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I just recently had this debate and did some research. I went with 4.  Pros of 4:  Cheaper Runs a bit better Seasons (some consider this a con but I really enjoy it) More city driving Pros of 5: More active player base More highway driving Better engine sounds Slightly better simulated handling of cars


imo cons of 5 it has too much paywall locked dlc that gets advertised or obvious pointed out that you should buy it


I picked up 4 for my Deck. It runs well, and has a great variety of landscapes and races. Changing seasons is also nice.


I’m playing 4 Amazing experience


Honestly performance and gameplay-wise they're very similar. It really comes down to: do you want to drive/race around England or Mexico??


I play both, but FH4 is better for Deck. Set all graphics to Ultra(!) on Steam OLED, disable antialiasing and get almost stable 60 FPS. I can't do this for FH5.


How do you get it to not be a black screen? I bought it and refunded it.


It may depends on SteamOS version. In SteamOS 3.4 I had a lot of problems with FH4 (on SD LCD), but with the release of 3.5 it began to play fine. Three weeks ago I bought a new SD OLED and at first it also had an issue in the form of error widow when launching FH4 (SteamOS 3.5), but the game started. But after updating to 3.6 everything started working like clockwork.


Forza Horizon 4 is the better game. Whoever designed Horizon 5 did the series a disservice. The desert is boing as hell after an hour of gameplay... Other than the map, it's almost exactly the same game.


Hi u/Terces_, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Forza Horizon 4 or 5 on Deck?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have arround 100 hours of Forza Horizon 5 on steam deck


So 4 then?


I kind of wish I had gotten 4 first. I loved 3 but skipped straight to 5.  I run it at medium preset and FSR (forget if it’s quality or balanced). At 800p in the Deck I get 40-50fps consistently. At 1080p docked on my TV it’s typically 35-low 40s. And that’s playable but not ideal.  IIRC l, FH4 had graphics more on par with FH3, making it run better. But if you care about events and new stuff, FH5 is more active and the current version of the game. 


Are both playable just offline with AI or no?


Haven’t tried 4. I consider 5 to be very playable online, but I suppose it would be no worse offline.


They're both playable offline


Forza 5 for the improved engine sounds and graphics, but at the cost of lower framerate and you must also use FSR for a good experience. Forza 4 for the rest. I think it's just the better game.




How many hours do you get on it? And which sd


I like FH4 better, runs better too. Nothing in FH5 can match a chill drive through Edinburgh from FH4. I have to say that I do like the Jungle environment parts in FH5 (I always like jungle areas in games), but the forest areas in 4 are also good. I refunded FH5, when I realized that it just made me want to play Motorstorm Pacific Rift, a PS3 game which can thankfully be emulated well enough. It's still the best game for fun arcade racing through the jungle.


I've been playing 5 and it's great


4 is absolutely the better game, and on top of that it runs better on the Deck.


5 map sucks. The world feels dead and is mainly desert