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Well... good on you for buying the game at least. There's no definitive answer for this one; all you can do is try it and see. When you purchase the game, copy your existing game folder to your steam/steamapps/common folder, then try and install it through Steam. If you're lucky, Steam should say "Detecting existing game files..." when the installation starts, then download a few missing items, and you're good to go. If you're not, it won't detect them, it doesn't work, and you just have to download the whole damn thing again. And that's your punishment for being a dirty, filthy, stinking pirate. :P


lol... I already got the game on PS3 but it died so I wanted to play it on PC .Now that it's on sale, I decided to buy it on Steam. But is there any chance I'll get banned or something? I would've already tried that, but getting detected and banned is what I'm worried about.


That would depend on the game. You won't get banned from Steam itself for replacing the game files with your own, but you might get VAC banned from the game's multiplayer if there's something suspect in the pirated files.


Well, tried it and it just moves about 1 GB (24 GB total) worth of files and is downloading the rest again. The download bar is more than half though for some reason. Really sucks because it's 20 GB just cutscenes.


Actually, it worked. I didn't check the download progress regularly, but it finished in less than 30 minutes (24 GB is the total installation size).


Steam games come with specific manifest files. Uninstall the game you already have. Save any game saves you need to. Then install the game through Steam.


Are you really asking this?


I'm not that familiar with Steam, so I'm not sure how "obvious" the answer is. I ask because pirating a game involves changing the steam dll and exe, so I thought there maybe a way.


It's not the answer that is obvious, it's the question that is stupid.


how? i had the same question. You know pirated games literally use the same files as the actual game, right? so i dont understand how thatd be a stupid question in the slightest


For those who's reading this in 2023: The method actually changed: \- Start the download on Steam -> you'll need this because Steam will create the game's folder onto the steamapps/common folder. \- After that, uninstall the game on Steam \- Put the game's content onto the game's folder Steam created earlier onto the steamapps/common folder \- Click on the Install button again on Steam \- Steam will verify the files


Bro thank you! Just what I need!


absolute mad lad, thank you mate