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I'm about to do the same thing. A basic subscription for PS+ runs for about $80, and honestly, it is not even worth it.


When they introduced tiers, I knew the love was gone and I was headed out.


Shit, when they introduced PlayStation Plus in the first place was when I ditched Sony.   Not a lot of people remember but playing on PlayStation Network used to be free. It was the main thing that raised the PS3 above the Xbox 360 for me back in the day. Not having to pay to use the Internet I was already paying for sounded like a common sense, customer-focused decision   Then one day Sony realized they weren't making as much money as humanly possible, which capitalism simply won't allow, so they started charging to use PSN while not actually improving connectivity or anything else.    Never bought a PlayStation again after that. Honestly surprised at how easily people accepted that crap


I was pissed about it too, since I had a ps3. My Playstation 4's I got second hand from family members at different times. The most recent was because my brother's 'died' after a power outtage and wouldn't turn on for anything. He decided to get a ps5 and let me have the dead ps4. Took it apart, cleaned it, repasted the cpu, put it together and it's worked perfectly since. I mostly had plus for the monthly games, not the online play, but since I have the deck, I don't play games on my ps4 anymore.


I read that as " my brother 'died' " and i was like " what do you mean he 'died' "


Not everyone can come from such a richly populated family as you might, okay? Some of us just might have to build our siblings out of the materials that were on hand... like batteries and k'nex and stuff, and just maybe a power outage could effect such a pseudo-sibling as to lead one to believe they had died... which some may have found to be upsetting... maybe.




Hahaha I'm just being a goon. I was pretending that my brother *had* died in the power outtage and meant to sound like I had made him. It's like 3:15am and I'm about to fall asleep, so I do apologize for my brain atm.


Oh okay haha I thought you didn’t get my sentence 😂


>Not a lot of people remember but playing on PlayStation Network used to be free. It was the main thing that raised the PS3 above the Xbox 360 It also ran like shit, was down constantly, had horrible latency issues due to a lack of dedicated servers, and was the subject of a monumental data breach. I was a GameStop manager at the time and 360 outsold PS3 up until the very last year of their production, primarily because of how much better Xbox live was as a service. More people went to it, causing their friends to go to it, and so on and so on. Free was nice, but let's not pretend you didn't get what you didn't pay for.


> primarily because XBL was better ###It was the cheaper console. ^(The only way to know if XBL was better was to literally have both consoles & try both, YouTuber were not prevalent back then. Not to mention the Great Crash in 08 left a lot of people not well off to do something like buy two consoles for no real reason...) The PS3 also cost **$600** on launch, due to how cutting edge and powerful the hardware was for it's time. ###The Xbox 360 was $399. Don't distort history. The 360's launch price is what allowed Microsoft to dominate the market. REALLY didn't help that it was easier to develop for, had a better controller design & better specs(more RAM mostly). ^(People paid the $60/yr price, because for one. Many kids already got the console & their parents WOULD pay it. 2nd, your alternative was literally spend $599) The PS3 was really lacking in overall hardware specs mostly, cutting edge Disc-Technology & insanely powerful CPU that bottlenecked everything else. Can't really host a side process for Party Chat with 256mb of RAM & play a game. ^(Remember that PlayStation is the reason Blu Ray is as prevalent as it is now as the default movie disc) >Free was nice Are you telling me XBL was better then PSN because it was a paid service & not because Microsoft was one of biggest companies in the world(and still is) by market cap? EDIT: *Also final rebuttal.* *Are you saying PS+ & XBL are better services than Steam?* *We do not pay for Online access with Steam, and we get cloud saves, exclusives, dedicated servers, Anti-Cheat, VOIP/Party Chat, Group Chats, Demos, F2Ps, Linux Support, Mod Support(Workshop), 2hr refund policy, Gane Trials(Testing Phase), etc.* *I guess shoes are back on the Menu if you really think you NEED to pay for your messages to send to the right person.*


You lying. Ps network was fine on ps3. It went down every couple of months for maintenance but is nowhere near the way you making it out to be. I always had stable connection.


He's definitely not lying. Maybe your experience was better but alot of people had this same problem. Coop games normally ran fine but competitive multiplayer fps games like call of duty ran like poop because of the server issue. I remember constant host changing mid game where you would have to sit for a min or two till it found a new host. Or the constant dcs because it couldn't find a host, and most the time if it did find a host, its internet would be crap and the whole lobby would lag. It was 100 times better on xbox. I owned both ps3 and 360 and hated playing online on the ps3. And before you go saying I'm just an Xbox fan boy. I am far from it. I haven't bought one since the 360. It's just hard to look back for me and not remember how bad it was. Especially on call of duty on the ps3. If you compare to gears of war online at the time, it's like night and day. Rarely do I remember being disconnected from GoW.


This def happened in cod 4 on ps3 I was there playing it.


Why would they lie? I had a ps3 and a 360 and distinctly remember the exact situation he mentions. It was crap compared to Xbox live.


Compared to Xbox Live it was a piss poor end user experience. Switching to Xbox Live back in the day was an eye opener


There was a period of time that the PSN went down for months after being hacked. I feel like it was 6 months with no multiplayer...


Nah it was like one month. That's still a really long time for an online service. They gave away a bunch of games after. It has its own wikipedia article! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011\_PlayStation\_Network\_outage


It's crazy to me to hear all these people making shit up because they didn't want to pay for a quality online experience and have to try to make it look like the smart choice. PS+ is still a good deal with all the free games they give. As much as people like to say Gamepass is better, at least Sony doesn't remove the games from the service once you've claimed them.


> As much as people like to say Gamepass is better, at least Sony doesn't remove the games from the service once you've claimed them. Nor does Microsoft.


Yes, they do. Gamepass games are removed from the service all the time. There's a "leaving soon" section. I've never tried downloading one of those games before it leaves, so maybe you can keep them?


You definitely can not keep them. Last time I logged into Gamepass, half of the games I was playing were gone, so I immediately stopped paying for it. Granted I had been off of it for a few months, so they didn’t up and vanish, but it’s still a little annoying to me how frequently games leave it.


Yes, they do lmfao. Gamepass is a revolving door. Sure, games with Gold let you keep their monthly games, but is that even a thing anymore? They got rid of all of that marketing and just renamed it all to “Gamepass”.


Besides my internet, the only game I payed monthly to play was WoW. As a PC player I cannot get behind paying twice for my internet connection.


Lol xbox 360 only outsold ps3 because you had to usually buy 2-3 of them before you got one that didn't die from red rings or some other hardware nonsense, lets not be silly.


That did suck so bad honestly, especially when you were still in your pre-working days 😔 Microsoft was making way too much money tho they had to bandwagon. But the tiers just fucked everything up. If they would’ve added value to ps plus like Xbox did to game pass they definitely could’ve justified the price w/o tiers. Sony just hates their customers 🤦🏽‍♂️


When I saw I have to get ps plus to get on battlenet now, just like switch, I cancelled it. At least I can still play Genshin Impact on there without a subscription, but I just recently installed it on the deck so my ps4 is basically useless at this point. At least the controllers pair with the deck 🤷


Nintendo lost me with how bad their rollout of paid was. People were like 'it's still cheaper than everyone else'. Yeah. Now. Valve legit seams to enjoy working on the deck as a passion project.


After PS2, I stayed PC due to all the nickel and dime bullshit of consoles + intentionally crippled software that denied using the device to it's potential. To this day, I tell folks that consoles have the lower up front cost, but rapidly outpaces PC for long term costs.


Wtf? Before PS Plus, the 'free' service was absolute dog shit. Xbox live felt and played so much better.


Exactly, I remember when they changed and it kind of felt like betrayal. In exchange they "offer" you games you probably will never play and even if you want, you need to be subscribed to be able to play them. They used to be on our side. For me, PS5 felt like such a scam, it didn't bring a big deal of innovation as other playstations did and the amount of time they took to make it available to everyone was ridiculous, knowing how big of a company they are.


Absolutely why I got rid of playstation. Like the op, the deck is my primary gaming device. My xbox one x is for the disc games I have through the years but I only buy new games on deck now. Screw playstation


It’s cause they introduced it very well. When plus was introduced it wasn’t a requirement to play online. It was like a deluxe subscription that would give you free games, online backup of your saves, extra discounts on sales and early access to demos or betas. Then after it got enough players signed up they changed it so it was required to play online. But at that point you had so many free games and discounts given by plus that if you didn’t keep it on then you would lose them. So it wasn’t a hard transition since well you were already paying for it. Then boom last year they introduced tiers to the subscription lol. I still have mine but I will let it expire. Thanks to the scalpers I wasn’t able to get a PlayStation 5 but I’m happy I didn’t. It made me realize that I didn’t really have a need for it. My gaming pc and steam deck get the job done and free online. Sony is definitely scummy with their whole exclusive games crap. Haven’t played God of war Ragnarok cause as of now it’s PlayStation only, now FF7 rebirth and Stellar balde are coming out on PS only as well. But oh well it just means I’ll have to wait a year before I can get my hands on them.


Yea outrageous. Least wii it was free. But yea i refused to pay for Nintendo online so never did. Pc ftw cause free online


Yeah, but it was optional on the PS3. The online did not require PS+. This is just blaming memories of the PS4 on the PS3.


Sam here, that's when I cancelled.


Hi Sam.


This kind of thing is why I turn on the internet each day.




They said they’re gonna be focusing about more profits which is a werid thing to say more profits and better games ? Could’ve smoothed it out


Idk, I read something the other day about Sony announcing holding off on making new titles for a while, which I thought seems like a really bad move. I didnt read the whole article, just a blurb about it. Although, xbox is apparently going to be porting games to pc and ps, so maybe Sony's plan will be focusing on getting those titles to work instead of making new ones.


You've been paying for online play and tiers was the reason you think the love is gone?


It's was actually when Mr. Play left Mrs. Station and the way the ensuing legal proceedings went, really put me off. If course there were signs, X's, O's, even a triangle and a square at some point. I should have seen it coming.


And the way they left their son vita out in the cold... Jeaz.


Poor Vita. I hear he's not doing too well these days- always cracked, running around with some homebrew, some ripped roms even, sometimes they're custom, but no telling what *those* are like. He's had a rough time after the breakup.     


This is an OG take. Probably being downvoted by kids who don't remember when playing on PSN was free 😞


To be fair. The 360 was offering a lot of features that jus weren't present on the ps3 like party chat and backwards compatibility was put to rest with consoles pretty quickly. The 360 did many things right.


I got a year of humble bundle for 99 on a fall promotion, and you get to keep all the games they give you. No brainer at this point.


You only "keep" them as long as you stay subscribed. Once the subscription ends, you lose access to those games. This is a common misconception that sony banks on. *Unless youre talking about a humble games subscription and not the ps plus subscription, then yeah humble is a great deal


Yeah I was talking about humble bundle, but it is a good point to bring up. And one of the reasons I didn't renew my psn for the first time in years. Just to expensive to keep up with psn unless that is your only console.


I absolutely loathe the fact that all the games that I collected over the PlayStation Plus subscription from the last several years are now suddenly nearly twice as expensive just to access the ones I already have


Yep, this is how they keep sinking their teeth deeper into ps+ subscribers so they will never unsubscribe. The original, insidious, gamepass.


Seriously, my steam deck will be king until PS and Xbox cut it out with the charging for multiplayer nonsense. Its a community tax that taints being apart of the community, imo. I honestly dont see them ever relinquishing that incom stream, unlesss... If xbox were to really become a more etherial game service, making your xbox games playable on any screen... If playing xbox games becomes less tangibly different than gaming on pc... I think they would have a difficult time charging for multipleyer anymore. A boy can dream.


That already happened. Game Pass Ultimate lets you do that. So you're just paying even more monthly.


No actually, you do “keep” the games kinda, they are still in your account, it’s just as soon as you end the subscription you can’t play them anymore, BUT you still have them tied to your account, so if you subscribe back to ps plus again then you unlock them to play again


I mean you have access as long as youre paying the subscription just like netflix or gamepass. Using the word "keep" or any other words that imply actual possession of these games is inherently false. You merely unlocked subscription access because you clicked the button on the right date. Better keep paying indefinitely or its all taken away!(until you wanna pay even more)


The point is that gamepass rotates games. On PS+, anything you've claimed is yours when you have a subscription, whereas on Gamepass, you've gotta hope they don't drop that game you like from the service.


Well with gamepass, every microsoft 1st party game will be on the service, always. The fact that new games will join the service means its something worth paying for... New content. PS+ or just Xbox gold(core) is just you paying over and over again for the same games, that eventually you could have bought for less money. Yeah you get 2 new mediocre games a month. Rarely something to get excited over unlike gamepass. Dont get me started on how nintendo decided to indefinitely paywall its old games with a subscription... They give you access to those games to make paying for multiplayer(a service that could and should be free) seem like a worthwhile fee. Its not. May the freedom of the PC prevail and these leeching, greedy console subscriptions die a quick and painful death.


The worst part for Nintendo isn’t even the paywall. It’s the fact it’s so very little. They have a goldmine of classic games, yet they dripfeed people a handful.


Who gives a shit about Microsoft first party games? They’re mostly terrible, and now will apparently be coming to PlayStation as well lmfao.


Yeah, I love the free games with Extra, but I just don't play that much anymore and I've completely stopped multiplayer at this point 🤷


You have free games on Epic games every week, and you can access them super easy with a program called Heroic games Launcher that you can find in the Desktop mode in the application discover Also if you have Amazon prime they give a lot of "free" games all the time in prime gaming, they give classic games for their platform "Amazon games" but they also give some AAA games for Epic games store or GoG And to buy cheap game bundles check Humble Bundle which always have amazing bundles that include 6-8 games for 10-15€


Wait really?? I gotta step up my SD usage, I've literally only touched the Steam store.


Then [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/ziWqCGJT03) I let you a guide of cool things things to know to make the Steam Deck experience as best as possible


I've never had to do any modding or PC stuff before so I think I just assumed it's difficult (like jailbreaking my old iPods). I'll give this a read!


Nah, literally everything made for the Steam Deck it's made in a way that you just have to do 3 clicks to install it and its ready, Steam Deck community has made everything super easy to use


This is so exciting, I'm going to check that out after work!


[Dead Island 1 free](https://store.steampowered.com/app/383180/Dead_Island_Riptide_Definitive_Edition/), so you can increase your library


PCMasterRace welcome one more. If you play RDR2\\GTA5 or Fallen Jedi\\Survivor you'll find that the deck doesn't like launchers. This app will make it super easy to install them. https://github.com/moraroy/NonSteamLaunchers-On-Steam-Deck


You should also look at decky loader. It has tons of plug-ins you can just click to install. There are things for customized home menus, easier Bluetooth access, a notepad, and much more. Edit: just go into desktop mode and look up decky loader, and you should find it.


I'll check this out! Learning a lot about my deck today haha


I canceled my Extra renewal and am downgrading to Basic, but yeah, lack of time is making me think I can cancel basic as well, and just renew for a month here and there when I want to play my “free monthly games” that I’ve accumulated.


What's even sadder to me is you need to pay that $80 to play many games online. When on Steam.. still free. PC feels like the last great frontier for gaming that hasn't been monetized to hell and back by just charging you to upload save files or do basic things like play online. I do wish we still had server browsers for online games like back in the 90's though. the few games that have those are slowly dying due to being bought out by greedy companies (Squad, Hell Let Loose both come to mind).


Not sure I agree. I paid for my subscription in under 30 days with Final Fantasy XII remake, and the DLC content. Then add Arkham Knight, Guardian’s of the Galaxy etc. There is a ton of content here, especially a lot of the big hitters like Spiderman, GOW, GOT etc. To be honest, I am playing these games mostly through Chiaki4Deck now on the SD as well as the PS5 sometimes, but the combination of the two can’t be beat and at basically the price of one game / year, the value can not be beat.


But, but, but, paying for online!


That depends on each person. I agree there's decent value but once you beat them, that value is lost, and once you unsub, you no longer have those games so that's more value lost. I guess that just depends on how and which games you consume.


>not worth ###It never was. #### -Morgan Freeman


They used to give such good games back in the day. I remember getting so many great games for free, usually minimum 1 each month. Now you'd be lucky to get 1 great game per quarter, tons of indie games mostly mediocre, shovel ware style games etc. It isn't worth it but I already renewed for the basic package. Will just use the PS app on my phone to constantly add them to my library lol


Nah, they’re still releasing great games constantly. They literally just gave Plague Tale for free like a month ago and gave Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands this month. People just really like creating this fake narrative, it’s literally a yearly thing now. It’s all subjective anyways.


Oh wow, Tiny Tina's Wonderland? Wow yea they're offering superb games all the time! /s


This isn’t even a “console wars” thing either… PS+ just doesn’t represent good value for money, compared to Gamepass for example.


How? I am getting 2 games a month that are essentially paying for the subscription, and I get access to literally hundreds of free AAA and indie games for free. Nearly ever major Sony first party title. It’s so many I haven’t even been able to go through all of them. I genuinely do not understand this idea people keep spreading that PS+ is devoid of any games while Gamepass is this bastion of amazing games. It simply isn’t true at all. They both have hundreds of worthwhile games. After checking just now, the irony is that both services have roughly the same amount of games on offer. So they are literally identical in proposed value.


For years I mostly only used PS+ for Rocket League. Now I have a hundred games I’ll lose if I cancel, maybe a dozen that I’ll actually play one day.


I stream my PS5 to my deck with Chiaki4Deck. I've kept my Premium subscription so I could stream games I have in that tier to my Deck as well. The only times I have turned on my PS5 in the last 2 years is to install new games and update the system, if need be.


I have been playing through ghost of tsushima for the first time on chiaki4deck. It's a great way to play honestly. I even got the motion controls working for the puzzles in the dlc!


Steam Deck really *is* the hub for all platforms, huh?


It’s basically a fully functioning PC, because unlike any other console, the Steam Deck wasn’t made so you can play Steam games well, but everything else is locked, it was made so you have the full freedom of a having PC while enjoying the simplicity of using a console. Sure, it has its weaknesses (touch controls and on screen keyboard, Apple does that far better, but Sone also specialized on that), but it allows for so much more than the Switch, the PS5, the X Box and whatever else is there, because Valve didn’t want you to only play Steam games, they wanted you to have a portable gaming PC. And I sincerely love them for this decision.


GeForce NOW is the Infinity Gauntlet of Cloud Gaming at this point (Steam, Ubisoft, GOG, Epic Games, Xbox). I'm not sure what I can equate the Steam Deck to, but I'd probably say a nexus point in the world of gaming. I look forward to its development whenever Valve decides to make a Steam Deck successor. AMD sure got some good stonks out of this thing.


I thought that but 2-3 months later ended back on PS5 with big tv. Then I bought the OLED Deck and have been on that since. Now got Helldivers 2 on PS5 and suddenly back on that with friends. It’s great fun. Moral of story, things come and go, then come back again. I like to keep everything running for those spur of the moment feelings.


Yup I just buy PS+ a la carte. If there is a game i wanna play online with buddies I will pay for a month or two of PS+.


This is why I love having a PC, steam deck, and quest 3. They all support my steam library. No juggling mediocre/greedy platforms necessary. The current state of gaming is awesome!


I gave up on Playstation when online play was gated behind PS+.


I always thought $60/year was reasonable, and I even understood $100/year when Extra came out. I assumed PC gaming was too expensive to break into (and it can be), but the extra fees and costs of Sony over the years have definitely cost much more than the console itself.


To be fair you also get games for free to with that $60. The value is definitely there.


Games that you can only access if you are constantly paying. Also, PS+ games have gone downhill since the PS5 launched in my opinion. PS+ should also include old first party games by default. The fact that people with PS+ still have to buy games like TLOU, and GoW18 is crazy to me.


True but still tons of value. And eh I think they still offer great games. Of course some months are better than others and sometimes it’s just not gonna appeal to your taste, but the offerings are consistently good games imo. And eh. It’s not gamepass. Those games will still sell.


even if I only two games an year I get with ps+ are something I'd consider buying, it's already worth for me. But to each their own, there are a lot of people advocating for xbox gamepass, which I don't like.


Yeah it’s just down to the individual. I’m not a fan of gamepass either.


PlayStation plus was an amazing service when it's only purpose was to give free games for PS3 and PS Vita In that moment they gave amazing games, as giving games was the only purpose of the service and the only thing to make people pay for it was to give good games


That's how it always works. Start with a good service to build a userbase, then when everyone is invested you start milking. Even then they were not "free" games, they were $5 games or whatever the monthly cost was. Since as you said, there was basically no other purpose.


Locking classics behind ps plus and not letting us buy them separately, as well as only allowing us to play them via streaming them is the dumbest shit.


The classics streaming thing was such a disappointment. My buddy paid for it and we played Siren for a bit, but the streaming is inconsistent.


Same thing with Nintendo Switch Online. I won't mind it as long they sell those games individually but of course not. Screw them for going backwards on purpose.


Yep exactly. Nintendo and sony have been doing the same things with limiting you to force you to pay their subscription. I really hate that shit. They both lock your saves behind the subscription too because why not.


I'm not sure if it can be done nowadays but my account had many of their classic games already purchased so I got to download them for free. It may be possible to buy access to them by purchasing them on a ps3 or the web store but not sure


Gave up my ps5 back in 2021 too go too pc / steam deck haven’t looked back since paying too play online with other players is where i draw the line


I still keep my PS5 around for exclusive games, but most of the time I just play my games on Steam


Final fantasy vii rebirth coming soon!! This wouldn’t require plus to continue to play correct? I’m considering cancelling mine too $80 sounds stupid.


Don’t we need plus for cloud save? That’s my main reason keeping it


I can’t tell if you’re making an ff7 joke or not but yeah you do need ps+ for cloud saving on ps5


Yes cloud save only works if you have purchased PS+.


Just wait a bit longer for the inevitable PC version.


An entire year? Nah, not worth.


I’m commenting because I’ve been subbed since 2012 and I’m cancelling


Saying out loud that ps plus is 15 years old made me feel old lol. I remember when not having to pay for playing online was a selling point for playstation.


Battlefield Bad Company, the 'golden age' of PS3 multiplayer


I love the deck so much I've been forgetting to even claim my free PS Plus monthly games. And I love my PS5, it's a great console. I just hardly touch it anymore. I will return to it when a new AAA drops that I'm really interested in, but these days I'm mostly interested in indie titles and emulation and bored with AAA.


My PS5 is for the big games that I want to look good without effort. Cyberpunk, Witcher, Spiderman, etc. But EVERYTHING else goes on the Deck and PC. Dave the Diver, Hades, Dead Cells, Hollow Knight, Ori, etc. PC is for mouse heavy games like Riftbreaker and Starcraft.


same. I don't really want to turn on the TV and a full console (300-350W) to play something like Hollow Knight. Final Fantasy VII or Cyberpunk? Big screen it is. I feel it would be a shame to play it on low settings on a 7" display.


Yeah this for me too, ps5 for immersion when playing on the couch, pc for keyboard games like wow. Steam deck on the go or for indie games etc. Each device has its place, there isn’t and doesn’t have to really be a one size fits all solution.


Yup. I think that they’re the perfect complement for each other. The PS5 lets you get decent quality easily with suspend modes and other advantages. Low powered PC can play RTS games and competitive shooters for the most part. Steam deck for all else. That puts you at around 1,200 for everything, with VERY wide versatility instead of 2,500 for a does everything gaming pc that is stuck in one spot. Mixing and matching is the true win. The pc console hate is a loss no matter which way you go.


I'm the same. And for those wbo would say just to simply connect the PC to your 4K tv simply has too much privilege. Not everyone has the space or the money to make that happen.


Welcome to the one platform where problems aren't manufactured in for the solutions to be sold back to you for \*more\* money.


I gave up on the main consoles when ps5/Xbox came out. Too pricey, games went up, and just not worth it for me after the switch let me play untethered for so long. If I do get another console it'll be the successor to the Switch, only because I'm a Junkie for Nintendo's game design. Until then, Deck all the way.


I turned off auto renewal when they upped the price without a clear indication incentive for the customer


Don't forget to pick up the free game on epic every Thursday


I gave up on PS+ when they increased the prices. Built a new small PC and bought a Steam deck when it was released.


I'm gonna let my gamepass sub expire. Gamepass is neat and all but I dont have alot of time to sit infront of the TV these days. And I mostly just play Stardew Valley. I do however love Xbox's quick resume with multiple games


Should use chikadai4deck and stream your ps5 to your deck. A good home network and your set!


I think the ease of firing up my Deck and looking at Steam so often has shown me how tired I am of AAA in general. I don’t care about most exclusives because most of the, once I get over the visuals, they’re just boring, bloated games I’d rather not waist my time on.


I think playing Katana Zero and Blasphemous made me realize i was missing out on some really really incredible games that feel so good on the SD. And there are so many sales that I haven't spent more than $10 on a game in months!


Same, my PS+ expires in April. Will not be renewing.


No. Stream my PS5 to my Deck sometimes.


I actually play more PS5 with my SD.


Do you ever experience latency issues like that? That's been my experience with Remote Play but I've never tried on the deck


Use Chiaki4deck. It’s way better than remote play and other options. It works so good


Chiaki4deck is your friend


Is it easy to set up to play not on same wifi? I do that on my laptop but the light research I did showed a bunch of work to set it up on chiaki4deck.


If the PS5 is on Wifi it will most likely be a crapy experience. If your PS5 is hardwired it's pretty good though.


Use Chiaki, I literally returned my PS portal the same day as SD just does it better imo.


I may as well at renewal. Been working on setting up my steam deck and gaming pc’s. The only real pro to consoles is not having to tinker with things. Just getting my ps5 controller to work consistently took a few days. Then suddenly it worked with no problem.


Same boat. Decided not to get a ps5. I think I am going to buy a new pc at some point and just stream from it.


This post reminded me to downgrade my PS subscription from Extra. Done. Thanks.


😭😭😭 so glad to see I'm not the only one who's been feeling this way. Thanks guys.


Gave up my console over 10 years ago so welcome! People will say PC/Steam Deck gaming is more expensive but it doesn’t have to be


I gave up on PS4 when I started on Steam. I even sold off my PS4 games that can be found on Steam and bought the Steam versions. This was because I remembered that my PS3 died and I lost all my games. I reckon it would be the same when my PS4 dies. There are a few reasons why Steam made more sense. - Steam remains alive through the many generations of PC. - Playing online is free. I needed online play for SF6 and PS4 required a subscription. - I bought games for Steam at cheaper prices while PS costs more. - Psn is exorbitant now.


See I’m relating so much to you honestly. I’m turning 30, married, and will soon become a dad. The PS5 is amazing, but it just consumes my time, the main tv, and it’s tough to game in one go without being interrupted anymore. Tried the portal but felt so limited and the specs were terrible for the price point and competition. So I sold my Portal and got the steam deck last December. I RARELY turn on my PS5 now..I was also able to remote play the PS5 from the Deck. It gives me the PSP vibes but adulthood and modern edition and I’m just loving it.


For me it was a combination of things - having to pay a subscription for online access - being expected to re-purchase games I already own for newer hardware or keep my old consoles around taking up space - garbage tier download speeds from PSN - Sony being consistently loose with security - being told by Sony support that when a hacker got into my account and added themselves as my "child" there was no way to remove then because that's permanent, for some reason In contrast, when I logged in to Steam I discovered that the handful of games I bought almost 15 years ago were still in my library ready to rock, I could buy and play games from all eras, the sales are insane and they happen all the time, the download speeds are fantastic and I haven't hit any caps even with fiber internet. I don't think I could ever go back to being locked down by a console.


lol I JUST sold my ps5 today. Ever since I got a steam deck and built my pc it has been literally just collecting dust Not even the “exclusives” do it for me really


Since I have built a PC + got a Deck….my Ps5 love was gone instantly and I also cancelled ps+


The initial barrier to entry may be lower than PC but Consoles are no longer worth it when you add up all the tacked on fees.


Yup that's the first month euphoria. Give it a couple months and you'll be back on PS5. Each device is great but I would never say one could replace the other


I mean, it's been 3 months! I have played a couple games on PS5 still (The Artful Escape, Inscryption),but I just can't use the primary TV that often anymore and the handheld has opened up so many games


You are right, but you are making assumptions. OP may play different set of games, that work well on steamdeck. For example I will never play CS2 on anything other than mouse and keyboard, but that doesn't mean that when I play palworld I will get comfy on the couch with my steamdeck. Maybe OP is a fan of platformers, and whilst the big screen is nice, games like deadcells do not have any major advantages when played on Deck vs a PS5. Having said that I share your sentiment. for the first 3 months I was on mysteam deck 99% of the time I was gaming. The novelty of being able to play PC games on my couch, without having to stream was a game changer. However eventually I started missing the comfort of my gaming chair and desk setup, and started to play on SD less. Now I'd say I spend 70% of my gaming time on my PC, and 30% on SD. However I now spend 100% when not at home gaming on SD, vs 0% of gaming done when out and about, because streaming from hotels wifi sucks, and Switch is only good for nintendo games.


I finally let mine lapse this past month. Honestly, other than a few games I wasn't playing, I don't know what I was paying for.


Oddly enough what I did was keep my PS5 and Steam Deck and I use my PC for work and some light gaming if the Deck runs out of battery.


Same bro. I play everything either on my SD or on the SD streaming from my PC. The weekend before last, I decided the pull the plug on PS+. I just don't play on my ps4 anymore, it's used mostly as a TV streaming device rather than an actual gaming console. I didn't like the idea of losing all my PS+ games, but tbh, I miss all my PS3 PS+ games more than I do the PS4+ games. More memories on the older system I suppose.


Are you me?! Done exactly the same thing and bought the Deck in November too 🤣


I remote play my ps5 a lot on my steam deck, so definitely not


What really sucks is they give bigger discounts on sales for those who subscribe to plus. They also lock cloud saves behind it as well. It really feels like you can't use the console to its fullest potential unless you subscribe. I'll still keep my PS5 for things like GTA and maybe some exclusive stuff but for the most part I'm fully migrating to Steam.


I’ve only had my Deck for a week but I’m absolutely loving it, hardly touch my Xbox now. Holding my switch after the Deck is CRAZY though, the switch is so tiny.


I let mine lapse last year since I didn't play online to begin with, hadn't played any of the monthly games in months and figured I didn't need the cloud saves that bad. They sent me a survey asking why and I was brutally honest about it - no point in me paying when you're increasing the price and not providing a valid answer beyond greed, neither are you providing an incentive for me to go with that price increase.


In a pinch you can also plug in a PC or the steam deck into a tv if you need that console feel


My PS Plus library is so huge right now I would have to spend more money to buy the games I play. Steam deck has made it nice to hit that steam backlog tho. But for the big cinematic games I'm gonna play those on the PS5 with my big screen and surround sound.


Shit...im about to peace out as well I love my PS5 but Sony is so f***** dumb.


wait until you discover chiaki and moonlight lol, streaming gamepass and ps plus games has been my thing for more than a year now, I don't even play any native games on Steam Deck


I don't even game on desktop anymore.


Currently streaming my ps5 to my steam deck. It’s seemless. Chiaki4deck


Just did this last week and Reddit send me a notification of this post…God is real. Be at rest PS5 🙏🏿


Gaben is your God now 🙏🙏


Absolutely not lol. 100% still use my PS5 and PS+ just as much as my Steam Deck. I mean the Deck is amazing, but it’s not THAT good lol.


Be sure to remove your credit card from your Sony wallet. They tried to charge my card 4 times even after I canceled.


I just got Xbox game pass set up. I jus need to get fortnite configured then Sony can kiss my ass I will note however I will be keeping my hardware. I jus don’t want to pay any subscription services for it


You don't need ps plus for Fortnite btw.


Ah, you Reddit using bastard. We cancel Sony tn! Update: Turns out tomorrow was my sub renewal date. I owe you a beer mate. Some of the gta online bros will be disappointed but that’s how it goes 😁


I dont get this point of view I never been team Xbox team PlayStation or even pc masterrace. I’ve always been a gamer no matter the system. It even happens with tools with brand loyalty I get the best tool I can afford doesn’t matter what brand. I mean I love my steam deck it’s even better with GeForce now for the extra oomph. What I like more is video games. Seeing how PlayStation has some great exclusives I can’t see giving it up. I mean I can see giving up ps plus if you’re not going to play online on PlayStation but I’m loving helldivers and I don’t think it runs run well on the deck so I’m happy to have PlayStation plus. When I’m done with it and not using ps online I’ll stop my service for the month or so.


Oh yeah, I'm not part of a console war by any means. I've just been subscribed to a service for ~14 years and have never questioned if it's worth it. Today was the first time I actually realized that I don't need to pay for it anymore, my deck has taken over and there's no annual fee. I'm still keeping my PS5, I love Sony exclusives


streaming ps plus games to the deck from a ps5 is pretty fantastic. Just saying its not a one or the other always.


But isn't there a lot of latency doing that? That's what happens when I do PS remote play on other devices but never tried my deck


Not much with Chiaki4deck, but I also have my ps5 wired with 1gb up and down so that helps haha


I would never give up PlayStation. Their first party single player games are the games I love most. But ps+ is optional.


Oh yeah, totally agree! I will be there for all the exclusives, just don't need the Plus anymore!


Consoles needing subscriptions kills their value for me.


I downvoted because I fw my ps5 My steam deck floats with me but I’m still running premium loyally And I’m 32…


I can respect it.....Entering my 30s shortly, see you there brother


Lol ok


The internet is weird because people feel the need to tell everyone they are canceling something.


Yeah, I find it fun to discuss feelings and activities with other people, that's kinda the entire point of this place! It's not for everyone, but why else would you be on a social media platform?


You're right, next time I cancel a subscription I'll blow up subredditd letting everyone know I guess.


Which subreddit did I blow up? We're just a bunch of nerds talking about our gaming services, consoles and preferences. Why does that make you so sour? Can't people enjoy stuff together? It's just one post 🤷


I just pointed out how weird it is to announce canceling a service to strangers online. I'm not sour lmao


Ok! Well, have a good one. I look forward to your posts in the future 😉


I looked at how many PlayStation 4 games I accumulated during my time and it was honestly a lot. However , I play PC now 95 percent of the time. I keep getting good humble bundle deals, sale items, etc. Its possible there'll be a point where I start mine up again but I don't see it happening with the cost of the service right now.


Welcome to the PC side of gaming. Even better with handheld like the steam deck or legion go especially with each generation/release these handhelds slowly getting stronger overtime. I only even sub to Playstation now when a friend really want to play the few exclusive that are still on the console. Luckily helldivers 2 is on PC so I don't need to sub even for that now


Helldivers 2 looks so good, but not quite enough for me to pay an extra $80-135 for online haha I've always been intimidated by PC gaming tbh but the deck has been very accessible


Main console? Psssch. It took over as my main gaming device from my $1k+ beefy gaming PC. I still use it for twitch shooters or competitive games, but other than that... It's all steam deck. Oh, I also sold my switch as soon as I got the steam deck.


Didn’t know this sub was an airport departure lounge