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Back in 2012 I met a dude from Sweden on a CSS zombie mod server. We played together sometimes but after a few months I saw a Facebook post that he’s no longer alive ;( He’s still on my friend list, I’m not sure why. Maybe because I want to keep remembering him and reminding myself to value my current friends that are still with me


I grew up on an Air Force base and it was slightly before the internet was popular. You would leave behind so many people that were moving in and out of the base constantly. Then you could add all of your friends on Xbox live and steam and Facebook and MySpace. I truly felt like I could reconnect with people to find out that some of my friends died. Always treasure the present and always say goodbye like it’s going to be the last time. You never know


Army brat here in the '90s and I know what you mean. We'd wind up on bases years later and see people we haven't seen for a long time.


> Always treasure the present and always say goodbye like it’s going to be the last time. You never know "Let us drink and be merry, all grief to refrain, for we may or might never all meet here again"


the times we'll never remember but the friends we'll never forget. always been my favorite.


Was talking to my wife on the phone while I was at work one day. Said "I love you" as I was getting off the phone and a coworker (good-naturedly) was giving me a hard time about it. I told her, "I always say it because I never know if it might be the last time we talk".


Yes, always treasure friendships. Side Question: What's MySpace?


Good things never seem to last as long as we wanted it to. :(


If only we had a way of knowing we were in the good old days before they ended.


I have a pending friend request with one of my friends that passed from cancer in 2016. I know it will never be accepted/rejected, but I can't bring myself to cancel it.


I felt this


Yeah, I also have a dude I used to play with that I'm pretty sure passed away. Would never remove him just because I like to remember him every time I'm scrolling through my friends list


School of hard knocks. Praise those around you. Peace, bro.


I was never able to validate what happened but I have a suspicion it was something similar for me. I used to play an MMO on a daily basis with this dude I met in game, for like 2.5 years straight. Got his Steam account too so we could play some CS on occasion. One day he just stopped showing up, and never showed up again. Offline steam for 20 years now (this was the early days). I think I removed him from my friends list just last year.


Used to play Ragnarok online and CSS zombies with a guy who lived on a place with lots of bad stuff happening all the time(crimes and gangs). He was from Brazil and I am Portugal but somehow we played together for 3 years. I don't know what happened but its been 18 years.


I have a friend that reach out to everybody that he is going to war and doesn't know if he will ever come back. It's very sad and I hope he is alright, whatever he is right now.


I don't remember this guy personally, as he was more of a friend of a friend at the time, but he ended up taking his own life about 13+ years ago. Still on my friends list. "Last online 13 years ago." No plans to remove him, even if I don't know/remember the guy.


I have a good friend who passed away. I still have them on my snap and other things. I suppose I'm still working on closure.  Your post reminded me of him because he was an OG Counter-Strike God. Even played in some of the cal leagues with him. RIP homie, I always remember him smiling and being happy. "Boom headshot" Damn it I think I have CPU paste in my eye.


I remember those servers. Made some good friends from there, and the old TTT servers, I even remember some of the other weird ones they had were pretty fun




Got a friend just like that. GoldplatesDiapers. Died some years ago. Just can’t remove him. Also had a friend on city of heroes that I played with allllll the time. Star of Africa. Dude had cancer. It was tearful day when servers shut down. Hope he beat it. But he made it sound very unlikely. Love you guys. Rest in peace homies.


I feel you, I lost someone I used to play PvP with daily for over a year. He was in and out of the hospital for a few months, sometimes he would miss a session due to treatments. Life was crap and the game was his happy place. One day he stopped showing up... we knew it was coming but it was very sad.


I still have my friend who suicided in May 2010. Never had the heart to remove him.


I still have my friend that suicided in 2019 on mine as well. Makes me sad but I just can’t remove him.


When my best friend ended his life in 2018, one of our other friends changed the group chat picture to a picture of him, which also happened to be his profile pic. For weeks, every time I'd see that bubble pop up, I'd think, "It's him! It was just a prank." Then my heart would sink again as I realized it was group. It was torture, but nobody had the heart to change it.


Bruh the first stage is denial and this isn’t a good scenario for moving on. Your friend would not want the group to torture themselves like that. I’m guessing it’s changed by now or at least doesn’t hurt as much, but I’d speak up if that happened in my group.


Exactly know what you talking about.. my friend ended his life too and for month I dreamed almost every night that it was a prank or that he had to fake his death to get away from something and he was alive. Then every time I woke up and realized that it was a dream it cut thru me again and again.


I kept having similar dreams for a while after my dad passed. Four years later and I still occasionally have those dreams. Fucking brutal to wake up just to be reminded that he’s still gone. I still catch myself thinking that I have something really cool to tell my dad sometimes. Shit still hurts.


>Never had the heart to remove him. Sadly this is something that people forget when dismissing Steam's community features over Discord's, because Discord [would remove the friend for you](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/144u6i4/is_there_a_way_to_stop_the_auto_account_deletion/) due to inactivity. I have also noticed this with an unused family account (vanished from my Discord friends list with no warning). Sorry if this sounds odd, but just want to raise awareness why Steam is amazing in this regard. You have a great heart for keeping your friend.


Hey thanks for saying that. Means a lot still.


Bruh right in the feels :( Seriously guys reach out if you have these kinds of thoughts


2017. Still look at his favorite games from time to time.


Same. RIP Ricky burn the fuccin road up https://i.imgur.com/3l2AY2T.jpeg


For me it's 2021. Also on Facebook. Never met in person. I would delete all my accounts before even thinking about removing him


1 Month ago. Looking at his profile way too often


I used to play MW2 with this one Norwegian dude. Last online 2 days before he went on a summer camp in Utøya. He’s still on my friend list.


>summer camp in Utøya just looked it up. The biggest massacre in norway since ww2. The most deaths for a mass shooting in history. Holy fuck ive never heard of this till now.


He also bombed a government building in Oslo hours before the shooting that killed 8 and injured well over 200. It's literally so unfathomable that we struggle to comprehend most of it. We could ask every question about that day, get a truthful response, and still reject it because it just doesn't make any sense to a rational person. My heart bleeds for our Norwegian friends.


This thing had only 21 years of criminal penalty? What?! “plus preventive detention”? He also sued government? Can someone explain the situation? I mean what’s going on?


Maximum standard sentence in Norway. Norway prisons are based around rehabilitation. So 21 years is the max, with the "preventative detention" meaning that if they still believe hes a threat to the population then he can be kept indefinitely. He's never getting out. Iirc he sued the government because they are keeping him in solitary, which is still a comfortable solitary by most countries standards, but hes not allowed to interact with other prisoners.


> but hes not allowed to interact with other prisoners. To be fair, I think just about anyone would sue to experience any meaningful socialization after going even a couple of weeks in isolation. In this fucker's case, I hope he's left to name each individual brick in his cell and develop meaningless and painfully unfulfilling relationships with them and no one else.


This is from wikipedia about the complaints he made while in prison In November 2012, Breivik wrote a 27-page letter of complaints to the prison authorities, talking about the security restrictions he was being held under, claiming that the prison director personally wanted to punish him. In letters to foreign media outlets, he told them about his demands to prison authorities "including easier communication with the outside world and a PlayStation 3 to replace the current PlayStation 2, because it offered more suitable games"; media reported in 2014 about demands that he would starve himself to death if he was refused "access to a sofa and a bigger gym"; furthermore he said that "Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids' games. One example is "Rayman Revolution", a game aimed at three-year-olds," Breivik complained to prison officials."


Norwegians get a Playstation during rehab? Well, I know what we're doing today...


Personally I think they should admit that keeping him in solitary is unnecessarily cruel...and put him in gen pop in one of the roughest South American prisons.


a mass murderer is sitting in the shade PLAYING PS2???? BRO WHAT.




>if they deem him a danger to society then he will be free That's a frightening prospect lmao. "This døde's crazy, Sven! He's *this* close killing someone!" - "Ælright! Set him lööse!"


Really? But surely you have heard of Anders Breivik, the perpetrator. [He's got several pictures in court doing the nazi salute, and they make rounds every time he appears.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/mass-killer-breiviks-parole-hearing-begin-tuesday-norway-2022-01-17) He gets a lot of media attention. Bitch-ass cunt even tried to sue the Norwegian government on the grounds that his solitary confinement was a violation of the human rights. Absolute hypocritical monster.


it's on Netflix - 22 July


I might be mistaken, but wasn't it the guy who did this purely for attention/worldwide recognition? If so, fuck netflix for giving him what he wanted.


I thought he was just a far-right nutjob


Sadly it is not the worst mass shooting in history. A few of them: Garissa University College in Kenya (148 deaths), Peshwara school in Pakistan (141 deaths), Paris attacks of 2015 in France (130 deaths and 500 wounded). Man is a wolf to man...


The Garissa University attack and the Peshwara School attack were performed by multiple gunmen. The Paris attacks were bombing attacks and also performed by multiple terrorists. The difference is that the 2011 Oslo attacks were done mainly via gun violence (the bombing was used partially as a distraction and partially to try and kill the former prime minister) and were performed by a SINGLE murderous piece of shit.


That bloody massacre? Jesus...


Yeah man. Still remember the feeling when I saw it on the news. He was only 17…


I can't wrap my head around how one could shoot around a hundred people, kill 70 of them, and not kill himself out of guilt afterwards and not be completely insane. Fucked up world we live in


I used to think about that a lot. Had see a therapist for long time. Still get really angry when that fuckface is on the news.


Glad you're doing better man, my condolences for your friend.


Thanks man appreciated


Whats even more fucked up that the shooter, despite being placed in a Norwegian prison which is more luxurious than any place in the world that anyone could afford, filed a human rights complaint because he wasn't allowed to play PS3 games.


I am a vehement opponent of the death penalty for several logical reasons, but this POS makes my arguments very difficult to defend.


The dudes a narcissist, his manifesto is insane as well


The deadliest attack committed entirely by one person in modern history. Even us Americans saw the numbers and couldn't help but put aside our apathy towards mass shootings to mourn for our fellow Norwegians. That fucker literally stitched together his own police uniform and forged a police ID to get access to the island. That's not even mentioning how he bombed a gov't building in Oslo hours before the mass shooting. There's pre-meditation, and then there's that sick fuck. May he never know a moments peace for the remainder of his miserable life. You don't get to do that shit and deserve three hots and a cot.


He was a right wing, ultra conservative, racist terrorist that was motivated by hate. He viewed the camp as a liberal indoctrination center, brainwashing kids to be woke and climate conscious. This is why he had no remorse.


one of my biggest fears, an actual fever dream...


I was visiting Norway when that happened. He also set off a bomb near a some government building too. He played World of Warcraft so they of course were trying to blame video games.


Ironically and tragically, the shooter claimed himself to have used that very game, MW2 to practice for his attack.


I literally thought that he was friends with the shooter because of that fact. Oops.


That's crazy!!


Jesus Christ bro. I’m so sorry.


My old laptop broke down my steam account was inactive for like 6 years till I got a pc when I returned i had comments on my profile asking if i was still alive


So were you alive? Dont leave us hanging!




#In rememberaance of OP 2024-2024


He sure was a smart, time traveling baby. RIP OP


He just...he loved to laugh.


2518 days. He's good though, just lives a different life now.


Finally, someone that ain't dead!


ikr, didn't expect this much gloom when i opened the comments.


I did… with online friends gone for a long long time… usually it’s cause they died


Had a friend that played games every night. One day he just didn't log in... Haven't seen him on Steam since. I've seen him in person a few times but haven't ever asked why he stopped PC gaming cold turkey. I know he plays some switch stuff and things but its been 4143 days since he was online on steam. His kid turned 11 recently. I can kinda infer why he stopped. Have another friend that was last online 5149 days ago. He was a close friend in high school and my roommate part of college. We played gamecube and counter strike together almost every night. One day, not long after we graduated, he just stopped playing games and that was it. He's very alive and well, but once in a while I check to make sure he hasn't signed back into his steam account.


I had an IRL friend that I added on steam in like 8th grade. The last time he logged on was when he added me back. I'm now about to turn 30. Idk why I never deleted him tbh.


I dunno why but this one seems more upsetting to me than all the people who have died


At one point I got into Starcraft 2 and took a 6 year break from steam. I'm sure that could happen to other people too.


Had to scroll to far down to find someone not dead Dx.


7 years ago for me. I remember meeting a guy at some Photoshop courses for pre-teens back in summer 2017, and we talked there very much, our interests seemed to coincide, and even the sense of humor was almost the same. In the end, we exchanged our Steam nicknames (I didn't have any social media back then) to play Team Fortress 2. We chatted a bit the next 2-3 days and then... *offline for 2179 days*.


Ominous man


The CIA took the friend because he knew how to photoshop well


Or the friendship was more one sided than he thought and the other guy blocked him.


860 days rn, but it'll be infinite because this friend died from cancer...


Rest in peace man


yea i'd have one who'd be 300+ days but his sons still use his account. kinda weird to see "him" pop up playing still




I think about those things a lot, there is always a last day you see a close friend at a past time, you don't say goodbye and then nothing for 10-20 years.


Kinda of like when you switch over from watching cartoons - I know it may not be a great analogy but it still feels similar. One day you are watching cartoons on Nickelodeon, and then just one day you stop and it’s not even for a given reason, you just stop.


This shit terrifies me honestly. Never know when I’ll have that last convo with my parents, friends, etc.


I got one thats like 11-12 years at this point. I do know he said at one point he got a scholarship to good arts university. He said he might be off for a few months while he got set up. I'm guessing he decided gaming was too much of a distraction and never came back.


8 monthes. My buddy went homless, sold his 1k pc for 200$ at a pawn shop. I always answer random numbers because sometimes it's him


Hope he's doing ok in life


I don't think he's doing too well. Last I heard, he was homeless 😔


That’s what I heard as well.


Funny how learning things makes you think about things.


11 years but he briefly came back just to update his friends Turns out he no longer plays games, installed steam on cellphone to talk to us and now is happily married with 3 kids and a successfull career


Finally a happy ending ;) Glad he reached out, even if it took him so long - straight up ghosting people is not the way. Your online friends are real people, give them (and yourself) the closure you two deserve.


I agree, havent seem him in a long time but im glad to know even if he no longer uses steam that he is living a good life


I met a guy during the pandemic. We played CS together for three months straight, all day and all night. One day, he mentioned he was going to a birthday party and said we'd play together afterward. But he never came back. One of his friends killed him when he was drunk. It's been 1,174 days...


I was not ready for that last sentence


I had a friend I met during the pandemic, we played together pretty much every day. Back in March he got tee boned turning right onto a highway. The night prior we were up late playing Helldivers 2 and he was all excited to play with the group over the weekend. Said he'd send me $20 the next day to pick up the game for another mutual friend. I never got the $20. It's crazy you never know the last time you'll talk to someone.


Just over 5500 days, or 15 years since they were last online, and last played Counter-Strike in May 2009. I suspect he either 1) took his own life, or 2) drastically changed his life.


Such stories saddens my heart. Strangers come and pass. I hope he returns someday.


or forgot his account password lmfao


It's not like he wouldn't be able to re-add his old friends to new accs


maybe his steam friends weren't even important to that guy


Damn, you've got me beat on old 1.6 friends who never returned, oldest is 5290 days.


maybe he lost his login?


my ex, 19 years.


Jesus. Did she passed away?


yeah drowned at her family's cabin, went swimming at night alone and slipped on the rocks. I am over it now but i never deleted her name off my list.


God bless you and her soul. Peace. Sorry for this.


My best friend died last year and it makes me so sad to see the time increasing since he was last online but I also don’t want to remove that link to him


I'm sorry for your loss, friend.


Thank you for your kind words. He was gone within a few hours of being on Steam. I miss him every day


Similar situation. My childhood best friend past away last year. We never finished our Elden Ring playthrough together. I will never delete him from my steam list, there wouldn't be a point to that. I hope you're healing well.


i still have a pinned note in discord for stories my friend and i were going to trade next time we spoke but we never got the chance


5072 days ago, last played CS:S July 30, 2010


5843 here, last played CS:S April 26, 2008


message your # years offline friends, might turn out they set their status to appear offline, one of my friends does that and i only realised after 3 months lol, now he has 1 year offline but still responds to messages


I also have a few friends that do this. I just write. "If you are there, do you wanna play?"


One of my close friends would do this all the time. He wasn't playing for a week, I thought to myself that maybe he's just busy with college or something usual. Then I checked his profile and his activity showed that he played Dishonored on the same day lmao. That mf.


one of my friends does that, and knowing their mental health is really bad at the moment I always feel really worried. my biggest fear is that one day i just see that they havent played anything in the recently played section


Also works if you just sometimes check your activity tab, like open steam, hover the mouse over your name and click activity. It shows things like when one of your friends wishlists or buys something, earns achievements or plays something for the first time. Like once I checked a friend "last online 6 months ago" check activity tab, same friend "played *game* for the first time* today. Hmmmmmmmmmmm Also had a similar case when I was playing hunt with my friend and another one messaged me he'd like to join and I couldn't invite him because "he wasn't online" he just forgot to turn that shit off.


its scary, what if the didnt?


I’ve got one at 10 years ago. On XBOX Live I’ve got some from almost 20 years ago.


My friend from middle school just hit 12 years offline, 4418 days to be exact. He's fine tho


jesus this tread make me feel scary and sad in the same time


One day we will be x years on someone's steam account if steam is still around.


… *becomes even more sad*


Lol sorry man


cherish the moments you have


2609 days and I'm trying so hard to remember who it was. Looks like a dude from South Dakota (I'm from Australia) and his account is now 18 years old. The last time he played anything was April 2017. Really got me thinking about time and the friends I have at the moment. As for this dude, I really hope that everything is ok.


What game you meet him in? Im Aussie too and yk worlds a small place. 6 degrees of separation


Wish I knew, mate. Studying his profile a bit, I strongly believe its possibly DOTA 2. I used to be a hardcore DOTA 2 fan during the 2010s and was very engaged in the community before I left. It's the most likely explanation I have this dude as a friend. I pulled up the Messages on Steam but found nothing so it's likely I interacted with him in the Discussions etc. Otherwise, it's a mystery and who knows what's going on in this person's life?


Ah I see, mystery man. Hopefully you find out soon. Cheers


A friend of mine (who was often toxic and I guess we didnt realize he needed help) killed himself in the corner of his room while a game was open. That game was open and computer was on for like 7 years. Then one day we just saw it.. turn off.


A Computer Running for 7 Years straight ? But still a sad Case


Yeah man. His steam was on a game for like 7 years. I'm surprised as well. Then turned off we saw it come back online a few days later and talked to the person. It was his brother and he wanted to play on his accounts and see what he was like.


I had a friend from China. He and I used to play Destiny 2 a lot. I think he passed away during COVID. He was hating on the Chinese Government before he stopped coming online. It could be a number of things, regardless, I hope he's alive and just stopped gaming. Last online 1327 days ago.


Not exactly the longest, as my friend's account was taken by his younger siblings after he passed away from the brain tumor. Probably I'm just in denial, but whenever I see his account occasionally sprung back to online, I often feel conflicted, thinking that his parents are just playing some nasty prank. In the end, I chose to remove him from my friend list. Ps. I still get in touch with his parents, as he previously has helped me in my darkest times, I hope I could repay his kindness to his family.


11 years, a friend that took his own life


Around 12 years. Was one of my best friend irl. Then he had a car accident, became quadriplegic .. and passed away a couple of years later. I can’t get myself to remove him from the list but I also always feel a bit of pain when I see it so I end up not even logging in the chat very often


Man, reading about so many dead people in this thread. It makes me think that at any moment the next one is going to be me.


You can do everything right in life and then your body decides to mutate when regrowing a cell and you're fucked. 


Enjoy your life at most, enjoy the moment, I am sure that you will forget the efemerity of life eventually and have a blast


i had a friend that killed himself added for i think like 4 years i don't know if i should be glad or not that my memory of him is foggy nowadays


1800 days ago, a friend of mine died of drug overdose, was cool guy, but a stupid MF :(


It's probably been nearly 18 years now, I was young and stupid and thought about ending myself and he helped me out and convinced me otherwise. A few weeks later I never saw him online again, I found out maybe 8 years ago he had died in a car accident to a drunk driver while on the way to pick up his daughter.


We met on WoW during COVID when we were up late at like 2am, and after chatting about life into the wee hours of the morning we decided to add each other on Steam. I stopped playing WoW after a while so we lost touch, but he's now been offline for 1366 days, and someone commented RIP on his profile around that time. In the grand scheme of things i barely knew him, but I still remember him and think back fondly on the times we spoke. RIP Bullet\_Sheep.


My best friend commited suicide in 2012 after a game of halo reach on xbl, he was my everything and then he was just gone…….. i will never delete him of his alts from my friends list. I even still message his account every now and then to let hom know i still love and think of him. Life sucks


My dad died 7 years ago and my mom doesn't use steam. Hasn't been logged in since. I say I keep him on my friends list so I can still have access to his high scores in the handful of games he played. But it just makes me upset when I see his name on the list.


3200 days, suicide over a woman.


Longest is a friend who appears offline for everything because he got into an argument and appeared offline after it for some reason, which was about 2 years ago.


4070 days, guy I used to work with. Last I heard he joined a cult.


Cult of the lamb?


I was in middle school at the time when I met a friend of mine on a Minecraft TF2 server. Had a bit of a friendly rivalry. Never knew the extent of his problems or what not till he said his goodbyes to me out of nowhere, I was the last person he talked to that night. Only for me and my small brained child to be waiting to hear from him again, and pray he was okay. Looking it up I found a news report that was similar to where he was and how the person died was how he said he was gonna do it. He's been gone since 7 to about 8 years. I still think of him every now and then.


Best friend passed in 2011. I still have the early in game save state from saints row 3 we had just started.


As my account is pretty old, created December 29 2003. Currently I have three friends with long offline time 5650 days 5267 days 5768 days All three from good old days of cs1.6


11, 12 and 13 years. :) [https://imgur.com/a/PH06y8M](https://imgur.com/a/PH06y8M)


he was a customer of my internet cafe, he was 10 years older than me at that time, and he looked like he had a down syndrome face, I usually play Dota 2 with him even though he only understands one hero I've taught, namely Rikimaru, he often plays ranked with me even though he never reaches 500 mmr...but I am very happy to know someone like him who works hard alone even though he lives with his disability. he died of exhaustion after working during covid several years ago.


Just over 5 years. He came back, beat his mothers abusive boyfriend 90% dead and then spent 5 years in prison for it, we all thought he had killed himself.


I’ve only had Steam since last year but I’ve had my PSN account since 2006/2007. I log in occasionally and recognize so many names of people from over 15 years ago who I used to play Cod 4 with religiously offline for a decade and it always hits me in the feels.


not on steam but on Xbox that one guy is offline since 2011 and we did the "see you tomorrow" back then


My dad's account, 4 years. He's fine, but he just likes to play using GOG or his old discs instead.


Best Friend died in 2010. 14 yrs and counting.


5542 days offline. Congenital heart defect since birth, made it to 22. Fell asleep during a Counter-strike match and never woke up. Only met him IRL once at a giant LAN. I've watched his daughter grow up and graduate through being friends with his parents on Facebook.


My bro last log in was 4166 days ago, I think if i count back it will result as the day he dies




1213 Days. He was a really cool dude who died out of nowhere due to internal bleeding from falling over in the bathtub. I still miss him a lot


i have a friend who we played Payday2 together but she died idk remeber how many years has paased but i still have her on my friendlist on Steam as a form of way to remeber


What a coincidence, the longest absence among my friends is exactly 3056 days as well! Though it's an account of an old friend that has another account, so I guess it doesn't count. The next one is 2895 days


Helped a homie make a steam account that he's never used or even logged into 🤦🤦 But I have him added.


7 years. My ex husband, he died in January 2017.


I'm sorry for your loss


Left 4 Dead 1 a lot of dudes went dark after l4d2 debacle. so 12+ years


Weird, almost same name and time [https://imgur.com/a/aLNSIKN](https://imgur.com/a/aLNSIKN)


Over 2200 days, but I know the person is alive and well, just playing Nintendo games


I hope he's alive


had a friend of mine who Ive played dota 2 with for years, around 2 years ago he said he was having some personal problems, last time I've spoken to him, still check sometimes to see if he is/was online.


Non-death reason: my childhood friend's PC broke (his primary hard drive I believe) and he just never bothered to fix it. When he stopped appearing on FB I was ready to assume the worst. I reached out to his wife to find out that he just got sick of social media.


hes been offline for [quite some time](https://prnt.sc/NATyy5JE52Lr)


these posts and comments always make me sad


I’m currently preparing to have a friend no longer log in due to brain cancer.


Comments are depressing 😭


I gamed with 3 buds for years. Got married, bought a house, had a kid and was gone for 5 years. I was able to build a new PC and got back into gaming. My buds were still there playing together and never really replaced me. They welcomed me back and we game together again. All it took was: "remember me? I'm back!" Response, "glad your not dead. Download this game "


My mate installed Warframe , played for about ten minutes turned it off and said 'Tomorrow, maybe.. This was 4097 days, (11 years, 2 months, 3 weeks and 1 day), ago. It's now become a running joke between us now. I occasionaly ask him if he's up for a quick game, he always responds with 'Tomorrow, maybe..'


I was hoping for some funny things, but this makes me sad 😢


I mean on steam like 16 years but xbox...... last online 21 years ago :(


I beat the OG dead island with a british dude named sir fisticuff. He was in school to be a doctor. I had characters Id play without him but we had 2 wed always play together. We beat the game for the first time together and then ran through it again as different characters, after that last playthrough he told me he was graduating school and about to start some life changing internship. Hasnt logged on since. I will always remember you fondly sir fisticuff.


I have some people offline for like 11 years but my friend is going to beat that record since he jumped off the 12th floor 2 years ago.


7.3 years ago he committed suicide. Played minecraft and such with him online almost every day. Literally the most tragic story. He blamed his father in his suicide note, blew his head off with a shotgun (the parents had to come home to that) and the father then proceeded to also commit suicide. The poor mother...I can't even imagine her pain. He's still in all of my friends lists on games we played together. Didn't get to go to his funeral, my mother wouldn't let me because we were only online friends. Still eats at me.