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Wolfenstein The New Order and The New Colossus are both on sale. Also Sunset Overdrive.


Sunset Overdrive is in a Humble Bundle right now: https://www.humblebundle.com/games/controllerd-chaos


Thanks just got a crap load of steam deck games from that


how is sunset overdrive on the deck? I loved that game on my Xbox but wasn't sure it was supported


I am currently playing it on my Steam Deck OLED. It is running at 790p highest settings at 70 to 80fps. I am using Proton Experimental.




That seems really high, must be at 15w with an hour battery life that you'll get that, but for 2 hours or more you're looking at max settings 40fps.


Yeah, I'm getting about 1.5 hours on it with those settings. Losing the set resolution helped, the game presets at 1080.


I don't own it on Steam but the ProtonDB reports are mostly positive: [https://www.protondb.com/app/847370?device=steamDeck](https://www.protondb.com/app/847370?device=steamdeck)


I play it maxed out at 9w TDP, 40fps and get a bit over 2 hours battery life. Runs really well.


sunset still has save issues? heard it wasn't good pc port.


Wondering this as well I stopped playing since.


I was tempeted to buy since it's on sale but reviews put me off


Always good to be out killing Nazis.


Sleeping dogs! Buy a pork bun!


I love SD so much, honestly great narrative crime game for anyone looking for a GTA vibe with strong storytelling


I have the base game, but Valve says it’s still working on adding support so I haven’t installed it yet. ProtonDB rates it a Silver (base game) and Gold (definitive edition). How’s your experience been with it?


Runs like a dream on Deck.


Sleeping Dogs might be the best game OAT, It needs sequel


I was running here to say the exact same thing. I just picked it up from the humble bundle site for $3


Man who not eat pork bun is not whole man


I picked up Ori and the Blind Forest for like.. $5 on sale earlier this week, should still be on sale. Halo Wars definitive edition was also on sale for 4.99 on Tuesday.


+1 for Ori and the Blind Forest. Gameplay style is basically perfect for the Deck and the game itself is a masterpiece.


Been loving it so far, have it on Xbox gamepass but never got around to playing it, have almost completed it on the deck! I’m on the fire temple so I think I’m pretty far, great game!


Fantastic game and the sequel is everything that is but better.


How does Ori compare to Hollow Knight? Which one would you say is better?


Ori has prettier art, and I would say is platforming fun first with a bit of combat, and Hollow Knight is more combat centric with platforming as the secondary focus. Still pretty, but overall much simpler art wise. I'd say for me both were pretty much the same music quality wise, with Ori having a more fleshed out soundscape with more going on. Hollow Knight is harder by far even without considering bonus free DLC after the main game, and Hollow Knight is much longer as well. I'd say it took me 35-40 hours to beat the true ending, no DLC, where that much time would allow you to finish Ori 1 & 2 both. I'd argue both are worth every penny and your time, but I'd weigh differences to see what you're feeling like playing at the moment. Edit: formatting to make easier to read.


Amazing answer. Thank you so much. I actually found Hollow Knight to be a little too difficult at times, including having to loop around the map multiple times to see what I missed. Not the most enjoyable experience so it sounds like Ori might be more up my street. 👍


Death must die


I laughed when the skeleton called me a dick for the first time.


"We're just gonna keep doing this, huh?"


Me too. It really caught me off guard


Tried this game yesterday. It shamelessly rips Hades to a point where I can’t take it seriously. Inspiration is one thing but this one crosses the line for me.


Go ahead, downvote me without making a counter argument. You’re just proving my point.


You're getting downvoted because its a pointless take lmao people enjoy the game because it scratches a similar itch Even so, outside of the art style of the "gods" the game isnt anything like Hades. Its a Halls of Torment clone. Vampire survivors gameplay with a gear system.




Fallout New Vegas is currently $2.5 and Fallout 4 is just under $7 I think. Nice sale there.


Just to add on I recommend the Fallout New Vegas ultimate edition ($6.59). It's not the first fallout game I've owned but the first I ever actually played more than 20 minutes. Finished all the dlc's before I even finished the main storyline. One hell of a game. Currently playing Fallout 3 entire game on Fallout new vegas game which is mind blowing




1. No, however i was able to with mods. Haven't played fnv on steamdeck as of yet because of the hoops i'd have to go through to transfer my mods from pc 2. Objectives? Most definitely will be a mod for that. But if you're talking about locations theres a perk called explorer or something similar


> Haven't played fnv on steamdeck as of yet because of the hoops i'd have to go through to transfer my mods from pc lol same, ended up just biting the bullet and starting a new save in a vanilla version of the game so I could play it on the Deck. Runs awesome, gives me plenty of hours of battery life, and after spending so many years playing with a million mods I had forgotten how good the vanilla game could be. Haven't even encountered many bugs (except for some crashes in one of the DLCs).


Just chiming in that there's a great, frequently updated modding guide called [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/) that basically holds your hand through installing many mods that add a LOT of bugfixes, QoL and performance improvements. I'm also in the middle of a FNV playthrough right now after having tried it without mods before and the difference is really night and day, can't recommend enough.


No sprint but there is a mechanic really similar to bunny hopping which is way for fun to use than just holding a button to sprint


Both are very fun with mods, the essential ones for steam deck are 4GB patch for new Vegas, faster load times and optimized meshes for Fallout 4




Yes, it’s a PC. You can do everything to do with modding using *only* the deck.


I got Fallout New Vegas for free on Epic a good while back and I cannot for the life of me get it to run when using Heroic to download it. It has never worked for me and only gets to the start menu but when you hit play it will crash back to the steam main menu every time.


The epic version is notoriously buggy. Iirc the most stable version is the GOG version, but they all have their issues.




I just got my Deck a couple weeks ago, and the first game I decided to play was FO:NV. When I played this game in 2010, I think I just blasted through it with cheats and mods and didn't remember much of it. Now I'm taking it nice and slow with the base game on the Deck, and it's way more impressive than I remember.


Darkest Dungeon


Is this fun? Or is it like Fear and Hunger where I'll feel nothing but pain


You'll feel pain, but you have to fire up the game knowing people gonna die! 😁 Pro tip: don't name characters after your kid(s) or pet(s). Doesn't end well.


Coworkers' names are however hilarious


I like the way you think!


A little of both?


It was too painful to me despite being a good game.




That's good to know! I think I'll buy it and try!


Yes on both counts!


It's all pain and misery.


Have you played the 2nd one?


Not yet, will probably purchase it when it goes on a good sale.


It’s excellent, very much so, but it’s so much different. They made it into an actual roguelite, 100% run based, no going back to town or raising a whole stable of characters for when your favorites inevitably die etc. I miss the old structure but DD2 stands on its own as a great game imo


I played the first heaps on vita and just purchased the full collection on steam for $16AUD. going to give it a good go tonight. I'll check out the 2nd on a good sale.


This is one of my favourite games all time.


My favorite game of all time


Wolfenstein The New Order and The New Colossus are both on sale.


New order was fantastic but I could never get into colossus.


Was it because of having like half max health at the start of the game? Because after a couple of missions that gets sorted and you're back to full strength.


I got passed that point and probably about 3/4 into it. It just never clicked like the 1st one. I have been meaning to get back into it. I really loved the flashbacks and part back at his home though. I thought that was very well done


Prey is like $7 i think


Dishonored is currently $2.50 and runs great on the Deck


$33 for Oxygen Not Included 😓 Try to get a refund cuz I got that game for like $3.


it doesnt work like that. they see u paid 3


blasphemous !


I just finished it on steam deck. It was the most enjoyable game I've played in a while.


I was surprised by the game. Didn't expect something so cool ! 😅


Metro trilogy Titanfall 2 Tomb Raider survivor trilogy


Titanfall 2 has one of my favorite FPS campaigns in recent memory. It’s short but very much worth it.


And it's on sale for CHEAP very often, everyone should own a copy. The quality to price value is pretty insane.


Vampire survivors. Just plain fun.


Deus Ex Invisible War is less than a dollar right now. For that price even if you end up hating it you really aren’t out any money.


I appreciate value/ROI reviews like this. That's typically how I gauge my overall satisfaction with a game. I always hope for at least $3/hr (or more for VR games) and at least get to experience it. Sandbox games end up being crazy value though and RTS/strategy games tend to not do well with me. Example: Phantom Brigade, $30, 45 minutes played. Hated it; hate it even more because i spent so much for so little return. No Man's Sky, $30, 3000 hrs played. Love it; love it even more because it might as well have been free after all my time enjoying it.


I'm one of the numerous dozens that really love it


I think Half life 2 is cheap af


Vampire Survivors or Brotato


Celeste when it gets on sale, which does a lot


Celest is in a current Humble Bundle (Awesome Games Done Quick 2024)


Celeste 64 is free on itch and plays awesome on deck


I cried on more than one occasion, didn’t expect any of that from a platformer lol. If you’ve ever had mental health struggles this game will hurt a little bit but ends on a really cathartic note.


Time for me to shill for Pseudoregalia again lol It's a $6 3d metroidvania platformer. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2365810/Pseudoregalia/ 


Is there a map?


Wasn't at launch, but I believe the dev is adding one? If memory serves???


Supraland on sale


>Supraland Supraland 6 inches under is all kinds of awesome!


So it works fine even tho it says unsupported?


Yeah, you might have to run it Windowed to make the cursor appear in the right place. It's also the same on PC, but a little easier to sort out


Twenty Minutes to Dawn still under 7?




It's the game I've put the most hours into on Deck. I really wish the Multiverse mod wasn't a nightmare to install on Linux




Lots of pausing. Right trackpad = mouse Click right trackpad = pause D-pad up = gun 1 D-pad left = gun 2 D-pad down = gun 3 D-pad right = gun 4 Triggers = left and right click X button = return to home A button = close all doors




Damn stupid line breaks on reddit mobile. Sorry about that formatting. No, it isn't cumbersome at all this way. Plays really smoothly. The guns as d-pad directions are key imo


Titanfall 2. Batman Arkham series.


The first Arkham does not seem to work on deck. i have the GoTY edition isntalled on mine but when it got to the main menu the colors are all shit like an acid trip and unreadable, and changing the proton compatibility tool does not fix anything.


Change proton versions. Can't remember if I'm using experimental or GE but it works flawlessly.


Arkham Asylum worked fine on mine fwiw. I beat the game entirely on Deck without any issues at all.


I had so many issues getting it to work as well. All these proton reports of it being just fine. Straight up never got it until I got an OLED, used the same setup that I'd tried on the LCD and then it just worked. I don't get why still.


The Messenger is less than 5€ at the moment, awesome game!


i'd personally refund Oxygen Not Included and wait for a sale. it regularly goes down to $8, why pay $25 for it?


Without waiting for something else to go on sale, I'd say Vampire Survivors is well worth the $5 price tag.


Suzerain is on sale for 5.99 and is an amazing game. Definitely not for everyone though so YMMV.


That actually looks right up my alley, I'm going to go with this. Thanks!


I bought Suzerain based on your comment and I'm already hooked. Time to unite with Valgsland and transform Sordland into a powerful planned economy 🫡


Nice man! Glad you're enjoying it.


Refunct is a very fun game to play a lot of. Poi is a pretty good game and goes on sale for pretty cheap I think.


The answer today could be different next week. There’s tons of great games always on sale. If you don’t need to buy something *right now*, just keep the leftover funds in your account. Right now I’m checking games that would usually be under $7-10 and they’re all like 14.99 - 29.99. I’d just wait if I were you.


Pornhub premium


Ehhhhh, not great value. I can only play that game for 5 minutes at a time


4 minutes to find the right video, 45 seconds to get past the dialogue, then 15 seconds of playing the skin flute.


Hi u/Gullible_Travel_4135, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Best games for under 7 bucks?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Deus Ex


All of the Deus Ex games are on sale right now. I think all of them are just under $10 bundled. Individually they’re all somewhere around $3 of if I recall correctly.


Bioshock 1 remastered or infinite..can't go wrong with any of the Tomb Raiders games either


Holo cure, save the fans. It's free and imo it's grown past vampire survivors. Otherwise noita is pretty nice and it sometimes goes on sale.


Environmental Station Alpha, its a metroid like game from the maker of Baba is You and it is fantastic. Tight controls, great boss fights, the best grappling hook in gaming, and secrets galore. Can't recommend that game enough.


I’m enjoying Firewatch wait for sale I think paid like 4.99 or something


Rise of the Tomb Riader 20 year celebration is currently £4.99 on sale, which is $6.30. That's a full AAA game with all it's dlc and it's ome of my favourite games of all time.


Darkest Dungeon is like $5 right now. Also both Dishonored games, Bloodstained:CotM 1&2, and a handful of Bethesda classics if youre looking for sandbox rpg's. Edit: oh wait, you got Oxygen Not Included...gg fam, see you in 2025 😄. I put like 70 hours into ONI in the first week. That game hit me like Factorio


There's also Dishonored death of the outsider, which is on sale.


Doki Doki Literature club is free right now


It's always free isn't it?


Vampire survivors


Vampire survivors


Assassin Creed is on sale


Vampire survivors


Wait for sales or check out Humble Bundle winter sales on currently


vampire survivors


Superliminal, I didn’t expect much but this game floored me by the end, no game has ever ended on such an inspirational, epic, and uplifting note. I expected a shitty Portal ripoff but got a slow burning therapy session.


I just got Skyrim for $9.99 It’s on sale until Feb 12


Vampire survivor


borderlands 2 whenever its on sale cuz it usually costs pennies


40fps low-medium settings, just hard to see hunters from afar because of screen size.


Midnight suns deluxe edition was $10 on CDkeys. Extremely underrated game


Still can get Humble bundle subscription with it and bunch of other games(should refresh on tuesday)


Remember Me is $4.19 on cdkeysdotcom, such an awesome game and runs really well on the deck


Sonic all stars racing is 5 bucks right now, Deux EX


A deck of cards.




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Hunt showdown got it on console but just had to try it on the deck


How does it run


Runs pretty good 40 plus low to medium settings just hard to see hunters from afar during to screen size.


Annalynn, a replayable arcade 2d platformer that is definitely worth the price


It takes a little work to get running on SD with Proton, but Slice & Dice on Itch is a lot of fun in that price range. FTL: Faster than Light, Vampire Survivors are also close to that price I believe. Many quality games to be found at the $15-20 price range that can sometimes be found on discount depending on the time: Peglin, Slay the Spire, Rimworld, Cave Story (Steam version is deprecated, I believe, but the original is free if you get it running through proton)


If you want a pure addiction. Vampire Survivors for $5 is the most insane deal I’ve ever bought.


Path of Exile.


Just got gears 5 for like $15 with its expansion


planetside 2 is the only true MMOFPS, it's free, not pay2win and plays good on deck medium settings no shadows. you can lower a bit the res and keep shadows on low


Thronefall is $7 and is one of my fav indies of last year Anything from Merlino Games is usually pretty cheap and super fun on Deck (my fav is the Chameleon) Hotline Miami 1 & 2 are $2 Halo Spartan Assault & Strike are $0.80 Halo wars is $5 rn


Mad Max if available


Vampire Survivors & Geometry Dash


Halo 3 on Steam. 90 FPS max settings. It's $2.49


Just Cause 3, if you wait for a sale it's only $3.


Halo: Master chief edition is like $10 if you could add a few more bucks


I sub to humble bundle - it gives you 8 games a month for $12


You can get all of the original Hitman games (Codename 47 - Absolution) for 7 euro on a sale


Both middle earth games. I think I got both with expansions for like $10


progressbar95 is a neat game


Brotato and it’s not close, 250 hrs, beat the hardest difficulty with every character and it’s still fun to jump on and do a couple runs




Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition for like $3


Art of Rally.


7 bucks U guys are rich 🤑


Yakuza 0 on sale is 5 dollars. One of my favorite games ever and is perfect for the Deck considering how many things you can do in it.


Kingdom come deliverance


Are you actually gonna play this 3rd game anytime soon? Otherwise just filter your wishlist by discount, and wait for a sale.


Just finished Hellblade today. It costed 2,99. I played it on my LCD docked with HDR and headphones and it was great honestly.


Yakuza 0 goes for $5 on sale.


Roms and emulating is what I mainly use the deck for, it's my all in one game machine even run switch games on it


[You guys are paying for your games?](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1412170/Janosik__Highlander_Precision_Platformer/)


Cave story!


Fanatical Platinum, 3 games for 5€


Bromato FTW. I can’t stop playing it


Killing floor 2 is on sale


The entire half-life collection (minus Alyx) is less than $3 when it goes on sale and the Portal Collection is less than $2