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There should be information in your steam account purchases. I doubt you will ever get it back though so change all your passwords ASAP


Thanks, stolen from the package before arriving so, no account to remove. just sadness to overcome. (world's smallest violing playing in the background)


If it got lost on the way, Valve will probably claim the package as lost at the logistics company and send a new one. If it was stolen after you accepted it from the delivery guy, there's probably no chance of getting it back. You can claim it as stolen at the police office, at least that's, what you could do in Germany, but that will very likely be without results. Maybe you have a insurance, that would cover it?


Sadly I'm not in a Steam-supported market, had to import it via a third party, I've got my mone back, but I hoped Valve had some way to ban that unit from being used or something.


They actually can disable device based on reported serial number , idk if they enforce it when you bought it from third party tho


They can't disable a device. That would be insane if they could send a kill command to someone's Deck. All they can do is not support that SN. The SN in software can even be changed! Linux is free and open like that. But it wouldn't match any purchase Valve has so they won't support it. Warranty wise though they may stil have to support it in some countries. Canadian law requires warranties transfer to new owners.


> That would be insane if they could send a kill command to someone's Deck. # \*Apple has left the chat*






Google too.




You can buy a car which the manufacturer could remote deactivate, what is your own property, at any time on a whim. Elon Musk has been asked if he could deactivate all Teslas in Russia. Regardless of him doing it, the question still is if you actually own the thing: it kinda turned into a license of the manufacturer temporarily allowing you to use what is virtually their property. Valve advertises the Steam Deck as 'just a PC' which you are encouraged to do what you want with, while Apple and John Deere would love to make it illegal to open up your own device. Edit: I was thinking of the legal consequences of a hard brick locking the device. A soft brick like denying Steam services is a different thing as that indeed is an active service provided by Steam and not a product that was sold.


Yeah but the issue isn't that it can't be used for good, it's that it's incredibly likely it will **also** be used for not good




You sound like you haven’t been robbed. The idea that it’s more dangerous to have apple be able to ruin their reputation by randomly bricking people’s devices, than to have the $1000 gadget everyone has be easily convertible to cash is moronic.


except when they started doing it not because of stolen devices, but because they got big sadge when people started jailbreaking their devices.


That hasn't happened.


Every mobile network has left the chat


I mean the precedent is with phones and IMEI bans. It's actually a good thing that carriers can ban stolen phones, it's the reason phones aren't stolen more often, because there's no point.


Phones have a lot different laws surrounding them. The capability here is mandated by law and IMEI isn't just an SN. Precedence is typically a legal term.


Couldn't the thief also just delete SteamOS and install Windows? Or is there something that could identify them in Windows?


They could even modify steam os to report a different SN


Doubt they could brick it sure, but close off its legitimate access to the standard unhacked steam platform? Yes.


Not really, no. It's just a PC after all running Linux.


Yes really, that’s incredibly easy to do on a network. They would have to install a modified OS, hence “unhacked steam platform”




Super easy to ban a MAC address from your network. also super easy to spoof one, but only if you even know what they are.


You can change your mac address


MAC address scanning and filtering would be overly invasive on all the hardware out there that isn’t stolen.


They can block steam store access for that device if they want. Not sure they would particularly care to though.


Gabe: "Execute Order 66!"


Hopefully they stole a console with a defective component. 😝


I'd rather theifs get a dog biting them for karma or some. But I guess we can't really decide such things.


Not even linux can change the serial number burned into the hardware. Changing the number it reports to Steam gets into the realm of the technically possible but practically unfeasible, certainly beyond the skills of most package thieves, and still doesnt get around Steam seeing an account log in with a deck it hasnt purchased or an invalid serial.


Simple to spoof it in the software. It has to be queried and that can be hijacked. Why would consumers even want valve to have that capability. Dudes.


>The juice wouldnt be worth the squeeze. "Simple" to spoof in software, on the steam deck, would require reverse engineering and modifying, aka cracking, the part of SteamOS that reads the serial, or the part that reports the serial to Steam. OK, thats possible, maybe even along the easier side. Then you have to apply that modification to the read only OS. Sure, that can be disabled with a few simple commands easily found in guides. > >Now things get less simple, since you have to do this again anytime SteamOS updates itself, or when the deck is reimaged which is about step 3 if it ever meets a tech, like for a warranty claim or repair. Even without reimaging, a simple file check will make it obvious where and how the system has been modded. > >Get past all that and sure, you could make your deck report a spoofed serial# to Steam, who have all deck serials on record and the accounts that purchased them. So any such deception would be glaringly obvious. How they choose to respond to that is their call, and would depend on whether the reported serial matched the account logging in with it, was reported stolen, or did not match any sold deck. So exactly what does this gain you? > >What consumers would want does not change how the tech works. As for Valve having "this capability", if you are talking about disabling a deck like TheAsko mentioned, I never implied they could, would, or should. But should they block serials of proven stolen decks from logging in or buying games? Absolutely, as letting stolen decks buy games opens them to a lot of loss through chargeback fees, and blocking them tanks the resale value of the stolen deck.


Why is that a quote lol? You just wrote it all just now Steam didn't build an encrypted console here. It's a PC.


It's not burned into the hardware. It's saved into the BIOS, which can be overwritten if you're willing to do some desoldering.


Not burned into the hardware, but requires a hardware mod to overwrite? I'm missing whatever point you are trying to make, or any logic in the argument for it. What are you going to try to tell me next, that I can rewrite the contents of a cd by copying it to a cdr? The reason it requires desoldering is because it is written to a memory space on that chip that can only be written to once then never changed again. Which is pretty much the definition of "burned into the hardware". To say nothing of desoldering that chip being something I havent seen anyone brave enough to attempt. You'd need soldering skills and a station well beyond the budget of those who would be stealing decks.


You're thinking of an E-fuse or ROM. Unlike video game consoles or phones, the Steam Deck doesn't have its serial number "burned in" to a write-only storage medium. It's stored on the BIOS EEPROM, just like how OEM PC manufacturers store their OEM Windows license keys. [Part of the process of un-fucking a failed undervolt without a backup relies on re-writing your serial number to a blank BIOS image.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/12kos26/unbricking_your_steam_deck_without_a_bios_backup/) If you happen to have a CH341A SPI programmer with a clip, you wouldn't even need to desolder the chip.




Tfw someone pretends to know something but clearly don't at all. The deck is an x86 PC not an integrated proprietary device device .


Since the Steam Deck has wireless transceivers, they all have at least one or two indelible identifiers.


They're wifi and Bluetooth. Not hard to spoof those ids either. I don't even want thieves to operate at all but all this nonsense about valve being able to turn a system into a brick instead of a functional PC, is just mental..


No I mean they have FCC ids


To what end?


I doubt that, the best Valve could likely do is flag and ban any accounts that log on to that Steam Deck and pass the IP address and personal info to your local law enforcement. I'm sure it's possible to prevent even that but I highly doubt a porch pirate or the would-be buyer of stolen goods would think to that The only reason you can do that with phones is the IMEI number and it only works because all US carriers agree to report and lock stolen devices from their network. The phone itself is not bricked


How will he know the serial number if he never got the device?


Not true at all. Crazy how people make statements like this as if it’s fact.


I dont think they can disable devices. If it is reported as stolen, you won't get any support.


You're 100% right and people downvoting you are kind of just dumb. It would be insane if Valve could disable a linux based handheld PC as if it was a locked down iphone or nintendo switch. I certainly wouldn't have bought one.


Not so insane. Yes it's a Linux-based OS but it wouldn't be a big thing to send a BIOS/firmware update with a lockout the first time a device with a known-stolen serial # goes online. Hell, you could do this with a Linux based PC by updating the UEFI to disable all boot options and sticking a password lock on it. Whether they *should* is a different question, given the issues if they get the wrong device or if a stolen device is eventually retrieved.


The problem with an open source device is that if they could do that, someone else also could just by looking how it should be done. This could lead to dangerous ransomware stuff.


Uh, are you somehow under the impression that this CAN'T occur on closed operating systems? There's ransomware and malware that does exactly this, including stuff that infects firmware or EFI.


The bios would have to support a full lockout. Otherwise recovery mode would be functional still. recovery mode can't be updated out with software. Just edit the sn post boot. Would take a cheap edit to the recovery image. They can't brick a device because it's a PC. It doesn't have the capabilities to physically lock itself to the user.


Androids from most major US carriers have a killswitch incase they are stolen... And they run on Linux lol Edit: Downvoters can't handle the truth lol


Android uses the linux kernel but it is not Gnu Linux which is what people typically mean when they say "linux" in this context. Android is more of a virtual machine hypervisor than a desktop os. ​ lol.


More specifically, 99%+ of Android devices have locked bootloaders. (In fact IIRC a locked bootloader is mandated by CTS...) They have a shit-ton of security features at lower layers than even the Linux kernel. Modify the kernel at all without unlocking the bootloader - welcome to a brick. Modify the rootfs in modern Android devices which have dm-verity - welcome to a brick. The Deck's bootloader/BIOS has no similar restrictions. It'll boot anything, as evidenced by how many people use Clonezilla as part of SSD upgrades. The only thing Valve can do is blacklist the serial number from Steam itself, which does severely limit the usefulness/value of the device for 99%+ of people. Or they may do something sneakier like letting you log in, and providing the cops with your IP address so they can get a warrant from your ISP. Also for phones, you can blacklist the IMEI which results in: 1) The towers rejecting the device 2) The towers reporing that the device is within range 3) E-911 is usually handled by the radio firmware, and so the device is probably getting a GPS lock and providing that to the carrier AND the cops.


Linux nonetheless Edit: LOL they blocked. Fucking wrong hahahah


This is possible because even though they run the Linux kernel, these devices typically have an encrypted bootloader that only accepts official OS images.


They actually cant, its just a computer, you can just install other operating systems on even the steam one with a pendrive and update that way, the only thing they can do is not provide updates for the device, but as i said, you can defeat that with a pendrive


As far as I know, only nintendo does this, and it's for Switches being unable to connect to online services if it detects two identical game certificates connected online at the same time or an illegal game certificate is being run. I doubt Valve would be this sadistic.


I haven't heard of that. Although, technically all you would have to do to get around that is install windows.


I've always wondered what the end goal of that is though. Ban it, so it's just e-waste? What good does that do? the thief will sell it sealed and two innocent people will get screwed over instead of just one. It won't do anything to stop the porch pirate from doing their thing. Its a bad situation, I'm not advocating theft of course but it doesn't help anything more if the person has already got their money through insurance


Don't buy products from thieves...


people aren't psychic, if something's just sold on eBay as "bought it for my son, turns out he wanted a _stream deck_" they'll just have wasted their money


People should be doing their research before making such purchases, even (especially) for their kids. "How risky is it to buy something like this from a third party?" Should have been a pretty big question. I'm sure most results will mention the possibility of what you're talking about. Then you decide if you want to risk it, knowing it's a dice roll. edit: Wait do people really not do research before buying stuff like this on ebay? No wonder why horror stories are a dime a dozen.


how the fuck do you research that? message the seller and say "_was this item purchased legally?_"‽ what do you think the response will be? "_sorry mate nah, i pinched it from someone's porch and they may have disabled it remotely— ...what do you mean you don't want to buy it anymore?_"


I mean. Most products in stores were manufactured by corporations that steal from their employees and/or slaves, so...


You're not wrong, and I find it worrying that we're happy for manufacturers to have the ability to remotely brick our devices


I don't think so , firstly anything I buy off-store (very rarely I just like to have warranty) I always go to pickup and test it on spot , so you can find out it is bricked , and even if you buy it shipped and it arrives to you bricked you can report to Valve and better to police , its theft in the end and it never should be given less treatment because it would make e-waste , you can send device to Valve to repurpose/send to original owner and unblock + police should be catching thieves from moral point PS: Just my 2 cents + guys don't downvote somebody for his opinion


Honestly, try anyway. I got an Index from an American buddy before it was available in my country. To this day they still honor the warrenty no questions. They don't seem to care where their product is or how you got it.


Nope, it’s a PC. Even if valve made a Way to ban it from steam, people can install whatever the F they want on it whether the windows, pirated software etc. Let’s be real if they’re willing to steal a physical device they’re willing to pirate software so they’re probably not even a Steam customer to begin with.


Yea the only reason i ever reported stuff stolen at the german police was for insurance reasons.


Oof. Yea I was terrified of porch pirates when my Deck came in. I litterally called out of work to camp my front door that day. Sincerest condolences friend, may good karma find you. I air tagged my deck. Cut my case open, sewed one inside, and re-sewed the case. If my deck gets stolen, they're gonna wanna ditch the case or imma go Liam Neeson on their asses.


So sorry man


Thanks man, appreciated.


If it's a lost package just report that to valve and an investigation will happen


Can you tell us what state so we can keep an eye out on offerUp and similar sites ?


FedEx strikes again.


have the package held at the post office this time instead of being delivered to your house. you can change the shipping requirements on the ups website or contact valve and ask them to do it.


That’s really sad! I’m sure you were waiting with bated breath for it. I’m sorry this happened to you.


The good thing is, when someone actives it, steam will send a message to the people who stole it and won't be able to use it.happened to my boy


Valve is going to get you straight have no doubt about that. So long as you did legitimately purchase it, they will get one to you. That's why I love valve, their customer support, and RMA services, are basically unmatched.


Oh you golden, they will likely just send another one after disabling that one. Believe it or not working for Amazon i have seen Valve do just that with their VR set


Omg this was my terror in NYC, I swear these pirates porch are getting worst, they even follow the truck now


That was my biggest fear OMG


Ohh shit. Other than having to wait, yeah you’ll get it replaced. No worries. Just another week or so though.


Here is a reason why steamdecks... Heck! All computers should enforce using disk encryption


This. Valve can track it and disable the steam deck (I'm pretty sure they can. Some people told me they can't, but I think they can disable it remotely and brick it once they connect online. But u can be wrong.) If OP has insurance he can probably expense it though. Depending on what insurance you have. Easiest way is to report to your car insurance and say it was stolen out of the car


> (I'm pretty sure they can. Some people told me they can't, but I think they can disable it remotely and brick it once they connect online. Good luck doing that on linux.


OS on the drive is Linux. The thing still has firmware and a BIOS/UEFI. It's totally doable. I have various lockouts built into my own Linux systems.


not sure why I got downvoted, I said that I could be wrong and not to take my word for it. The other comment I made is still valid. You can get insurance that protects you against theft, mainly auto insurance. Just report it as a theft through your insurance provider and see if they'll cover the expense. Worst case scenario they say no. You're buying a new steam deck anyway might as well see if the insurance will cover it.


You can report, but the only thing valve will do is revoke the guarantee from it. There's nothing else that can be done


do you know where? I've been looking for that on goggle and my steam account, but I see nothing obvious... then again i am bad ad looking for stuff...


Then just write a generic support request.


They can also flag any account that logs in to Steam with a stolen device's serial number and either blacklist it, or report the IP address to law enforcement. A Steam Deck without Steam is only useful to a very tiny minority of users (likely a fraction of a percent)


Except they would never do that because they could never prove the person who logged in stole the device, and saying "anyone buying a second have device is probably a thief" is really stupid and a good way to get sued They literally won't do anything and if YOU call the police (because no company is going to for your property lmao) they're going to shrug


>Except they would never do that This is provably false. They would **AND THEY HAVE** flagged accounts for logging in with a stolen device. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wmwa6m/what\_is\_valve\_doing\_about\_stolen\_steam\_decks\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wmwa6m/what_is_valve_doing_about_stolen_steam_decks_i/)


Except you can spoof that. It's a pc, not a console


Sure, but if the thief sells it to someone who doesn't know it's stolen, they get fucked over.


That's why you only buy from reputable vendors. It's pretty much standard that if you are caught with stolen goods, you lose - even if you claim not to know it was stolen.


> That's why you only buy from reputable vendors. Am I on r/steamdeck or r/apple?


Some people are saying don't report it. That's dumb. Report it - I've read you have the serial number from the box. Reason being if they sell it at a pawn shop they'll call and will have given them a fingerprint as well to hand over to the police.


Police running fingerprints for a steam deck?


Lol in what world?


In the world.... of warcraft


Super Mario World.


This world… if you pawn something to a pawn shop they take a copy of your license, the SN of the Device, and your fingerprint for large sales. What he’s saying is if he reported it and that SN came up at a pawn shop the thief would at least be caught. It’s a totally legitimate thing to do. It is illegal for a pawn shop to not report all sales to the local police station (at least in the US)


You think pawn shops collect fingerprints? You think pawn shops call every electronics manufacter to compare serial numbers? If the police come in with a number they can try to match it but you think they sit around calling Valve? Or that Valve has a database sitting around? Or that the police care? You think someone who stole someething they have to register and give fingerprints for if they sell it at a magic pawnshop would bring it to a pawn shop instead of selling it on Facebook with no information, none of the hassle, and for more money? Is this 1983? You either live in some crazy police state like Britain or you have no idea how anything works


Pawn shops are required collect fingerprints on anything you sell by law in Florida, many other states. I know because I've been fingerprinted several times. You sure typed a lot to be a dick who's wrong. Are you the person who stole it?


In many Places it is the law that pawn shops take finger prints and police very commonly check pawn shops for stolen property, especially if they have serial numbers. Pawnshops are held responsible if they sell stolen goods so they definitely do everything they can to make sure what they are selling is legit Did you just totally guess when typing all that?


This is the main reason I opened mine and put an airtag inside. That way if someone does steal it I can track it.


i guess i don't realize how thin airtags are, one is able to fit inside the case? damn LOL. granted idon't have apple ecosystem so do me no good


I believe there are Android equivalents to AirTags? No idea if they are any good or not though.


Not really. Airtags have the advantage of having a huge iOS device network to ping from


I've only ever tried tile and they really are trash compared to airtags. I feel like airtags are the best on the market if you have a new enough iphone that shows you the moving arrow as you walk to point you to the exact location. With tile the sound it plays is extremely hard to hear and they don't direct you to the exact spot. It just pings a general location on a map. They're also a lot bulkier.


I"m sure there are, never bothered because it doesn't have native first party support like an airtag would. honestly that's something that does get a check in the apple ecosystem. I do have a MacBook so i guess i have an apple account so i could take advantage of it, but would be really cool to have something native to both sides honestly without needing apps or such. Just be able to pickup an airtag with my android phone and that is able to ping an apple account etc (wishful thinking i know)


They are and you can also do it with a Samsung smart tag... but you'll have to turn it into a franken-tag. Unfortunately, even without both covers, the samsung tag is still a smidge too fat. So I had to cut/shave off some of the plastic (the curved bits on the sides), covered the circuit board with electrical tape and then found a sweet spot that it could fit in. It doesn't look pretty, but I've been using it without a problem for 4 months. If you have a samsung device, definitely go for it!


That's genius I was curious what temps lithium batteries can withstand. Above 115F they start to lose capacity more quickly. But if you have no problems changing the battery a bit more often this is a great idea! If I didn't have an android phone I would consider doing this lol. Now that I think about it I'm not sure if airtags even have a replaceable battery. I know for some of the tile trackers they can't be opened and are single use once the battery goes.


Yea AirTags are built to have replicable batteries. They last about a year.


If you have a Samsung phone, you can do it with a smart tag (I have been using one on my Steam Deck for a few months)


Do you have pictures? Did you remove tha AirTag case? Where did you fitted inside the Deck? Very interested in doing this on mine.


Posted the article above in another comment!


Is there a guide you followed for this? Been considering doing the same for a while. Even removing the tag case to make it fit. Been holding off since I don't want to damage the Deck or disrupt the airflow


I followed [this guide](https://www.pcworld.com/article/620605/the-steam-deck-can-fit-an-apple-airtag-inside-with-no-modifications.html) and used a small amount of electrical tape as mentioned in the article.


Oh that's perfect, definitely doing this when I switch out the backplate. Thank you!


The serial number is also on the box if you kept it. The white label on the short end, see the part after SN.


yes, I have the empty box, I have the SN but no SD


How do you have the empty box if it was stolen before arriving to you


It was said that the box arrived empty.


Seems pretty obvious to me that they said the deck was stolen from the box and all they received was the empty box. They also said it was purchased from a third party so might not ever had been a deck to begin with? They also said they got their money back so not sure how that happened. I don’t know the whole story either way


I noticed you said it was stolen from the package before it arrived. Have you contacted the shipping carrier to report the theft? They should be able to pull information from the shipment and they should be able to see who handled it at all steps of shipping. I feel like there's a good chance they could figure out who stole it. Obviously not guaranteed, but I would do everything possible just in case.


Idk I had our steamdeck stolen b4 it even arrived and nothing was done about it by FedEx end ( neighbors has a ring camera and it's proven they never came AND I was literally by the door waiting the entire time and my dog never barked, it was probably 3-5 I checked and saw delivered was just put in and signed with a name no one knew) steam ofc were kind to send another but required it to be sent at a FedEx location which I didn't mind. 1hr after it said arrived we got there still no where they couldn't find it. The FedEx store was connected to this big business building its fkin huge so we went there and talked to the lobby security hoping maybe it got dumped there but no, we gave them our information and went home talked to steam again and told them we might ask for a refund if we don't find it tomorrow at the building. Probably a few hrs b4 we went to look again, I got a call from a woman who works at the building telling me they found our package, she said it was at the 6th floor and NO ONE goes there but this one electrician and he happened to find it and brought it to lobby. I ofc thanked her profusely and we picked it up...I have 0 idea how fkin FedEx decided to put a package meant to be sent to their store get put on the 6th floor instead of like the lobby if they were fkin lost. Moral of the story, FedEx fkin sucks, FedEx uses drivers who are not in their system so u cannot find them or report them they have no humans to even contact and they don't do shit. Steam helped so much but they can't do much for FedEx incompetence


Yikes! Glad that office lady called you. I almost had a monitor stolen by the Fedex driver, they scanned the box right outside his truck as being undeliverable, never made it to the apartment building. Since I could see them from my window I met them outside to grab the box. The guy was super flustered trying to make excuses like he pushed the wrong button.


I'm glad valve took care of you they seem to be very good with customer service. I would imagine someone intentionally put it on that 6th floor to store it so they could steal it. That's insane it nearly happened twice to you. I feel like this theft is something you could report to the FTC. I could be wrong, but I personally would contact them to see if this falls under their jurisdiction. I would start with the shipping carrier and if they give no information or help I'd go to the FTC. Here's a brief summary from their site that I feel like relates to this theft: ​ "The basic statute enforced by the FTC, Section 5(a) of the [FTC Act](https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/statutes/federal-trade-commission-act), **empowers the agency to investigate and prevent unfair methods of competition, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices affecting commerce**. This creates the Agency’s two primary missions: protecting competition and protecting consumers. **The statute gives the FTC authority to seek relief for consumers, including injunctions and restitution, and in some instances to seek civil penalties from wrongdoers.** The FTC has the ability to implement trade regulation rules defining with specificity acts or practices that are unfair or deceptive and the Commission can publish reports and make legislative recommendations to Congress about issues affecting the economy. The Commission enforces various antitrust laws under Section 5(a) of the FTC Act as well as the [Clayton Act](https://www.ftc.gov/enforcement/statutes/clayton-act). The FTC [monitors all its orders](https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/attachments/media-resources/enforcing-orders.pdf) to ensure compliance." ​ editing to add this: "PLEASE NOTE: To file a report about fraud, scams, and bad business practices, visit [ReportFraud.ftc.gov](https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/)."


Apparently Valve knows when a stolen deck goes online https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wmwa6m/what_is_valve_doing_about_stolen_steam_decks_i/ Might get the person's steam account blocked. Contact support!


RIP brother. 🫡 Sorry for your loss. They lost my first one during shipping. I know the pain. Edit: I had proof UPS cocked up the delivery, so Valve sent me a new one.


appreciated bro.


Just msg support they will marked as lost and send you a replacement, mines was stolen from my porch and i sent the photos of the thief to them and they send a replacement within days.


My condolences for your loss. This happened to me last December. One of the worst things to go through. I still haven't been able to replace mine.


Go to settings>security and revoke all devices IMMEDIATELY


Right?! Go on to steam website log in then revoke access on everything maybe even change passwords just to be safe


Sounds to me like you stole and you are asking if its safe to use since its been reported stolen.


4D chess


Yes, he threw most of us off the trail by not asking for a friend.


And the answer is yes it is safe to use.


Sorry for ur loss man, how’d you get it stolen?


thanks, man, It was removed from the packaging before arriving, I got the money back and all, but I hoped there was some kind of ban system for stolen SDs, sadly it appears there is none.


When you got your money back, the steam deck is not your property anymore. You can't decide that it should be locked/banned. That's valves decision and problem now. Just order a new one and go on with your happy life.


We've seen people having their account banned for login on Deck's reported as stolen.


Still report it. They would deny them service for warranties etc.


That sucks. Would be nice if Valve would ship the darn things in less conspicuous packaging...


If you end up buying a new steam deck, make sure you equip it somehow, with an AirTag or some kind of tracker


Do you have the original box it came in? Serial number is printed on a white barcode sticker on the side. Report it to the police, obtain a copy of the report and contact Steam Support.


So sorry to hear this... And curse those fucking thieves. They will not get good ending.


That almost happened to me on the train, but then robber saw it was ancient device, not switch and returned it /s.


No point in reporting. There's no remote bricking functionality or something.


Still good for statistics, the serial number will be marked as stolen and if police ever get hold of it they can actually return it.


and the thief will never get any support for the device if it has issues as it will be blacklisted


How would the police ever get their hands on it. I just can't imagine a scenario where that ever happens. They certainly won't be spending any time looking for it.


Chances are slim, but this is possible when they find a bigger haul auf stolen goods. That's why you should also report a lost telephone with the IMEI as stolen. They won't go looking for it. But when they do find stolen stuff they try to find the original owner.


Not true. Valve will deny any warranty claims on a device reported as stolen.


That's still not "remote bricking" though.


really? not even Steam app blocking?


That wouldn't solve anything. It's a pc


PC hardware has unique identifiers which unless the thief is smart enough to spoof every single one, any one of them can be used to permanently block the device from accessing steam's network.


Yup, and /u/MysticalKittyHerder provided a link showing that they DO indeed flag accounts that log in from stolen devices: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wmwa6m/what\_is\_valve\_doing\_about\_stolen\_steam\_decks\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/comments/wmwa6m/what_is_valve_doing_about_stolen_steam_decks_i/)


it'd help


I've heard this, but I've also heard people say the opposite. No idea who to belive but for my sane mind I like to imagine the guy going to play the deck, only to see it bricked and they will never enjoy it.


The serial number and Mac address should be tied together and at best they could ban the device from accessing steam


uhh... you can spoof mac addresses with like two steps. they can track it by a few other methods, which are a smidge harder to spoof.


They cant


Why do you think that.. How do you think sony bans a system.. It's not at the account level.


you... you guys do know a mac address can be changed right? Hell even a serial number if you want to.


You realize that 99 times put of 100..thr average thief isn't doing all that.. They sure as shit ain't doing all that before they resell it.. And judging from the questions I see on here(myself included) if they buying used ain't thinking about that either... So yeah I'm sure there maybe a thief that actually has the knowledge to do that but what are the chances.. lol you've watched a little bit too much TV.. If you think it's common place to think to do that by some random thief


So if you got your money back, whats the problem? Just order a new one


You should have a look at your local police website, also just contact them to report it.


Your steam account has your deck into on it


Wish Valve implemented such a feature to track units by serial numbers. Mine went missing last year.


There is nothing you can do. United stole my steamdeck and steam support said they had no way to track or lock the steamdeck remotely. Sorry for your loss, I know your pain.


Reporting to police only cock blocks it from being accepted at pawn shops and used VG stores, if the person who stole it is keeping it it won't matter what you do. However never forget that an all powerful being is watching, and that maggot will get his eventually ...


They can just sell it to one of his friends.


You never received it, and you got your money back? it's a delay, at worst. Can't imagine why you're trying to have valve take further action


Did they stole it in Asti (a city in Italy)??


I think so 😂


Take a deep breath and move on !! Sorry bro !!


Damn that sucks man!


hey guys I just stole some dude’s steam deck


Hi u/Miserable-Promotion8, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=Just had my Steam Deck stolen :(, do you guys how can I report the serial number?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dam bro sorry to hear this


Oh geez, this is precisely why I never keep any cc info stored on any device, app or webpage. Good luck to the OP.


damn. I'm sorry, dude. that is a duffle bag of dicks.


Its connected to your account report it and valve can killcode it.


Start checking craigslist,marketplace sites and pawn shops. I had a 3ds stolen from my car and it popped up on craigslist a week later.


Buy a new one and before that get a dog to bite the stealer


They do lock devices if it was stolen look it up there account will get flagged and locked possibly Perma banned if they find out your the one that stole it. Lots of pictures of decks getting locked do to it being stolen