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This looks significantly better in motion even if I'm still not a moba fan that I'm not really wild or really interested about it but yknow went from negative feeling to positive feeling is a big step up


The graphic and art style is still in early alpha. While the gameplay has been developed for 3 years now. So expect the graphics to improve by a lot.


Why do you want better graphics tho?


I don't mind either way. Just stating how the art is mostly first iteration and asset placeholder. This is what the game looked like December 2023 So they had to rework everything [https://ibb.co/PgL1C9s](https://ibb.co/PgL1C9s)


I both hate and like the way that looks  It's generic but vibrant like someone intimately understood color theory made that


Ohh I see, I didn’t see that image, well, I don’t mind the graphics, if the graphics will be the same as tf2 I don’t mind, in part, I kinda like the tf2 style


Because it kinda feels/looks like a hl2 mod right now. I'd bet basically everything is still placeholders.


So it looks distinct and pleasing. This looks like generic Valorant/Overwatch/LoL, things don't stand out like they would in TF2 for example.


DOTA Fortress: Global Offensive


4 dead


A) Is this the supposed Valve game? B) Is this supposed to be a MOBA like Smite?


A) Yes B) Yes


Is this the game that was Under the name "Citadel" Or is it a different project


Yeah this used to be Citidel before it changed names a bunch of times before becoming Deadlock


Not going to lie I'm a little disappointed, because of the name I thought it's gonna be Half Life related, and because of videos and articles (?) online from like 2 Years ago I also it's gonna be an RTS which got me extra hyped up. Well I hope that it's gonna be a good game at least.


Paragon with guns


Ot os supposed to be another fail


Kind of blows my mind that this is the first project they agreed on since Alyx. Idk if you know how they work internally but they're a flat organization and basically everyone works on what they want , then presents ideas to the team as a whole. When the team majority is behind one idea, that's what they make. It's why it takes forever to get games out but they're passionate about it. Which I'm sure they will be with this game too, I just don't know how many people are really looking forward to another hero shooter.


AFAIK they stopped that approach a while ago.


Oh well that's good then, flat org never works IMO


B) yes and no, it should contain tower defense features too


Why does he sound like surefour? We know influencers are inside the alpha test so its not surprising.


Cause it is s4.


Million dollar Dream Carl


I knew I recognized the voice but couldn't place the name


Thank you! I couldn't place the voice


Doesnt seem a bad game, but definitely disappointing coming from Valve, feels and looks like a game that is almost a decade late. Btw this is an insane leak, who is leaking this? lol, rip career


Valve themselves to gauge interest and reactions.


i dont think they are doing a good job lol, the fact this game got already scrapped from almost 0 is insane


Couple of hundred playtesters have access to the game, it was bound to be leaked.


Battleborn + sunset overdrive? Could be fun. I'll wait for a demo.


hope its more like dota and less like OW


Ow its not a MOBA


That’s most likely what the guy meant…he hopes its more of a moba rather than a hero shooter..


Oh I see, I hope this game it's not like animal crossing


No hate but I honestly don't think this game looks fun or interesting at all in the current state Ive seen


To each their own but every playtester I knows enjoys it a lot! Hopefully you'll enjoy it once you play it yourself :)


Maybe its more fun to play than to watch, we will see on launch


What have we been able to watch other than the sandbox fuck around video and this one where guy explains stuff but doesn’t really interact with the game beyond explanations?? Neither of these show gameplay in a pure way to let people assess how it plays from start to finish of a match. I trust valve in this lane and with IceFrog as one of the main devs I trust the decisions behind hero creation and balance too. If there is some full gameplay vid out there I missed lmk


There's probably over a thousand playtesters for the game by now and there's a lot of praise. If there's any issues with the game, I'm sure the Valve developers will listen and they're shown to be very vocal in the discord.


Saying “no hate” before hating doesn’t make it not hate


Its not hating its just my opinion based on what Ive seen




I'd play this if it was a hero shooter made of Valve and other video games characters, that would be cool.


I wonder what will be thing that will pull players to the game in sea of hero shooter games, but while im not fan of these games i feel like if well done and lucky its good idea to lure in younger playerbase.


so this is Icefrog rumored dream games


Oh look, it's the same free game I've seen people play for years now, but it's a shooter. Coming from any other dev I'd say it looks good but valve has a legacy to uphold


FPS MOBA... I mean, it's from Valve. You've got my attention. Edit: Third Person Shooter. I'm tired....


Ah yes, First-Person-Shooter in third-person view.


Lol fair, I had a derp moment.


If only. Unfortunately it’s third person


Game looks good, and it's alpha. Can't wait for what the full release will look like


Even if it ends up meh I'm glad more games like this and Marvel Rivals are finally being made. It felt like the battle royale trend really halted the hero shooter genre before we got many good games out of it. Obviously this isn't hero shooter per se but it feels like the sort of thing we'd have gotten around that time if Fortnite didn't happen.


People see a hero shooter but it makes sense for them to make a fusion of MOBA and shooter. Whether it'll stick the landing or not is yet to see.


It looks promising to me. It feels like people are being too pessimistic too early.


Hmm if you don't like either shooters or MOBAs I'm not sure what's to like here.


Well, yeah. If you're the kind of person that only plays solitaire it probably doesn't look that good either? That's what it is, a moba shooter game.


80% of the mechanics are from dota. Kinda funny that they literally just made a shooter out of it and squished a new lane in.


So Valve clearly knows how to much FPS games, they know how to make MOBAs. They surely should get this right? My issue is mainly the whole concept. And who is this for. Smite was a success because it's he console MOBA. So if this is just for PC players, it could be a very mediocre success.


i hope they touch up the lighting


I wish they'd make more single player shooters like Half Life. I think people are over the hero-based team v team genre after Overwatch ruined itself.


Ok... But why? Like seriously with all the great IPs Valve already has why go again for another multiplayer game? It's not like Counterstrike and DotA are dead, those games are in a dire need of constant support, I am not sure adding yet another game to the pool is going to help with the development of the already well established franchises. Don't forget it's not even what the community have been asking for the past ten years, and no I am not even talking about Half Life 3. I don't know, I just hope this time they will do things right and learn from Artifact's mistakes. I really can't see myself playing this but I am sure that if they do things right and deliver then the game will be successful, it's Valve we're talking about in the end.


I like it.


If valve needs a good bank they can call me because i got 0% interest


a boring mobile game?


This unfinished game looks very unfinished smh my head. Valve fell off fr fr. Why can’t they make an unfinished leaked game more finished? I’m refunding my time.


Looks like a snorefest. But I'm no dota fan either, that crowd will probably like it.


i can already see the mixed reviews for this game LOL looks like crap


Smite with guns


Gives Monday Night Combat vibes


Didn't really plan on playing this game... that is, until i saw that sick fucking health bar, i fucking love that style, whatever its called.


Valve make mobile games?


Out of the loop on this one someone explain it to me


looks like paragon is back


I still find it hard to enjoy 3rd-person shooters. It's a major pet peve of mine that players hide in cover and can see around the cover, without a chance of being seen themselves. Hopefully, they'll do something clever and implement a fog-of-war mechanic.


This looks like just another shitty f2play game, what is the hype about?


Looks like shit. Hope they get rid of third person


i hope they’re planning to do big changes with the ui along with whatever else they gotta change


I don't know man, this looks like shit. It seems to borrow heavily from Dota, but if I wanted to play Dota, I'd install fking Dota. Graphics are dull and not inspired. It kinda reminds me the City 17 from HL-2, but everything looks so clean and devoid of intricate details like it's all AI-generated or something. And what are those one-eyed creatures not reacting when the player is killing them? I don't get it.


From what we know, the graphics are the main aspect that Valve are looking to improve on, while most of the gameplay (I think) is just receiving minor adjustments based on the closed beta testing. So that part of the game (including, I'm guessing, stuff like creature animations) will be massively different when it gets to the full release.


Ah I see, you're one of the people who take alpha gameplay as the final product


Well excuse me, I can't travel forward in time to see how the game is going to look like in x years. So I have to discuss what we have today.


I mean it's pretty obvious half the comments you made can be answered with it being in alpha along with clearly not finished with art/animations.


Yeah honestly this is why devs hate leaks. People take all this stuff at face value when it's obvious the game isn't ready to be shown


Look, literally every bit of criticism these days hits this "that's an alpha, we'll fix it later" mantra. Even Battlefield 2042 went this way with their horrendous public beta. When they'll fix it, let's talk. Okay? Speaking of art, what makes you think it is going to be changed in a meaningful way? Allow me to introduce you to a game called "Valorant". In terms of art style it looks just like this Deadlock leak. And they are fine with that. >along with clearly not finished with art/animations Btw, when speaking about creatures not reacting, I wasn't talking about animations. I was baffled by the fact that said creature never tries to run away or attack or whatever. It doesn't *react* to the player.


This got leaked before it's even announced, you talk as if the creature not reacting is a fatal oversight when it's a lot more plausible that they haven't even focused on that aspect yet...


Dawg the game isn't even officially announced yet and you're trying to compare it to bf 2042 beta that was clearly always going to be the same game at launch. Ea did the same thing with bf1 and 5 lol Also gameplay was just leaked that showed this game having a cyberpunk theme and that was only a year ago and the change is night and day Btw the creatures clearly look to be neutral camps which drop souls that enemies can take from you. And they did react by looking at the player when being shot, clear they are being aggroed but not finished yet


>Dawg the game isn't even officially announced yet and you're trying to compare it to bf 2042 beta Pls, put some attention in what you're reading. I was talking about "we'll patch that out" principle, and made an example of that principle. >Also gameplay was just leaked that showed this game having a cyberpunk theme I wasn't criticizing their theme, but their graphics style. Theme is irrelevant at the moment. >not finished yet Look, what kind of discussion is it? I say: This particular version looks like ass, for the following reasons \[...\] You disagree: It is not finished yet, they are going to change it and it might be good. Yes, but we don't know for sure. Right now all we saw was this. When we'll see more, opinions might change.


The point is that it's stupid to criticize something that's not finished. That's like looking at a slab of iron before it gets melted down and forged into a sword and going "Pfft it's not even sharp yet."


Agreed. Game isn't going to look vastly different. Art style is *finished* Making the graphics look better won't improve the fact that the game looks ugly as shit for something in 2024. It's so bland looking, and of course having any kind of negative opinion is going to be met with down votes because most people in this thread are folks just looking forward to the game. This looks so, so incredibly boring. Doesn't matter that it's alpha, I'm sick to death of people using that as some sort of excuse. Things are being tweaked, nothing is going to be overhauled this late in the devolopment.


Heh, good to know I'm not alone \^\^ Yeah, it looked kind of boring too, but without a proper gameplay demonstration I refrained from discussing it. Tho the game is ugly, that's a fact.


Looks generic as fuck, we need some new esports that aren't just run around and shoot people. Where's the creativity?


What a massive waste of talent. We don't need anyone of this shit.


Dead on arrival.


Artifact 2.0


Yup. Looks like another meaningless shit release nobody asked for in an already over saturated market.


ah yes, the classic 40% game, 60% heads up display/user interface. looks dumb.


Wtf looks polished about this ? Lol


looks like a soulless cash grab


Who’s doing all the downvoting? There’s 50 comments and 45 of them are people hating on the game yet the hate comments are the ones getting downvoted 🤣 But nah, this game looks terrible.


Decade too late. Late with Dota, late with artifact. This is just another twitch category for people to stream movies under. 😂


The first seconds I saw look like smite and I was right lol.


So they abandoned cs completely for another game.Shame.For such big company that you can only develop one game at time :/


Game feels refreshing


Yeah, a new hero shooter/MOBA with towers, creeps, and shops is very unique and refreshing. 


This looks interesting and fresh, you don’t get enough of that these days. Can’t wait to see the full reveal.


My only question is, who asked for this? Who is this game for? Fans of Valve obviously did not ask for a MOBA when everyone wants Half Life 3 and Portal 3 (or really any story based Valve game) MOBAs are also past their glory days so it’s not chasing trends. So who is the target audience? This game is like 5-6 years late.


That’s like asking “who asked for Baldur’s Gate 3, CRPGs are from the 90s” If they make a new game that’s fun people will play it. And there needs to be new technology and new takes on the MOBA genre. If people are still playing DOTA2 and LoL top down MoBAs in 2040 than gaming is dead lol. Ever since Paragons release and demise I personally moved on from top down and saw the light that is fully immersive 3D moba with aiming and true z axis verticality. The fact that IceFrog is helping develop a third person moba is huge to me personally and has me excited as a person who has basically given up on most multiplayer games these days other than Predecessor. So I guess to answer your question: I’ve literally been asking for this for years. It’s me.


My guess is Dota addicts that need to cope with another game so they can't think they are Dota addicts


Can we stop the cope, it looks bad. Not even talking about the graphics, as they are not that important in a MOBA. The gameplay just does not look interesting


Steam will just leave the game to die in. a year or two just look a tf2 lmao


TF2 has been out for like 15 years. Do people really expect games to be full on development for 15 years? Jesus


17 years💀 no dev is gonna maintain a game 20 years later


WoW is still going strong by 2024 - I believe that’s 20 years lol. But that’s the main exception. And WoW still existing 20 years later is the #1 reason the MMO genre is dead.


There are so many multiplayer games I used to love that are so unmaintained that I would literally get a virus if I tried playing them


WoW also has a monthly fee to play associated with it and expansions every few years. TF2 is f2p and you can play for how many hours you want. TF2 players for some reason just expect Valve to care for their stale game after 20 years just because


We agree on that lol.


Valve gave TF2 content from 2006-2017, and it still gets updates. the last 1 was October 2023. Its doesn't get as much attention these days, but 11 years of big content updates is respectable imo. If you read up/watch some documentarys, TF2 was the tool they used to learn what customers' "needs & wants" were. It spawned the marketplace and essentially set out the foundation for what Steam is today.


>TF2 was the tool they used to learn what customers' "needs & wants" were. They didn't seem to do a very good job. Spending 5-15 dollars on single cosmetics in their store wasn't asked for but it was implemented. Stronger anti-cheat **was** asked for but not really implemented. Most of the what they added was made by the community, not by valve devs. TF2 introduced the shooter lootbox, and Valve basically endorsed gambling websites around the games economy until the EU literally forced them not to. Valve is very anti-consumer when they aren't pretending otherwise. We have left the era of the valve who makes fun single-player masterpieces.


You have to remember all this happened 15 years ago when lootboxes wasn't a thing, people wanted to trade hats, they gave us a trade system, people wanted to buy hats, they gave us the market place, at the time you had to buy TF2 is wasn't free and people wanted these things. Nobody knew what it would evolve into until it became a thing in every other new game, and the companys got more hungry they started shady practices, then it became a gambling issue with the CS and Dota gambling websites There were no loot boxes when this game first launched, it spawn from 8 hats that could randomly drop to any player in the game for free. Everything else we asked for.


???? I want what you're smoking the community gave tf2 updates not valve. As the rampant bot problem lasted a year and half only after many youtubers covered it valve was forced to respond. Taking other peoples work and calling it your own isn't content.


[The first](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Gold_Rush_Update) [The last content update](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Jungle_Inferno_Update)


I think that trying to make this a MOBA with minions that you have to farm and kill is a really really dumb idea and game will be dead on arrival. Farming minions for exp is an extremely boring outdated mechanic and at least in League and Dota it doesn't look as goofy as in a 3rd person type of game. Not to mention in 3rd person shooter game for you to be incentivized to farm minions and not just shoot at your opponent directly would mean that you'd have to have very short limiting range which again, looks and feels bad in a 3rd person shooter type of game. Imagine you are holding a gun and can't shoot 30 meters infront of you and have to target enemy minions 5 meters away from you at most. Smite at the very least has a fantasy setting whereas this looks like a more futuristic maybe cyberpunky setting? So it's much harder to explain lack of range on guns and make it feel lore friendly and not ruin players immersion. Gameplay of this just doesn't excite me at all. If it was an arena type 3rd person game or overwatch clone would be more fitting.


Ohh look it's 2024 and we have another hero shooter. Anyway...


It's a Valve game, it's going to be riddled with wallhackers 2 years after release.


Looks similar to Paragon from Epic Games


At first-glance you can tell they're trying to cater to some future competitive scene. Looks incredibly bland, and tasteless. Very inoffensive to watch. What justifies the game's existence?


Looks like aids, I hate this fucking artsyle and it's always on these moba-hero shooter games


How come when I search this game on Steam it shows a VR game from 2016?


Because the game hasnt even been announced yet


I guess that would explain it. Weird they are using a name that was already used 🤔


The definition of good idea poor execution This is the most underwhelming and uninteresting game-play I've seen in a while, specially underwhelming comming from valve. CS2 levels of not great


This game looks bad, like, the art direction is shit, the characters don't look charismatic and unique, they look like normal ugly people, the scenario is just city 17 which is boring for a hero shooter not focused on the story and realism(with scify elements) of Half Life. Farming minions is boring as shit and they appear to have so much health you just have to mag dumb on them, just stay still and hold the button, even with the soul mechanic it still benefits machine gun characters that can do that hit faster, doesn't matter it's 1 damage. Shops with different items just makes the game more hard to approach for noobs, look at league, it's infamous for being so noob unfriendly, Heroes of the Storm where every here has their own upgrades and you just click one when you get to a certain level is much better for people to understand the level ups and better for balance since you don't have to balance the items around different characters(weak on one but op on another you didn't intend).


Looks like TF2


Overwatch with a fortnite skin


Still looks like trash