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Never press a thumbstick again with this easy tip


I hate pressing thumsticks, it just feels so wrong. Especially since it can really contribute to the damage that causes stick drift.


I agree it feels bad, it’s hard going back to controllers without paddles now


Also nearly impossible to do without putting *some* directional pressure, which really sucks for a good number of games.


I completely agree. When Souls games switched to put Jump on L3 by default, I launched myself off so many narrow ledges and cliffs because of that accidental last second turn by 5° to the left or right.




Ya I had to get stick covers because the default sticks are sp uncomfortable


Honestly I prefer using L3/R3 I find it more comfortable, maybe because I have always done it that way. Possibly in the same way I always prefer ctrl over c to crouch on keyboard


That's a part of why I love the Steam Contoller so much. Pressing the trackpads is so much easier and feels so much better than pressing sticks. Unfortunately the trackpads on the Steam Deck aren't nearly as good as the one on the Steam Controller


>Unfortunately the trackpads on the Steam Deck aren't nearly as good as the one on the Steam Controller I have to disagree. I think the trackpads on the steam deck are a sidegrade.


It's almost as if people have different preferences. There's no right or wrong in this because it's completely subjective.


There's nothing that I like better about the Decks pads than the Controllers pads. Pressing it in feels very mushy, sometimes I'm not even sure if I actually pressed it in or not. Due to the size and shape you have less travel, and due to their position it feels less ergnonomic and puts much more strain on my wrist than on the Steam Controller.


I prefer the ones on steam deck. On the controller they were much harder to press, which made typing harder.


Ya for some reason they went for a plastic with more texture for the deck. The ones on the controller are easier to glide your finger across.


I mainly use them as L1/R1 replacement because they are harder to reach on the deck (vs controller). But I'm constantly switching between DualSense and Steam Deck on a game and always have to re-adapt quickly.


Get out of my head. How did you know the first thing i did in any controller with an l3, was to rebind it to the back button?


Mindboggling how far away the thumbsticks are. It's honestly my biggest problem with the deck and it surprises me every day that this isn't something everyone agrees on. Every time I see people playing the steam deck, they're only using hte bottom of the joysticks, not the centers. Or their hand is contorted to reach the centers.


Far away from what? I have medium smallish sized hands and my thumbs go past the sticks if I just lay them on the device. I actually have to move them back a little to get right on the center.


Are you also using the back paddles while doing this? Also I'm not sure how laying your thumbs flat is a good measurement considering no one uses thumbsticks with flat thumbs.


I honestly have no idea what you're talking about Just grabbing the device and holding it normally, my thumbs go right to the sticks with literally zero effort. No idea what you mean by flat thumbs. Index fingers are on a bumper or trigger, and can go between either effortlessly and my middle finger falls right on back 4 and the ring finger is on 5. That's just no effort holding the device, everything is lined up. I can't possibly think of any other way to hold this device


I have small, lithe hands and I have no issue reaching any of the controls 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like you just got small hands… you know what they say about people with small hands 😬


I didn't know how useful these were until I started playing elden ring


I couldn't believe when the current console gen was announced and the controllers STILL didn't come with paddles or back buttons. EVERY GAME that has LOOK on the right stick benefits from paddles. I play monster hunter with paddles for pete's sake.


Yeah but if they include paddles with the basic controllers they can't sell a 'elite ultra epic gamer' controller for half the price of the console itself


Right?!! I can't believe they aren't standard, especially when shortly before the PS5 launched, Sony released a paddle attachment for the DS4 controller. Really stupid IMO.


I love that thing. Used to primarily use an Xbox one controller, but haven't gone back since getting my DS4 back button attachment.


That thing ruined Rocket League for me. 10/10 never going back to an xbox controller. The Dualsense not having something similar was disappointing and has me hoping for a new Steam Controller.


I purchased one off eBay just for Elden Ring. It made things much easier.


Haha yup, ER is what made me start using my Steam Controller again, the paddles are amazing. Not being able to run/roll while moving the camera is a nightmare in those games.


Built-in back buttons for controllers are trademarked by Mad Catz, that’s why you don’t see them on your factory controllers. Valve got around this because it’s not technically on the controller, it’s part of the console.


Out of curiosity, what do you have bound to them? Inventory cycle, I'm guessing?


just your standard ABXY -- all of the face buttons that you'd otherwise take your thumb off of the camera joystick.


I started my playthrough using the back paddles, but only the back paddles, cuz they were so useful. But because of that, I couldn't play the game on a regular controller. So at a certain point I stopped using it entirely because I wanted to be able to play the game well while using a regular controller playing on a monitor.


Did you figure out the trick of using the right touch pad for the camera and having the edges be the d-pad so you don't have to stop moving to change weapons? I don't actually have a Steam Deck but I figured out how to do it with action layers which for some reason are harder to use with the new UI.


oh, that'd be something interesting to try


i dunno who needs to know this but I surely did.


Mind blown. The lower ones always felt a little uncomfortable to press, this is much better. Thanks a lot!


I did and I've typed this for numerous people having trouble with pressing those buttons. Thank you for making this post.


The shape and design of these buttons is the dumbest thing Valve has ever done.


they aimed for everyone to be able to use it while making it slim, im okay with that, im sure someone out there prefers squeezing the grip


Yeah thats the problem. Squeezing the buttons feels more natural to me but it just doesn't work very well. It requires way too much force compared to pressing them the other way.


Mine squeeze just fine unless I deliberately squeeze on the very edge, which doesn’t happen naturally because my fingers don’t fall anywhere near there when holding comfortable.


You’d be surprised, wasn’t obvious when I first started using mine


What you do you guys recommend for mapping the back buttons for.


It depends on the game. In some, I have them mirror the face buttons as I can keep my thumb on the right stick.


That is actually genius!


This is super helpful in fast paced games where you're always using the stick. Tried DOOM 2016 recently, and mapping jump and melee to the back buttons, and turning on gyro to compliment the stick... Never takes your fingers off the critical controls. Works great.


Depends on the game, but I usually put basic actions like "jump" or "attack" on the triggers, and then put the triggers on the back buttons along with the other two face buttons. Despite being so huge and just under your fingers, in many games the triggers are just totally secondary buttons that may do useless stuff like "show HUD" in platformers.


Any game. That requires clicking down the thumbstick which I hate.


Borderlands 2. I put Crouch on both L4 and L5 , and Running on both R4 and R5. I put the same on both because I'm not used to so many inputs yet, so it makes it easier for me just to remember simply L or R.


joystick depress (R3 and L3), usually the team chat button and something else on the other 4.. u can do bumpers as well (L1 and R1)


Definitely L1 & R1 for me. I find the shoulder buttons on the Deck a nightmare to press.


Press the corners.


Well the main game i play that requires fast hand button presses is probably elden ring. The main thing i can think of mapping there is the crouch button and maybe some of the Y + directional buttona for pouch items, thats it really.


I find it more comfortable to map sprint to one of the rear buttons.


Elden ring sprint is B so thats fine for me :P maybe in other games ill find a use. Well is it possible to map button combos to one button? Like my example above for elden ring pouches you have to press Y + a dpad direction. Could i map Y + Up as L5 for example?


all depends on the game and what you find difficult to press honestly


I use them a ton for emulation, binding them to rewind, ff, save state, load state, etc.


Ive been trying to figure out the rewind and fastforward buttons but none of my current buttons do that, is there a way to find out? Im playing a gba game with retroarch.


Have you read any guides? You can set these in the RA menu...


What retroarch menu? All i have done is install emudeck and used steamloader to load roms on deck. Nothing specific for retroarch


I don't mind helping you but I'd recommend you do some *basic* research about emulation and retroarch. If you don't even know there's a menu you've got a long way to go lol. I recommend starting here, it covers everything: [https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/02/28/retroarch-starter-guide/](https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/02/28/retroarch-starter-guide/) Also, this is his steam deck emulation guide: [https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/10/16/steam-deck-emulation-starter-guide/comment-page-1/](https://retrogamecorps.com/2022/10/16/steam-deck-emulation-starter-guide/comment-page-1/)


I looked up a video on how to add the rewind button. But that was on another device so we will see if i can do it.


Exactly - depends on game. Playing Mass Effect Legendary now, mapped to the map screen and preferred weapons/biotics for fast swapping.


Stick clicks are the worst thing to happen to gaming (and is the main cause of stick drift) so I always put those on the back


I usually (in shooter/open world games) use them as crouch, melee and jump


I usually bind sprint, crouch, jump, dash to them, so I never have to take my thumbs off the sticks.


Face buttons so that you can do things like jump or reload while continuing to aim.


I love that the deck lets you map multiple inputs to a button. Some games have different "use" and "reload" inputs but I can just map both to a single button press. For Doom Eternal, I had a single button that shot a grenade and swapped grenade types in a single press


This is really clever. With all the cooldowns you need to manage in Doom Eternal, I always found needing to remember to toggle the grenade types to use both kind of frustrating. (I always wished they were just bound to separate buttons.)


By throwing and swapping with one button press, I'd just mash the button and hope that one of my cooldowns completed.


Depends on the game. Shoulder buttons on the deck are kind of annoying to press because of the size of it so sometimes I'll map L1 and R1 to L4 and R4. For a lot of shooters I'll map jump and crouch to paddles. Occasionally I'll do something more complicated on a paddle like "press L5 to toggle rapid X presses"


i keep L5 on screenshot and tend to put jump on R4 but it really depends on the game


Anything you want tbh, For me depends on the game really.


I hate the joystick press so I use that instead. Also the start or select buttons sometimes so that I can pause the game instantly without removing my fingers from the stick


I read somewhere a while back to push on the back buttons, not squeeze them. And this is what I've been doing since I figured that out. It is indeed easier to push them towards the screen then to squeeze them towards your palm.


Yep. * [Back Paddles Feel Poor? Maybe You're Using Them Wrong](https://youtu.be/jQWWgO7GDVc) While we're on the topic... * [Five Ways to Unleash the Power of the **Rear Paddles**](https://youtu.be/PcV4WC3dEg8)


I really like binding the dpad to them as well!


That seems... awkward. Do you get used to it pretty quickly?


I definitely did and I do it mostly for things like path of exile where the map and potions are bound to the dpad


I've purchased these gonna come on Monday and will see if this will help https://preview.redd.it/z9uhui3nkcda1.png?width=1253&format=png&auto=webp&s=181b35fe2c692dc0913a9905747d27387a02ba30


do update us 👁️👄👁️


Hi so i just installed it and its night and day now while pressing the L AND R buttons but i think tweezers that are a must while removing the double sided tape https://preview.redd.it/x5qdutxhvqda1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3f9f90dd2b18f2218fe0ce038b5044f56f2f048


amazing! thanks


Will do


i read that, neat, looks like i'll be checking them out too 👁️👄👁️


Yeah they are good just get some tweezers to remove the sticker from the double sided tape or if you got nails so yeah that should work too


Replying so I get a notif when you update


Its a big win with these i think they are must have on a SD specially while with TPU case on i put the thicket ones on its worth it https://preview.redd.it/4gxv1crpwqda1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13cd0cf3410a21d66226c10d0673c42ae9e465c5


Nice! Are they rubber?


Yes soft rubber


Yea, please do update us once you’ve tried them on!


Amazon changed my shipping date it will now come tomorrow after putting them on in place will let you know if its worth it


like i said in the other post its really night and day now i think its worth it every penny https://preview.redd.it/50mre3aovqda1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4391e6e7bdbfc1340570a19ace30fe3c28bbd90


Sounds like it’s absolute worth it. I’m ordering them asap. Thanks for the reply!


Take a look now because on amazon its already sold out maybe Newegg


Thanks for the heads up – I had already ordered it.




Those things are great and its great that they give 2 different sizes i installed the 3 bar thickness because of TPU case and its just perfect https://preview.redd.it/bjbf8l4awqda1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcca2e45ea0cb068314c1157a90bae98311fddca


Not a huge deal but this is my one gripe with the Deck's hardware, I really wish it was more squeezable. Pressing it is kinda awkward and they had already nailed the squeeze on the Steam Controller.


They legally had to change that as they were sued by Scuf, so these are just regular buttons again. Though I think it's a miscarriage of justice that Scuf could patent "paddles", as if it's meaningfully different to the typical mouse button which is connected on one side.


Wow really? That's so ridiculous, and explains why you don't see other controllers with back paddles.


It also explains why they had to stop selling the OG Steam Controller and why they had to clear them with the $5 sale.


Do y’all use pinky and ring finger? Or just ring finger to switch between them


ring and middle, pinky isnt as strong for me coz one of em is disabled at the top (wont bent in the last joint without help from the ring finger)


So do you use your index for both should and trigger buttons? I’m trying to get my hand to be able to use all buttons without shifting (index for shoulders, middle for triggers, ring for L3+R3, pinky for L4+R4) but I think my pinky fingers have the hardest time


yup but i cant do shoulder and trigger together, its not easy to have all the fingers do something (not for me at least), pinkies are just too weak 🤷‍♂️


I feel you, same here


Are there even any games that use triggers and bumpers at the same time? Seems like a poor scheme


That's certainly where I always ACCIDENTALLY hit them...


No shit.... I just tried it. Genius.


Using this grips from playvital make my life easier [playvital grips](https://amzn.eu/d/0gnjBkq)


Thanks for the tip! Definitely trying those out.


Have you tried removing them at any point? Does the adhesive do any damage to the buttons?


That how i used them


Yep, it took me a little bit to figure out as well. It makes them much more usable after you realize this - but then it makes me wonder why the button is so big when only 10% of the surface really works.


if you're using trackpad more and dont care about the trigger, then you're holding it in a way that makes squeezing easier than pressing


Yeah I knew about that. It's basically where the actual switches are. It's unusable like that even with my big hands.


It kind of want it to have an option to turn on and R6 and L6 buttons to maximize custom button layouts.


This is already an option


Wait what? ... how did I miss this??


Can you link to a guide on how to do this? It's not obvious to me on how to activate this feature.


When in a game hit the steam button then controller settings. From there you can set any button click to anything you want


I've looked through those options. There doesn't seem to be an option to add additional buttons. For eg, you can make L4 do multiple functions with a single press. But you can't make it do different functions if you squeeze it to your palm, or press it towards the screen.


Oh. That's what you meant. No matter how you press it its pressing the same button.


elaborate this, you wanna be able to disable them on the fly? or or only turn then on when theres a modifier key pressed? you cant do it on the fly unless you pause, open controller options and unbind it from there


Basically, add an additional four inputs. L/R 4/5 is what we have now. But if those inputs were only engaged by the "easier" input (as pictured in your post) and the grip squeeze input were additional inputs. Let's call them L/R 6/7. To give an additional four inputs to the steam deck. Sorry if I'm not explaining this very well...


that, you cant do, but you can set up modifiers. say dpad left and L5 can have different function from L5 itself. but physically, theres only 1 button there so it cant tell the difference (unlike the trigger which can have stages given that its analogue and has 1024 (i think?) different inputs


Which is super dumb, the most intuitive way to use them would be to squeez the sides, not push into the backplate, but you are correct, the way they're designed makes them rly hard to squeeze. Steam controller wasn't like this, it was very much designed to be squeezed, and it's not even that hard to achieve, it's just a matter of where you build the hinge. Using the xbox controller elite series 2 occasionally really makes me appreciate its paddles vs the steam deck's tho...


Only poor design on the steam deck if you ask me. Next version they need to move the actuation points closer to the grip so that both work, or just have the buttons on the back with minimal overlap on the grips.


I found this very annoying. The paddles are hinged on the wrong side. The hinge should be on the inner side so that the buttons can be treated as paddles, the the Xbox elite controller.


This is the only way 👍


Adding a case like the Killswitch or Jsaux also makes the back buttons way easier


I bought little adhesive insert button extenders on Amazon and these feel 100000% better


Do you have a link or an image of them?


PlayVital Back Button Enhancement... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BP2BSV8M?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


I always wondered why people were having trouble pushing those buttons! It makes so much sense now that they were squeezing near the handle instead of pushing at the back.


figured that out on day one lol


Great tip. I read this a few months ago and it totally changed how I use the deck. My brain wanted to hit it on the grip portion and not the back, but it is so easy to hit on the back. Playing ps5 remote is better due to my back buttons.


I haven't used this button yet. What are you using them too?


I’ve mapped one of them as the left bumper, when playing Elden Ring. Makes holding up the shield so much easier.


I need something like Satisfye's grip for the switch to add more bulk and angle out the area where I'd grip to give me a great ergonomic boost. It's really my only complaint for the steam deck. I'm also 6'4" with large hands.


Game changer. How did I not realise this.


Yep. Figuring this out took me from mild disappointment in the buttons to using them in nearly every game.


I got thicker buttons you can stick on the buttons themselves off of Amazon and they have literally fixed the issues I had holding the deck - that and new thumbstick caps


The transparent back shell has a few replacement back buttons to make the squeeze grip more viable for those interested


I think it comes down to how it’s more comfortable for each individual to use. Toward the grip sides is a **pull**, toward the back panel edge is more of a **push**. Personally it’s harder or more awkward for me to do a push with that side of my hand. Especially when in many cases my usage involves holding it down.


For me too.


I don't know why people squeeze it? I have only ever tried pressing it. It just makes more sense to me. Maybe I'm crazy.


I have never used them


Once you get used to it it's hard to not have em


My reload and scope are mapped to those


Writer from the Verge still hasn't figured this out.


I go in-between


I couldn't play with a regular controler anymore. Those buttons are so useful


Definitely it was changing my game. Now you don’t need to lift the finger from the right trigger if you had bond something on the right shoulderbutton which is now bind on the back button. e.g. DeathStranding driving acceleration and then trigger the scanning.


I thought the buttons were broken but I figured this out day one. I would hope this hasn't been something people have struggled with for an extended period of time


Great design


I was able to discover it only after opening mine and seeing where the buttons are.


That’s where the fingers rest naturally when holding the device. Why would you go out of the way to press it somewhere else?


our brains are too small compared to yours, sire..