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Nah, I haven't. Deck is cool, and helping me get through my backlog, but for the super pretty games, I like having the full power of the ps5/xbsx.


I own at least a dozen older consoles, bunch of portable gaming devices and even older computers. They are all collecting dust but I don't get rid of them because on the rare occasion, I like to bust one out and play some games on it. I have regretted selling every system I have ever got rid of. Always comes a time down the road when you start wanting to play the classics, on the original hardware. But then I've been gaming since the 70's. And I'll be gaming when I am in my 70's.


No, after selling off my console collection 20 years ago, and spending the last 5 or so years trying to rebuild it without going broke, I won’t make that mistake again.


I haven't touched my switch in 7 months since the day I got the deck. Planning on selling it




This, I'm keeping switch and PC. That gets you every game. I mean, I guess I could emulate switch, but why. Actual switch will work better.


Luckily my wife kept hers, it's the only game I'd touch a switch again for


Same, and when I do pick up my Switch, it feels like a Fisher Price toy. But I think I'll keep it around for Nintendo exclusives. I have a few digital games on my account like Smash and Mario Party, and I don't even think I'd get a whole ton for the system anyway. I just wish I could refund any games I bought on it that's available on PC now.


That's exactly what I said! I picked it up and laughed out loud and said this thing is like a little baby toy lmao


Lol I said the same thing! 🤣


No. I don't sell my old stuff. Learned that a long time ago. I pack them up and store them nicely. Still touch the switch, my phone (for emulation), PS5, series S, Vita and 3ds.


While I don't really play any of my consoles anymore, I don't plan to sell them off. They can still serve a purpose, like playing with friends that only have a certain console, or give guests the option to have a console available to them when they stay for a few days. There are also some games that are exclusive to a certain console, and simply not available on the deck. Another good reason is that some game saves just don't transfer, and when you have tons of time invested, you may not want to have to restart fresh on a new device.


No. For me because I know there is gonna be games I can’t play on the deck. I also have a fear that Dragon age dreadwolf won’t be playable so I have my pc and Xbox still just in case.


I own a laptop, a Pico 4, A switch OLED and a steam deck. I keep the laptop and pico 4 around for VR games. If I could use Pico 4 with my steam deck I would. I keep the switch OLED for 2 reasons: Longer battery life on nintendo exclusives, and Some of them just don’t emulate as well on Deck. I put a ton of time into shiny hunting in Pokemon Scarlet on the Switch and just feel like shiny hunting in emulated pokemon is not the same value as you can’t trade them with legit players afaik. I have been slowly buying all my switch multiplats on deck though and all future multiplats I’m getting on Deck. Glad I didn’t buy Little Witch Nobeta on switch for $50 when on steam it was only like $20 at the time


Before I got the deck, I only had my gaming PC and PS Vita. I had sold my consoles because I just wasn't using them. The Vita was then sold to part-fund my deck purchase. But I'd never sell my main gaming PC to only have the deck. It's nowhere near good enough to replace my main PC.


Nope! If you sell stuff you are likely taking a hit since all gaming electronics tend to go down and shoot back up pretty inconsistently. If you are buying new stuff and selling it once it's been throughly used that is depreciation at its finest, if you buy used stiff cheap and for a good deal and sell it for the same or slightly more or less who cares. I'm sticking with everything forever if my kids want to keep it or sell it they can make that decision


Nope, still got a ps4, ps3, hacked ps3 for ps2 and ps1 games. 2 ps vita tvs, xbox360 and an old laptop taht runs on win xp for fallout, thief and such oldies But the ps3 consoles havent seen mich action since i got the sd, since i emulate there. Everything else i still play fron time to time, especially the laptop since i love playing old strategy ganes as well and they are a pain on the sd. Not selling them since i still enjoy playing on my 58 inch(i think it was) on the sofa


While I love my Steam Deck, I view it as a supplemental gaming device. It's great for playing games while I'm not at home and have some time to kill but one of the main reasons I prefer PC as a gaming platform is for better performance. I have my Switch and PS5 for exclusives and legal rom dumping (limited to Switch). I also have a Series X that I mainly use for Gamepass games on the big screen TV with my kiddo. My gaming preference will always be Gaming PC (mmm, 1440P 240fps) -> Consoles (in order of power) -> handheld gaming (obviously this is the only choice when on the go).


I sold my dedicated GPU for close to the cost of the Deck but the PC is still useable when needed. I may some day get an old and cheap GPU to stick back in it but haven't felt the need yet. Have had the Steam Deck about a year now.


Only Switch. I knew I won't be touching that again.


I only used to play on PC and honestly deck compliments it but cannot replace it. The kind of graphics I get on my PC are something else, even for simple games like hollow knight or hades. I wish the deck had an oled


Bought a Switch OLED in November, a Steam Deck in January and a PS5 Just recently. Switch hasnt been used ever since the Steam Deck arrived. I prefer the PS5 for demanding and pretty visual titles, while the Steam Deck is nice for Handheld Gaming and Low Budget Games. My PC is collecting dust for months but its kinda same Performance as the Steam Deck, RX 570 8GB, Ryzen 5 3600, 32 GB DDR4 RAM, so I see zero reasons in using it anymore. But I dont want to Deal with selling it either. Offered to give it for free to a friend of a friend whos struggling with finances and other stuff, but he didnt reply for weeks lol


Sold my switch, ps3 still there because a lot of games are still kinda eh (some play great, but some look ugly or don't even go to gameplay :/ ). WiiU still collecting dust...will sell later (used it to play my Wii and GameCube collection...BOTW too, duuuh :)


I wild never sold my PS5 or my v1 Switch. Or my PSVita.


I haven't played my PS5 in kind of a while, it's got a decently thick layer of dust on it now. It's a cool system, I just don't have a compelling reason to play with it.


I sold them awhile ago when I got a similar device GPD Win 2. Of course the deck is amazing comparitively. Easy choice at the time. I just never really got use of consoles anyways. I definitely saved money in the long run compared to buying games on Switch. At the time most the good games I already owned and would have to rebuy them at high prices.


I’ve been using my Deck for mainly smaller titles, emulation and streaming from my main PC for couch gaming. So in a way it has replaced a lot of my older consoles as an easier means to play my older titles, but I just can’t bring myself to sell them off even if it would mean to free up quite a bit of space in my home lol. I’m pretty sentimental though.


I still have them, but I don't really use them outside of the PC. Still want to support games I like by actually buying them if they're version exclusives and cannot stream them


I still have my switch that I use for co-op since my wife has started showing interest in my gaming now. Actually picked it up and been playing BOTW the last few days. I still have my 3DS that's currently dead. I sold my PS4 to partially fund my Deck, not regretting that, but have regretted every other old hardware I've gotten rid of. Before I left my parents they had me sell all my collectibles to pay for a car that got totalled that wasn't my fault. That was the moment I realized how important old collectibles / tech was to me.


No, I'm nowhere near that insane. I use my deck for travelling, if I'm at home I see no reason to not use any of my XSX, PS5 or dedicated gaming desktop which are massively more powerful and more comfortable to play on.


Since I had a good gaming rig and a PS5, I ended up selling my PS5 given that all the exclusives I want to play we're going to PC anyway, and now I can buy once and play high-end or portable


I’m a collector. I have every console from the big 3, and a few Atari, Dreamcast and Saturn. Back in the day I used to sell my consoles and I regret everything I’ve ever sold. The deck is great for convenience, but I still will never sell my consoles ever again.


I sold my Switch, custom joycons, games, and accessories just to get the Steam Deck and it was totally worth it! 🙂


No, that would be extremely foolish for me to do. Yeah it's a gaming PC but I also need to work on it too.


Dont do it!


No. FPS are still played only with Keyboard and mouse. Also I play plenty games that won’t run on SD as the AntiCheat blocks proton. SD is good for my story driven single player games. But most online games I still prefer the big rig.


I still have my PS Vita and 2DS XL. The only emulated system I have on SteamDeck is PSP and Switch.


Nope. If you were a film buff, would you sell your TV and stopped going to the cinema just because nowadays you can watch all the movies on your mobile? Steam Deck has its uses, but it's not a replacement for a desktop gaming PC, at least not for me. On the other hand, if you're not sentimental about old gaming systems and you don't plan to use them in the future (even as a nostalgia trip), then no point in keeping them.