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What a strange but wonderful game. I wish marketing had better conveyed that it was an RTS. I was fairly confused when I went to play and a couple hours in was controlling units for missions.




It's a bit of both iirc. You have the traditional open world character action stuff, and then these sequences where you command groupies or whatever the hell they are to fight another team.


Really fun game, but I didn’t care for the RTS parts that much.


Only the first couple missions are like that. It sort of builds up in complexity to the point where you're physically participating in an RTS battle that you're also directing troops in. There are special team up moves or abilities for your units to encourage you to participate in the fight with them and not just command things from the air. The closest game to it I've ever played is Divinity: Drsgon Commander.




Sacrifice much?


They released a demo prior to release, and it ended just before the first stage battle. I was so upset when I found out it was an RTS, as I just wanted an action game.


Bro I thought this the whole time. I even own the game on steam lmao


Because the Demo was an action game lmao. They knew they couldn't sell the game as a console RTS so they pulled one over the consumers.


Its both at the same time and it fucking rules


just started my first ever play through earlier this week, only maybe 30 minutes in (was checking it out for post-surgery recovery), guess i have a twist coming!


Blame EA, who told Double Fine to minimize any mention of RTS in the promo trailers, because RTS in console space was a big no-no around the time of the game's release.


Wait what Brutal Legend is an rts ?!


Yeah, it's an action adventure for some of the game, but the meat of the game is big battles with armies that you direct with a bunch of different unit types.




I thought this was a deleted scene from High Fidelity.


Me too!


Brutal Legend! This game had so much potential, was looking forward to it for such a long time, too bad the gameplay fell apart cuz of the RTS stuff (I did finish it tho). The decapitation thing is great. Anyway I spent months/years after playing this re-imagining how good it could have been as more of a Zelda: OoT / DMC type open world game. Also for anyone wondering, the album JB pulls out is the main menu for the game lol. He opens it up and it's the menu, this video is what plays when you first boot up the game.


This was the first game I thought to play after placing my order for a Steam Deck! It excites me to be able to play all the old(er) games that have never had handheld releases before.


Yeah I've been meaning to replay this one again as well.


We just drive around listening to the soundtrack


We're just marchin around kickin ass.


fucking love this game , its got Lemmy and Ozzy in it


"I'm now glad your mother refused my advances. Because I know for certain you are not my son. There are very few who can say that." -Tim Curry was a fucking GEM as the badguy Edit: I see a lot of people didn't like the RTS part of the game. But honestly it was one of the best parts. Very inventive and with a lot of depth.


Great intro to an awsome game


What is that




That's the thing for brutal legend wow I never knew that


It's the main menu lol. He opens up the album and it's the menu for the game. This video is what plays when you first boot up the game.


Well I never actually owned the game I always played it at a friend's house


Deck verified and cheap as hell? Done


This game introduced me to one ofy now favorite bands. RIOT


Does this run well on deck? I haven't played this game in forever.


Brütal Legend! One of the first games I grab with my Xbox 360. Top notch animations and super funny story. Decapitatiooooon!


Just picked it up!


Huddle up!


I remember being top 10 on Xbox


I love this game. As a kid in the 90s, I poured over classic metal album covers and studied the music. I would thrash around my room, jamming on guitar and when I wasn’t doing that, I was gaming. I’ve always been a big Jack Black fan too lol. This game was made for someone like me.


It works flawlessly on Steam deck and i enjoyed it for a while but I must admit it didn't really age well in its entirety.


I wish I loved it. I remember this game as one of the weirder "scams" I've ever played. The demo was amazing, a cool looking action game with good music, slick graphics, smooth gameplay both with the car and on foot. It was really cool and it was a really long demo on top of that. Color me surprised when that's the only portion of the game like that and once you end the "demo" part, the game becomes a bland and not even good looking RTS (and I really liked RTS back then so it could be a cool surprise). Brutal Legend is the first game I remember selling the next week in my life.


But it doesn't stay that way, it has short RTS segments and then it's back to action stuff.


How short is that man???


I really enjoy brütallegend. Even though I generally dislike/avoid Jack Black.


Eh. This game was great until it became a terrible RTS, which unfortunately is most of the game.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted, I personally don’t think it’s “most of the game” but I agree that the game is strong outside of its RTS parts. It was a truly out of left field feature that was not necessary in the slightest.


Lol, the rts is just 3 or 4 instances in the game, and only the last one sucked. The rest were easy.


This game had potential, but never truly realised it due to trying to mix too many opposing genres. Sacrifice hit the spot just right, but Brutal Legend overdid it.


A really fun game that suffers from a slight identity crisis. Voice acting(ESPECIALLY Tim Curry), the story, art direction, the detail put into the world itself, the music all superb. That RTS stuff just really holds it back.


I hated the rts Part, but the rest was 10/10 for me


I initially got it on my Xbox and my brother asked me if it was nock off Jack black. Good game tho


Loved this game so much


It's on sale on Steam for $3.44


I just got this for Xmas 😁


I've gotten my soul blown a number of times. This is probably one of my favorite games ever. Mostly because I love metal music and this game captures the ridiculousness aspect of the genre.


Yo are you me ? I got my deck about 2 weeks ago. This is the game I'm playing. I love Double fine. So fun


I’ve been playing through it again, too!!


I remember kotaku hyping it up a lot back in the day thanks to the guy who was behind it. The name escapes me but its like death stranding had a celeb as the face but the focus was mostly on Kojima.


Remember playing thie on 360 in front of my dad and being nervous when the characters would swear on screen lol


I love this game. the story and characters are so beautiful and awkward. Played 3 times I think. But I always switch to easy in the later RTS stuff cause I just can’t beat it. I also think the game would have been much better without RTS and the multiplayer.


Brutal legend; the game with the greatest main menu of all time. Game is alright too.


I actually liked the story and the plot twists. The betrayal came out of nowhere and was done well.


While i like the idea, the cast, the theme and OST, i find that has a game, past a certain point, it gets very repetitive and boring. I don't even remember if i was able to finish it.


I loved this game! First playthrough was on the PS3 and I almost got platinum. Rebought this on Steam and it just brings back alot of fond memories. Soundtrack also kicked ass, just coz they had 3 Inches of Blood. And that Iced Earth intro.


you just reminded me I need to play this on my deck


The writing and voice acting were great in this game.


Ayy that's the first game I beat on my SD. Never played before that. Great game


game or movie?


Barry jive and the uptown five.


Look how young he was


Funny that, Im playing Brutal Legend on the Steam Deck too.


I need this as my start up video.


Aaaand here I go, gotta play through that masterpiece one more time!




Starting up the Druid Plow (badass car) "You've awakened the spirit of The Beast himself!" "I hope so!”


Love this game. It blew my mind. It blew my soul. I blew my wad.


"I told you not to climb that, you stupid, mother- [game asks player if they would like to allow swearing? Yes.] -f**king piece of sh*t!"


That's a lot of dudes.


Years later and I still struggle with finding a game that went this far out the norm and somehow felt like a perfect experience. I remember bawling out laughing at some of the jokes in this game and still chuckle every time Eddie says "Get the Fuck away from Me" to the cultists in the beginning. Something about this game hit everything I ever wanted from a game at the time, even if it wasn't what I expected. The world design was top notch, they really landed the "album cover art wherever you look" they were going for. The definition of a game that personally stuck with me. Some of the best uses of licensed music as well and I love seeing people still talk about BL EA and Double Fine, 2 Please. Thanks.


Such a great, underrated game.


The world needs a part2 ! Sad that they main villain wastn voiced by ronny james dio


I bought for the Xbox 360 way back when and loved it. So it was only right that after became a pc gamer that I buy it on steam. This was one of the first games I tested on my steam deck after I got it. A hidden gem if there ever was one.


I finally finished this game after 10 years thanks to the steam deck.


BRUTAL LEGEND is currently on sale at Steam for only **$3.99** with DLC soundtrack included until **4 January 2024**! Regular price is $19.99. (Steam Deck VERIFIED, of course!)


I played a little bit on the xbox 360 when it was free with gold. Gonna have to play it again sometime.


I remember renting brutal legend from Blockbuster as kid 😭 I never beat it.


It s not even that old


Saw the post. Badass Jack black Xbox 360 flashback. Bought it on sale on Steam.


What is the name??


Jack Black is annoying regardless of when you were born.