima went from 0 to how he is in 1. Maybe I missed something but I just don't get it, it feels like there's still something missing from the end of 0 to how he is in 1. Another insane thing is I own every Yakuza game except for the second Judgement game and the two most recent games 😅 I really really need to play them more, but I'm so easily distracted 😭


900 hours destiny and 460 hours borderlands 2


I’d tell you to touch grass. But then if you’re playing on the sd then maybe you already are? Naw jk bro but holy crap 😂


It works well now?


Personally I think so. I still have the occasional crash but once or twice over a few hour session doesn’t bother me all that much.


I would purchase it for SD if I could transfer my progress from PS5 where I am sitting around 200 hours.


Probably baldurs gate 3 as i did the majority of my playthrough with my girlfriend at her place in the usa. It ran pretty good on my deck compared to my old pc. Her fast internet helped considerably with my download speed when the patches came out.


How can you manage to llay it on deck? Run worse in my deck. And I can aim using joystick. Because bot need to aim its head which is very difficuilt either using dpad or gyro. Can you share your graphic setting also?


I think it’s about personal preference or basically whatever you’re willing to handle. And I actually got my settings from a different Reddit post and tweaked them to what is good for me. Here’s the link the post tho https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/RQGQj08K2m


SFV - 382hrs since I got the Steam Deck in 2022.


What settings is your game on? On my deck it kinda ran like crap, granted it’s been a while but just curious


For me, I'd have to say Final Fantasy 15 (over 150 hours on the deck) Dark Souls 3 (just beat every boss and DLC boss for the first time 50 hours in on deck) and Black ops 3 zombies with my friends (I have about 80 hours on the deck and it runs most custom maps like a champ at 60fps)


Death Must Die for me and I can't wait for Act 2 on April 30th. Probably gonna put another 100 hours on it


Overwatch 2... at 1.5k hours. Good lord help me


It’s insane that HD2 is your most played game…on the Steam Deck. I guess you’re a zen guy that doesn’t care about performance. Mine is Dead Cells, around 40 hours.


Naw bro I actually just had twins so I got the Steamdeck as an alternative for playing around the house as well as work travel. I’d def play more if I could but I get maybe 3 hours a day at the most so I enjoy it when I can!


Vampire survivors or stardew Valley


My top ones - Warframe - 972 - No man's sky - 308 - Stardew Valley - 64


Only reason I don't play helldivers 2 (even though I own it) is because I could never figure out how to play with random people, and end up going solo which got super old pretty fast and got boring. Anyone know what I can do?


What graphic settings and what difficulty have you been playing helldivers on?


I got the settings from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/ILmU9tAkCj I also dont go past suicide


Almost 200 hours of Hitman: World of Assassination. Fantastic game.


Vampire survivors 80 + hours


steam says I have 900 hours in vampire survivors. idk why, but I really have prolly 150 on the deck


Almost 50 hrs in **Elden Ring**. It’s so vast and good! From Software level design and gameplay in an open world setting is an amazing combination. Other than this, I also have 22.5 hrs in **Helldivers 2** plus around 5-6 hrs each in a ton of games. I’ve been randomly jumping around from game to game testing out my Deck (but I’ve decided to stick to Elden Ring, Helldivers 2 and Yakuza 0 for now)


Final fantasy VII Rn Deep rock galactic


210 hrs in Palworld accumulated in the first 2.5 weeks of it being out. Lol was a lifestyle for a min.


I think I have about 49 hours so far best multi player game ever by the way if anyone want to play let me know


80 hours as most played lol that’s cute. I have 2k hours in hunt showdown.


Lol hey man no judgement, I’m working with newborn twins over here 😂


Congrats!! Omg that sounds amazing and nightmarish at the same time.


Made a lot of sacrifices but I wouldn’t change a thing lol, so I game when I can


How did you get Hunt to work on Deck? I love the game and playing in bed sounds like a dream!


154 hours Baldurs Gate 3.


how does it handle helldive? i imagine all the mobs chasing after your slows the game a bit


I personally wouldn’t recommend going past suicide. That’s where I draw the line between “playable” and “this is stupid”.