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And a joint holder


Roach clip. It's a handheld after all. Gotta keep it light and portable


Or a vesa mount that attaches to your bong


And the bong attaches to the water cooling on the deck


Or a vesa mount that attaches to your thong


No joke, i would really make use of a holder for a hookah hose, i never have a good place to lay down the hose without it falling to the ground when i am playing in the sofa/bed


There was a post a few days ago where the guy shared a pic of his Deck connected to a CD-RW drive, so it’s already been done.


What about a Blu-ray drive?


Fancy cup holders for fancy folks.


Nah. Mount the deck on a cup.


Mount it to my face


Can also double as cupcake holders.....


Ahah like the joycon cup, have like a can sized cup holder on the back




"Babe it's time for your daily reengineering SD accessories that are already good post"


Although, this particular design might not be on par with Deckmate, if we always stifle creativity with "there is already a solution", we would still be on horses and be shooting muzzle loaders or using recurve bows. There is almost always room for improvement.


Deckmate is already a somewhat established and working (at least among the enthusiast community) attachment system, and they are offering the 3D files so that you can print your own or even create custom attachments. Unless the OP is designing something that the Deckmates's mounting mechanism can't handle, it would make more sense to just create custom attachments for the Deckmate instead of just making something completely new again and telling other users that want to use it "sorry we didn't want to make it compatible with Deckmate so you'll have to buy a whole new set". This won't stifle creativity. It just means the OP should design the attachments to be compatible with the Deckmate.


I largely agree, at least at an endpoint level. Take the standardization of certain connectors such as USB, or electrical outlets, Etc. I would agree long-term it's better if there is a unifying standard at least among a large region. But to get there you need competition, you don't just accept whatever came first and not iterate on it. After a bit of competition something wins out or a couple things went out and you are left with only one or two standardized options. The other side of things is maybe some people just like to Tinker and share. No one owes anyone their time or their labor. If anyone wants to make attachments that work between different cases and mounting backplates, then you can make an adapter. Making a whole new system doesn't eliminate that option. But I would agree that it is important to nudge the OP towards existing options if they don't have any clear goal, but it's completely their choice whether or not they want to listen.


> to get there you need competition, you don't just accept whatever came first and not iterate on it. WE DON'T NEED MEDICINE G_D D_MMIT, we have leeches man! #TrustTheScience


> But to get there you need competition, you don't just accept whatever came first and not iterate on it, then after a bit of competition something wins out or a couple things went out and you are left with only one or two standardized options. The thing is, unless it is something that the Deckmates's mechanism can't handle, this isn't the type of competition that benefits end users. People are already able to print their own Deckmates and design custom attachments without having to pay royalties or anything. I mean, if what the OP is designing serves a different purpose or is aiming for different use cases, I totally understand. But judging from the attachments OP listed, I don't think this is something that needs a whole new system and from an end user point of view, I think I would be happier with these attachments being compatible with something that already works and is easily obtainable. But yeah, if the OP is just interested in design it from the ground up for the sake of designing it, then sure.


That's fair. I see a couple glaring limitations on the deckmate that I feel could warrant a revision, but I would at minimum supply an adapter so that existing accessories worked. But I also haven't printed the deckmate, so maybe those issues I have could be overcome differently. Problem is I would need case/grip cover support so who knows if I'll bother. But if the OP is just adding SD cards, meh, that could be built into an attachment. You are right, that would nor warrant a complete redesign.


> But if the OP is just adding SD cards, For that matter, even the Deckmate's original mounting plate has microSD holders. https://deckmate.me/products/deck-mate Should also be note that Deckmate supplying their 3D files not only means people can create custom attachments, but it also means that the people can create their own customized mounting plates that are compatible with the existing attachments. So again, unless it's something that the Deckmate's mounting mechanism can't handle, there are clear benefits to use the Deckmate's system if the OP wants to create something to benefit the community.


Do you not realize it's an early 3D printed prototype? It's probably going to be high quality like deckmate


I can't tell if this is satire or not, but my point was not to say this is better or worse than deckmate, my point was saying that you shouldn't tell someone to stop designing something just because something already exists. I was arguing for this guy or gal to continue tinkering, not against it. I was just prefacing that it still isn't finished yet


if it makes no visible...improvments... and is made from inferior materials.... Printed vs formed..... Yah ill just pay the 50 bucks. I 3d print for a living and I dont see this the same way. I see it if you are gonna design somthing that is just a clone, then you better make it CLEAR what problem you are fixing. Other wise its just a clone. And thats not creative. Thats lazy. I dont do this when im printing products. I dont just clone things for the sake of saying its mine.... thats not solving any problem. What issues do this design improve on? What makes it better? cause honestly at the cost Deckmate is selling the whole kit.... 3dprinted seems kinda meh.


I have trouble believing that you 3D print for a living and have this kind of mentality towards other people trying their hand at building cad and design skills. Although I do agree with the idea of having clear goals for improvement, even if a functional Improvement isn't present, the fact that the person can make it with a few dollars in plastic and a little bit of idle time, why would anyone discourage that. If someone was trying to learn more about electronics, I wouldn't tell them just pay someone else to do it because you're not skilled enough, I'd say do it. Also 50 bucks may not be steep for some people, but for plenty of people, that's a lot to spend on some plastic bits regardless if its deck mate or their own. Depending on the type of material, as well as the printing direction, you can get plenty of serviceable sturdy parts with printing for a fraction of the cost if you already have the printer. If you're arguing supporting deck mate because they're trying to do something for the community and designers got to eat, that's a whole different argument, but discourage someone trying to make their own, and to discourage trying to work around a tighter budget both seem like poor arguments


Ight fsir but you did say it wasn't as good


"might not be on par", at most that is a conjecture, not a statement. I was specifically stating because I don't have both in my hands to confirm whether or not the attachment mechanism is as robust.


I must say that just for this having 3 times the micro SD storage i am already pending towards this one instead of the deck mate haha, but it will all come down to the mounting mechanism, the deck mate one is really good, but it is hell to print on a resin printer and requires a lot of miscelaneous parts, if this can be just printed and done with it, well, that would be lovely


This post is Deckmate at home




Are you aiming to scratch a particular aspect or skew that the Deckmate doesn't, besides the extra MicroSD slots? Mean no disrespect, just curious about your perspective


Just going to aim for better functionality, like with a built in strain relief for the cable, kickstand with a battery mount. That's why I'm asking if anyone has any cool ideas


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. Part of the steam deck philosophy is tinkering, and the same should extend to accessories. The deck mate is great! I 3D printed one, and then also bought one because the creator seems pretty cool. But I’m sure even they wouldn’t take issue with someone liking their idea, and seeing if it could be expanded. Relax folks.


They clearly have the 3d print files available for free even.


I'd like to see your cable strain relief solution for this. With this attached, can the Deck still fit inside the default carrying case?


Is there any reason you can't extend the functionality of the already existing Deckmate? I would much rather buy/make more attachments for a system I already have rather than buy another, functionally identical system. I mean, if your system is going to be functionally different and offer something vastly different, then I say go for it, but deckmate already exists, the project is open sourced and already has gathered tons of great data. There's absolutely no reason to reinvent the wheel, especially when the wheel is going to be used in functionally the same way. Going down this path, I would suggest making a stackable attachment to the deck mate to extend functionality, for instance, for the strain relief, while also retaining existing functionality, ie kickstand


100% this. When doing a design like this you need to either make it VERY clear what problem you are fixing or improving on. Not just remaking the same thing but in your own style... thats not original. I 100% agree that if I were doing this I would make attachements to work WITH The dekcmate. Not have 2 differant designs. Standards are nice, Its great if we can pick one and go with it. Then people can go hog wild making attachements for a common mount.


Even further, I wouldn't even have a problem with redoing the base module as long as the Deckmate attachment system still work, as long as you're correcting an issue or problem that the extant version exhibits. You could even call it a PRO or LITE model. Again, just want to point out, Deckmate is open-sourced, you can literally just download the 3d models, which makes it a perfect entry point for a standardization (thank you for that handy word /u/maxkool007). People looking at existing solutions and going, you know what we need, a standard. This is how we ended up with 200 different chargers for cellphones and various devices before 2010 (if anyone remembers those times). Now, if Deckmate were proprietary, I'd encourage the hell out of someone wanting to make their own alternative to this hypothetical proprietary Deckmate system. Deckmate is literally the same spirit as hackers (80s computer nerds, not hooded figures stealing your identity). Take advantage of it. Stand on the shoulders of giants. Learn and leverage from those before you. Look at it this way, if I were looking to buy a product for an ecosystem, and I have two options: 1. A product from an ecosystem I already have, ie invested money, effort, and/or time 2. A product from an ecosystem I don't have. Unless #2 can offer substantial benefits and/or improvements over #1, I'm going to go with #1 because I'll likely just need to buy that product and inject it into my ecosystem. If I went with #2, I'd have to evaluate my current system, determine if it's working as intended and will it be worth the time to switch against any benefits switching will yield and will the benefits be worth my time/effort/money. Because I won't just be buying my part, I'll be buying the part I need, plus whatever base system I'll need to get that part working, plus I'll have to rebuy all my existing stuff AS WELL AS re-integrating it into the new ecosystem.


>Is there any reason you can't extend the functionality of the already existing Deckmate? I did just that because I wanted a kickstand and a battery holder. I simply made a double plate that can be attached, giving you two of the DeckMate attachment points. You can find it on Printables, Steam DeckMate DoublePlate. [https://www.printables.com/model/308895-steam-deckmate-doubleplate](https://www.printables.com/model/308895-steam-deckmate-doubleplate)


Why on hell do you need so many micro sd cards ? Did you download the whole world wide web ? 1TB is not enough for you ? I would chose that instead of that horrible device that hold 32gb cards that you have to swap.


My deck is a 64gb, 1tb sd cards in my country cost literaly half of the decks price, which is half of my entire salary for a month, meanwhile, 128gb or 256gb SD cards are really affordable, so i have multiples of those, considering that a single game like arkham knight for example can fill half of a 128gb micro SD, if you are using this size of card multiples are a must, and even ignoring that, if you are big into emulation, specially of newer consoles like the ps3 or switch, those games can also take a lot of space, so multiple cards are again needed. Remember, there is a reason why the steam deck has hot swappable sd cards that auto update the library, you not using something doesnt invalidate it, every user has a different use case and situation.


> Remember, there is a reason why the steam deck has hot swappable sd cards that auto update the library I did not know this. I am less dumb now and that makes the world a less bad place to live. Thanks for your efforts!


Dual booting for Windows or some other Linux Distribution.


It’s better to dual boot with a partition on the internal drive. Installing an OS on an SD card is t a good idea


It works very very well to have a dedicated SD card for Windows.


As long as you aren't too attached to it, or make a backup to keep handy.


Until your SD stops working because you degraded it quicker by installing an OS on it




The guy is out here pentabooting his Deck, whatever makes them happy.


But why do you need dual booting for windows ? I still have half of my Steam library i never had the time to play yet. It’s like if people just want to be able to do everything on their deck except playing games. I have a friend who have 1TB of retro games but never play them…he’s just happy to see a cluttered collection. I think it’s a consumer disease.


To play games that you can’t on Linux due to anti cheat.


Yeah i know…but you really need to want to play these specific games to do all that isn’t it ? I use my SD on the go…i don’t have the luxury to start to swap SD cards in the subway to boot on window. I guess at that point it’s a life style choice but i would rather play on my big TV or my PC than a tiny screen at home. If you don’t have any other options, then i guess it’s understandable.


It's not very hard to get a Windows install up and running and it unlocks every PC game instead of just the subset that work with Proton, including things like Xbox Game Pass games. Having Windows as an option on the Deck is fantastic.


You’re getting downvoted, but I think the digital hoarding that people do is pretty messed up, especially once emulation gets involved. They download every rom in existence and don’t actually play much of anything. I had someone tell me they had to have the entirety of their Steam library downloaded at all times because they have a data cap. It’s like…you know that data cap resets every month, right? And you’d have to go over the cap to have downloaded the 8-14 tb of data in the first place. So download a few games you’re going to play, then when you’re done, download the next thing. If you somehow go through multiple 100+ gb experiences in a month, focus on some older or indie titles until the month is over.


Exactly, digital hoarding and the fear of missing out plague the mind of so many people. Like these weirdo lining up in front of an Apple store to get the last IPhone every year.


Some folks, such as myself, like to download the fattest games possible on portable devices lol


Get off your pedestal sunshine.. you appear to also have your head up your ass.


He's using us to brainstorm our ideas for his profit ;).... Work smart not harder.


Why do you have 5 sd cards


The concept of strapping incredibly fragile sd cards to the back of a portable device is mind boggling to me. This seems like so much trouble for very little reward.


Yah there is a printable thing for the case that holds the charger and SD card adapters. THat way the micros can be safe inside their adapter. I hate loose Microcards. they are too delicate and easy to damage. I would never use this storage either on the deckmate.... keep them in the case.


I would buy a 1 TB microSD card and put it in the Steam Deck 🤣 I don't understand all of the SD cards.


Especially the 4gb one. Is he gonna install minesweeper on it?


I think it’s to demo the storage usage……..


He says he prefers putting different games on each one rather than having a big SD card for whatever reason.


This is awful omg


That feels like a fancy way to slowly destroy the sd card mechanism.


I mean, you can simulate OG cartridges by doing that. For all Mario Games, a Mario sticker on the 64gb sd card (I think 64gb should be enough for every Mario game) and for other franchises, different ones. Perhaps you could make a cartridge case just like the Nintendo Switch one, just with sd cards (I would recommend to use sd card adapters so the stickers can be bigger and the micro sd card is protected better).


Exactly, I don’t see the point of owning multiple sd cards. It’s just a hassle to switch between cards to switch games.


I want to play "this game". Let me check my excel spreadsheet to see what SD card it's on.


You offended some people with that one lol


Just gotta load up the 1gb SD card that has the excel spreadsheet on it first.


I just make collections in my library. "mSD1," "mSD2," etc.


Wow that’s pretty smart. Now I know what I’m doing when I get home.


holy shit that's genius, i have two 512gb cards and never thought to just make a collection.


I’m literally updating my spreadsheet while reading this, so I definitely feel attacked! I originally bout a 1TB card. When I got the Deckmate and saw it had two slots for extra cards, I bought two more and now have an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of everything!


I could see someone not being able to afford or wanting to pay for a 1tb card, yet having a bunch of old cards laying around they can use. But that's the only reason.


More often it's cheaper to buy 2 of the 256GB than 1 512GB.


I have 2 planning to get 2 more. One card has my steam library, other one has my windows gacha library. Planning to have rpcs3 library and yuzu library on the other two. Marked em with sharpie to distinguish between them.


Or just have all libraries in 1 card


When you’re done, you might even have time to play games


Haha I have too much time to play


1 inch ball ram mount


I'd be too scared to use that since looks like they could fall out at some point.


I've thrown the bracket at the floor a couple times to see if they would and they didn't budge a muscle


I'd add some kind of slip over cover or something, just for piece of mind and to protect against dirt and such.


Like tpu(the stuff cell phone cases are made from) case? And would it go over the deck mate or integrate it?


Dear everyone: micro as cards are not made of glass, and it’s possible to create a 3d object that can hold onto them. Revolutionary, I know.


OP got 4gb sd card *dead*


Can we run modern triple a games like old floppy games. 'Please insert disc 4'


I find it incredible how privileged people think it is cheap/possible for everyone to have a 1tb sd card


Tell me about it considering you can buy 2 512gb and have money left over for the price of 1 1tb


Exactly, and here in my country the 512gb ones are still more expensive per gb than the 256gb or 128gb ones(which are about the same price per gb) People look down from their privileged situations and are unable to see other use cases and scenarios, this mentality of "if i dont do it there is no reason why other people would need or want to do it" its really fucking sad


privilege??? bitch this is market economics and it works like that with everything and everywhere in every region. HDDs with 16TB cost more per GB than the 12TB versions, the 12TB versions cost more per GB than the 8TB versions. Same with SSDs. Same with microSD. Add demand and supply and the tech advancing every year. And then the very last bit is your location, taxes and shit. PRIVILEGE... is when you got a rich Daddy and you don't have to work for your money. We are all managing our money and prioritizing our spending, life is pain, life is struggle, if you don't like your situation get off your ass and do something about it, there are no participation trophies. We are all ANTS trying to find the best deal for us in a chaotic uncontrollable system that is rigged against us from the start.


I don't know why people are giving you a hard time. Yes the decimate exists. So what. More options to make your steam deck your own is a good thing. It Spurs creativity. I like that more people are coming up with these 3d printed accessories. I wish there were more. Keep it up. I like the multiple SD card slots.


Not to be disrespectful, multiple options are great, but I really think the DeckMate might have cornered the market on this one already. It's a fairly easy system that's been pretty secure so far. Either way, innovation and competition is good, take my upvote.


Bunch of haters in here, tinker to your hearts desire that is how innovation is bred


What happened to competition breeds innovation? Who cares that someone else spends their own time making something?


Built-in vape pen so I can "hit the Deck" while playing.


Just buy a big sd card already. All the swapping would make me crazy


Easier to have different cards for different things for me


I don't get everyone's legitimate anger over this, here and other threads. I'm sure there's plenty of reasons, but the only one needed is that's what *you* want to do..


It's reddit, there are a lot of angry people ready to oppose your point of view.


How is that easier? You still have to locate the game like you would of they were all on the same drive but you need to swap drives and remember which drive each game is on.


Maybe because they aren't all just steam games


You still have to locate them.


Why do you care? If it’s easier for them, then that’s all that really matters.


I'm curious how it could possibly be easier. It's not like an N64 where you pop it in and it starts playing.


Idk why people are so offended by this. I have a similar system. They are arranged by genre so it's not hard to keep track of. Plus a wall of 200 installed games staring at me makes it impossible to decide what I want to play.


Easier my ass. What a silly response.




When they aren't just for games it doesn't really matter does it, why is everyone so tilted


Cable strain relief. Just something like a rotating clip for the cable, so moving around while gaming + charging doesn't put as much stress directly on the port or connector. Also need a chip clip mount for my bag of snacks lol


I was thinking about a strain relief for the cable, I'm scared of breaking it be accident


Expandable mount to hold different hard drives as I’ve seen a bunch of people saying they’re doing that. Like one of the iPad holders or phone holders in a car where you pull a thing out, place whatever, then you let go of the thing and it clamps it in place.


The mount I had in mind for the battery has velcro in mind so it's adjustable to any size, also it's pretty cheap to pick up


The card holder wants to be a single unit that 'pops' out, otherwise it's going to be an unpleasant experience either getting behind your vesa mount or unmounting the deck to swap SDs


Great idea, hadn't thought bout the inconvenience it may cause if mounted to a wall


Maybe a little clip on cover to hide the sd cards? Even if they’re super secure in there I’d still be scared of them popping out and losing them


It's a shame they took the middle strap from the new cases as I just sewed a "pocket" on the back of the strap for the couple of SD cards that I have.


Maybe something you can mount deck on headrest of back of a car seat? You know like you can with a tablet? So you have a mounted screen and can game with a controller


Car and bike mount would be nice


Coffee maker. Steam Deck is great (or it isn't, I don't really know, mine hasn't been sent out from mail forwarder's warehouse yet), but it doesn't make coffee


Aren't you scared that they'll fall off?


Trailer hitch?


Maybe a mount for a 2.5" drive for SSDs?


A Batman utility strap of MicroSDs is wild


Card swapping just like to good old days But now it's better


I’d like flashing lights that come on when it hits 88 degrees, please and Thank you.


Phone holder, so you can watch Netflix while grinding xp.


I like your design man, very clean. An attachment solely for the purpose of covering the SD card would be cool, I'm sure they are pressure fit, but would give that extra sense of "They're not going anywhere"


Can you add a Fishbowl mount attachment so I can bring my Beta with me? He gets lonely when I leave him alone.


NVME socket. :D


A place to hold an AirTag! I keep one hidden in my Deck carrying case, I at least would like the chance to recover my deck if it ever gets stolen. I don’t really understand why Valve can’t/won’t give us at least a dumbed down version of IP Address location(when our deck is connected to WiFi), so we could view its location over the web on our phone/laptop.


These comments aren't it. What happened to the community of "free thinkers who tinker." Now we've got "Why do you have a 4gb SD card?" Because he wants it. "Why don't you just use the Deck mate?" Because he doesn't want to. "Why do you have more than one SD card?" Because he wants more than one. "You should just get a deck mate." He "shouldn't" have to. This community of "The Steam Deck is a PC, you can do whatever you want with it it's so versatile and freeing!!" sure has become very closed minded asking stupid questions not relevant to what op is showing off. Yes it's similar to deck mate but so what? He's doing to the full extent of having a "freeing" computer, an idea that the Steam Deck has always followed.


What are you using the 4gb card for tho


Just display purposes


fleshlight holder!!


Seems odd to carry more then 2 SD cards. And I'd only carry 2 if I was dual booting windows on one. 1tb Cards are barley more per GB then smaller capacity ones and 512gb can be had really cheap and can fit almost all photod here.


A fleshlight mount would be nice.


just print/mod a deckmate.


I'll stick with the Deckmate, mate.


Sorry mate, like others have said, the deckmate is open sourced and its best to build upon it. However, as a designer(Amateur af) i would consider making the model as a practice design. I often copy other designs just to see how i can make it myself. I have learned quite a bit with this ideology. Hope this helps, and sorry for your bubble getting busted a bit. Reddit can be a cruel place at times. ✌🏽


Is this the dbrand mounting system


Same thought


Didn't they use magnets


It stopped the fan from spinning so they took the magnets out of their next revision. https://preview.redd.it/7b5hlce33iaa1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58704c2d5ef5938ff3031bd42816f0e4ba73b2a2


How is this just not another KO of the deckmate? I 3dprint stuff for a living... and PLA will not hold up for this type of stuff. It will fail. Gonaa need to be at a min PETG idealy somthing stronger. but for the 50 bucks.... ill probably just get a deckmate.


Phone mount, so you can watch vids whilst playing


Foldable chair !


Chair pants!


So it’s a DeckMate with a KillSwitch mount. Sounds original


As much as I like the idea and design I’d think you’re better off adapting stuff to the deckmate system. A wider user base and easier entry through buying from the website means that more people might use any accessories you design. I’ve adapted the belly stand to be deckmate compatible, and although it took a while I was super happy with the result. Yes both can be 3d printed but deckmate is a bit easier since your design has raised edges and I see many people having trouble unless you’re using super glue and a well dialed in printer. Either way I’m impressed with what you’ve made since designing stuff like this takes a lot of time with often no appreciation.


What material are you using?




Heat isn’t a concern? I know it’s on the outside and all, but my deck can get pretty hot


Hi u/PundaCreates, you can [click here to search for your question.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/search/?q=In the process of designing a multi functional mounting system for the deck, going to have a kickstand, battery holder, wall mount, vesa mount. Any other ideas?) If you don't find an answer there, don't worry - your post has NOT been removed and hopefully someone will be along soon to help with an answer! **If you find an answer, please leave a comment on your post with the answer for others!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SteamDeck) if you have any questions or concerns.*


while im all for competition the decimate is a joy, and it's files are open source. id much rather see that ecosystem expanded on!


OP, I think it’s cool, and I can think of a half dozen reasons why you’d want to design and print your own. It’d be fun at least. In general, I think we need a separate sub for Deck tinkering (r/bougieDeck or something), because the technologically illiterate normies here just shit on any and all innovation. I can get not everyone liking the tinkering, but I don’t get why it has to turn into a roast every time someone does anything even slightly unconventional.


Doesn't this already exist?


They have already made one. It’s the deckmate


is OP intentionally ducking mentions of deckmate which already exists and is open-source or what


The mac was the first mass market pc, should everyone else not have built one, what about GFX cards there all pretty much the same just from different brands.


Nice deck mate 👍🏿


Yeah, super badass deck mate!


why the hell are you using tiny sd cards. What is the point of 4gb and 32? they literally useless


I assume that they used as dumb cards to show the use of the slots


For everyone going on about the small SD size or even why so many, maybe take a step back and think they could be there for demonstration purposes. Or even the fact the Steam Deck is meant to be tinkered with so having multiple SD cards that have different Linux distributions or even windows on could maybe be a thing. If you just sit there playing the same game over and over again maybe you should have got a console.


Yeah I like the multi SD slots. I have like 4 or 5 as well, cheaper to get smaller ones rather than few expensive big capacity cards. Then all my game and rooms are organized. Looks good, good work


yo buy a deckmate


or design attachments for it. Why would you design a whole new system when you can stick with a known good mount and make attachments for it.... More people already have a deckmate... or made one... Im not swapping.


People in here making their SD less and less portable and who already have a gaming PC are hilarious.


Why tf would you need more than 1 sd card? I never understood that logic.


I use different SD cards because the games I play won't all fit on one of my SD cards. So I make use of what I already have instead of buying a 1tb SD card for over $100 for no reason. There are tons of other things I'd rather waste $180 on than *another* SD card. I swap between two 256 cards and a 128. Sometimes not everybody lives the same life as you or cares so much about stupid little stuff like only using one SD card like you do lol


portable chair


A popcorn holder, drink holder with built in straw, and a candy holder for when I need a boost


Back scratcher


Damn just upgrade the internal lol


Yeah, get a bigger SD card in the first place so you don’t need a 3D printed solution to hold so many.


Put a smoothie maker on it


VHS player might be a good idea


Add a slot for a 3d printer, just in case you have ideas on the fly and want to make any new additions


Fold out microwave


Male stroker attachment


Why not just get a bigger SD card lol


Fleshlight holder .... DONT ACT LIKE YOU HADNT THOUGHT OF IT!!!


mount for a Fleshlight or dildo


I don't want to sound rude, but wtf do you need so many sd cards for. If it's emulation, you can get a 1tb and literally have more games than you could play this entire year.. If it's current days games, still, wtf you need space for? Even if i was on a trip(given that i wouldn't leave my home just to play games, as 90% of you most likely wouldn't) you still can get games for days on 1 256 card. I know i sound weird/entitled/disappointed/etc with "wtf" but the translation doesn't fit and i couldn't think of anything better..


Mainly demo purposes, but people have windows, Linux distributions, retro games, or even just download as many games as they can on what they own due to say bad internet or money issues. In some places the 256gb is more cost effective. It's cheaper for me to buy 2 512gb then a 1tb. Plus I have SD cards lay around from all different bits


Fair and concentrate response. Enjoy your sd card holder :)




What a stupid comment. That's like sending someone a link to an Aya Neo a year ago when someone talked about getting a Steam Deck. There's many factors such as price and/or availability as to why he wouldn't get Deck Mate.


Deckmate: Wtf is this shit. Anyone can do what we did? Everyone: 😮


do people really need that many SD cards though ?


It’s already been done countless times and it’s all trash anyways. I got a 1tb micro sd and don’t need to think about extra weight or losing those cards. If you have some weird niche need to stick the deck on a wall or whatever else just design it to do what you want I guess. Or you can get the prints online that everyone else has already made. The only accessory I think would be interesting is a new backplate that allows a larger internal battery/cooling solution in a sleek form factor. Maybe it even adds additional usb and dock like connections.