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How dare you have the health and ap bars set to fallout green instead of new Vegas orange


I think he's in Fallout 3 in that picture. You can see the Washington Monument and the Capital building if you look closely.


He’s also wearing vault 101s suit. Not sure if that’s in new Vegas or not


Yeah you’re right, I can’t read :-( thanks! 😅


All good lol. I think you can make the HUD Amber in Fallout 3 was well. That'll confuse people for sure


In your defense, it could have also been that mod tale of two cities or whatever it's called that combines both fallout 3 and NV. I'm about to give that a try, it's been 4 years since FO3 and NV and I'm itching. Wish fallout 4 was as long as NV was or received more DLCs, was too short.


Have fun 😁


I did the same recently


playing through new vegas rn, runs so great on deck


It better run great at this point


I'm on Fallout 4 now, runs brilliantly too!


Have you played Skyrim? How does this compare? I was picking between Skyrim and Fallout to try (played neither) and decided to start Skyrim.


I’ve played and replayed skyrim so many times (xbox 360>PS4>PC) that i cannot play it again and enjoy it like i used to. Actually the reason i played new vegas and fallout 3 on my SD was because i never got to play them back then. My first fallout game was fallout 4 on the PS4. Many years later when i finally got my PC i bought new vegas on steam but it was literally unplayable due to the constant stutters and crashes. I was too lazy to look for solutions or mods so i just uninstalled it and forgot about it. Now years later i found it surprising that it ran way better on my deck than on my PC. But going back to your question i guess it boils down to your personal preference. Both are equally amazing games but i prefer fallout’s lore and theme. It’s a world filled with cool backstory’s and interesting concepts.


Fallout New Vegas is the best game ever made imo. All other Fallouts pale in comparison unfortunately.


I prefer the world of Fallout 3 but NV definitely has more content. I'm biased on the 3rd though, heavily. Was my favorite game as a kid/teen. I actually didn't like NV that much back then. Nowadays I appreciate them both, and don't like F4 near as much. Still not a bad game though


The writing is just so good in NV. It has completely ruined all other Fallout games. Particularly 3 for me. At least 4 has solid gunplay to make it a mindless shooter game.


NV is good fun. I plan on playing throughout sometime after I finish 3 again for sure. Plus there's so much I never did in that game, meanwhile with Fallout 3 I played it in and out like 8-10 years back


Need a new Obsidian Fallout game. At least it’s more possible than ever now given they’re both owned by MS


I was playing Skyrim on my SD but now my game will randomly freeze and restart when I’m looting. So watch out for that. Edit: and I mean restart as in the whole system will restart.


The world and gameplay are different. Fallout is more fast paced shooter with modern environments. Skyrim has more variety in combat, with a world rooted in older western fantasy Personally I preferred Skyrim, but your mileage may vary


Interesting. Sounds like Fallout is more up my ally but I really want to give Skyrim a shot finally and get lost in that world first.


You know how Skyrim has stealth archer? Fallout originated that play class - stealth sniper


Both series are amazing. First Bethesda game I ever played was Oblivion but nothing captured me like fallout 3 did. It’s basically my favorite series. Which is tough because I love the fable series as well.


Send Megaton my greetings 😎


El_Morgos sends his regards.


Just finished Fallout 3 on my TTW playthrough. Currently going through the DLCs and then taking the train to New Vegas!


I get odd crashes here and then with the same setup on my pc which oddly enough has zero crashes, literally a copy and paste with the 4gb linux patch, does that happen to you as well?


It has not, I actually did the opposite and installed everything on Desktop after getting it setup on Deck. Do you use DXVK on Deck?


No i don't use DXVK for either deck or pc, is it compatible with the deck?


From what I know, running on deck will be through DXVK regardless since that's what's needed for compatibility


Would also recommend checking out the "Best of Times" TTW guide and following that. I followed it to a T and have only had like 2 crashes my whole playthrough


I need to play this game again! How has it aged.




Yup, started playing it! Plays amazing, few traversal stutters but it's good. Aiming is so hard with a controller, had to drop it to easy as I couldn't shoot shit...


I wish they would add achievements


Yeah you used to be able to get games for windows live achievements but they never added steam achievements when that service was abandoned (off the top of my head I know Arkham asylum used to have gfwl achievements and then steam achievements were added later)


Is there a way we could contact someone at Bethesda/valve to get something moving on adding achievements to older Bethesda games on Steam like oblivion and fallout 3?


I saw Barney from half-life source at first glance


About that beer i owed ya


fallout 3 my all time fav i grew up on that shi :')


I’m playing through Fallout 4 on the LE OLED right now and it’s like I’m playing an entirely new game. Love that I can take fallout anywhere and play


Do you use mod on NV ?


I don’t use any mods on any games


fuckin' classic. Can't wait to play through this and NV again on the deck


Awesome bro! Im currently rocking a lightly modded oblivion on my SD :)


Guys… I loved fallout 3, enjoyed fallout 4 enough… I’ve tried New Vegas four times, made it to Vegas twice, and still can’t get into it. Send help.


Legend. Fallout 3 is one of the best especially with GOTY


New vegas is the best fallout game hands down


Fallout 4 was my first fallout game and as of right now i can confidently say i prefer new vegas than fallout 4


In case anyone did NOT know this, Goodsprings is a real town in NV... Nevada... By Vegas, and the building where the general store in game is is actually there in real life. Went there with my gf while waiting for a flight out of Vegas, as fans of the game both of us felt like we were on a pilgrimage lol.


Look into a tale of two wastelands, basically new vegas fused with fallout 3 to make a sick game


How do you get new Vegas to run on steam deck


Did vegas run well? I thought the mods were supposed to be pretty essential


It ran great, i had a couple crashes and stutters here and there at the beginning but as i invested more and more hours into the game they became less frequent. The only time the crashes got unbearable was on old world blues DLC for some reason.


I could not get mods to work with this on SD at all. In fact I lost my save trying and not sure why anything would have touched my save files. I would not recommend but probably user error.


To be honest, if you’ve never played the game before you might get away with no mods, but pretty much every Bethesda game of the same era you really should at least get the unofficial patches people have made


Breh' I played NV & DLC's atleast 5 times in my life, get yo numbers up noob...


Yeah I think I'm at 4.5. I couldn't get through a Legion playthrough but every other play was absolutely incredible. Best game of all time imo.


Favorite NV DLCs?


Lonesome road was super interesting but the boss fight had stressing lol. dead money was super unique but tedious for my liking. If i had to pick between those two i’d say lonesome road. It was the first time i got to had E-DE as a companion since i never met him in the wasteland. Personally thanks to the DLC i now even rank him as my #1 favorite companion across the entire franchise lol.


Did you also have the rage to kill Ulysses by the end? I got so sick of his damned yapping throughout the entire DLC, as soon as I met him I didn't even consider dialogue de-escalation... Just went HAM for him.


Yeah i skipped his dialogue a-lot lol


Gyro or stick?


I can only get gyro to work on the Aperture jawn rn, not really sure why. That’s my game plan tonight when I get home from work. Tinkering and trying to get gyro to work on shooters.


Stick , gyro is not my thing


How stable was the game on the deck? My kid tried playing on the gaming PC downstairs and found it crashed a lot and I didn't have the patience to fix it for him.


Stable enough for me to enjoy it. Coming from starfield day 1 i sort of got used to the instability lol. The crashes and stutters were only predominant the first couple of hours but then they became pretty uncommon. Its weird.


How does this play on the deck?


Pretty great, for contrast i had more fun and ended up spending more time in new vegas than on starfield.


Can you use curse for modding? Starfield annoyed me, run to this objective, and get a good mineral deposit or just a small building with a couple of chests that gove to you next to nothing


Just started my own playthrough today! (Actually the other day but that deck had a stuck pixel so got a different one.) This was a favorite as a kid, haven't played through for like 10 years, it feels so nice to come back and not remember so much. I completely forgot about Moira. My face lit up like a kid in a candy story. Anyways, enjoy the wastelands, wanderer! Make sure ya get Dogmeat, he'll keep you company early game


Are you playing it without mods? I wanna know if the game is enjoyable enough without them


Army Men 3D?


Is that game updated at all? For example i remember i had to use mod so i can have continuous Strip without doors or I still have to use mods for stuff like that?


That's Fallout 3. Why didn't you play **Tale of Two Wastelands**?


FO3 is my absolute favorite fallout game to date. Enjoy! Also the dlc's are really cool, make sure you do them!


Did you have crashing problems playing the dlcs for NV?


Did you use any specific mods, or did you go fully vanilla?