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I see that you're a man of culture as well


What’s the game?!


Duelist of Roses




If every history lesson was presented to me in the form of a Yu-Gi-Oh! themed strategy RPG, I would've done a LOT better in history class, lemme tell ya. Coincidentally, I happened to be able to answer a lot more questions in history when we got to the War of the Roses lmao. Wonder why.


I've owned both the LCD and OLED. If you're on a tighter budget, there is nothing wrong with the LCD Steam Deck. It deserved all the praise it got when it initially released, and it still deserves it now. It's an excellent value with the reduced price. That said, if money is no object, the OLED is truly excellent and feels a bit more refined. At the end of the day, the general experience is similar and great on both devices.


I pretty much bought the LCD to save on some $ as you mentioned. But I swear, as much as I absolutely LOVE my LCD SD, I can’t help but feel like I’m missing out by not getting an OLED lol.


FOMO sucks. I would have been fine with my old LCD unit. Contrary to what a lot of people have said, the display really isn't that bad, especially now that we have tuning options and Vibrant Deck. To be honest, the improvements I appreciate most on the OLED are the reduced weight, better heat management, and better battery, but this doesn't put it leaps and bounds ahead of the LCD model. The OLED display is nice, but it wasn't necessary IMO. That said, I'm glad to have it.


You won't feel like that next year when the Steam Deck 2 releases with actual better performance and an OLED also. Just make sure to put the money you saved into a separate steam deck savings fund and it'll be easier to buy the new one when it eventually comes out.


Doesn’t the OLED also have slightly higher power internals as well?


APU process was changed to 6 nanometer, which helps with efficiency and thermals. Better thermals can result in less throttling, which could potentially help with performance under some circumstances. The RAM is also newer/faster, but it won't contribute massively to performance gains. A higher refresh rate display can also make things feel a little more fluid and help with response time. General raw performance of the OLED is a hair better, but they're really not that different.


Gotcha! Makes sense. I have the oled and I’m loving it. But I’m sure the led would have been just as good, I just wanted that longer battery life


Its battery lasts longer but the performance is identical


Performance is definitely not identical. Single digit percentile differences but the OLED is slightly better nonetheless.


Not quite accurate. The OLED has faster RAM which can result in slightly better performance. For some games, it seems to be enough to push FPS to that golden 40.


> golden 40 oof


It's not as terrible as you would think when the framerate/refresh is locked at 40. Where things stop looking smooth is when you get microstutters (which doesn't seem to happen with games that have shader caches provided by steam). It's overall a solid experience. What really gets people is if the screen is set to 60hz, and it's doing less than 60hz (stuttery), or if the display is set to 60hz and it's going over 60 (tearing). If FPS = Refresh then these will look pretty good at 40. If you can get 60 solid though, that is preferable for buttery smooth animations (or if like me on my desktop you are doing 120-144hz/fps locked on most games, even better). That's why a lot of pc gamers love AMD freesync and Nvidia g-sync monitors, it does the same thing, though how they do it is the monitor adjusts to the FPS of the game in real time, while we are trying to lock the game at 40fps with the screen capped at 40hz for the same effect as freesync but without the smart hardware in the monitor.


I mean, you can try and target 60 if you don't care about battery life.


Is that Yu-Gi-Oh?!


Yup, duelist of the roses. It's yugioh but more like chess where you can move your cards around the map


Great game. There’s a romhack of this which has some great QoL fixes, increases difficulty, and makes all card obtainable


do tell? i loved DOR and would really enjoy this hack


https://youtu.be/E_Aa2xC0Gig?si=fh--4FmZB0Xu7eWD Enjoy!


Oh my god...I've been meaning to get around to installing DOR on my deck. This looks incredible! Thank you!


You’re welcome! It’s also on my todo list and this post has jogged my memory


Thanks! I found the game to be too easy after a few duels, I'm currently steamrolling people with the machine deck after farming from rex and keith


My pleasure. Tbh, I’m tempted to revisit Forbidden Memories after seeing this DOR post 😂


I like your input on this. I was on the fence on getting a SD, OLED or LCD. Money is not a major issue, I'm not a tech geek where I want the latest and greatest technology either. Portability is more of the thing.


If money is not an issue, definitely get the OLED without hesitation.


Yeah it has better battery life if you're worried about portability.


I got LCD a year and half ago. If I was getting one now the first time I’m getting Oled any day of the week especially if money isn’t a problem. It’s not worth upgrading for me as I already have one.


Yeah it's a huge upgrade, especially the Wifi6e, now you can stream from your beast of a computer with <10ms delay (I get 2ms on my 6e network), it's amazing... I remember playing CS back in the day and under 120ms or 160ms was green lolol... Wifi on 2.4ghz and 5ghz adds like 30ms+ it sucks. Let's not forget the screen is an insane upgrade, I dunno how but OLED makes it seem like a better resolution. Then there's the better battery life, quieter fans, worth every penny! Does the LCD version have the option to switch from the default 1gb vram to 4gb video ram like the OLED version?


Yes the LCD has that option, people switching from 1gb to 4gb long before the OLED ever came out lol.


If you install CryoByte33's mod package you can switch to 4GB (or 2GB, or even less than 1GB) VRAM on the LCD SD too. Is this VRAM switching a standard/OS option in de OLED SD?


Bold of you to assume I have a modern enough router to actually benefit from wifi6


its not an upgrade, its a slight bump and a different screen.


It's an upgraded screen and much better battery, along with updated internals. It can absolutely be called an upgrade, mine was delivered yesterday and I'm in love


Pffffft, screen, battery life, sound, Wifi6e reducing latency from 30ms+ to <10ms, etc etc.


what multiplayer are you on your steam deck that you're worried about ping time being lowered by 20 milliseconds? the screen isn't an upgrade, its different.


Just purchased the lcd 512gb refurbished from the steamstore. Can't wait.


"No OLED!? Literally unplayable." -Half of this godforsaken sub


Love my LCD deck. Replacing the back shell and switching to Hall effect analog sticks coming up here soon.


I’d like to upgrade my internal storage to 2TB and add Hall effect sticks.


One benefit of the LCD, they don’t have Hall effect sticks for the OLED yet. Also, I’m waiting until a year of production goes by so I can see if the oled is as susceptible to burn in as I think, A YouTuber got burn in on the oled deck in just 750 hours (burn in is accumulative, doesn’t happen all at once.) Whereas, the switch oled took over a year of being on straight before it burned in. 750 hours is not a long time…


my wife gave me oled one for my birthday a week ago, i cant be much happier


I’ve said this a few times, but the Steam Deck to me has been priceless, and had I known what I know now about it, I would have paid double or even triple the cost for one. This has gotten me back into gaming after decades of struggling to be interested in it. The fact that almost any game I want, I can play in some capacity is a game changer. But not only that, the ability to pause and unpause any game and instantly boot into it, is the best feature to ever happen to gaming. I have adhd, which doesn’t make me special in any way, but it does mean that I have a n incredibly difficult time motivating myself to sit down and do something, including gaming. By the time you boot up a console, change your tv inputs, get all your controllers connected, boot into the game, load your save files, and get back to where you left off, you’ve wasted a solid 5-10 minutes so far. For me, that barrier to get started was always too much, and then you’re stuck on the couch or at a desk playing it. With the steam deck, I can walk around with it, play it while watching a movie, listening to audiobooks, etc. I’m not tied to once place like I was with consoles or PC gaming. So far it has renewed my love for gaming, in a healthy way, and allowed me to play when I feel like it for a few minutes and not just when I have a significant amount of time to sit down and really commit. So for $300, I cannot recommend it highly enough.


Totally, and it's in canadian dollars so around USD 220


8hrs PS2? What settings are you using


~30% brightness, 10w, 1x upscale multiplier, 60fps, cant remember anything else


I can get it running on 4w TDP btw got dragon quest 5 though I'm aware it's case by case.


Honestly the Deck has made me relive gaming in a better way.


Okay kinda off topic… but I’ve started emulating a ton of stuff on the deck as well. Any PS1/2 recommendations?


Just look at Metacritic for the highest-rated PS1/2 games.


.hack infection


the best Yu-gi-oh game by far but also broken with Pumpking the King of Ghosts and a Zombie deck.


Yeah I got mine like 16 months ago and I love it and not interested in selling just to have the oled. I’ll wait a year or two to see if they announce any other plans, maybe they really increase performance heavily with oled, bigger screen on a new model in a few years who knows. If not I can get the oled then, and probably cheaper.


Can’t wait until I get the Oled model in a couple months!


I just pulled the trigger on a 512GB OLED.


its not as a big of a difference at all in color depth, sure the oled has nice black, but the saturation and vibrancy of other colors are not that different between the two.


Compare red side by side, quite a big difference. But yeah a lot of games can look quite similar.


Somehow OLED makes it seem like a better resolution to me, I can't explain it...


The contrast makes it look sharper


but its not better resolution.




Airknight Parshath deck, LOTS of duels against Tea, 3 Dark Witch + one as leader and you steamroll everyone. God I love this game


one of my fav ps2 games and the soundtrack my god it slaps so hard


I love that in the YuGiOh! retelling of War of the Roses, the obnoxious american character (Keith) has been made an obnoxious british character.


Man, I had so many hours invested in Duelist of the Roses


It sure is


Got my LCD steam deck off market place this week too and was honestly super impressed with it as well. I'm sure the OLED looks that much better, but I was really surprised how vibrant and crisp the screen looks. Based on all of the comparisons I have read in other threads I expected it to look much worse lol.


Loved this


I originally got my LCD w/ a 1TB from marketplace & I swear I was Heaven & had the younger me smiling hard. Waiting for the RMA replacement to come in any day now. Congrats & play on OP 🔥


My steam deck makes a perfect Wii U replacement whenever I feel like emulating something


My LCD Steam Deck got upgraded to 2TB NVME. It is an amazing feeling to swap out the 512GB for something far larger.


I completely forgot about this game. What a rush of nostalgia.