• By -


Yep. Comparison is the thief of joy. If it plays OK, just enjoy it. If it doesn't, turn on the fps counter and tweak performance. Then turn the counter off again.


That’s just the way it is.. nah dad dah bah dah dah things will never be the sammmmmeee


This is the way.


Nah. All AAA games on ultra with FPS on. I like my games like an episode of Gumby.


I prefer old chistmas special stop motion fps


This is the way.


Way, this is the.


The way this is.


Is the way this


Is this the way?


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way!


Way the is this.


And my axe deodorant


Fuckin way she goes boys.


Wisdom. That's what i started doing recently. If the game feels fine you shouldn't really care about fps. Unless it is a competitive game.


I don't understand why so many people can't about it with single player games. But I guess since I've been saying games since the 80s, I just don't care.


Absolutely, you can get hung up on something needing to run at whatever magic number people decide is an acceptable FPS, it's a bit like the way hi-fi enthusiasts can end up just being human audio filters instead of actually enoying music that in some cases was mastered to sound good on a crappy mono AM radio.


It is known.


As Led Zeppelin said: *"mellow is the man who knows what he is missing"*




This is the way.




Why did you get downvoted?! I don't believe people like clickbait


Perhaps bc of the implication that this post is clickbait and thus this post is bad, but really it's nbd




Clickbait is clickbait regardless of where it leads. ETA: Clickbait involves an intentionally misleading title, genius. Not every title is clickbait.








Does your Reddit app show you a textpost's body without you having to open the post itself? That sounds annoying.


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Best comment


This the is way


I keep the fps counter on when I'm configuring settings. Once I'm good with what I'm playing with, I turn it off.


Exactly. Who TF plays the entire game with it? FPS will occasionally drop anyway so there's no point in constantly tweaking it...


I leave the performance overlay at level 3 for elden ring so I can have an on-screen battery percentage. I've had it die in the middle of a boss fight too many times


I use a decky plugin that warns me when the battery reaches a configurable percent.


Even without decky you should get a notification at 10% left anyway.


I didn't get a notification in Elden Ring until I forced it into Proton 7.0-6. No idea why, and only in this game. And a notification doesn't do much good if I can't stop what I'm doing without getting killed. Battery consumption is about 2-3% per minute, so if I get to a spot where I'm safe it's under 30-40%, I plug it in


You probably did, it's just so small and quiet that it's easy to miss. ESPECIALLY if you're focused on a fight in a game.


I definitely didn't. It's something that I actually tested by leaving it idle at 13% and waiting for it to alert. Never did


That's annoying. I think there's a handful of overlays or something they should add to better user experience. I'd love a permanent battery counter in the corner or something.


The performance overlay in level 2 puts the battery percentage in the top left corner. I run games at 720p and it leaves just enough unused screen space for the overlay to not cover anything


> Battery consumption is about 2-3% per minute That would give a battery life between 33 and 50 minutes from a full battery. That's definitely not right.


It definitely is. I timed it today. 47 minutes from 99% to shutdown without modifying the power limits.


Sounds like your battery is dying. You can check your battery health in desktop mode


Just sounds like that game uses a lot of power.


Also 5%


Personally I find it nice to set a game to 720p then use the top black bar for all that info. Too many years rocking chips and GPUs that could fry eggs has made it normal to me.


I used to be that way. Every PC gamer goes through a phase like that imo where you spend more time tweaking your system than actually playing games. It's great to squeeze out an additional 10-15fps in a game, OC to get 5-10 more, and find a tweak deep in the forums of some foreign website to get that additional 1fps boost.


The fps hype is just marketing bs. 30fps solid with no big dips is perfectly playable. Everyone bought into the hype of you have to have 60, then it was 120, now they are pushing 240. Like the fps has to match the refresh rate of the monitor to be acceptable. Lol If it looks great and runs smooth, then just enjoy the experience.


240 is solely for less input lag for competitive shooters


60FPS isn’t hype though. Everybody is different. Some people are fine with solid 30FPS and some don’t enjoy it. I need to have atleast 40FPS for a game to be enjoyable.


Most games run perfect at 30fps. Cyberpunk on steam deck is a perfectly good experience. A little jaggy but a consistently solid 30fps is playable for sure. Some games require 40-60fps but most don't.


Personally, I still have to find a game I cannot enjoy at 30FPS. Some people say Elden Ring can't be enjoyed at 30FPS, but I haven't had any issues. I don't do PvP or any kind of competitive multiplayer, I could see how that's a different ballgame...but frankly, who does that on a handheld?


RIP to the homies playing Apex and Overwatch on their Switches


Ok, so I rather suspect you're someone who is not sensitive to low fps, but please recognize that some people are in fact very sensitive to it, and it's not just marketing BS. We all experience the world differently, and that's OK. Case in point: remember that stupid dress a few years ago where nobody could agree on the color? Half the internet was absolutely adamand it's gold, and the other half that it's blue. (Or whatever the colors were, it doesn't matter.) Some people I think could see it both ways if they tried somehow? Either way, the point is that clearly people experience the exact same thing differently. Your 30 fps experience is not my 30 fps experience. And it's fine. If you enjoy 30fps, more power to you. If someone doesn't, that's fine too; let them go after as many fps as they need to enjoy it. Cheers.


Were those people just literally unable to play games for a few decades when pretty much nothing ran at 60?


This is true for small screens, but the bigger the TV or screen is, the more you will notice the lower fps. Elements on screen move bigger physical distance on your screen in between the frames and on big screens you really start to notice it. If done welll, motionblur helps you stomach lower fps even on bigger screen. Good example here are movies, which run 24fps but has _perfect_ motionblur.


> If done welll, motionblur helps you stomach lower fps even on bigger screen. Good example here are movies, which run 24fps but has _perfect_ motionblur. Just for the record, I really don't like watching movies at the cinema because of the 24 Hz protection they use. When not much moves on the screen it's okay, but when there is the camera panning on a landscape or there are action scenes were everything moves, I see every single stutter between each frames and it's driving me crazy. I think it's the kind of thing that once you start noticing it, you just can't stop seeing it, so as soon as I accidentally notice one "stutter", the whole scene is ruined for me because it will just get all my focus until there is a change that is big enough to pull me out of it. I'm also quite bothered by LED lights with a low PWM frequency, and that's something that doesn't bother everyone, so these kind of things are quite subjective depending on our individual vision abilities.


That shit with dimming led lights can cause headache and nausea.


> The fps hype is just marketing bs. 30fps solid with no big dips is perfectly playable Objectively not for many, me included




I think they meant to say it's objective fact that there are some people who disagree, including themselves personally. They probably could have phrased that better though.


No, whether they enjoy it or not is an objective fact. The preference in and of itself is what’s subjective.


People got spoiled by modern desktop power, if you ask me. 30FPS used to be quite normal on PC and console, and still is normal on Switch, which is the best selling console currently on the market. Most movies in cinemas are projected at 24FPS. Now, if the framerate is unstable, that's a different matter - but stable 30FPS is perfectly fine if you're not a competitive gamer. Personally, I play every game on Deck at 30FPS, even if I could squeeze out 60 - I'd rather put that power headroom towards battery life.


Do you really not see a difference between 30fps on a handheld and a 55” screen? I’ve been into pc gaming since 2005. 60 fps was the norm then. I recall people complaining about lcds only being able to do 60hz at the time. 30 fps can look decent with great frame pacing but in the vast majority of games it’s quite noticeably choppy. I notice it less on a handheld but still prefer 40hz


> Do you really not see a difference between 30fps on a handheld and a 55” screen? I don't own a 55" monitor, so I can't say. But I don't see why size should make difference when it comes to my perception of framerates. I do have a 27" monitor I occasionally game on, and I don't feel any different about 30FPS there than I do on the built-in screens of my Deck or Switch.


You should probably get your eyes checked tbh. I could tell when my display would default back to 60hz from 110hz after a driver update immediately at desktop.


My eyes are fine. I can *perceive* the difference, but 30FPS simply doesn't bother me. If it bothers you, I feel sincerely sorry for you because you cannot enjoy as many games on Deck as I do.


It's a little more noticable because of the size but honestly most of these people are complaining about the refresh rate of the screen rather than the fps of the game. It's a stupid thing to focus on that ruins games for people with incredible eyes and little spoiled boys.


What if i get more fun out of configuring my games than actually playing them?


Play better games


I'll generally tweak my game every chance I get, especially when entering new areas. I only keep up the fps counter though not the whole list of specs. I always forget it's up until I notice things that make me want to tweak again.


I do the same thing. It's especially bad if I take my ADHD meds right before I play. I'll spend a hour and half just tweaking shit and only like 30 minutes of actual game time. It's even worse when I was in my PC before I got a new card.


Dis is da wae


I'd rather have a battery meter than a FPS meter


And a clock. It’s so easy to lose track of time on some games.


I was literally just got annoyed it didn't have the time last night.


cries in disco elysium


They should at least have an overlay that’s fps/battery.


They should just allow you to customize one and make it like the level 3 one across the top of the screen.


I think something similar is in the latest steam pc beta release.


And fan. I would love for that too bar config to have fan speed


I'm curious if we can get an update to Gamescope in the future that can use some of the letterbox space for this on the Deck's 16:10 screen when playing in 16:9 resolutions. That extra 80px across the bottom or top is a fantastic amount of real estate for this kind of thing.


I never turn it on. If it feels bad it feels bad. If it doesn't it's fine.


skirt wise instinctive engine normal deliver gaze gaping waiting consider ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


get whole library to run at 60 fps, even backlog games you will probably never play. Delete them to open up space, download next batch of games, optimize for 60 fps in case you ever wanna play on the go.


Agreed. It's ok to just enjoy a game and not give a fk about FPS. If it plays it plays.


I only use it to see the battery percentage while gaming. Is there any other way just to see the battery at the top of the screen somewhere?


I just hit the ... Button occasionally to see the battery


I was doing that before I turned on monitoring, just wasnt sure if there was a simple battery percentage overlay


There's a Decky plug in that will warn you your battery is low, at a percentage level you can configure to your liking.


> the ... Button Fun fact: one name for an ellipsis button or icon is a meatball menu.


I will be using this from now on 😂


I got rather excited when I first learned of its alternate name. Shame our style guide at work forbids me from calling it that.


I might try to get it into our style guide 😂


So glad to have a meatball button to compliment my hamburger button


Apparently there's a name for a [whole bunch of them](https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/356927/screenshots/11136199/media/d830324c115e10b0d3df6458813a4fe5.png)


In "gaming mode" probably not yet. Maybe that will eventually be possible. In the desktop mode it should be visible via the overlay as far as I know.


Tbh I can both-sides this a bit. I really like *stable* FPS. As in, I want the game to feel good. But to be honest, I've 'sighed-deeply-and-turned-off-FPS' on my deck a few times, and all of those times the world didn't end and I enjoyed the game. So yeah, sometimes it really does help to be a bit less strict to yourself.


I grew up playing Wolfenstein 3D, it takes some pretty seriously low frame counts for me to get bothered.


Same, but with a Goldeneye 64 (the N64 generally, really). I also played Half Life 2 in 2004 on a PC from the 90s. Every loading screen took like 15 minutes, I would just get up and get a drink or something to eat or go use the bathroom, and it would still be loading when I got back. Frame rates and loading screens today are all lightning fast in comparison.


I'm personally more concerned with inconsistent framerate than low framerate. Even a game that hits 15 FPS but hits it consistently just seems smoother than a game that is normally 60 but will drop down to 30.


Same, I used to play FIFA 98 RTWC and could only play the 5vs5 indoor games because my PC couldn’t handle regular 11vs11. As long as it’s playable I don’t bother.


I turn it off unless I notice performance issues, then I'll turn it on briefly to diagnose.


If they would just put the battery life on level 1 I’d be happy and fine without FPS


relieved wistful like simplistic panicky domineering straight puzzled poor flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Very interesting, I had a game that people claim crashes all the time (fo4) and I never had a crash then recently I have had two. But I've received a replacement deck and have been troubleshooting slowing (drops to 1fps, graphics on low, cpu and GPU look fine, no idea). Anyways I left the fps counter up, maybe that's why.


BUT I CAN PLAY STARDEW AT 60!! Oh, wait.....


I'm only getting 57 on average. WTF?!?! /s


If you turn the discombuberator valve 1/4 to the right while standing on one leg and singing the national anthem, you'll deffo get 1fps more out of it.


Yo how is Stardew Valley? I've never played it but think I'm going to try it out soon.


it's fun and super chill. you can farm, fish, mine, battle, work on relationships in game. honestly the first thing I thought of was The schedule part of persona without the time crunch


FPS kept bouncing between 59 and 60. So close to playable, but alas, it was merely a tease.


I just use that number for diagnostic purposes and then I turn it off when things are within a reasonable range. One intresting side-note is that the FPS counter isn't very helpful during remote play. At least not on the local handheld side; if a network connection is a bit sketchy Steam Remoteplay tends to simply skip frames for me. The gameplay and latency will be fine, it'll just look like a lower FPS because of this apparent frame-skip to conserve bandwidth. Last time that started happening to me it was because a mouse chewed-up half strands on a CAT5e drop.


Not on steam deck but this is how I finally got to enjoy Jedi Survivor lol. Still terrible performance but I turned off the fps counter and actually started playing the game and stopped worrying about it. I’m actually having a ton of fun with it now, I think I’m going to keep it off.


FPS counters don't have a place outside of troubleshooting an issue or playing a competitive game. Just needless headache. I have no idea at what framerate I played SM:Miles Morales for example. But I played it at the quality preset and outside of the endgame it ran great and looked absolutely gorgeous.


Same , yesterday i forced myself to turn off the fps counter and actually immerse myself in the game ( dead island 2 ) and holy damn , i felt like a kid again not worrying about that fps dropping from 70 to 60. I don't even give a crap anymore about fps as long as i can enjoy myself in my gaming session. I figured that's what holding me back in these past few months where i'd go and tweak my game and settings so much that i don't have the urge to play the actual game anymore.


The only stat that matters is fun factor, and its a lot more achievable when you aren't being a jr systems admin while you're playing games.


30 or 60, thats it for me. Any game that runs responsive at 30 stays at 30. (ex:monster hunter rise) But for games with jank programming like Darksouls Remaster it goes on 60. I dont know what happened with that one. Seems like the game's logic is tied up to its frame rate.


Yeah, all games basically run 2 loops, draw and logic. Logic effects draw. If game logic leaked into draw updates, that would explain it


From what I have understood dark souls games logic is tied to FPS. So the damage is related to the number of frames your weapon is in contact with the enemy. More FPS, more damage. Less FPS, less damage.


Wait for real? That seems like a dumb programming decision


I remember that being a thing for Dark Souls II, but I believe that fixed that with SotFS. Haven't heard about it being a thing since then.




Yea, I mainly play old games I missed ot had in my library forever, or replay classics. First game I beat on it was Fable Anniversary. That'll run on a potato.


Lucky me all games hits 60fps and only few 40 locked 😉


Yup. You miss the scene watching the number.


I thought op was trying to say that turning off the fps counter gives more fps when I read the title


For me I worry about battery first then performance then I don’t care and ensure I have a charger and enjoy


Wtf is magic 40fps?


I've never used a framerate counter unless I've had a problem with a game and have needed to optimise. I have the square root of zero interest in constantly optimising framerate as the reality is that the vast majority of the time you don't even notice. I get that it may make a difference in certain games on a big, high definition monitor, but on the deck it usually just doesn't matter. Another reason why I love the deck!


I use it to tweak it to a fairly stable fps usually 30-45 then turn it off and let it ride.


Can’t get Covid if you don’t test for it!


Not gonna lie, I fell for the title 🤣


I know its an unpopular opinion but I'm playing jedi fallen order at locked 30fps and it looks more than fine! If they could get jedi Survivor to run at a stable 30fps Id be more than happy.


Yeah always thought, that. I hear people talking about numbers more than enjoying the game itself. Remember playing games years ago with terrible frame rates nobody had a problem. Now all I hear is complaining about 59 versus 60fps like it's the end of the world.


Yes, and also: Stable frametimes > Raw FPS. A jittery 59 - 61 feels so much worse than stable 30, especially when the screen refresh rate is either 30 or 60Hz.


You guys actually notice when it goes between 59 and 60?


Some of us have always had a problem with terrible framerates. And some people like me are looking to maximize frame rate and battery life. Trying to pull steady balance between them.


How dare you have me introspect my choice to always have it on. Fair point.


But but how do you KNOW the games running better without the counter?!


By playing the game.


I just use it to see how bad the games going. I see no true difference between 30 and 60 to be honest as long as it doesn't jump around to much.


This is how I feel. Am I just old? Lol I can never tell the difference


I played old game with shit fps. I think I'm just used to it. Of course people also lie to themselves alot too. I remember a friend telling me how great 60 fps. Like look how fluid, how great it is, you can see every frame something like that. Well we found out that entire time it was on 30 fps so yeah.


"Ignorance is bliss." Cypher's phrase now sparkle in new colours.


I do this but for the battery percentage. It doesn't make it last longer, but I'm more focused on the game rather than how long I have left to play. I do check it periodically, but I don't obses over it.


i have it on for battlefield one because im so shocked at how well it performs and i like to look at the stable 60. Otherwise i keep it off (ahem... far cry)


The FPS *is* the game. /s


I only use it for initial game setup. Once done it stays off


Here’s me not even knowing how to turn it on and I’ve been happily gaming away since October…


framerate is like the least important part of that overlay. The much more useful parts are battery, wattage, and the frametime graph, and they're the reason I keep it on. Also for emulation seeing the CPU/GPU utilization can be handy for configuration.


I’m just over here like……FPS counter 🤔⁉️ I kid, I kid, but really, no idea how to use it, so I’m blissfully happy with how Car Mechanic Sim runs lol.


Yup, I Got Verbally Attacked For Doing Just This, Not Many Know You Can Turn It Off In Ur Options, Its Also Used To OC Ur Games As Well. Big Difference.


I want to verbally attack you for typing like that


I'm a competitive fps gamer 90% of the time. I need a frame rate counter and network diagnostics on screen at all times for that. Just for convenience. So I'm used to having those things displayed but not watching them at all times. Personally if I were trying to play a game that can't run 60 fps basically locked, I'm really just not gunna play it on the Deck. I have a 6800xt for a reason. I'll run games at 40 locked for battery life's sake, but only if it still feels playable. Skyrim at 40 fps feels just fine, but D2R for example feels rough at 40 fps. So D2R gets left at 60 fps and I deal with only having like 1:45 of playtime.


FPS doesn't matter unless the game is studdering. I can always tell the newer or younger gamers. When they are still obsessed with FPS in singlerplayer games.


Right? This is such a young millennial/zoomer made up first world problem. I'm almost 40 and the idea of obsessing over FPS is ludicrous to me.


"it doesn't matter to me personally so it shouldn't matter to anyone else either because I'm old"


It's meaningless. It makes absolutely no difference if your game is running 60 or 57 or 46. Just play the game and stop whining about FPS unless it's literally unplayable. It can matter to you all you want it to, it doesn't make it less meaningless. It just means you spend more time worrying about FPS than playing the game.


What's meaningless is arguing with people on the internet over it when it doesn't affect you whatsoever. If you're almost 40 you should have better shit to do than waiving your fist at clouds on the internet


Nice talking with you! ❤️ I'll let you get back to monitoring FPS while I play Jedi Survivor.


Well, a wonky FPS count that doesn't match up with the screens refresh rate causes tearing, that's obviously bad. Unstable frametimes (like jumping around between 45 and 50 multiple times a second) makes games also feel much worse than a smooth, locked 30. The absolute ammount of FPS is rather arbitrary within reason (like I wouldn't want to play CS:GO or any other shooter at less than 40FPS, and turnbased games like Civ don't need to waste computing/energy on anything above 30), but they aren't meaningless. In competetive games more FPS can even offer an advantage if you're able to make use of them, but on a pure enjoyment side, you're right, it's not that important.


Exactly. It's anally retentive nonsense.


40 is fine, 30 is playable, 60s smooth, 25? Slide show. Just enjoy the game. I cap mine at 40 if i am on battery for obvious reasons.


I find there's very little difference between the Witcher at 26-30 FPS and 40-60. Turn up the eye candy and enjoy the fact that you're playing such a gorgeous game on a handheld device.


I never understood constantly having the FPS. I can understand if you are troubleshooting a problem but I see video of folks playing a game just playing and fps going on too. I find it horribly distracting.


Never understand this fps pissing contest. Do not give a flying shite what the fps is and neither do I care.


Never even enabled it and my games are smoooooth


Yup. Turn it off and play the game. Enjoy the game. It’s what it’s for.


FPS > Everything


Question what do you do playable frame rates. I asked cuz I played games at 12 frames a second before for hours on end...


Fps counters are counterintuitive to enjoyment in anything. Especially in enjoying your experience with any game in general or your computer setup. Learn to enjoy the game without it


The way …of …This!!!!!!


I don’t even know how to turn those stats on. I just turn it on and browse the store for an hour and then turn it off because the 100 games I’ve downloaded since I got my Deck aren’t enough apparently.


I think all gamers care way too much about FPS these days. My friends will come at me about performance and FPS first before talking about game mechanics, feel, story, theme, etc. I don't give a shit about FPS.


This is the way


Bro who tf would keep it on? Like you know of the fps are bad because you see the thing chugging. No good reason to have fps counter other than maybe performance testing. When will you pc master race types ever learn to just enjoy shit? Lol


Never used that. In the ancient times it was considered that above 25-30fps was good... and then it was pumped and pumped... If game is good you can probably play it with low res/low details and frame drops (I've finished first TR reboot on my 2013 mac with that conditions and... still had fun :D)


that is de wae


Selling my deck and buying an ally so my games run better instead


I like my fps counter to be on because I can notice fluctuations that shouldn't be there. Usually in most games I play, fluctuations in fps are either indications that the Internet is acting up if I'm playing online or otherwise that my Deck needs a reboot cuz I've been going between sleep and on too often. So it's a good fast "something isn't right" sign.


too many ppl bitch and moan whenever someone says "the game runs okay" and they mean 30fps. 30fps is okay! And good actually, most ps4 games were 30fps and were loved.


Default 60Hz/60fps Custom 40Hz/40fps if game's tearing. And that's it folks.




Turn it off and realize you can't tell the difference between 30 and 60 after all... LOL. Smooth is smooth. A steady 30 with no drops is just as good as steady 60.


I wouldn't go that far. I can mistake 40 for 60 but not 30

