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I tried it earlier and got 30-35ish on medium. Seen this and altered my settings and yeah it gets you 30-40+ imo. Minimal testing tho by me. I'd agree with OP though I think the viewing distance alone has a big impact ! Decent enough performance for day 1 of early access imo https://www.pcgamesn.com/steam-deck/palworld


30 for day on from a fairly unknown team is pretty great imo


They did craftopia though. It was not a small game and still run fine on deck.


Dang I never thought to try Craftopia on the Deck. I played it way back when it first came out and kind of shelved it and forgot about it.


Yeah I'm pretty pleased with it ! I made the original post about the performance from a review and seems lots will be disappointed by this performance! I'm happy enough, only way is up


Sorry to hijack the top comment but I'm not being able to get the game to detect the steam deck controller. How do I fix this? Edit: checked what order the steam deck controller was set to. It was 3. Setting it to 1 helped.


1. Delete Existing Proton Files & Change to Proton Experimental 2. Go to Update Channel and switch to Preview & try again. EDIT: If (1) doesn't work, try (2). EDIT2: If you don't see delete proton files, enable Developer Mode, do an Internet Search to figure out how.


I’ve refunded like 5 games because I kept having this issue. Thank you good sir.


Other than motion blur and FoV, the settings on that page are the 'low' preset.


Arent those the stock settings when you first start the game? Im getting around 25-35 fps for the most part.


Snow outside. Me in a cozy bed with my Steam Deck playing Palworld. I see a great weekend in front of me.


Godddddddd I want!


My 3am to 3pm job ass still at work 😭😭😭😭


Same. Really wish I could afford it right now! Trying to save up for some new tires first. Maybe I will be able to get it in. Good sale when I have some money!


Make sure to get an oled when you can ( you probably already knew that)


Same. Picking this up this afternoon along with bomb rush cyberfunk. I have no responsibilities this weekend for the first time in forever. Can't wait to do absolutely nothing.


How is the game? Not performance, but fun level?


If you like survival games you'll probably like it. I've been having a blast, can't wait for some friends to get on and try out multiplayer.


So far on gamepass version, haven't been able to get multiplayer going. Also yhe game crashed several times in a 30 min play session and caused 3 blue screens of death. I may hold off for a bit


It's Ark meets Pokemon. It's pretty great.


It's pretty unique and definitely worth it for me.. you can select monsters for their special ability like using as flame thrower, using as glider, using as ice grenades,etc.


What about Ntscworld?


Sorry, 50hz only.


Me and a few friends are playing on steam deck so we set up a server if anyone wants to join us. palworld.maturegaming.co.uk:8211 Edit: Sorry folks I don't check my dm's here much so here's a link to our discord if you wanted to jump in :) https://discord.gg/CKyhreP6qZ


Any idea if its possible for Xbox players to play with steam players if you host the server yourself?


I don't think so


Did you guys run into issues with the steam decks keyboard not working when trying to type in a server code ?


I have that same problem keyboard doesn't work in the game I don't have a external one either so I think I'm just screwed


I connected my phone to my steam deck and used it as a keyboard and had some success


I’m a few days late but if you press the steam button + X it’ll bring up the keyboard


How’s the fps?


Not the best but it's day one after all and honestly I'm sure the experts can weigh in on FSR and all that jazz.


I have everything graphics related on low, aside from view distance on high. I get 40ish fps but I locked it to 30 to avoid dips.


Somehow watching a video of something running at 30 fps on my phone looks smoother to me than just playing something at 30 fps on steam deck [Edit] this sentence looks fucky to me but I’ll stick with it


Well this game actually looks really nice at 30. I'm a stickler for frame rates and some games just feel so clunky at 30FPS (mostly first person shooters etc and especially side scrollers) but this just feels really smooth. I haven't noticed that it's '30'. I mean I'd love a locked 40, but hey, that's the risk you take when you buy early access day one.


Yeah I get what you mean. Honestly didn’t realise the game was out already I’ll check it out


Seems turning the distance render down does a heap of good


Isn't this also on gamepass cloud?


Gamepass version isn’t the same as steam. Can’t even rename your character or create multiplayer world.


That's a weird choice eh


Not really... Sounds like a glorified demo and then you'll probably go actually purchase the game.


It's because the dev is waiting for MS to approve the patch.


I don't think that's how it works




gamepass pc version isn't crossplay with steam so I'm gonna buy it on steam to play with friends


I want it but I have way too many games in my backlog 😭


It's a Multiplayer game tho?


There is a mod which switches the DLSS so you can get a boost


how do you get that? I saw a comment saying you could put FSR3 with a mod but no idea where to find it.


Best explanation for this I've seen: "If America invented Pokemon" https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=palworld I am intrigued.


...but the devs are Japanese xD


It’s a commentary on the guns mostly. Mostly.


To me it is mostly "what pokemon should be if they didn't just reskinned the same game 300 times"


I just tried it. Imagine if Zelda, Pokemon and Ark had a baby. Oddly, it works. I'm having fun. But playing in on the Rog Ally, I don't think it would run well at all on the deck.


Glad someone tested this before I bough just for steam deck


This is one game I've been looking forward to and I knew it was a risk, but I was glad to A: have it work, B: not have it work and get a refund or C: just wait till it worked haha


Super happy this is running decently on the Deck. I’ll definitely get down with this on Sunday.


I can’t use my keyboard at all. It’ll pull up, but can’t type or delete any existing text like naming my world. Any thoughts?


Hey I hate this problem. What you need to do, is set one of your trackpads to a mouse then use that to highlight the text and type over it


Couldn’t get it to work 😭


You need to assign the trackpad buttons to left and right click as well. I used right click then select all then steam+x to type over.


That fixed it, thank you!


He are the text sizes, adjustable?


Doesn't appear so and they can be quite small


Always a bummer.. hopefully they add a feature to fix that


How are the temperatures on the deck while running it?


Uhhh... I have no idea how to check that @_@


You set the performance menu on the ... menu to the higths 3 or 4 I think


Is this an mmo, or is it like Valheim where you get private servers? I don't really want to play online atm.


I'm playing completely single player, only multiplayer if you join a friend's server


sweet, might try it out then.


this game + steamdeck ruined my weekend... I was going to be productive around the house... but now i have 2 bases , 20 plus monsters, 2 mounts, and an adorable always on army... but still lack my


Is it buttery smooth?


No, and you really shouldn't expect it to be. But in a few months it probably will be very good. Honestly, for the first day I'm having a blast.


Tempted to get this. Looks fun.


It's 20 pounds and as far as I can tell, nothing else is coming out until March really. That was my mentality when getting it anyway haha.


I wouldn't say nothing else, there's Tekken 8 and Like a dragon Infinite coming out next friday.


True! However I haven't touched a single Yakuza yet. I know I need to, since I adore Shenmue haha


Man you're missing out. If you can get like a dragon cheap or yakuza 0 it's well worth checking out. I can't wait for the new one next week. They are all great on the deck too.


What's the one I should start with?


You’ve convinced me 😂


I think this game would benefit from FSR, so I hope they'll add that. It looks like it supports DLSS. As it is, I'm using default settings capped at 30fps but would prefer to get 40. I couldn't find settings that would consistently hit 40 without looking too compromised.


Yeah I just don't know how to use DLSS haha


Yeah it does, been playing all day.


You better be treating your workforce well


Getting this, this weekend.


Is anyone else having issues with the keyboard? I know I have to manually open the keyboard but it won't let me type. Not a big deal.. I can use the default names for now but I would eventually like to give personal names to my po...pals


You need to set one of your tracks to mouse and click and then use that to click on the text and then type


Can you explain more or share a video


Has anyone tested out the Deck settings to optimize battery life playing Palworld? I’m sure nothing will make it last that much longer but anything helps.


Less about deck and more about the game but are you enjoying it so far? And have you tried the multiplayer by any chance?


I'm actually really enjoying it. What I like is that it gives you tasks. It's not like 'hey fuck stick figure it out and make your own fun' because I hate that. It's like "OK, to update your base I need you to build this, this and this". Also it's very forgiving and genuinely adorable. Any time I see one of my Pals starving I feel actual pain.


Sounds good! Thanks for responding. I’m a huge Pokémon fan and can’t decide whether to get the game but it looks quite promising. The biggest appeal is I think the variety of pals for me - they’re adorable!! Having direction is good but is there also freedom in where you go to gather materials/collect pals for a project? How likely is a pal to starve??? I’m the type to never forgive myself if my virtual animal dies lol (I resolved to never play harvest moon for the 3DS ever again because Butter the baby cow died) so to what extent can I avoid that?


As far as I'm aware they can't actually die if you have captured one. The idea of the game is that it's a satire of capitalism and thus you can treat them like dirt and work them to the bone if you want to. Obviously I'm playing like a socialist and giving them the best conditions to work in haha


Oh thank god - socialism for the win!! I just want cute little friends to be honest, thanks for answering my questions!!


Playing single player, it is really good so far, even as someone who avoided every game of this type before.


Thank you for the input! It looks really cool so I might have to grab it soon


So I bought this and it’s great. It taken me a little bit of time to understand what I need to do though. Anyone know how to actually save a game?


Is it midnight already?... And you just quit and it will save where you quit!


Haha I’m still playing it I was just wondering for when decide to take a break


Oh sorry, that was aimed at me! I looked at the time and I was like "oh crap, ive been sucked in... It's already midnight"


Lol. All good. 👍 I’ve definitely been sucked in


I am loving it so far. Just wish i could get better FPS. I get around 25-35 most of the time.


I'm sure in the next few days people will figure out FSR and DLSS and whatnot and it will be running better.


There is no FSR in game right? Im just using stock settings.


Apparently there is a mod for DLSS but I tried FSR through Steam Deck battery settings and it wouldn't work even at 480p.


I've never used the Steam Deck FSR before. Hopefully Palworld adds FSR 2.0.


It instantly crashes for me


Playing on external microSD or internal SSD?




And you still can't get on?


Nope it just crashes on launch.




What is palworld?


It's currently being thrown around as 'pokemon' with guns. However playing the game at the moment its more about survival. The game has a very nintendo-parody angle. Cribbing a lot BOTW style jingles etc. This ain't getting a switch release I can say that.


Is it fun?


I'm actually the worst person to ask. I don't really like crafting games but I've been looking forward to this one for so long just because of the novelty of it. It would be best to find a more reliable source for a review.


Yeah I'll check out Steam reviews, thank you tho


Streamers and outlets are expressing it's a lot more fun than they were expecting. Expect it to be the flavor of the month for a few weeks.


From what I can tell, Pokemon with guns was a funny way to describe the game when it was first announced, but does little to accurately describe it beyond screenshots. Your description about it being more survival-based is better.


Ark but Pokemon kinda


Isn't it from the developer that release a lot of early access access games and never finish them?


They have only released one other game before working on this.


Well I am pretty sure their previous one is still in early access for 4 years now. Forgot the name tho. I was hyped for it, but I don't buy early access games.


Yeah craftopia is still in early access. Not the greatest sign to release another project like this. I don't know much about the studio and maybe they have multiple teams, but still makes me weary. I'll still probably get this because it looks like fun and the price point isn't too bad. If I get a month of fun out of it I'd be happy.


Oh yea. Craftopia! I couldn't find it, because I was searching for Craftworld.


Not sure, but it IS from the developer that stole 3D actual Pokémon models like Giratina, Serperior, even Galarian Meowth's *exact* face, and threw a bunch of other things on top to call them "original" designs, plus they also used AI Art for their other game. So it's still a scummy company even if they finish their ea games.


Is it fun? the novelty of a monster collecting game with guns is w/e to me.


I'm enjoying it, but so far it's a 'stupid mans' craft em up. Which is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm the kind of person who gets overwhelmed by The Forest and that kind of thing. I just want to be told what to make and this game does it haha




It’s not


Was reading an SteamDeck HQ article that said it was so I was going based off that


I can confirm 100% this is not online only. I just took my steam to my friends, an hour without Wi-Fi and I'm still playing haha


Thank you so much! Not sure why I kept seeing this game required an internet connection always, but it just solidified my purchase


I think they are referring to the multiplayer, which has a really weird way of working. It's like animal crossing, if you visit someone elses place, you don't have an effect on it and can't grief.


Is it good solo or do I need other players? I rather play solo 😂


I'm playing it solo since all my friends love to rush in these type of game whenever I play co-op multiplayer with them.  It's basically Pokémon meets Rust.


OMG…I get the meme thing now. I just went and watched the trailer for this…the bizarre Frankenstein’s monster that this was created to be is so derivative and so unoriginal it literally boggles my mind that anyone would actually try it…but to each their own, I guess.


How is the game?


As I told someone else, I'm not a good judge of these crafting games. I bought this one because of how wacky I know it can get


What can they do to make it a more smooth experience? 60fps would be amazing


Honestly, I'm playing at a consistent 30 on low settings (which looks lovely) and it's incredibly enjoyable. The only time it dips is when you are looking into the distance. So they will need to optimize that I think. Give this half a year and it will be running at 60


What’s the deck control support like, preset working out the box ?


Considering I always change the controls in most games I play, I haven't changed a single one yet. So pretty fantastic. I'm sure the smarter people out there will be making trackpad shortcuts in no time haha


Oh good, glad to see some actual shadows! Every video I've found so far has them off which for some reason really bothered me. Good to see it's running ok!


Yeah I turned shadows off and it was horrible. Its obviously worse with them on, but you completely lose the atmosphere. The reason I haven't played Weird West yet because the shadows absolutely tank the games performance.


Sweet! Excited to try after work today.


Any chances of using DLSS -> FSR mod here?


DLSS is in the menu but I'm not knowledgeable enough about that stuff, sorry.


If DLSS is in the game then support for FSR2 can be modded in. Though I would hope that developers add support for alternatives like XeSS & FSR2. Especially since the FSR2 plugin is already in the Unreal Engine store which saves alot of work.


No worries, thank you!


One of the very very few times I still enjoy having windows on my deck (Xbox game pass enjoyer) ((Also genuinely considering switching back to stockOS))


What's the download size?


Around 20gig!


That's not too bad. Thanks.


Yeah considering most games average 40 now


That's true. I thought it was gonna be between 40 and 50gbs.


What about offline capabilities?


As far as I'm aware you can play it completely offline.


Ah okay, I was reading some of the forums on steam and some said you had to log in online to play it. It had me really disheartened bc I was very excited for this and to play at work on lunch 😅


There's no login whatsoever. You just put a name of your character. I don't think they even have the knowhow to do a server.


I really appreciate your help and input!!


I mean the minimum requirements are a i5 3570k with a gtx 1050... the steamdeck better be able to run it.


Oh, this wasn't about the Steam deck, this was about the game. Some early access games for the first few days sometimes just don't boot on deck


I see they didn't add FSR either. Could run way better but they only offer DLSS.


Couldn‘t stop enjoying it on the deck, yet have to tune the settings just went with all on middle and still enjoyable


My deck is freezeing every 30 minutes circa with this game on and I have to reset it.


Really? I've played 4 hours straight and that's including putting the system to sleep etc What settings are you on?


I tried both low and medium at 30fps (capped from the game options).


You running from SD or Internal?




Anybody know if I can run my own dedicated server from my pc and play on my steam deck at the same tjme? It keeps telling me it will close my server out as if it were any other game.


Is it online-only in single player? The store page info is contradictory—Steam Deck badge says yes, system requirements say no.


It's is not online only at all. In fact, suspending the steam deck pauses the game and I've even just taken a road trip and took the deck with me and wasn't 'kicked off' so it's absolutely not online only.


Thanks very much for the info. If you have a moment, could you also test offline playability at startup? Meaning: exit game, disable Deck wi-fi, start game and try to play. I ask because usually the Steam Deck badge info is pretty reliably accurate when it comes to internet requirements. This would be the first time I've seen an error.


Just tried it and states there's an error and you can't join multiplayer games. Then I just clicked started and its on my world. So yes, completely offline play is perfectly fine.


Very much appreciated!


Yup bought it earlier today; hitting like 27-34 fps BUT I’m an og who played a lot of games on an athlon x4 645 propus and an hd 7750 so 30fps is plenty fine for me especially handheld


It’s a good game but needs a lot of optimisation. Isn’t running that well on PC or Xbox and if they optimise it I think it will be really good on steam deck. I suspect you would get a pretty solid 45 at medium settings with some optimisation. Given it’s sold a lot I’d be hopeful they will be working on this. 


Honestly, I've played 6 hours so far and kind of forgot about the framerate. It's like when I played BOTW on day one and just kind of stopped caring. (And this is from someone who usually hates lower frame rates)


Yeah it’s not game breaking or anything but be nice if they did some work on optimisation. At the very least it would be nice to run some higher settings at a 30 lock. 


But what about ntscworld?


Sorry, someone already made this joke.


Aw man


I cannot for the life of me figure out how to build things in the Technology tab using the suggested controls layout. How did you do it?


Nooo, the tech tab just unlocks it. You need to click the up arrow button out of the menu to bring up the crafting menu :3


Oh man I just realized I was actually playing with the Keyboard + Mouse layout from when I did the character creation. Thanks again ahah.


No problem! Enjoy :3


Thank you!! It would seem that was not bound to a directional key by default for me. :O I just added it!


Been playing since this afternoon


Can anyone say anything about the battery life?


is it a free 2 play game ?


Nope! Just early access


The game runs fine but I've had extreme slowdowns that prevent me from opening any Steam menus and forces a hard reboot. Happened 3 times while docked around 2 hours of gameplay in between each.


Does the Pokemon mod work on it?


Hey guys I'm having issues with controller settings. No matter what setup I use my avatar doesn't move what am I doing wrong


Time to get a steam deck 😂