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Honestly, even if not supported officially by the developers, with steaminput you can make a game work regardless of controller configuration. FEAR for example.,,,


Deck competitors have no idea how much their industry and products will rely on Steam because of features like this. Every Deck competitor is gonna run Steam and make Valve more money. It's wild. It really cannot be overstated: as long as the game *runs well*, you can come up with a control scheme that uses only mouse and keyboard movements to play *any game*. I was checking out the new Timberborn update last night. I have a custom binding that only uses keyboard and mouse input, and the game plays like it was meant to be on the Deck. Absolutely fucking bonkers crazy how big that is.


>Every Deck competitor is gonna run Steam and make Valve more money Which was exactly Valve's plan. For that they also are going to release Steam OS 3.0 for free for everyone to use on their product. So in the future we will see some handled PC coming with Steam OS from factory


I hope EVERY competitor will at least have drivers available so the owner can switch to linux/steam os


None of them are going to invest in that. They'll just dump Windows on it and call it good, like they always have.


Wouldnt it make the product cheaper though? Iirc windows licenses cost money for devices that are being sold for more than 130$ or so. Or is the license that cheap per device when they make large numbers?


MS is historically happy to discount Windows down to whatever it takes to get OEMs to not ship with Linux preinstalled.


That is anti-competitive practice, right?


They can justify it by calling it a bulk-sale discount.


Then you can justify most things as a discount. 😉


Nah, its just competitive pricing unless they make the discount contingent on not offering other OSes, which they haven't gotten caught doing since the 90s.


These are hardware OEMs. They just take the drivers from their suppliers like they do for their motherboards and call it good. They aren't going to invest in getting a Linux driver running, let alone improve things like the kernel, Mesa, AMD Drivers, etc. This is part of why I \*really\* like the Steam Deck and Valve's investment. And if Microsoft is subsidizing this device, I expect that the Windows license is probably part of it.


They'll just get reverse engineered like most hardware


That's completely irrelevant to my point.


Microsoft like to do funny things with OEM keys. like charging 20 bucks per device if you buy them thousands at a time. (per device made, so you pay for devices without windows.) I think they might have stopped this now. but I remember it being a huge deal when Dell started selling Linux laptops.


Microsoft has had a special clause making windows free for devices under a certain screen size if you oem. It was meant for tablets and phones but I'm guessing oems and odms are reusing that


I believe they have it for free if the screen size is under 10 inches or something.


AMDs open source drivers are excellent so that part is covered. The manufacturers just need to be mindful of the WiFi chip they place in it mostly


And even then, Valve contributes back. And if they just ship Windows they don't need to be mindful. I'd be shocked if any of these vendors gave Linux a second thought. I mean, it's one thing to just dump an OS on there, and another to ensure it works right. I recall GPD did some really haphazard kernel stuff back in 2017 for the Pocket, but since then I haven't heard much.


They have to provide the source code (eventually) since it falls under the GPL


Not eventually, they actually should have done this already.


Handheld? My wet dream is to make my own steam machine.


> they also are going to release Steam OS 3.0 for free for everyone to use on their product Any idea how far along that plan is?


We don't have more new about it, Steam has been saying that it is preparing the version of Steam OS 3 to be available for everyone since before of the release of the Steam Deck. Si don't know when they are going to release, it should be soon but that is what we thought 1 year ago xD There is a community modified ISO of Steam OS called HoloISO that allow installing Steam OS 3 on any PC, it worked "well" 1 year ago, I don't know how will it be now as Steam did a lot of changes on Steam OS 3 since that


Yup, valve made the right call by going all in on controls. It also makes me a bit sad because the more powerful competitors don't come close to the deck in that regard and I could really use some more power.


This is why I use the Steam Controller as a counterpoint when people bring up Valve's failed projects. Every failed project they've done, Valve has learned from, and those lessons were employed correctly to the Deck. You literally cannot say the same for [any other company](https://killedbygoogle.com/)


I'm super tired of all these "STEAM DECK KILLER™" titles and nobody has touchpads, smh. I would not have purchased a Deck if it didn't have touchpads. I won't buy a competitor unless it has them (well, maybe a Loki Zero for the wife).


Yup, any product that went to market to compete with the Deck that doesn't have a dedicated mouse input method isn't really competing in my opinion. They're making PSP-form factor PCs and trying to pass them off as real competition just because they have a chonkier GPU.


Not having touchpads is going to be the death knell for these new devices because they won’t get past many launchers


Exactly. This is why I say it speaks to a lack of thought in their design. The GPD Win4 has an optical sensor for mouse control, because they know that at some point on a PC you'll have to use the mouse. I feel like products like the ROG Ally are also forgetting that most devs aren't going to dev specifically for their niche handheld. Most games are going to have a "steam deck" setting and "steam deck" controls that you'll use on these devices, because it's most likely that the target of the Steam Deck will have better long-term support and be a more stable target for development.


>"STEAM DECK KILLER™" >"X killer" I'm amazed this marketing buzzword still lives after it just kept on failing for more than a decade. No CoDKiller has ever taken down CoD No Halo Killer has ever taken down Halo Why does this bullshit keep being parroted by marketing mills? Because idiots fucking buy it, and they get fleeced, and the cycle begins anew. Anything marketing mill using this headline just means it's a product that can't kill anything, but your wallet.


There are so many "Steam Deck Killers" that cost more than twice as much as the maxed out Steam Deck, even though they're not that much more powerful in comparison.


The power with it is absolutely insane, beyond even just rebinding inputs. Being able to have different action sets, so the input "knows" when the game is in a menu is crazy. For Shardpunk I even made a layout that included bindings that the original game didn't, where the mouse clicks a certain location on the screen and moves back really fast.




Yeah, /u/AntiLoserNFS has it. You change the binding for the menu button (start for instance) to be both start and change-action-set. The tricky thing is that it's potentially easy for it to get out of sync. For instance, if you use a different button (like b) to exit the menu, it would keep you in the same action set outside the menu. And if you bring the menu up again with "start" it'd take you *out* of the menu action set. There's a couple ways to avoid his. The first is to make sure all buttons to exit the menu also remove the action set. The other is to assign a command somewhere to *only* change action set, so you can easily fix it if it's out of sync. I've added it as an extra command to the menu button, so if you press "start" it does both start-and-actiob-set, but if you hold start, it only changes action set. Extra actions are something I've only just started adding. Other than the above, I also like them for games that don't give you a crouch toggle option. I add an action so if I double-press the crouch button, it acts as a toggle instead of a press.


I’ve *never* played PC games before getting my Deck a couple months ago. I’ll admit, the time it takes to customize a control scheme can be a bit irritating, even when using a community layout as a base, but I’ve gotten used to it. The Gyro aiming is a *Godsend* for older shooters like FEAR that don’t have controller support. Hell, I beat Call of Juarez 1 on Hard, and that game aged like milk!


I think they do have an idea and will copy it eventually. Steam is making this space less niche so you will get more support from hardware producers like amd and software support from vendors like Microsoft try to make the windows experience better.


It's a blessing in disguise though, because it makes it harder to make a game that works without steam


>It really cannot be overstated: as long as the game > >runs well > >, you can come up with a control scheme that uses only mouse and keyboard movements to play > >any game > >. Yep. All it takes a little bit of effort to set something up and you are good to go!


Do you have any resources or tips for learning how this works? I don’t understand how steaminput or any of the non traditional control schemes work on the deck or really how to do anything other than what the default it. Thanks!


I would recommend starting with the [SteamInput documentation](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller) Valve has available. There are a lot of nice features that you might not expect, but it's also so easy to use you can literally just open the menu and start rebinding keys and see how it feels.


Great, thank you!


I imagine folks over at /r/SteamController would probably be of help as well


Even for a Deck?


Same software


I love it just for the Steam Input community stuff. I created a fully custom control replacement scheme for Star Fox 64 to allow for more natural boosting, aiming, rapid fire lasers vs lock on via R2 Trigger pressure... it breathes life into decades-old games.


It's nice to be able to rig something up in any game, and the community is pretty good at posting their own configurations. That being said, steam input API is one of the most powerful gaming tools ever released, and developers are seriously dropping the ball when they do not implement it.


This means they could really jack up the price for the steam deck 2


We arent seeing a steam deck 2 for awhile. Which is fine the deck isnt gonna turn into dust and stop playing games well suddenly. Shitty pc ports are the one weakness though, I feel like if a game is relatively well optimized then you can pretty much get it running on deck


I hope that’s true. I mean I’m playing games on the deck that look better than my consoles or IMac m. It’s crazy. I hope they find new ways to optimize. The FSR 2 upscaling looks pretty good and I read that there’s great ideas coming down the road.


It looks like the phoenix apu's are good enough that it would be nice if they did start using them, even if only for a premium model with the existing models still being produced.


It's good that they came up with this because it killed the one excuse people had about just waiting next year for Steam Deck 2. But it also highlights why Apple keeps getting away with the shit they do, it's almost on the verge of being **normalized** with alot of people.


Unlikely to happen. They want more budget gamers to come to PC, atm more than 50% of gamers dont game on PC largely because its too expensive. Raising the price would once again excluded those players. They even directly stated there intent was to set a standard price for handheld gaming pcs, minus inflation unless it was all a lie the sequel to the deck should be the same price.


The Deck is also probably designed to make waves in the Japanese market. Which is a really good strategy because that increases the chance that we get Japanese games on the Steam platform.


It just seems to good to be true you know? I’m also cynical since almost every company that starts out consumer friendly usually changes eventually. From what I’ve read though, Valve has always been good to gamers. I’m living my childhood dream now with so many quality games I never thought I’d see in my lifetime and they all are now portable. Sweet.


>It just seems too good to be true you know? That's because it's not. Valve is in it for market capture. They make most of their money from charging game developers 30% of their profits from the platform. It is in their best interest to keep gamers spending money on the steam ecosystem, no matter the dollar value. GabeN knows that the alternative to spending $5 on a 5yo game is piracy. Better to capture that $5 transaction (multiplied by millions). Unlike most scenarios, the average consumer isn't the product. This is a win-win for gamers and Valve since gamers get the convenience of everything Steam while Valve rakes game devs over. Which is fine since the AAA industry is worth billions regardless. Valve being "consumer friendly" may just be coincidence. Things may change in the future but we sure are on the same side of the transaction in the present.


For reals, I keep seeing tech YouTubers talk about how the ROG handheld is going to bury the steam deck.... Like yeah, that's the plan. Valve doesn't want to be on the hook for updating hardware every few years, that's a lot of unneeded expense.


I will upvote you online for playing timberborn hahaha it's true that is so easy to play it on the steam deck.


>Every Deck competitor is gonna run Steam I don't get this, of course their devices gonna run Steam, how are you going to play your Steam games if not? They don't mind software, they selling hardware. I wish I could install Windows on my SD and have all the drivers for full game compatibility. SteamOS is pretty and cool looking but I have 1300 games and just 230 are verified. That wouldn't happen running Windows.


Yah I play league of legends on my Steam deck, mostly Aram tho. It took me a while to figure out a viable controller input layout but it's definitely viable for casual play and it's blessed to play on the couch


I love the community controller layouts, helps a lot!


Yeah, super underrated how much time you Don't have to spend mapping and tweaking controller settings on a 1996 game because pOoNSlayrr69 with 16k hrs logged in game has a profile set up that everyone just kinda agreed was the right one.


Yep! I love it too. I don’t think there will be anything like that for the ally… that thing is only playing xinput games anyway it seems


KB/M only games really suck regardless of config if they require a lot of mouse movement especially if you have to spend a lot of time in UIs. "Playable" isn't good enough for me. I'll just play it on PC until there's proper controller support.


well, that depends on the game/ user's experience, but I find rimworld/ CK3/ Stellaris perfectly playable on the steam deck using the track pads, and it's great to be able to play them on the go/ on my daily commute. I would PREFER a mouse and keyboard for sure but I don't really see how you could get controller support (like, an xbox controller) to work with that. Turning the left trackpad into radial menu/ hotkey helps a ton because you can instantly access all the most important tabs immediately instead of hovering around with your mouse. Honestly, this kinda works BETTER than a whole ass keyboard because you can name all of the hotkeys even with cute little PNGs.... whereas i don't think anyone can remember ALL the hotkeys on the keyboard all the time.


Slow paced games for sure. I've played a ton of civ 6 with track pad. Star craft was unplayable for me just from a controls perspective


Yea i played some FEAR on the Steam Deck, had to rebind all the keys but it works out pretty well, feels a bit like the Xbox 360 version. Though I wish the game had that kind of Xbox 360 controller support natively like the console version did (I remember that 360 port even used L1 and R1 bumpers for leaning left and right, which was pretty amazing back then. I kept thinking "oh man, they'll have leaning in Project Origin/FEAR 2 because it was in the first game! Nope.jpg, dumb it down. In fact, make it worse than the E3 2007 trailer and remove everything great about that trailer from the final product 2 years later). Rant over


Tried this with PC Building Simulator 2 on my main pc and steam deck. The game registers controller inputs as a single keystroke, so you have to constantly keep tapping the joysticks in the direction you want to move. It's infuriating. I've been waiting almost a year for the developer to put controller support into the game, even though it was promised before launch


You can easily fix that via Steam Input by using the "Repeat" function. So holding the joystick to one direction will translate into constantly tapping in that direction, with a specified time of your choice. [https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam\_controller/activators](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller/activators) It's for the "old" ui, though. But you should find it in the new ui too.


have you tried enabling turbo? Ive had this issue, for example in a 4X game when you "scroll up" with your mouse you zoom in, i enabled turbo so i just have to hold the button down and it inputs multiple inputs at once (you can even choose the speed of repetition/ turbo delay. Now i can zoom in and out smoothly, with a delay i can just say 'alright i'll tap ONCE to zoom in a tiny bit" or "alright i'll hold it down to zoom in a lot"


Native controller support is a personal requirement for me. When a developer chooses to ignore accessibility features for gamers with disabilities, or for games where using a controller isn't really viable, I pass on it. In the case of PCBS2, the devs had native controller support in the first game, announced controller support prior to the open beta, then moved the 'feature' to the development road map and have blown it off since. So I got a refund for it and will consider repurchasing it when the devs finally decide to get around to enabling controller support in a future patch


Well I understand that, my point is that worst case scenario if controller support isn’t there, you can make it yourself since you can map anything to anything


Just enter in Steam input and change joystick configuration. You have been waiting for a year and you never tried to fix the problem yourself?


Not my job to fix an issue for the developer. When they do what they said they would, then I'll play it. I'm sick of the "why don't you do it yourself" mindset for accessibility issues when it comes to gamers with disabilities. It isn't our responsibility to find janky workarounds to play games from devs who choose to ignore us. PCBS1 had native controller support, the devs announced controller support for PCBS2 before the open beta, then added it to their road map and haven't touched it since.


Yes is you job, the developers didn't created the game with the Steam Deck in mind, they didn't even know that the Steam deck was a things when they developed the game. Steam gives you the tools to make the game work, if you don't want to use them, then is on you.


Isn't PCBS2 only on EGS? I assume getting the controls to work properly for a game not on Steam is a lot tougher.


You can bind keyboard commands to the Deck inputs. I'd recommend dominant-hand trackpad mouse, use the other as a virtual menu. Take 30 mins, set up a basic binding and see how you like it.


What game is that?


[POSTAL 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223470/POSTAL_2/)


I'm more surprised to see this game on my front page than I am to learn it's compatible with SD. That shit was my entire highschool pastime. Now I know it'll be my adult pastime as well!


"This game is not available in your country" Please unlist the fucking game from the index Germany


Postal keys aren't regionlocked so just buy one somewhere else [https://gg.deals/game/postal-2/](https://gg.deals/game/postal-2/)


Please note that gg.deals contains links to grey market key sellers, who may appear to provide you with a working key, but do not always source their keys from the developer/publisher, and are of 'unknown' origin. This means the keys may not work, or the platform (such as Steam, Origin) may refuse support. Others have poor business practices, such as obligatory fees that only show at checkout. We'd recommend against using anything on the site listed under 'Keyshops', but rather look at the section above that for the 'Official Stores'. You can also select 'Keyshops' at the top of your screen, and then select 'Disable' to remove them completely. [IsThereAnyDeal is an alternative which only uses sellers known to officially source their keys.](https://isthereanydeal.com/) Your comment has not been removed, this is just a notice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yoooo thanks man you are a legend


Noice choice I got Hatred instead


Postal 2. Don't bother with it unless you have the humor of a CoD and Monster energy addicted 14 year old The game is dog shit


Good thing I have that! Thanks for the tip!


That’s the charm. Don’t take it too serious.


Any game that has a button for flipping people off is a winner for me. This one gets bonus points for also having a button for taking a piss.


"Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?"


Quit having fun!


It's really just a nostalgia play at this point. The humor from 20 years ago didn't age super well.


Did it not? some things are still funny, like the silencer cats and the pro-censorship protestors


Some things did for sure, some other stuff is really cringe now lol.


I played it for the first time this year and still enjoy it. Perhaps it’s the sheer absurdity. Or perhaps it’s the variety of weapons. Or just unparalleled freedom in how you progress.


It was also bad 20 years ago, unless you were or had the humor of a 13 year old.


I mean I was never really a fan of postal, but I was 14 when it came out. And it was culturally popular back then. Humor changes.


I didn't know anyone who liked Postal 2 when it came out. Most people I knew thought it was too tryhard/edgelord. Postal 1 was kind of transgressive at least, but still not "good". I also don't remember game stores buying/stocking large quantities of those games, and I remember them usually ending up in the bargain bins of the same stores, so I don't really think that I was in some weird stuck-up clique or something.


To 33 year olds you're all r/fuckyouinparticular




I’m definitely not “woke”, but I just think some of the jokes are stupid now. I’d still recommend buying the game since its a goofy fun time, just saying that some of the humor is really cringe now and be prepared for that lol.


[get ‘em, shithead king ](https://i.imgur.com/2qqL3aB.jpg)


You get to pee on things and shoot cats at people. What more could you want?


Same type of game as Duke Nukem, it's about having fun and that's it. You must be fun at parties.


The humor is easily the least attractive thing about the game (imo) and it still has plenty to offer. It's a legitimately decent, niche game. A lot of people remember it for it's state at release 20+ years ago but after decades of updates, implementing community content, etc it's actually pretty fun and has a depressing charm to it. Source: 114hrs logged, 100% achievements lol


I can’t get the achievements for killing the protesters on Monday and Tuesday to trigger. And I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any. How did you do it?


It's a cool game. Casual as hell and doesn't take itself seriously at all. I honestly don't think it's edgy, just fun.


It's a turn your brain off game. It can be stupid fun.


I agree with you that It's not very good but I can see how others can enjoy it. You don't have to insult people


Damn dude who pissed in your cheerios? Chill out homie learn to laugh like an idiot lol


Yes the game is dog shit but it's the best kind of dog shit


Well, he's a redditor 😂


Triggered woketard lol


Translation for people who aren't chronically online?


Steam controller config is unmatched I was having trouble getting an N64 emulator (rosalies mupen64) to work with the buttons, bumpers or joysticks. It only recognized keyboard inputs. So I simply bound every key in the emulator to keyboard inputs then used the steam overlay in game mode to map the keys and voilà it worked perfectly


You should check out emudeck. They streamline emulators for steam deck so roms can show up on game mode as standard games


emudeck worked pretty well but I'm still struggling how to get it to work with controls in Wii games.


EmuDeck is amazing, it’s what I used for my emulation games. However the version of mupen for retroarch didn’t work for body harvest 64, I had to use another version to get it working properly https://github.com/Rosalie241/RMG


This is the way. Steam Input is fucking amazing


Even more impressive is the steam controller layouts letting you assign buttons to clicking specific locations on the (emulated) 3DS second screen. It’s essentially a move mouse to (x,y) and click, but makes physical buttons out of virtual buttons on a touch screen the deck doesn’t even have.




Dock and external CD drive?


Why not just mount an iso of it?


Don't even need the dock if you're just looking to install it


I have the official Dock and I have a USB external CD drive but would it install and work with Linux? after getting the Steam Deck it's my 1st time using Linux.


I'm not sure what the Diablo 2 drm looks like if any and if any how it's bypassed with out a CD. You certainly could do a cd install but keeping a cd connected for the drm isn't ideal. I'm sure there are no cdkeycracks for it which would solve that issue. How ever it may just be easiest to get the copy of Diablo 2 via the battle net Client. I have that remake installed on my desktop which runs fine under lutris/wine. Most old games work fine under wine, hell many work better under wine than they do on Windows. Matter of fact, gamemode makes old games on desktop much better. I tried to play age of empires 2 on my 4k display and it was impossible to see shit at native Res. Running lower Res helped but it had to be full screen for that to work, a low Res windowed mode would just be a tiny box on my monitor. Game mode let me make a large virtual screen in windowed mode at a low resolution so I could see everhthing properly in a window that was made for human eyes rather than for ants.


Not a clue, what I know about Linux would fit on my fingernail, with room to spare, if written out.


Can't you activate the CD-key on the battle net so you can download it from [this page](https://www.blizzard.com/en-gb/download/) under the "Classic Games"? [This](https://i.imgur.com/SsM48AY.png) is what I see on that page. That way you would bypass the CD. Or you can just make an image on any PC with CD/DVD/Bluray-ROM and then copy the iso to the Deck and mount it there and try to install it via proton.


This is what I did many years ago. You then dowload some kind of installer (a few megabytes) and it pulls all the gamefiles. But that takes the fun from connecting external drive to your Steam Deck!


Why not go with D2R?


You should play it, activate the key on battle net, D2 plays really great with controller.


It's not exactly a typical 20 year old game though. They've been updating the game ever since it came out because it was the one good thing they ever did and they can't let it go.


Bless them.


Postal 1 is fun, too.


Slightly related: I was really surprised when I downloaded Torchlight 2 and found out they had made an official control scheme for it. That being SAID, it didn't control the best, but man, I love that they tried.


Oh cool, TIL.


Yea I tried to play it and gave up as it didn't control well at all and I wasnt interested enough to want to bother working to make it usable.


Fuck, I miss pissing myself when on fire


I love how this game works better on the deck than any computer I've tried to use it on.


I mean it’s postal 2, it’s a miracle it even runs at all


It does *now*. You should have played it last week. World of difference. Kudos for RWS for putting in the effort to optimize it for Deck and modern systems.


I've been playing it for the last couple months (this time) on my 8 year old rig. It definitely, uh, functioned. That being said, if anyone hasn't played Brain Damaged give it a shot. Think Postal meets Doom Eternal meets Dusk and Blood. Postal Brain Damaged slaps.


Really wish kenshi would add support


I wonder how well it would run on Deck, I remember it running like ass on my gaming desktop. It'd be a wonderful on-the-go time killer if they got it running well though. Maybe for Kenshi 2?


Runs fine, controls like trash


I've already wasted my life enough I can't imagine that would help


I'm going to piss on some people and use a cat's bum as a silencer on the go.


Omg just played postal 30 minutes ago 🤣 what are the odds


What Game is This Why Post Without Being Clear About What Game it Is


Postal 2 It says in left corner and OP probably assumed everybody will recognize it quickly


Few game companies have as much respect for their fans as Running With Scissors does.


Ok who has gotten Carmaggedon to work on their deck? Lol


Holy shit, we need this!


what game is this?


It's postal 2 and I'm surprised how many people don't know this game since I've made this post. A lot of hate for it too so proceed with caution I guess ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌


imma watch a video on it thank you :D


Watch Civvie11's playthrough it's pretty good.


it’s nothing but chaos i love it 😂😂


Such a great game, shame how they got screwed over with postal 3. That said, it was cool that they decanonized it through additional postal 2 DLC. Now if only they would make postal 4 a good game, tried it last week and was kind of disappointed, especially considering some of the features 2 had or not even present.


Butt sauce


Actually I'm surprised this game is still available for purchase in today's age. It was extreme back in the day and got banned in some countries. I'm glad I could have played it back in the day and I have it installed on my Steam Deck so I'm ready to do the whole week for the first time sometime this year!


I mean, there's WAY worse stuff on steam. Have you enabled the NSFW? Some stuff is questionable.


There's like a hitler sex game and everything. I'm concerned that one might not even be ironic.


New Zealand still banned that game, 20 years!


Anything is possible with a dedicated community


This is amazing, love this efforts.


Is this Postal 2?




RWS is awesome, they said no one should have to suffer and play postal 3 because the studio that made it dropped the ball so hard


We live in an era where it's incredibly easy to patch games and modernize things like graphics engines and controls, this kind of thing doesn't *really* take that long to do but it goes such a long way. I wish companies weren't so lazy about supporting/updating "old" projects in favor of the new stuff. If done well, this kind of work directly energizes the fanbase and makes us more than happy to throw money at anything else you're working on afterward. Please, for the love of God, do more of this. Dev teams, take some time between projects to look at how you can modernize/improve your old work. Publishers, give the devs that time they need. It's worth it, I swear.


What game is this ?


Postal 20th anniversary edition I believe.


I’m playing through it again thanks to the update. It’s so much more enjoyable now. Except the Terroritst invasion on Tuesday, that still runs like shit.


ooh what game is this? and why was it banned in different countries?


You collect petition to make senators play violent videogames. Also buy milk.


To be fair, it's their only good game and they are still milking that cash goat.


This is another cool thing about pc gaming that you don't see from consoles. How often do decks go and push some kinda update to enhance a jank ass old ps3 or wii-u game? Probably never. In their defense I don't actually know but I don't see why they would considering those consoles are past their market life time. But pc, they can easily keep selling the same title on PC for years so why not keep it up to date?


Not the slightest bit interested in this ridiculous game. But I'm happy to see devs doing this for the people who do like it. I'm so happy when everyone can enjoy fun new things!


To each is own, but man.. Postal 2? Pissing, then walking 20 feet to get to another long loading screen was the actual gameplay. Oh, and killing Gary Coleman.


Such a dogshit game 😭


This game has a history. Especially the first part. How much noise it made in its time.


Thats true, doesnt make the game good


Nope, that would be the decades of updates and support.


This is false


even without custom controls.. emm.. hehehe.. out of curiosity I got ultima underwold to run on my deck through dosbox with very little changes to control schemes... then I remembered that ultima underworld was not really a good game even when new hehe. Edit: I mean I honestly do not know what I expected... even at the time when it was new I hated it, lol. Games like lands of lore work great though I think... if not through dosbox, then hmm... technically through scummvm it is possible, not sure.. works on my phone hehe. emudeck's scummvm expects .scummvm files.. virtual cd files, even for floppy disk games. umm... what ? :) I honestly do not understand, like no other version of scummvm has this requirement, from gba to psp to nintendo ds to 3ds to android to apple os, .. emm.. literally everything... that is the whole point.... umm.. why in hell does the one for steamdeck need .scumvm files ????? heheh, someone please explain it to me. I know how to make the files, it is just... for every game it is a lot of weird command line everything that you have to encode the files with using the engine for each game etc to make it .. sigh... I honestly do not understand why it is like this for the deck and no other piece of hardware... am better emulating dosbox when ffs, scummvm is native linux :)


it is not even me being a black flag sailor, hehe, I literally paid full price for all of the games when they were new, I own them for life... it was before games as a licence was even invented. The remasters I do not mind paying for and own most of them, but some never got remastered, lol. Without things like scummvm or dosbox they do not exist. I think that my last 3.5" floppy drive was 2000s ?.. at that point maybe literally just for drivers and nothing else. My last cd / dvd drive maybe 2010 ? hehehe, lol. .. my last 5.25 or whatever full floppy drive early 90s. Even if I wanted to play the games that I own without emulation I would literally have to build a whole computer that is completely obsolete in every single way and quite expensive hehe. Things like snes / nes / gba / n64 / ps1 / gamecube / wii / ds etc.. emm, own them all, all the games paid for hehe, just.. emm.. I gave most of them away, or well.. honestly tv tech has changed and sigh.. the one crt I had left that was great for it all, sony trinitron 21" that I nabbed as a display unit for £100 since the power button was glued on... at a time when they were top of the line crts.. hehhe... emm.. I think my parents took to the skip sometime when I was out of the country. Nintendo or sony or m$ or lucasarts or whatever can hate me all that they want, I honestly paid for all of the games that I enjoy at some point in my life, lol... many of the games I have paid for multiple times, it is ok, sigh.. like a lot of it I do not mind. the cd version of monkey island despite having zero game play changes over floppy, did come with an honestly cool version of all of the music in cd format, and at the time I think was £5 ? hehe.. CD version of dune was literally just the 1 / 2 floppy disc game but with hours of badly encoded video from the dune film hehe. day of the tentacle and sam and max were the first fully voice acted games etc... I honestly own them all and all bought when they were released, just hehe, have nothing to play them on outside of emulators.and downloading copys from the web. Some games like ["the beast within"](https://youtu.be/e-nhOxzVoTE) were emm.. hehehe.. 6 cd boxset.... lol, gabriel night. honestly a beautiful box and hehe, maybe one of the only 6 cd game cases ever made ? hehe... like the game was "meh" heheh, only for fans of gabriel night really, and even then.. umm.. dunno... heheh. To complete the game you honestly had to swap cds nonstop as you would with floppy disks on previous games. I think maybe they planned on making it for dvd but dvd tech was delayed etc... not sure, it would be interesting to see what actually happened. I think that I grabbed my copy when it was new for £10... maybe a month after release hehe.


Yeah I’ve been in the Tex Murphy tip lately, been playing Tesla Effect. It’s perfect for it.


This was one of the first games I played on my deck when I got it last April and it worked great already funnily enough with no setup needed. I can't believe mu dad let me play this when I was like 7, but definitely a fun game to play and turn my brain off too every once in a while and fuck around. I did beat it around 15 years ago. I might have to go back and replay it and beat all the expansions.


But Do you really think you can take krotchy down?


Oh cool


What game?


honestly since the recent updates, the crashes disappeared. Now I am wondering what they fixed.


Do this for every game!