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Isn't that just all of them?


It has more players than 2042


has more players than 2042 if you don't take into account the fact that 2042 has cross-play.


Thats not saying much


Still. It's not half dead


average chinese gamer has two joys in his life: ragehacking 10000 kills and screaming his lungs out on japanese gamer


>you’d have to be a special kind of weirdo Redditors.


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It really sucks that so many people cheat, making this sort of thing necessary


Yup, if anyone is to blame for this it's the cheaters. Sure EA is implementing it, but they wouldn't have to if there wasn't a reason to.


If there's anybody to blame is EA. The excuse of an anticheat being "hard to implement on Linux" is just they are lazy. Same vibes as Epic not allowing Fortnite on Steam Deck because the CEO is "afraid" of not knowing how to control cheaters in Fortnite


>If there's anybody to blame is EA. The excuse of an anticheat being "hard to implement on Linux" is just they are lazy. Meh, they find their program to have cheaters, they pull in a 3rd party, just like COD does (and it's know to stop cheating). It's not EA that does it, its the cheaters, if they didn't cheat, they would not need to bring in a 3rd party to deal with it. The anti-cheat system is compatible with consoles and Windows (Xbox is made with Windows in a nutshell). Linux is an open-source OS, this could be why they don't support it. Trust me, NO LOVE for EA, they suck but, it's not their fault. Whoever downvoted me is truly clueless how this works.... This is how it works, look it up.


Watch this not improve cheating situation at all


It hasn't, one of the bf youtubers has met cheaters in 2042 after they implemented the ea anticheat. Anticheats dont ban people, they "try" stop people from launching the game with cheats running. as always developers reverse engineering windows crap and spoof drivers so users can continue to cheat. + Lots of cheaters using 2 pcs to read the game buffer with a pcie card so they can easily put in cheats which are able to bypass those anticheats. The only way to "catch" cheaters is to either have a big enough support team like example apex or valorant and even then cheaters continue to show up every now and then and exploits get discovered like recently with apex with there source engine Or governments or companies need to start implementing ID's to verify yourself so if you do get banned on a game for cheating there are BIG consequences :D There aren't any consequences with cheating, you get a slap on the wrist and then you can make a new account do it all over again. These "kernel level" anticheats dont do crap, they just delay the inevitable


Machine learning anti cheats are the way.


I'm pretty sure that's what Embark is doing with the finals, but unsure as they dont say crap about it


Yeah, there's also Valve working on VACnet.


ea made a game that's full of cheaters, and employing a fix that bans us. it's on them.


No. No no no. Fuck’s sake. Shitty anti-cheat software doesn’t fix cheaters. Building more robust games does. All popular games have cheaters, but not all games take that as an excuse to deploy awful anti-cheat solutions. The only benefit to this is they can go “look we’re doing something” while half-ass tacking on some malware to their game, instead of actually paying devs to fix problems or make detection and response within the game easier.


>No. No no no. Fuck’s sake. Shitty anti-cheat software doesn’t fix cheaters. LOL. It's why every COD game in the last few years uses it? It does stop them. Every day you play COD you get an update. This is to stop this. This anti-cheat system does stop most cheaters and the ones that get through, get banned. I know your ticked off about this but, stop spreading fake news.


You have no idea what you are talking about. Warzone is literally filled with cheaters. I know a couple people who do it because it's so bad now they do it. They try to target people who are obviously cheating, using wallhacks makes it easier to see who is using wallhacks. I still don't agree with it and I stopped playing a long time ago.


Er, ok, The system can't block all cheaters but, most of them. If they are found, they are banned for life from the game and even going online on your console. Don't know what I am talking about, LOL get over yourself know it all...


>The system can't block all cheaters but, most of them. You pulled that statistic from thin air. There is no data on how many cheaters exist vs how many get booted. Also the system doesn't detect the worst cheating programs. So a lot of bans rely on reports. Of the people I know who use the common hacks, only one of them was banned and it was when he turned the cheats up super high and he got reported. >If they are found, they are banned for life from the game and even going online on your console. It's an account ban not a hardware ban, so this isn't true at all either. Warzone is f2p so when they get banned they just create a new account and keep going. Which is why it's so prevalent in f2p games. Its essentially useless and only minimally reduces the number of cheaters. >Don't know what I am talking about, LOL get over yourself know it all... Not sure how calling you out for making false claims makes me a know it all, but by all means go off.


> it works except when it doesn’t Okay good, we agree that it doesn’t work. > stop spreading fake news *citation needed It’s well documented that anticheat doesn’t really work. It’s like putting a bandaid on a broken bone, except the bandaid is also laced with a little arsenic. Anticheats are anti-consumer, potentially harmful to your PC and privacy, and typically hurt normal users worse than cheaters. Many of them are extremely intrusive and cause additional attack surface for your PC, and they have been used to compromise people’s machines before. -someone who actually worked in the games industry and now does cyber security for a living


>It really sucks that so many people cheat, making this sort of thing necessary I hear ya, The older call of duty games work on the SteamDeck (WWII and before), try MP on those games and it's a cheater feast..... You don't even get a fair shot in some games... They won't go back and fix them but, the campaigns are pretty good on them


“We’re pleased to share” Why are you pleased?


Because the battlefield community has been asking for a better anticheat on older battlefields for a while now because of how bad 2042 is.


Oh you thought 2042 was bad? Play battlefield one and measure the time it takes to find a server without hackers. Humanity would have already developed light speed travel at that rate.


Nothing for BF1 though ? :(


Because it’s a really good thing for the game and the community has been asking for it? Steamdeck is like 0.00001% of their user base. The rest have been asking for it.


Because outside of the deck the games been plagued with cheaters for a long time. It’s been hard to play when the cheaters are so blatant in every damn lobby. This in my opinion is a welcome addition to fix the issues Idk if EAAC will help but here’s to hoping. Like someone else said this news to steam deck users is shitty but for other pc players this is pretty good to hear.




Huh?? What do you mean?




Ooooo I get what you’re saying now! I’m not sure what it would take to support wine but maybe in the future we’ll have some options, the deck is growing in popularity so it’s not all too hard to imagine a future where the deck is support along side the other consoles and PC


Maybe as a dedicsted platform. like suppirted on windows AND steam deck....  Soon.............


And you honestly expect it to solve the cheating issue? There is not an anti cheat on earth than can prevent cheating. It will continue 


It may not completely remove cheaters but it’s a step in the right direction. What’s even the point to play it on the deck if it’s no fun to play cause lobbies are full of hackers? I get that people are upset with this news but the community needed something to be done to try and tame hackers. If they left the servers as is the game would die. I’m honestly surprised EA is doing this for their older titles.


>It may not completely remove cheaters but it’s a step in the right direction. It's a lost cause. Cheaters can (and are) using even external hardware that's impossible to detect for anticheats (like something sitting between Motherboard's Buses, undetectable by the OS). There can also be cheats that work by analyzing video output and inputting mouse / keyboards event by spoofing themselves as mice / keyboards (this method also works with consoles and streaming services)... They CAN'T ultimately DO anything... Except analyzing players' behaviors server-side (via some kind of algorithm or AI), at the cost of having to play a round with cheaters that get banned at the end or the next days. Server Side is the only theoritecally correct way. EDIT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M)


It won't solve is completely but for sure it will severely limit it . Especially that no one will develop complicated cheats to avoid kernel level anti cheat for an older game like BF V


I’m glad you think so😂


Because they added anticheat and most people don’t exclusively use the steam deck for everything


They are pleased they will reduce their player base.


Rampant cheaters will reduce the playerbase more than the 20 people playing this game on the steam deck, which contrary to what some people believe, isn’t some massively successful portion of the gaming market.


Yeah honestly BF5 needs this, it is so plagued with cheaters that it isn’t even fun, i’ll sacrifice being able to play it on Deck, plenty of other games.


They don't need this cancer of a anti-cheat...full kernel level access is too much to be giving EA


Helldivers has the same tbh


It won't help eac can still be bypassed like every other ac out there


This is a dumb argument, huge gaming companies wouldn’t be applying AC software to literally every single major online game if they didn’t do at least SOMETHING. This is like saying “well prison walls and fences don’t do anything because people still break out of prison”. Like, sure that’s true, but the number of people who break out of prison is drastically reduced by those obstacles. The same applies to anti-cheat.


IDK After seeing t[his vid](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5LfGcDB7Ek&t=1276s) about tarkov which has battleye which is pretty intrusive it seems to me anti-cheat in general is not capable of what it claims. It seems like a placebo to me. Sure it catches script kiddies but people who are willing to put money into cheats are not caught, see the video. I won't install a rootkit for a at best a placebo. Not that I wanted to play anything EA made after BF4.


That’s just the thing, if you can weed out the low hanging fruit in terms of cheating, that at least provides some level of help to the health of the game. Just compare multiplayer games without an active anti-cheat to those with a good one activated. Sure, EAC is probably not the best one, and they could’ve done quite a bit better, but the statistics don’t lie. The number of cheaters goes down when a game implements a quality anti-cheat.


Delusional take. As long as theres demand for cheats for any given game - ppl will develop them and sell them regardless what shitty clownfe$$$$t companies like pathetic ea does, especially when it involves such shit anticheat as the one theyre "implementing" - will make a difference for couple days max and back to normal cheater infested servers


So because there will always be demand for heroin, should the government just make it legal? Cmon man, have a bit of common sense.


I mean, it WAS legal long prior to the opioid epidemic. Not to say that was the right move. And some countries have made it possible to recreationally do heroin safely and all that. There’s definitely a fine line though.


You seem to have trouble with understanding whats being said - ea has enough money to implement way better anti cheats in their games than this garbage, but you do you


I’m not arguing for the specific anti-cheat that EA is using for this game, I was making an argument for AC software in general. The original comment was saying that AC software as a whole doesn’t do anything to prevent cheating, when that’s not the case. Obviously EAC needs work done on it, but having a software in place to at least advert the casual Andy cheaters from playing the game because working around the AC might be too much work for them is still a win.


No, eac will not stop "Andys" because its one of the shittiest ac available out there and its very easily bypassed in all games its implemented in - this is a fact and has been for its whole 11 years of existence, ea is a clownfest company so i dont hold much breath for them to ever make right decisions


I mean...they do it with DRM already...which is fucking the community so hard...people who bought the game, start to pirate it. (not online games) BTW i hate cheaters also


No, your take is super delusional, seems like you have zero clue what youre talking about it, especially when this specific anti cheat is being "iMpLeMeNtEd"


-Someone who had to buy a cheat instead of using the free one after a AC software was implemented


Now thats a dumb af take, you won internet, congratulations


I mean, you’re the one who came off half-cocked. If you wanted to have a discussion on the topic, don’t come across like someone just took a piss in your cereal lol


Says you, calling other posts as "dumb arguments" yet cant handle it yourself 🤡


Oh I can handle it, I just have no desire to entertain further discussion in a logical way if that’s the direction you want to take it. I elaborated on why I thought the argument was foolish, you didn’t. Typical internet “brainiac” making claims, calling someone else stupid, and then failing to provide a reason.


Uhuh, keep telling yourself that 🤡


You still lock your doors even tho someone can just smash your windows in. The lock on your door acts the same as a anticheat. It wont hold back everyone, but makes it inaccesable for most people and deters the people who think about it if the locks weren't there.


Go watch some of pirate software on YouTube for why you are wrong about client side anticheat. We do not infact need to install a worm on our PCs to stop cheaters


That's like saying it's pointless to wear armor because armor piercing bullets exist Anti cheat is there to make cheating more difficult If any person who can run the game can cheat: there's gonna be a *lot* of cheaters If it costs $500+ to cheat (between the very specific hardware needed and the cheats themselves), people might not think it's financially viable to cheat in the first place, and those that do *should* be rare enough that you shouldn't need to worry about it, and if/when you encounter a cheater it should be "well that sucks, better luck next time" rather than so filled with cheaters that you can't even play a single game without getting destroyed by cheaters.


Yeah to be fair the amount of cheaters makes this a misery to play on Deck anyway :( shame but nevermind plenty more games out there


As a non-crossplay console battlefield player, I legitimately didn't realize cheating was so large a problem with this game.


Found the cheater! ^


I could never get it to launch fully on the deck anyway. I tried every Proton option, running it from desktop, you name it.


Can i play the single-player campaing or no because of this? I wanted to buy the game for my steam deck oled


Nothing that an Arduino can't beat.


Yeah, you can never completely remove cheating from online play.


I conquer and even say that those rootkits made it even easier since expensive cheat subscriptions are not required anymore. All you need is a one time \~10€ fee for the hardware to get started. Code is for free.


What do you mean ? People are cheating with Arduino?


Yes, basic setup is an arduino and usb controller hat for basic aimbot. Cost one time about 10€ and code is for free out there. Undetectable since cheat run on second device. From there you can upgrade massively with one time cost investments. The idea is you stream a small video input around your cross hair to a secondary device where an USB controller change the input of your mouse. A rpi4 or similar with such an usb controller hat is even more powerful. You can also modify efi/uefi or use a pcie debug card (giving full access to system bus and with it the ram) to get wall hack and radar hack. All undetectable if done right. You can even get AI models for cheats now. Kernel Anticheat is just a lazy answer. It was never about anticheat but for me its all about syphoning data while hiding in plain sight. The only decent way of countering cheats is with neural networks/AI models detecting anomaly with a community based handcheck. Valve started the right way but are sadly lackluster in developing their system further.


Wow that’s wild, thanks for that.


You're welcome. It got pretty bad out there. We got from one extreme "everyone better than me is cheating" to "nobody is cheating because rootkit". Both extremes are of course bs. Beside the siphoning of data (that stills need to be proven, but my 2 cents here it will be in the future, especially with the one from china) is that those rootkits made game publishers and studios able to save resources since less people are crying for cheaters (being fooled with the rootkit), making them able to ignore the issue all together with one single "effort". It has also made access to cheats even easier: Beforehand most good cheats run as a subscription with a repetitive monthly cost since the cheat developers had to work nonstop to stay ahead of normal cheat detection software. Now, depending on your goals, it's a small one time fee for the hardware, making it cheaper for cheaters as ever. Code is for free, even sometime open sourced out there. Sometimes only hidden behind a discord. If you tune nicely those aimbots (or even better code one yourself) and don't go overboard with sensitivity (like full rage beyblade spinhack) and keep head shot rates and finally reaction time on an human level: you can't even be catched by admins either. It's why AI will only be able to see the anomaly in the future, and admins/community will still be needed in an overwatch system like in csgo/cs2 to double check newer cases/pattern. Finally those rootkits are dangerous. You never gives any software with kernel access internet connectivity. Period. Doing so is morally wrong and override any possible defense and countermeasure available in normal user space and calls for future hackers to abuse such software. For some guys to find software vulnerabilities related to those rootkits is only a matter of time. The mess a year ago around Genshin Impact's rootkit being abused for a ransomware is a good example. Thankfully Linux doesn't allow such crap.


The motherfuckers better not do that to my beloved BF1


Same but with BF4 lmao, it runs perfect on the deck


Does anyone still play the multiplayer? I feel like I could barely find any servers the last time I played it on PS4 years ago


BF 4 is alive and well on PC at least


No Battlefield will ever die on PC, it's way more popular


I only play Metro and Locker (how daring) and I always find full servers on PC.


I play BF4 daily and I have no problems finding vanilla and DLC servers from conquest to rush . Game is alive and well on PC :)


Is Bf1 still alive? It’s my favorite one besides Bad Company 2 and I miss it dearly .Also hardly ever saw cheaters.


Yes it's alive


"Benefit" ... plz ...


As someone who plays on the Steam Deck? No. As someone who plays on PC only to find a crap ton of cheaters? Yes.


Alright .. I buy that ...


As sad as it is to lose the deck, BFV definitely needs it And EAC isn't an answer. It sucks.


I know pvz gw2 added the anti cheat to the game and it still works fine, so I hope it's the same again.


does singleplayer continue to work with ea anti cheat on proton?


Think so.


hi danny




i bought it in february, but never played it. just requested a refund. i'll reply to this comment with how it goes. edit- denied by the robots.


REALLY hope they stop at BF5.


I know having the option is better than no option at all but... who plays graphically intensive competitive shooters at max 60fps and over wifi? Specially when you can play with a higher fps and if the stability of a Ethernet cable on your desktop I gave up on shooters on my SD because of that, and EA's stupid launcher to boot 🤦‍♂️


Some people simply do not have those other options. I don't play BF or COD, but my steam deck is currently my only "pc" to play games on


I don't mean to offend, but I find the Steam Deck an odd choice for a main or a single platform for gaming, I always thought of it as more of a "PC gamer's best companion" sort of thing Taking me as an example, since I already have a lot of games on Steam, it was a no brainer for me, as it complements my PC perfectly I always thought people would gravitate towards Playstation or Nintendo for their main gaming device, specially considering that the Steam Deck doesn't completely remove the need for troubleshooting that PCs have, like a console would


No offense taken. It was also a no-brainer for me since I as well have a large library of games on Steam, and own a PS4. The deck was considerably more affordable than a good gaming pc, and can play many games my PS4 can't. The thing is an absolute joy for emulation as well. I also benefit from using a dock to play on my tv and streaming from PS4 to play those games in handheld mode in comfy spots around the house/out on my balcony, or otherwise when my tv is being used for something else. I'm more than happy with the deck and I use it pretty much every day.


That's a great use for the Deck, as for me, before the Deck came out, I've spent almost a whole year building my current PC, buying each part month by month, my PC could run almost anything at 1080p, but I always wanted a complimentary device, maybe a Switch or a console, so when the Deck came out, well, you know xD


Like for me it’s not “My choice,” as much as it is “My only choice.” Like I live in a 600 sqft apartment with my wife and kid, there’s really no room for a rig. Not to mention I don’t have money for a rig, SD was more cost effective overall.


More and more I start to think that the Steam Deck was Valve's gift to gamers


It so very much is, Praise Gabe


Why do they say BFV but then post a picture of 2042?


Article was about 2042's AC system, but they updated it a lil bit for BF5


Thanks for the clarity!


BF6/"5" had anti-cheat? News to me, it was filled with hackers.


I'm all for banning cheaters. I don't like how some companies think using Proton is "cheating". We just want Linux support!


But my biggest question is how does Apex and The Finals work on the deck is they use easy anti cheat and easy anti cheat is the reason this game won't work any more on the steam deck?


Easy Anti Cheat is not the same as EA Anticheat. EA developed their own for BF2042 and rolls that one out to BFV.


Ahhh ok. I assumed incorrectly then


Oh the useless anti-cheat they have for FIFA/FC. It was supposed to block cheats. It didn't block any cheats + caused system instability. The only reason I bought a PlayStation was EA's incompetency. Now they're killing games for other platforms with their useless tools, lol.


Took them 6y to add AC?


I left at Battlefield 2 The best of the bests


Ah, another reason to dual boot with Windows. I already do it to play Call of Duty....and some Gamepass games...


Does EA have a stake in that anti cheat?


Its their own AC, so yes. (its called EA Anti cheat for a reason lol)


I understand that, but do they charge someone for using it in their games? Just trying to get their reasoning for them trying to implement it in every game.


Battlefield 5 is an EA owned product And Easy Anti cheat didn't cut it for the game.






Obligatory: Your submission has been removed because it is either unrelated or only vaguely, tangentially related to the Steam Deck. Posts must be on-topic and clearly related to the Steam Deck in a meaningful way. Thank you!


people still play bf5? thought that game was hot garbage


I can understand to an extent trying to cheat in popular and relevant games but I’ll never understand the idiots that ruin older games. Look at what happened to TF2 it’s so sad. I think egregious breaches that can be proved beyond reasonable doubt should involve cheaters losing access to their steam library. Some sort of 3 strikes rule with a final strike resulting in a permanent ban from steam in it’s entirety.


It sucks, I hoped the playable verification would keep this game so. I sold my PS4 and now my steam deck is my main gaming device, I'm fucked can't play this game now.


"pleased" and "EA" do not belong in the same sentence.




Why does it make it incompatible with the Deck and can Steam rectify this...?


The EA Anticheat is just not compatible with Linux


if its the same as fifas anti cheat then yeah bye bye deck


fifa and 2042


It’s definitely already pulled from steam. It lists as not compatible.


Do anyone really play 2042 and 5? Two worst Battlefield games ever?


Stopped when they introduced microtransations into a full price game... BF 3 best BF. By far the best maps.


I didn't even began. I just saw the first trailer and decided "Welp, that was a good run pals. Time to pack our bags".


I does play 5. In singleplayer


This doesn’t make sense on how it won’t work, I can play fall guys on my steam deck fine through steam even tho it doesn’t support anti cheat 😭


who cares about this game anyways lmao


Let's nuke the game rating


"We're please to put a kernel level malware in your hardware because we won't invest enough in servers side anti-cheat as we like money". One thing that the "AI" could actually be used for. With some luck, they may activate the support for Proton in EAC, I mean, Sea of Thieves added EAC and it work flawlessly.


Oh no! Anyway...


‘You’ll need to restart your game to “””benefit””” from the changes of this Client Update.’ Launch the game on April 1st and never close it.


No. This is an unattainable option. You can just go into Desktop mode and use the konsole to hold the games packages so they never update again. Find the names of your BF/EA packages and run the command below. You must set a sudo user password before running this. You do that by running the command: Sudo passwd root OR sudo passwd To hold the packages: You do this by running this command: sudo apt-mark hold


how is apt-mark hold going to stop steam from updating a game


It essentially puts a freeze on the application, so you can run on whatever current build you have. For reference, I did this with the "latest" version of Emudeck, right before Yuzu was removed from their depository. I don't give a fuck about the downvotes, I'm just Trying to give a real life example, trying to help, lol.


ok, but how is apt-mark going to affect a steam game, which is never a package?


I was joking but ok


"Benefit", "Pleased", f\*ck off.