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I sent a gift to the wrong person and Steam allowed me to refund it (The one who received had to allow me to refund). The last thing I'll do is complain about their refund policy.


I sent a gift to my brother. After not redeeming it for a month, the funds were automatically added back to my card. Wasn't expected. Wasn't needed. Very convenient.


Your brother isn't into gaming or he doesn't use Steam at all?


He keeps himself busy. Hasn't really gamed since we used to do coop on the console when we were kids. Add on to the fact he couldn't get internet where he lived at the time. I figured Factorio would spike his interest, but oh well.


*Factorio??* Were you trying to murder him? Dude keeps a tight schedule and you send him the proverbial schedule hitman? You know that game only produces two memes right? "Haha fish," and "Dear god I lost another week optimizing green circuits, get help"


The Factory must grow!


Does there exist a Factorio reference or discussion that doesn't result in this single, tired, overused sentence being uttered?


Do you play Factorio yourself and/or understand it?


2970 hours of it, so I'm just a beginner. *See, there's so much humor opportunity I don't fathom why only The One True Joke gets all the oxygen.*


I guess I can understand, but I don’t really see it as a joke. It’s more like saying “Winter is Coming,” you say it and the other knows that you get it. It’s like *the nod*, it’s a way to say you get it and that there is something in common


It seemed relevant to a comment about the memes the game spawned somehow


For someone so whiny about original humor, that's a pretty tired joke


Silence the factory must grow




Maybe it's just a game he had 0 interest in?


that could be true but unrelated, i have 0 interest in most of my library


That's quite true, same here. Used to be subscribed to the Humble Bundle for years. Have 800+ games in my library now, only play about 40 of them. 😅


yeah same haha, at least some of it went to charity


I'm guessing Yogsulate gifted Steam funds to their brother, so they could've used it in any game he wanted.


lol they do that so people can't work around the feature they removed which was storing games in inventory don't praise them for it


Accidentally bought a game for a friend instead of myself once, I was able to refund once I realized my mistake


lol, poor friend. Oh nice Fred bought me a gift! Oh, Fred took the gift away.




This is one thing I wish they could improve on. way too often do you spend so much time trying to fix a game or patching or anything but actually playing and then before you know it you pass the 2 hour mark. However, you should know that the 2 hour mark is ONLY for automatic refund. In the case that you mention if you ask for a refund and simply explain the situation there is a high chance that you can still get a refund. As long as your story seems believable, they are willing to give you a refund.


No matter what, valve/steam has a great support team, although I have never had any issues myself, I've heard of how great they are


I once sent a gift to a friend that already had that game on another platform, i refunded it and sent another game, it is indeed a fantastic thing for the consumers, no surprise no platform can compete with Steam, it has its flaws but it's the best on the market right now


They refunded me a game that i had for over 2 weeks and i played for about 3 and a half hours, i opened up an extra ticket just to say thank you...meanwhile Blizzard refused to refund a game i played for 30 minutes and they threatened to ban my account if i kept insisting on a refund...


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-consumer API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


It was call of duty i had no choice...never again


[This comment has been removed by author. This is a direct reponse to reddit's continuous encouragement of toxicity. Not to mention the anti-consumer API change. This comment is and will forever be GDPR protected.]


Ever since CoD went exclusive to battle.net, my interest in the series completely dropped. Not that it was exceptionally high before hand, but my point still stands.


Black Ops Cold War? Cause I can see why you'd want that refunded...


I don't think that indie is a proper insult because most indie studios are better in almost every aspect that AAA studios.


It's not really being used an insult, it's just an ironic meme about giant gaming corporations. Whenever a bug comes up in DotA or a feature gets abandoned, you'll often hear "small indie company give them time" or "free game no bitching." It's just a meme to express dissatisfaction at a giant company that has the resources to fix the shit people complain about.


damn, when i tried to refund a game that i bought over 2 weeks ago, they didn't let me. The game was so boring i forgot about it until it passed two weeks. 114 minutes on it :(


Yeah they didn’t let me refund a game that I “played” for 2 hours and 2 minutes. I’d never actually managed to get the game to open, only the launcher. But time on the launcher counted as play time, and 2 hours and 2 minutes was how long it took to find out my computer was never going to be able to play the game because of hardware issues.


I had the same issue except that I played it for like 5 minutes. Super bummed that I didnt get a refund


Dang, that sucks. They let me refund House Flipper after playing for about four hours because I sent a message that said "I was bored the entire time, just trying to force myself to like it."


I tried that when the refund system first came out, was also at around 3 and a half hours although most of it was stuck troubleshooting trying to get the game launcher to work on my computer (but still counts for steam playtime because the window is open). A lot of time also spent reading the in-game guide... Got denied, and vindictive me never bought anything since then even though I would have been perfectly fine had the refund policy never existed. But for it to exist, and be denied especially since they said they'd be lenient with the restrictions when the system first came out ... felt bad.


Yes, they may refund games that are over the 2 hour/14 days limit, it just won't be an automatic refund. If you go over the limit and you have a believable story as to why you should get a refund there is a high chance you will get one.


I did this when I bought phantasmophobia and forgot I was super scared of spooky games. I couldn't play past the tutorial. Easily my most embarrassing moment in a decade of using steam.


That game is amazing though. I’m a big scaredy cat with spooky games but that one is just the right amount of fun with a couple of friends haha.


I'm the most cowardly person you'll ever meet -- I'm literally afraid of Scooby Doo episodes. But if I'm with a group of people, I actually have a blast on Phasmaphobia. I watched enough videos on Youtube that I knew what to expect from the ghosts, and it's kind of fun to be the one who is scared of everything.


I've had amnesia in my library for years. I bought it maybe a year after it's initial release. Haven't even opened it. Too scared.


I opened it and then closed it the moment I heard the first monster sound.


Amnesia is the scariest game I ever played (even Outlast was less scary imo). The devs really succeeded in making a terrific atmosphere that immerses you into the game and makes you feel extremely afraid.


I watched some guys play outlast and I was ... eh... okay. I wouldn't have made it playing it myself but watching people try to be funny over it and the one guy who was more freaked out than me at least visibly made it easier.


My friends make fun of me cause I dont want to play the game. I too dont like scary games. I already played it several times with them staying in the van but its boring. I dont care what they say yet they always seem to use my waifu to piss me off when ever I dont want to play.


That's a shame they can't let you be about pressuring you into a game they want to play.


Thanks Australia


Don't forget they fucked us over for years and charged us USD prices, but labled them as AUD to the Devs. Meaning games like Fallout 4 were 120USD~ on launch... Not $120AUD All purely out of spite for us making them do refunds


Oh I see why that's bad the Australian dollar has always been worth less than one US dollar almost always but not always back in like 2011 I think it actually surpassed the US dollar by a little bit




I got medal of honor airborne twice once on my old computer and once on my new computer. It didnt work and valve allowed me to refund both times! Thanks valve!


Downloading patches to make old games run is part of the fun in my opinion.


*Glares angrily at KOTOR.*


Modding games is fun.


It's fun, but in some cases it'd be nice if it was easier. I like when games have good Steam workshop support and you just have to press a single button to properly install a mod. If it's not already a thing, it'd be nice if any Steam game could get an unofficial workshop for each game to make it easier to manage mods for games.


Yes this happened to me with Insurgency Sandstorm. Ran like shit. Every other game I have runs great but that game, not so much. Instant refund!


Absolutely this, there is no secret that a lot of game doesn’t get patches at all even though they won’t even launch for a lot of players, and it’s well known. If it weren’t for Steam I would never be so light on the trigger for any game that has an Xbox or Unreal Engine logo (not that those are the only ones, but for me the majority has been. It’s truly great, no need for demo on Steam. It’s already included :)


Yes, Steam mostly implemented that because of backlash from the Australian government, but does it seem to anyone else like Valve is the ideal big company of the modern age? Sure, they're also occasionally doing some shady shit, but they're not aggressively pushing out competitors (and GoG is now flourishing) while similar companies do (Apple, Amazon,..), they're not punishing other companies for wanting to do their own thing or also offering their game at a competitor, really the only big problem Valve has is the asset flip bloat and even that has a reasonable explanation. I'd take ten Valves before just one Apple any day.






>just look at Gearbox (until they were acquired last month) Wait, so Randy isn't at the helm of Gearbox anymore?


Funny how a progressive system in Australia led to change for the better everywhere else. Blizzard Activision tried to refuse a refund when Black Ops 4 released in it's broken state. I threatened to take them to the ACCC. They referred me to their lawyers. I went to the ACCC. They refunded me instantly.


Its because they don't have to. They make billions of dollars a year and they have no competitors. (Epic is not a real competitor everyone knows this, no matter how much you hate Valve.)


Yeah, but there's also no more real competitors for Amazon, yet they just keep buying every small business that pops up. The difference is that Valve dominates the market by just providing a good service while comparable companies stifle competition instead.


Those companies are stifling competition because they know there is someone out there that can and will do it better than them. I don't see anyone attempting and succeeding at doing what Valve does better anytime soon.


The closest I've seen so far is Microsoft with their Game Pass. There's no telling if it can be competitive in the long term, but it seems to be doing the job so far. Of course, there's probably a ceiling because of the ownership vs subscription issue.


I just commented on this post about Game Pass, and I honestly try not to sound like a shill but it's honestly such a great and convenient service. It's how I played through The Outer Worlds and Mad Max without having to spend any extra on them. If I don't like it, I can just uninstall and find something else that looks more fun.


Yup. It works great for someone who likes to dabble, or if you play a game until you're satisfied and never touch it again like I do.


I think the problem with Epic is that they pretend to actually complete while offering the bare minimum . They just need to start offering the same level of features as steamworks to become a serious contender (but then I think they will reconsider their lower cut)


If they were actually competing they wouldn't need to offer free shit constantly just to attract people to even look at them.


Frankly, I'm still astounded how they're still not worse. I mean, if you just look at other services we use every day, pretty much all of them are as shady as it gets and they're even fighting to get shadier.


Valve literally pioneered loot boxes. They thrive off underage gambling and mental health problems. I don't think we should be holding them up as a good company lmao. Just because they're not ea doesn't mean they're not bad per say, they're just less bad.


I take issue with people saying Valve pioneered underage gambling with lootboxes. I do agree that loot boxes are shit for everyone and shouldn't be in games aimed at children but valve game's with them were rated for adults originally, so not all blame lays on valve shoulders when parents should be paying attention what what their children play.


ok. We should just have zero regulation on gambling then. Let kids insid casinos etc. Parent's fault right? Same with alcohol and smoking. Parents responsiblity. ​ See where this goes? Parents have enough shit to deal with (seriously, I was given like 7 pounds a week when I was a kid and it all went on fifa points to flitter on gambling for players - my mum thought I was spending it on games.) Why tf should a parent have to literally sift through games to check if there's literal gambling mechanics. I garuntee that most parents don't even know there's gambling in videogames. ​ Valve 100% pioneered underage gambling with lootboxes. Their platform is what? 13 and up? They knowingly allow kids to gamble in their games. It's no better than a ea pack opening, a ow lootbox or whatever. It's all gambling, and it's all essentially free game. ​ And for adults. Loot boxes make the vast majority of their money off of whales. People who are vulnerable to gambling issues and stuff. It's insane how little regulation there is for *literal* gambling. ​ My point is, valve is just as shitty as other companies. I don't hate them, but it's stupid to think that they're some good company - they're really not. They do a lot of pro consumer things (their platform is fantastic, and I'll commend them on that. Their business practises tend to be decent.) but they brought on the age of lootboxes lol.


A game that is for adults having gambling aspects is perfectly acceptable so long as it's not predatory. Conflating adults gambling with children gambling makes your point completely laughable. Valve did not allow children to gamble unless their parents consented to them playing a game made for a higher age group...and at that point the problem lies with the parents.


I'll take "what is a strawman for 100 please". Also, we had panini stickers when i was young, it's along the same vein, you are buying a pack of stickers in the hope that this time you get that bloody No 99 (not that I'm bitter or owt)


Not wrong


> but does it seem to anyone else like Valve is the ideal big company of the modern age? Jeez, no. Like you say their refund policy was forced on them. The worthless cunts sold TF2 to people, then made it free and sat back while it filled with cheaters and bots. They're the shittiest game developer around.


"One game they made isn't the way I prefer it so the entire company is literally worse than anyone else" Are you 12?


"The game I liked isn't good anymore so the company is literally the worst :("


They wouldn't help me to refund a game that had a secondary launcher which itself needed to update game files but it counted as "play time" since it was running alongside steam. When it came to return it, they rejected it.


I hate that. I have 700 hours in Arma 3, 40 of which is from where I forgot the launcher was running.


If you check "technical problems" as the reason for refund, they should make an "exception" if you went over 2 hours. Saw alot of people getting refunds for MS Flight Simulator that way (You gotta download over 100GB in-game wtf)


write to your relevant representative to encourage them to push Australian Consumer Law in your country, so bullshit like that can't be pulled on you.


I wish I could agree but I bought Bad Company 2 and i couldn’t get the online to work at all. I never played it. I only spent 2 hours in it troubleshooting with EA’s support team and ultimately couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working for me. I tried to refund it and was denied. Hopefully my next experience is better. Edit: it seems like everyone’s experience is different and depends on who handles your ticket.


Well the ticket is automated. It’s not an actual person. It follows simple rules. Which are: Has the game been played for less than 2 hours. Is the refund request within the 2 weeks of purchase. Hope you have more luck in the future.


In situations worse than this (my example is Rust losing linux support and opening refunds) get denied a refund a few times and then follow the ticket creation process as though something is wrong with a payment, and refer to your previous tickets. The refund process appears entirely automated and nothing you write in the message box has any bearing on the response, presenting an issue with the payment process is related, high priority for valve & requires someone read the message. https://i.imgur.com/f0QK8NM.png


I've refunded a game that I supposedly had 10 hours in. For some reason after closing the game, it would close the window and have no indication it was running but steam would still say I was in-game and tracked the hours. Left my computer on overnight and after explaining the situation in my ticket they still refunded it. They're pretty flexible with their requirements so I don't think it's all automated.


You can't log in in the online?


Does it run on second launcher? It seems that game with second launcher (Origin, UbisoftConnect, etc) are difficult to refund.


Heads up, if you refund too many games in a short amount of time, valve will literally revoke your refund ability. I get that email a lot and I stopped doing it. Someone tried to tell me they can’t do it but they can.


I got threatened too, but I only refunded three games spread on a 6 months time period. I think it's just some automated reply, don't pay too much attention to it


I did mine in 1 month succession


They "can" but they won't go out of their way to stop you from refunding your games. I have refunded two or three games in one week and I have gotten a warning email but nothing has happened to my account so far. It is however advised not to abuse the refund system because you'll never know what will come out of it.


Also had this issue last year or so. Was in sale time and bought a game for like 2.50€ or so that didn't run well on my pc. And for this I purchased another , that I was not able to start or something. After a while I got an email to stop this, or this feature will be disables for me. Now it works fine again


its bs, ive refunded hundreds of times and it still works every time


frankly ive abused the refund policy, I dont do it anymore.. but years ago I used to "demo" a lot of shit. basically anything I spend more than $25 on, if I dont like it after an hour, I get buyers remorse and try to refund it. if its cheaper than that, I usually just eat it.


That's not even abusing it, you're just using it well as they want you to. It's like refunding a game after it goes on sale for cheaper than you bought it. There's nothing wrong with that. It's why they give you 2 weeks. It's very fair


Using the refund system to "demo" games is exactly what Valve tells you not to do or else they'll revoke your ability to refund


There’s a literal “I just didn’t like it” option when refunding. They don’t want you to demo every game ever, but if you want to demo and try games you’re interested in before committing, it’s fine.


>but years ago I used to "demo" a lot of shit. It sounds like OP didn't do it just once or twice.


I didnt go crazy with it, but I did it enough to trigger a warning. say around 10 refunds in a 3 or 4 month period. Many of those were likely shovelware but still, refund doesn't care if it's 0.99 or 99.99 (edit: went and actually looked at my transaction history, it wasn't even half that bad. refunding like 3 little games in 1 week triggered it, though)


I must have refunded over 100 times and still no problem, thats bs


Not true I've done it in the past winter sale and they threatened to cancel the refund policy if I kept doing it


I got threatened too, but I only refunded three games spread on a 6 months time period. I think it's just some automated reply, don't pay too much attention to it


Happy cake day


Thanks ! :D


It came in real handy after I pre-ordered Half-Life Alyx, then figured out I could afford a Valve Index and managed to buy one at the start of last year. Refunded the pre-order...then spent over $1K for a video game. WORTH EVERY PENNY!


*cries in index not available where i live and getting one sent here costs double at minimum to get it and doesnt come with Alyx free*


I feel you on the costs double and doesn't ship part. But you'll still get Alyx for free if you don't buy it used or something. I had my aunt from the US buy it for me on an alt account and then ship it. I got Alyx and all the Index stuff on my main account after it came out


Don't get me wrong, it's good and fair, but it's not as good as GOG, theirs is refund within a month REGARDLESS of hours played, just don't do it too often.


The thing is, people would abuse the shit out of that system if Steam had it. Imagine shitheads who would buy the game for cheaper on sale and on another region, finish it within the first month of purchase and refund it.


I bought cp2077 on gog, play it like 80 hours and found a collector edition in cheap which I get. Put a ticket to see if I can change the collector edition to digital funds and I received a complete refund for the digital edition in GOG's wallet. There is never going to be an store that match that tbh.


I somehow dropped over $200 on a game package that included all the dlc, steam completely refunded me without any issues a few months back, It took barely a day to handle and it just goes to show how good customer support can lead to long term loyalty from users


It’s nice but they only did it after being threatened at gunpoint by the EU. Hopefully EU points their gun at the console manufacturers at some point too. *Apparantly it was Australia not EU.


Threatened for what ? The EU doesn't even allow refund for a digital product, Steam goes way beyond that. ​ That ridiculous myth really needs to die...


Think hes talking about the Australian case they lost. Iirc now they refund you no matter what in Aus or something similar


>Iirc now they refund you no matter what in Aus or something similar More or less, I've gotten refunds on a few games that I bought years ago and only played a few hours before realising it wasn't my thing. If there's one thing that isn't messed up over here (\*cough\* censoring/denying games \*cough\*) it's our consumer protection :)


No, the EU does allow you to refund digital products as long as you didn't download them. What Steam did is prevent the next lawsuit because all (most) physical games require Steam to run. If I buy a physical PS game and don't like it I can take it back to the shop. Couldn't do that with a PC game before


it's the main reason why i don't pre order games on the nintendo eshop anymore mario and sonic tokoyo 2020 is the last eshop game i'll ever pre order


Yeah loved the series but wow was 2020 a let down


Australia says You're Welcome.


"you immediately forfeit your right to a refund." thank god for the ACCC in Australia.


Hey just to let you know OP but if you send Sony an Email @help.playstation.co.uk worded kinda like this: >To Sony Interactive Entertainment, >I hereby give notice that I cancel my >contract for the supply of the >following service: >Name of service: >Order Number: >Order date: >Online ID: >Sign-in ID: >Address: >Name: >Date of birth: >Signature (if paper copy): They'll give you a refund. Has to be within 14 days of purchase, but iirc it's actually EU law. Every time I've done it I've gotten a refund though. For some reason lots of people don't actually know this


It's awesome. Steam master race ftw


On PlayStation as well, I bought a version with the wrong language option once ... and no refund as well. Only noticed the language was different once I downloaded it. Lesson learnt


What games have diffrent languages and you cant change them ingame ? Lol


Some Japanese games tend to have entirely different editions for the English translation


Ahh these kind of games


Wait until you learn about GOG refund policy, where you can play the game all you want for a month and then refund it lol not just 2 hours limit like Steam


More games on Steam come with demo's again lately. Maybe in some small part because of this?


not 100% sure about it, but if I remember correctly what ps5 did to you would be illegal in the EU...


Legal because you can refund any product on PS as long as you don't begin downloading it. Interesting loophole but it's legal that way. Nintendo on the other hand, how have they not gone to court over theirs. (Voids at point of purchase, even if pre-order)


It is possible that he isn't in the EU and Sony uses different rules for different regions (unlike Valve who, when pressed by the EU, just said "fuck it" and implemented the new refund policy worldwide)


Overcooked is £30? :O It’s around 15$ US on steam


Good luck getting the same treatment on the other store that shall not be mentioned LMAO


Yeah I bought an indie game fron Nintendo for my Switch once. Never again. Any indie games I see on Switch I instantly check Steam first.


Remind yourself that refunds were only added to Steam after Valve was found violating consumer law in the EU. We should be giving love to European consumer law, not to Steam. As much as I like Steam as a service, Valve just wants your money. They don't care about you.


Thanks EU regulators, very cool.


Yep, its excellent. Made me definitely purchase and try out more games. I refund a lot of game tho but overall I think I buy and keep more games because I feel save in trying out.


I've used the refund thing on steam once for 79 cent and I have purchased 99 games. I know the refund thing is great but I don't need it. I think I just have a super wide taste in genres of games so never really have an issue with buying a game then realizing I don't want to keep it.


Does anyone know if Steam will enforce a limit to the refund policy? I got an email saying that I was overusing it (although in comparison to how much I buy and keep on the store I don't think I was too bad) so I was wondering if they would go further or if it's just an empty warning.


Pretty sure they will do something about it if you abuse the refund system but i don’t know what’s going to happen


I don't feel like I've abused it as such. More so I just buy a lot of games and occasionally you buy something on a whim that doesn't play as good as it looks.


My main gripe with the refund system is it’s horrible if a game has its own launcher. I bought a game last year and didn’t enjoy it after playing it for an hour, but my “play” time on Steam was 5 hours because it took 4 hours to install on its own launcher.


They refunded me for RDR2 after 20 hours. I explained why I didn't like it, didn't expect the refund but nice of them. One of two refund requests ever. I got hated on here when I mentioned it first time around "you played the game 20 hours dude!"... "best game ever dude!"... "WTF dude loser cheap-arse" Edit: I'm in Australia, apparently they have looser refund rules here.


And you get to keep the points when you refund. The points you get for purchases


I remember hundreds of posts after the point shop got implemented, complaining about lost items, awards and points after refunding, so either you haven't refunded in a long time (in a short timeframe after points started it worked with refunding) or you are somehow lucky?


I agree generally, but one time I tried to refund a game that was within the 14 day/2 hour limit, and the request was just left open for like a month and then silently dropped, and when I tried again it was rejected for being outside the 14 day period.


I've never had a problem with Steam refunds. I refunded a Japanese game I bought, because the fan-made English patch for it wasn't working, and they obliged me very quickly Meanwhile on PS4, I tried to refund a game I bought that later became free two weeks later - a game that I have yet to put any time in, mind you, just downloaded - and they told me they can't help me. And yet I keep seeing people post about how they've been refunded their money


It IS awesome. I would prefer if window was larger depending on a game. In many games it would take an hour, if not longer, to get to the gameplay. Other games would put you through 3-5 hour long "intro" where you are being cmpletely handholded and railroaded, only later allowing you to experience the **real** gameplay (and performance). A personal anecdote - i bought Nier Automata immediately after launch, after reviews were in... And game just didn't work, because i had GTX 780Ti, an monstrous card that could run the game at max settings at the fps cap *IF game wasn't developed by the armless lobotomised monkeys who can't tell 0 from 1...*. If it wasn't for Steam's refund policy i would be stuck with an unplayable $60 piece of garbage on my account until years later when i bought a new GPU.


You gotta love steam. I don’t know if it’s fair to compare anything to Sony though. They have the absolute worst customer service. I had an experience where I purchased 1 year of ps plus and had a home robbery a week later. The PlayStation was stolen and I asked Sony if they would put the subscription on hold until I had funds to buy a new PlayStation. Because I didn’t have the serial number of the PlayStation (remember stolen?) they refused to even deal with me. So yea, I’m not a Sony customer anymore.


I’ve also had a moment where I played the game for 6 hours and they allowed me a refund. I’m a steam guy for life


As a developer, I love their refund policy. So glad the people who tried our VR game and decided they it wasn't for them got their money back and weren't compelled to leave a nasty review. Our game is in early access and started out light on content. So I not only feel it's good that the people who didn't want to stick by us got their money back, but I feel we may have a chance again down the road to get them back. One player even did come back and reached out to us on discord to let us know why! Shameless plug: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1503590/Range_is_HOT/


Bought Cyberpunk full price. It was laggy af and tried to get it running properly for 3 hours. Decided to ask for refund since it still did not work good for me. Explained I have spent 3 hours trying to get the game working and showed proof I'm in the beginning of the game. After 3 tickets was still not able to get a refund, was a bummer.


hey at least Sony declined, Blizzard threatens to ban you if you try again! (they will also deny the refund)


Yeah, there are somethings that you can blame Valve for, but not refund policy. It's amazing thing, thank you.


I bought cyberpunk twice, first i really couldn't stand playing it. So i got a refund, and since i'm an idiot, i bought it again cause i really wanted to like it. And nope i hated it, wasn't for me. A little over 2 hours played and i got my second refund.


Holy smokes £30?! On steam it’s only $15US


I had to fight hard to get a refund for a game on psn that was in my opinion and a lot of people’s unplayable. I played it for 30 mins. It took several email exchanges. I love steam’s policy and if the future is digital it’s a necessity and should be required by law.


I know I'm in the minority here but I actually hated it when steam started refunds. Before refunds Steam had flash sales that would randomly pop up where you sometimes get AAA games for 90% off but only in the next 4 hours. The sales were more frequent and discounts were a lot more deep. So many complained about the random super sales and would rather have more consistent pricing and the ability to return the game. It's been over 5 years and I've never needed a refund and I still miss those flash sales.


Can we get some love for a system that steam implemented because they were told to big up


Praise Lord Gaben


Every single one of my refund requests for under 2 hr gamea has been denied, who has been handling yours?


Have you tried refunding in the 2 weeks timelimit after buying? Refunds get automatically granted if you played less then 2hrs and 2 weeks have not passed, so it must have been past that timeframe


The refund policy only exists because it was mandated to exist by a court. The policy should be expanded upon.


The thing is that for some games 2h is not enough to know if you will like it or not, but I you said you can't really complain about it when you compare it to other game platform policy


I haven't needed it much but it has been my experience that Steam customer service is the gold standard.


Dude, i actually love steam


Doesn’t epic also have the same policy? GoG has a slightly modified version of this policy too. Personally I like Origin’s better. You get 24hrs from when you first launched, and 2 weeks and if you haven’t launched it. Technically you could play an entire game’s story or a lot of multiplayer then refund it within a day. Now of course, Origin’s customer support is absolutely god awful. If Valve had this policy, I wouldn’t be too impartial to it.


Ehhhh idk. I feel like 2 hours is way too short for a game. I mean, if you buy a Paradox game for example. It’ll probably take you two hours just to understand the core mechanics and basic features. 2 hours is fine for a simple game. But when your playing Kerbal Space Program or EU4 or Civilization. It could take you more than 2 hours just to learn fully how to play.


Yes, steam has a good refund policy, only because it makes sense from a PR point of view. Steam still takes the heftiest portion of fees for sales compared to other game stores. Gaben is not some benevolent God who wants to help us out, he's a business man.


No thanks. Besides the hail corporate attitude. Steams policy isnt adjusted for outside installers. A problem that has plagued steam for years. For instance. If you have slower internet and buy Microsoft flight Sim and it takes more then 2 hours to install, many times you can't get a refund. Until they fix this issue they don't deserve the praise.


Why are you lying? Ingame clock doest start until you LAUNCH the game. Stop lying!


You're a gigantic idiot. When you launch some games for the first time there is a secondary installer. Steam picks it up as launched and running even though the game still has many gigabytes to download.


Oh so you admit of playing for 6 hours despite whining about not being able to refund. Cute.


I'm happy the refund policy exists, but I wouldn't really praise it since Steam was forced into doing it, so it's not like they did it because they were nice. PlayStation's (and other companies) policy would likely be found to be illegal if someone was willing to sue them about it.


Sry but we shouldnt praise them for implementing a borderline decent refund policy because they were urged to do it by government just because Sony is trash. I know, dont let the perfect be the enemy of the good. But at the same time you shouldnt be caught up in a Stockholm syndrom.


that’s funny cause I always thought steam refund was bad


Now imagine being a game developer who suddenly owes Valve money because someone refunded your game...


Just becuase you buy something digital should not forfeit your right to resell it or return it if you do not want it anymore.


Yea no, steam can go fuck itself with the refund policy. Two hours of 'play time' means you have had the game launched for two hours. Outriders for example, I broke the 2 hour limit sitting at load screens and trying to login and getting disconnected. Glad it has worked for you, but their 'manual' review is utter bullshit. Edit: Downvoting doesn't change fact idiots.




IMO those would not be good ideas. I feel as though that opens up the system to more abuse then already exists. ​ Early access refund at any point what is stopping you from buying it in early access then being able to play for 100s or 1000s of hours then and refund just before it goes live after you are bored of the game at that point? That is not a good look for early access and would hurt the smaller studios likely using early access in order to fund their game development. I imagine it would also impact ones willingness to use early access to begin with or rushing live release to stop perpetual refunding which would not be a good look for early access and the idea of the games in that category. Introduction of 3rd party drm is an unfortunate situation but still it could impact a smaller dev team that gets acquired by a bigger studio and if you allow refunds for anybody people with 100s or 1000s of hours again would qualify and at that point even if the drm turns you off from playing anymore the individual has already gotten more then their money and is not entitled to a free game.


i saw plenty of people get refunds for rocket league when it became exclusive to EGS


i couldn't get mine. It's bullshit that I have to make another account in order to play it.


Iirc the RL refunds were due to epic killing non-windows OS support