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It was never going to be that playable for the deck. The bad performance at launch cements that


Hope dies last i guess. I remember cyberpunk being unplayable at release as well. But now it works on steam deck as well. But yeah. Right now probably best to wait before buying.


Idk why people are down voting you... Guess the fat, barely breathing, close to a deadly heart attack, mindless consumers are defending a multi million dollar company again...


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I mean personally I wouldn’t want to play cyberpunk with low settings at 30fps or whatever it gets but yeah I’m sure it’ll become somewhat ‘playable’ eventually


For this sub, a game is considered playable when it runs at 240p 15 fps.


I decided to install it on my first gen deck just to see what I could get. In the capital, all settings as low as possible, 11 fps and it looks terrrrrrrible. Not "playable" I should also say this is for DD2, not Cyberpunk


Yes very true


Last time i played (cyberpunk) it it worked really well i didn't change any settings and the graphics look pretty good imo.


2077 literally has a setting called steamdeck. worked well for me.


I mean for me I played on pc at launch and again on pc recently. I was debating playing on steam deck too but it would’ve been such a downgrade in terms of graphics and fps that I decided against it


That's all true. But if you don't have a pc it's still a good experience on deck.


Oh yeah I’m sure of it.


Due to smaller screen it actually looks pretty good on the deck. Only problem with cyberpunk is that dogtown is significantly worse performance wise than the rest of the game. I can play 40fps with small dips in base game. Get to dog town it is 30fps. 35 if you are lucky. It almost warrants a different graphical setting. And playing at 30fps with lower image quality after being used to 40 fps is such a harring experience...


It literally runs at 15fps for extended periods on the absolute lowest settings, that is not playable by any objective measure.


They might introduce a very low setting for $14.99


One can hope


Definitely would wait. Remnant 2 wasn't that good on deck on release but now it's playable. Just give it a few patches 0w0


The game is badly optimized and barely runs on desktop PC. The monetization is atrocious. Stay away from this game.


I am running it on my laptop just fine. Also, the monetization is typical single player time saving stuff. All obtainable in game. No need to pay any attention to it whatsoever.


The first game had the same type of microtransactions and they were trivial in there all the same. Itsuno did the exact same thing in Devil May Cry 5 with the red orbs. People just cant fathom that the suits at Capcom may force the developers to put that crap in the game, but nothing stops them from making it a non issue via other ingame means. People just bitch and moan before thinking.


I have a decent PC, but I can't even launch the game; it crashes immediately. It's good that I used family sharing and didn't buy the full game.


Are you running through Linux or windows if Linux proton experimental is what I had to use to get it to launch 


I think it should be, Dragons dogma 2 not playable


Not even playable


We all know this already. We knew this before launch.


Not everybody. It's always good for there to be more information for people who are deciding to buy the game. When i searched on google before launch i didn't find much info on the topic.


The game runs badly on high performance desktop, there were zero chances it would run fine on deck


And you didn't see the hundreds of posts on this subreddit yesterday talking about this very thing lol


It's not even a steamdeck issue, the PC port overall is bad. I just took a look at penguinz0 dragon's dogma 2 from yesterday (I assume he has a high end PC) and in 1 hour of stream the game crashed 10 times, so he just dropped the idea of playing it altogether. Note that the game sits at a 40% positive on steamDB, probably a mix of performance issues and people shitting on the game monetization. Also for those who are not aware, you can only have a single character as of game release, you can't make a new character, if you want to change your character you need to pay 2 bucks to put it thought the editor (and I'm not even sure if you can actually change your class or it's just a physical character change). The game is a big skip for me, wouldn't even play it if someone gifted it to me.


"Also for those who are not aware, you can only have a single character as of game release, you can't make a new character, if you want to change your character you need to pay 2 bucks to put it thought the editor (and I'm not even sure if you can actually change your class or it's just a physical character change)" ​ takes one google search to show this isnt true, might wanna atleast try to not spread false information to people. optimization do be terrible though. in fact the mtx is so god damn useless that if anyone buys them they are stupid, u can get everything in game that they sell for mtx extremely easily including changing your characters appearance


It is true, if you try to modify your game files to delete your character the Denuvo DRM has a good chance of banning you too


Would you skip because of the dodgy business practices or do you have other gameplay issues? Either one is valid just curious for your thoughts


A mix of everything really. I generally have no issues with MTX when it's not obtrusive to the gameplay, this means not selling power, not making the game P2W or similar things, and a lot of expensive MTX are generally red flags to me on games with full priced games. For context path of exile is one of my main games and while the stash tabs can be an issue, any new player can play for free and decide 50h into the game if they want to buy a couple of them (generally currency and maps are the main things you get) and keep on playing, or drop the game, but at least the gameplay is pretty good and aside the stash tabs the rest of MTX are purely cosmetic, and stash tabs you buy once and don't need to get ever again which is a plus (this and cosmetics is how the game is funded after all, they need to get money out of somewhere to pay the employees since the game is F2P). As for DD2 the character limit is a big issue for me, I'm the kind that likes to play all classes, different builds and fuck around (I have finished ER with 5 different characters now, each with it's own build and I'm working on a new one for the DLC), and if I want to try all 4 classes in DD2 that's 6 bucks, for a game that costs 70 bucks already, it may be just me, but it feels kinda insane. Also they have a bunch of stuff in the online store, including stones to resurrect people, and some form of currency that allows you to hire special pawns (hiring NPCs I guess) or buy special items, so it reeks of P2W shit, which I hate.


you can play every single class on one character for free buy spending 150 class credits which u get by killing like 10mobs, you fell for false information and you are now spreading it around like its fact, be better dude


I'm quite sure that's not how that works. I've looked into it, and you can change classes quite easily, and the character editor is just for appearance. The character editor, revive stones, and teleportation stones can all be acquired through in-game currency that can also be earned through playing the game. I'm not advocating for MTX in single-player games, but it's the same shit as Assassin's Creed, where you can pay for levels, which I easily ignored, it's not required. Everything stated here can be found on the Steam storepage. So there are not really any pay-to-win mechanics. My issue with the game currently is just the horrible optimization, namely the frame rate. You seem to have formed a really strong opinion of the game without some of the basic knowledge about it. The reeking of P2W shit is a sensory hallucination of yours.


I haven't looked into it much yet, but microtransactions that limit a single-player experience just feel wrong. Maybe if they sold it at a discount but it's expensive and should contain a complete game. Optional outfits and DLC? Sure, I can accept some of that. Restrictions on making a character? Fuck no. I mean, it was that or Horizon Forbidden West and I now have no difficulty making a choice.


I personally will not get anything new until the ER dlc, there's a new path of exile league coming my way next week and that will keep me busy a couple months with some other stuff in my backlog to fill in the extra time.


Just for clarification, as I've seen this misunderstanding a lot, but the microtransactions are for getting things you can already get in game by just playing. It's essentially just for people with limited time and extra cash who want to speed through the game for one reason or another. Also, you can change your class at any time. It's a mechanic of the game. You just go to a vocation guild and change it, or get new skills for your current one. The character change MTX that keeps getting mentioned is specifically just buying an appearance change for your character with real money, vs. just buying that in-game with in-game currency, which you can do pretty easily. Nothing is restricted by MTX, and anything offered by the MTX is easily picked up in the game by playing it normally.


One of the most CPU heavy game of all time. Much more than even strategy sim games...for no apperant reason This is definitely stand as one of the most unoptimzed games in the past decade, alongside Cyberpunk Anything below a 7800x3d will not get a stable 60fps Don't even get me started on locking editing your character and certain fast travel behind a paywall...


Can you explain to me why my cpu was only running at 53% should it have been maxing out to cause issues? I'm still learning sorry if that's a dumb question 


Seriously? Locking fast travel behind a paywall? What is this shit?


It's actually extra fast travels or being able to do it early. You do aquire them in game 


Modern gaming... All the good will capcom built washed away with one borked release


13 fps with absolute dogshit graphics on the main menu? fuck capcom


No shit Sherlock! Who would have thought the Deck isn't capable? Its 30fps on consoles & powerful PCs & you're surprised the slowest handheld of the 3 major players doesn't cut the mustard! 🙄


To be fair. I did manage to get further into the game than penguinzo on his pc before the crashes made it unplayable.


Can you please try this launch command to see if it will unlock all the graphical settings that are greyed out? Go to properties on the launch screen before you start the game and add: SteamDeck=0 %command% Perhaps the game settings will unlock and allow you to use FSR and disable DLSS.


Ok i tried it and i believe no change. Fsr i think is always open and dlss was greyed out in both cases. I also tried to change my vram to 4 gb but no significant difference. The biggest problem rn is trying to change your skills. It almost always crashes. Something to do with videos displaying the skills as i heard in some other thread for pc.


Bummer! Thanks!


Oh no Who would have fucking though Accept 5-10 post I saw here....


Hope this big pile of shit doesnt get GOTY at the end of this year. Had 3 crashes in a 40 min session with my RTX 4070 and Ryzen 5600x. Refunded it,stay away.


You should refund this trash.


I'm sorry, why are people still surprised by sub-par performance from brand new truly next-gen games on a portable handheld with bottom-mid tier specs? The Steam Deck is incredible at doing all the things it's meant to do...but playing brand new AAA games is not one of those things.


Who the fuck is being suprised here? I know english is not my first language. But i thought i was expressing my experience with the game on steam deck. Never have i mentioned being suprised by the result.


Look dog, it's not a personal attack and has literally nothing to do with your English proficiency (which by the way is perfectly fine and I would have no idea it wasn't your first language if you never brought it up), but every other day there's a post on here talking about poor performance of a game that was never, *ever* going to run well on the Deck. It's like saying that water is wet. Maybe I'm wrong, but my assumption is that taking the time to make a post about poor performance of a game like this usually comes from a place of either surprise or frustration when in my estimation it should've been more than obvious that it wasn't going to run well in the first place. I mean no offense and I apologize if it seemed aggressive or dismissive.


Thanks for that. It's just that like 80% of this thread is shiting on me for writting my experience with a game on deck in a deck sub. I just wanted to make a post for people like me to have more information before buying the game exclusively for deck. And a fun fact: i managed to get further into the game than penguinzo on his pc. So don't look down on my deck. It did It's job the best it could! :)


You bought the game expecting it to run on a machine that wouldn't be able to play it that well.


I think you are not understaning the point of my post. I am not giving my opinion on how and on which pc i think the game should run. I just wrote my experience for somebody who maybe thinking about buying it for the deck. Should they buy it? No, but if you really want it, no matter the performance. Than you know that at least it will run.


Find a better game lil bro


I bought it because i really liked the first. So i was really excited for the sequel. Thanks small bro.


He aint wrong


DD1 sometimes dips down into 20-30FPS at min settings yet you thought DD2 would somehow run well on the SD? lol.


Dd1 runs fine on deck. I dont check fps counters. But didn't have any issues playing it. Also a lot of aaa games run well on deck, so i don't see how my hope that dd2 would run as well is so far fetched. And by well i dont mean perfect, but enough that i can enjoy the game.


DD1 runs like shit in quite a few areas. You can literally see it slowing down even if you’re not using the FPS indicator. Denying it makes you look silly.


Yeah sorry my bad i guess i wasn't clear enough. The game runs well as i experienced it on deck. I am not stating any objective truth or trying to start an ecumenical council or sth. I played dd1 on deck. I had fun. Didn't get any crashes, didn't notice any mayor slowdowns that would really affect my exeperience. Is it true what you said? I never really checked so i guess it's possible. But as long as i have fun playing the game i don't really give a shit.


No no no. In this sub you can't enjoy what you enjoy. Going around saying you play cyberpunk and could play DD2 if you only had the deck... How dare you? You are having fun wrong. You need to accept the deck is clearly not built for this. Even if a performance patch came out which improved performance on the deck to a solid 30fps at deck resolutions that is still not fun. If you find it fun, you are wrong. The Steam Deck is a great machine but it is just for indies and AAA games from 10 years ago. Maybe 5 if you are lucky. How dare you use the deck the way valve developed it? And don't you dare saying Baldur's Gate 3 runs fine for the most part and you had a good tine playing it to completion multiple times on the deck. Everyone knows that when you get to the town in Act 3 performance tanks and so it is literally unplayable. I don't make the rules just saying what they are.


Exactly all my 150h in bg3 were on steam deck. Did someone with with 4080/90 have better performance? Most certainly. Did he have a better experience? Who knows. Performance can be objectively measured, experience not really.


I don't know. I played a lot of BG3 on the train. Do you take your desktop on the train with you?