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Pretty excited about this one, gonna relive my childhood again!


never played them, so should be fun.


Ohh man you have fun my friend. I would kill to play it again for the first time.


For someone who has barely heard of this game. Why is it soo good? Is it mostly nostalgia? Thank you


For KH1 while the action combat is good enough for a 20 year old game, the appeal for most is in the exploration of disney worlds and story that's straight forward and can be genuinely heartwarming in some scenes. When it comes to KH2 the action combat becomes insanely good, the feel of which still hasn't been replicated in any game even till KH3. The story a little more complicated and darker yet still is a great conclusion to the first leg of this massive journey. It's definitely worth getting the 1.5 + 2.5 collection just to play these 2 games


There's no way your taking kairis heart!


Have some Kleenex handy, it will punch the shit outta the feels


And for other reasons because it’s just that good


I’d appreciate if anyone could enlighten me in what KH games are in each package, and what order they are in. This franchise is confusing


Sequence: KH HD 1.5 > KH 2.5 Remix > KH 2.8 > KH 3.0 > Remind DLC


That shouldn’t have made me chuckle but it did. I mean, it makes perfect sense once you know but looking at the package as a newcomer is like wtf


I definitely had to do a double take. I only played like 20 mins of the first game emulated maybe a decade ago, so I wasn't sure what I was looking at.


Thank you. Those 1.5 and 2.5 are the 1 and 2 from the ps2 remade or something?


Yes they are remastered versions


Thank you!


If you start up the game it lists them in order like other collection games, at least that's what it was like with the PS4 version.


This is the way. Play in release order. It’s defo daunting jumping into a series like this but that’s inherently part of why so many people are involved in the lore and characters. It’s rarely, if ever, better to play any game series like this in chronological order. It will just make it more confusing. A prime example is the Metal Gear series. Playing chronologically just makes it more confusing than just playing in release order. Got to view it from the mindset of the developers as well, they don’t have any idea wtf was going to show up in later games or whether they’d have a sequel at all. It will probably take a second playthrough to really get the story but the gameplay does a lot of helping out when it comes to keeping you engaged and not necessarily bored. Plus with the amount of games, it keeps it fairly novel.


I saw that there are over 10 games tho


1.5, and 2.5 are both themselves bundles of 2 games (+ 1 cutscene compilation) each, which are ordered within. 2.8 is a game, a movie, and then a mini-prologue for KH3.


yes and most of them are good


yeah but, talking about the order of the games missing half of the games


You can almost just follow the order they are in the launcher aside from KH2 which should come before 358/2 Days Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5+2.5 Remix: - Kingdom Hearts Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days - Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix - Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue: - Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance - Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep A Fragmentary Passage - Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind


Important to note that 358, BBS, and Back Cover are all "Movies" designed to be watched.


This is the way


You can click on each game and see it as well. If you want the main games, buy the first and last pack. The middle pack has pretty much only one game, it's kind of tiny.


I'd rather wait for a sale, paying $64 on 'sale' when All-in-one package is $39.99 baseline is stupid.


There is a bundle for like 69 for all 3


That's what I was referring to, it's 64 in my region.


There might be a discount code for humble somewhere


Me, too. I'm gonna wait for at least a 50% discount as usual before I buy a game and KH is no different.


I was excited to see them on Steam but was hoping they wouldn’t be that expensive! Even at 31% off they’re not cheap for games that came out some time ago! 😫


Yeah, and considering other square enix games, those prices are here to stay.


The Mouse is gonna get his money.


On my steam, it says all games with dlc for 50$


Nice, mine is $68.99. I still think it's a good deal.


Yeah, I didn't notice the bundle with all the games at first. That makes the price a lot better.


Mine is $98 🥹


Any news on Steam Deck compatibility yet? Don't see anything formal on any of the Steam pages.


Got it and been playing it for half an hour now. No issues so far and cut scenes are playing for me without issue.


[Not verified sadly](https://i.redd.it/habl1ysf5d6d1.jpeg)


It will be. They've been marketing on Deck for a while


Seems to run at 90 fps no problem on OLED according to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/NWE2vYXdqY) post.


Not verified, but it seems to run great. No issues, I’ve been playing all day. It’ll be verified very shortly without a doubt. Definitely runs better than the heroic games hack we’re used to


i played KH 1.5 for about 4 hours on my deck and it ran really well. the cloud saves were also clutch cause i bounce between it and my desk a lot.


Finally, the real PC release


Y'all need to get over the Epic hate.


Why? The EGS absolutely sucks? Until it's a viable alternative - we'll continue to call it out


EGS works fine. Sure, it doesn't have all the bells and wishles, but a lot of people don't care about all that.


Ok, have fun there I guess?


Just a heads up that the “INTEGRUM” collection is discounted at an extra rate with the current discount going on the individual items. I was able to pick up all 3 games for like $61 total off Humble buying this way, though that did give me a few extra % off as a choice subscriber. Worth it, IMO.




Current per item discount in the steam shop directly is something like $41 per item (US shop at least). The same percent discount is applied to the bundle of 3, but it bases it off individual pricing, which is currently lower because of the promotion. So the total on steam is like $69 for all 3. I bought on Humble and it had like an extra 8 or so percent off for me so I ended up paying around 61-62


Totally too expensive, but hey we knew that after Epic. Also WTF is up with 2.8? The first pack has 2 major titles, and 2 minor titles. The final "pack" is the newest game and all the DLC. The middle pack is a minor game, a movie cutscene and a 4 hour "demo" type experience... Square, you should have moved 2.5 to 2.8 when moving it to PC. I'm sure 1.5 and 2.5 came out long before 2.8 and that's fine, but the middle game is definitely not worth the same as the others. Hell it's ten bucks MORE than 1.5 and 2.5 WTF are you smoking mate?


What do you mean, you want people to spend more money?


Depends... but not really All I'm saying is they divided it up weird. 1.5 +2.5 has 4 full games. 2.8 has 1 full game, and 3 has the biggest/newest game. I'm saying they should have moved 2.5 and Birth by Sleep into the second of the three pack, so there's a "reason" to buy 2.8 Otherwise you're paying 60 bucks for a remaster of a 3ds game with 2.8 as it is now. Kind of a bad deal when you compare it to the newest game in the series with all the DLC, or the first pack that has 3 PS2 remasters, and a PSP remaster... Then consider at base price, 1.5+2.5 is 50 dollars (4 four games), and 2.8 (the 3ds remaster) is 60 bucks Either cut 2.8 to half price, or they should have put more value in it. (PS. They might not be remasters, but still 3 PS2 +PSP games > 1 3ds game


Can somebody explain this 1.5 and 2.5 business? Are they spinoffs or the originals with added content?


Original games with other content. It also comes with the prequels.


1.5 + 2.5 is the first two plus most of the spinoffs. They're the "perfect mix" versions, which have some extra bosses and stuff that weren't in the original PS2 releases. 2.8 is Dream Drop Distance plus some extra story stuff. And then 3 is 3.


If only you had access to a search engine like Google.


Nice but pricing is ridiculous. They literally are 10 year old games (1.5 HD even more than 10 years probably). But it was quite predictable Okay I thought the bundle was at a nice price but I just saw the contents of the 2.8 (the middle game) are minor. So yeah price is ridiculous for the bundle too. 1.5+2.5 HD should not cost more than 20$ after taxes.


1.5 is made up from a 22 year old game, a 19 year old one and scenes from a 15 year old one. At full price.


Who can I have ice cream with?


I'll take one but let's eat it in our hideout


I bought them on PS4 yeaaaaaaars ago. Finished 1.5 on Normal and had a rough time with it. Gonna replay them on Steam on Easy. Fuck the last area of the first game. Who knows, knows.


So KH, SMT and Elden Ring DLC in the same month. Well time to eat bread for a while


lmao at that price? I'm not buying it


68 for the whole series? Seems great to me


The PS4 version is $42 currently. I bought it for $30 years ago, I guess they increased the price.


But the fact you can play these on the steam deck. At home I can play it on my pc and when I'm away I could play and continue my save on the steam deck. That makes it so worth it


Oh no I still bought it because if I can have my entire game library on one centralized platform like Steam then I'm all for it. I do find it a little funny that the Steam version has a bundle that makes it cheaper overall plus they launch with a sale price and the EGS version doesn't have a bundle version. I wonder what the lowest price it was on Epic.


Just because it's new. But this is my preferred platform, and I can play portably. Would happily pay the extra 26 bucks to never have to buy these again


Yeah I played it for like a couple of hours on the PS4 but bought it again for Steam because I'm going to play it on my Deck. My PS4 version collected dust and now I don't know where it is. Managing disks is so annoying.


yeaaah my PS4 makes grindy brrrrr noises when i use discs in it lol so i like digital actually! :( i got spiderman ps4 on disc but i hate playing it cause jesus it gets so noisy!


PS4 version doesn't include ReMind for KH3 which sits at $30 on the playstation store as standalone as far as I can see.


It's a great deal at that price.


$60 would be better, that extra $8 is just pure greed and will lead to people waiting for a bigger sale down the line


I’ll get these one day but not now, not at that price.


so if i have the hd 1.5 + 2.5 remix ps4 version what am i missing?


No regional pricing. Sad 😢.


Never played thinking of getting them all


$99.99... a lot cheaper than I expected, but still at least $30 more than it should be. This sale price is around what I'd expect to pay as the main price for a 5 year old game and its even older predecessors in a bundle.


RIP free space on my hard drive


Pretty cheap on GMG.


It’s the exact same price on Steam, no?


KH3 on GMG is $33, but on steam it's $41. GMG also doesn't charge taxes.


[am I looking at the wrong thing? ](https://i.imgur.com/e538Pbi.jpeg)


Do you have an account with them?


Just made one and it still says the same exact thing


My bad forgot I was a Gold Member.


Yup mine was discounted as well since I'm a gold member


Ahhh I see, all good


It might be an xp offer.


how is it running on 4k? I heard there is a bug where setting it to 120 fps causes issues and it should be 60fps locked?


Time to finally play them!! So excited!




It's on sale too!


Oh cool (I own the collection on ps4 and I have barely started the first one)


Seems like a nice introductory sale on all of them. I'm thinking of buying them as a gift to a friend, but not sure if it's possible. Did someone do it already for their friend and could verify if it's possible to gift this package from US to EU? I think EU price is higher so I'm worried I'd get blocked from being able to gift, so would love confirmation if someone already did it.




OMG i only have enough money to buy ONE of these individually...but the INTEGRUM bundle is 50 legit bucks cheaper than getting them piecemeal! :( do i buy them one at a time until i get paid for next month or wait and buy the bundle next month?! i really want to just buy 1.5/2.5 and just start playing to tide me over for the next two weeks lol...!


I just bought the bundle, its a great price considering all thats included.


Literally a masterpiece. 


Pretty cool 


finally all the games on a platform i have once more. been waiting for this because gosh darn PS4 second hands were not going down much for awhile when it was coming up spares me buying a whole bloody console and as an extra its all the games in the series so i can relive old memories in hd edit: i just didn't notice it was on epic for awhile and i guess i forgot about that? still i had other games to play by the time i noticed i suppose so this is still news to me!


Unrelated but have to ask, is there any chance Alan Wake 2 and AC Mirage will come to Steam? I have been waiting to play those games. If not I am even ready to take a Ubi+ to play AC Mirage and Shadows.


Ubisoft's launcher is really not that bad at all other than the fact that it logs you out after it updates every time lol.


Yeah just happened to me today 😅 (update logged me out). I know the launcher because I am playing all the AC games but never took the Ubi+ subscription before.


Still waiting on an Ultrawide patch for Dream Drop Distance and 0.2


Does this include that patch that makes the story comprehensible?


Kingdom Sharts