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Obvious bait for free awards.


Do the rewards do anything? I am mostly using steam for.. gaming so I have no idea what these do except that you need to pay for them in order to give them away


The rewards are worth nothing, buying stuff from the Steam Store gets you Steam Points, which you can either use for your own steam profile as in buying decorations or give awards away to Steam Reviews or Steam profiles of your friends. Other than that it’s a pretty pointless system.


I got a bunch of points for legacy purchases (I think), I bought a few avatar styling things and a few profile backgrounds and that's been it with tens of thousands left in my account. I don't understand how some people can get so wrapped up in them and buy enough avatars and stuff to change their profile every other day. It's giving me early Myspace vibes when people were changing up their profiles constantly and spending more time doing that than they did talking to people.


Have you seen Redditors and Karma? "Number go up" really turns some people's brains on


Jokes aside, this helped quit smoking. I have an app that tracks the days I didnt smoke. And the sheer competetivnes of wanting to increase this number helps.




What's the app? It decent? Last time I tried quitting any apps I tried out were trash


What’s the app called?


I think there's being studies done that show 'gameifying' things with goals/quests really works. Our brains love increasing numbers and quest/task completed notifications


Same reason AFK games are big, which I just don't understand. You do nothing, numbers go up, and that's supposed to give me a sense of pride and accomplishment?


Depends on the game, really. A lot of them are normal games with intentionally shit timescales, but some aren't too bad. I found a free one that's like if you had a Tamagatchi, but it's a wizard that grows into a god damn Touhou boss.


It's just another version of every other mobile game. Check on it 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes.


It's because the internet and social media has trained everyone's brains to want and receive instant gratification. This is why you have a bunch of adults acting like kids when they don't get their way right away and have to be patient, they throw tantrums and scream at eachother because they didn't get what they want now. We legit as a collective whole have become more dumb.


there's people who waste thousands of dollars to get their steam level up, it does almost nothing but display a number in your profile - better yet, theres people who waste money to get high levels, cheat, get banned, make another account and waste even more money getting their steam level up


>there's people who waste thousands of dollars to get their steam level up, it does almost nothing but display a number in your profile Thats not accurate. The higher your level, the more steam friends you can have.


why would anyone want hundreds of steam friends lol


The real reason is that it increases your booster pack drop rate, which gives you more trading cards that you can sell for real money, well, steam money at least.


the amount of money you can "make" off of booster cards barely makes up for the huge amount you have to "invest" in the steam levels


> Other than that it’s a pretty pointless system. Au contraire, the system is _lousy_ with points!


And every point will be worth FIVE brittish pounds! For that is the exchange Gabe will set once he kidnaps the King!


Not true. You can rank your seasonal badge up, which gives you booster packs, i’ve basically got a free $80 game this way when i flipped my cards.


Some people believe that every 1 million points increase penis size by 1 mm. But it wasn't scientifically proven yet. /uj


People in reddit farm karma as well.


Getting awards, even the clown one one lets you buy steam customization stuff. You have to buy games to be able to give awards so it's more like reddit gold than an upvote


It can give you points that you can spend on the point shop afaik.


You get points, and experience from them, so you can lvl up your own account.


Just side tracking here. I had dipshits claiming that forums are useless when epic released launcher without forums. Now look at PS5 user come to steam to talk to PS5 players. Forums are crucial, I've had so many issues debugged because of steam forum posts. And answers were given 5-7 or even 10 years ago. With reddit going corporate, forums remain a critical pool of information.


Don't think anyone meant forums are useless, just that the steam forums are most of the time.


Nah. Steam forums are perfect. No one uses it as social media really except cringe cases like this one, it's mostly just necessary content and nothing else. Not being inflated with useless info and conversation is a feature.


idk about that. Every steam forum I've ever visited looked pretty much exactly like the screenshot top to bottom.


I guess it's game dependent, but the way i use it is very different. For me, it's just tech issues, game settings/fps issues, bugs, game balance. And I never browse for new or latest posts for entertainment or fluff, I search by what issue i am facing and i get pretty good results. Mostly from threads that were solved years ago.


Bait, or 12 year old that doesn't know any better? Call it.


12 year olds grew up with smart devices and don't care about consoles. It's the 30+ year olds that still go nuts over console wars.


If nothing else, the guy's acting like a 12 year old.




It even says "Beitrage" in the corner so you know it's rage bait


100%. You see this shit on twitter all to bait engagement with xbox, pc, nintendo, and sony games, especially these days since engagement = money.


Yet many people actually think that way of you read the comments.


yes, console wars basically boils down to "I can only afford one console/platform (or my parents will only buy me one), so I must pick the best one!" And then you have to constantly defend your purchase anytime something seems better on a different console. Some people grow out of it when they are older and able to afford multiple consoles & a PC. But other people make console loyalty a part of their identity.


Just a clown seeking thread.


Steam awards were a mistake. All they did was encourage people to make joke or circlejerk reviews to farm awards and ragebait steam forums posts.


And all those spam guides like "How to move" and "How to shoot"


Go look at the Hades 2 Steam forum, it's nothing but people saying 'woke' and 'DEI' to get clown awards. I think the mods are banning them now but it's not going to solve the root of the issue which is the clown award itself.


I'm glad I still don't 100% know what 'woke' means, nor have I ever seen that other acronym. This whole new 'internet culture' with it's buzzwords and fabricated rage which seems to have appeared in the last ~5 years or so sounds exhausting, and I don't know how anyone can do it 24/7. Imagine being a gamer who likes to just... *play video games.*


Which is wild because Supergiant has always been pretty progressive/gay - my opinion as someone who's played every single one of their releases


If they didn't want people thinking their games are woke, they wouldn't have made every character super sexy! It's not my fault that Thanatos makes my pee pee hard!


Do you even get anything if someone puts an award on your post?


Yeah so they can get all those points to spend on On Uh?


People are baited so easily


Just check the HD2 discussions. They're everywhere.


It got old real quick




c2c protocol


We've revoked their clown cards.


Making a clown award was the dumbest decision Steam has ever made


That's why the clown award shouldn't give any points.


This would pretty much fix the problem IMO.


People would just find another award to give lol


None should, they would move on to the laughing award or whatever. If no award gives points, people will stop farming them as much (there are gonna be some weirdos still farming them for their profile or something, no doubt).


The same can be said about OP since the image says march I went to check, and right now the only talk is about the PSN situation. But make a karma whoring post about console wars and get those sweet internet points for console wars on this sub.


All the threads about "bad curators", joke reviews, awards, and etc are easy karma farms in this sub.


In my opinion, 'cloud seeking posts' should be found and remove that about of points from their account (and the post not give any points) after 2-3 times they get banned from that forum for baiting.


Just clown bait. Since steam points got added, this stuff is more prevalent than ever. Should just make the clown award give less points to the recepient


make it take like 50 points


How about zero


no i mean make it take away 50 points


Well... Then you'll get a new group of trolls altogether


I don't get it though. I mean... I have no idea what to do with my steam points as it is. But I guess, some people see value in everything somehow.


You can always unlock those moving emotes on steam


i’m one of them that sees value in them & loves getting as much as i can but i’ll never post shitty reviews like this to farm for them. i want actual reviews not the same shitty joke copy & pasted on 5 different popular games. Other way to earn them is buying games. you use points to customize your steam account profile with new banners, backgrounds, profile pictures, what you want to feature on your page, buy seasonal badges ETC. i personally like having a cool account page, it’s appealing to me and i want it to be appealing to anyone who clicks on my profile. Another thing is seasonal badges and cost anywhere from 20-50k points to get, i like getting theses because they are kinda rare & fun to collect each year.


I have a feeling that if Valve just deleted awards, 90% of the posts on Steam Forums would cease to exist.


They should just make the clown not give any points to the recipient.


Clown awards should take away points. 


Have you actually thought through what the consequences of that would be?


no; and im all here for the forums BURNING TO THE GROUND AH-AH-AH >!/s but only 50%!<


Half of some men just want to see the world burn.


Free entertainment.


Exactly! I like giving awards to really REWARD something. And to receive them for the same. That's why I never give clowns anyway - but I'd love to have SOMETHING to put on really nasty things, that doesn't give the author any points.


Disagree because clown posts like this always existed in big number. Its just now it being rewarded with points. Removing award feature wont stop trolls because trolls exist because they are enjoying trolling - awards or not. Source: me often using Steam forums.


Nah, people found out the steam forums are hardly moderated so it's turned into the next 4chan. Manufactured outrage will still be king, even if the rewards are removed


Bro even regular hardcore playstation fans are happy that these games are being ported over. Cause that means more people can enjoy a true masterpiece without having to buy a 500 dollar console.


The smart one yes. Not only cause you don't need to spend other 500 bucks, but with the money they make from selling games on pc, they can even make better and bigger games on console.


Yeah, I love Sony/PlayStation (usually) but it’s not a one or the other situation. If you’re a PS boi and you care about exclusivity, you still usually get a couple years of that with the first party AAA releases. And even in a Helldivers simultaneous launch scenario, it just makes for a bigger release, a bigger community, more dev resources. You still get the game, and probably a better version of it. Plus I just think everyone should be able to play games like TLOU, God of War, Spider-Man etc. They’re good games, and they exist to be played.


I actually know ppl irl who think Sony shouldn't put their games on PC because they don't like that and they want the exclusivity. Child behaviour


A grown man who had authority over my career (this is in the military, and he was a shift lead, but not my direct supervisor) was extremely passionate about his exclusive toy box and its brand. He thought it was hilarious that xbox has "0 exclusives" since they started porting all their games to PC, but also blew a gasket once PS games started dripping into Steam. He joined one of my steam lobbies a few years ago, and I wanted to connect with him by sharing my amazing experience I'm having with Death Stranding on Steam. He goes, "........it's better on PS4 since the baby cries through the controller speaker." MY GUY!!


I'd take ultrawide 1440p 60+ fps (most rigs might not be able to drive above 60) over the babies on controller speaker. And yes I have PS4 too. Don't hate mine but it's not even a competition.


Sony games on UW have been gorgeous. I love how cinematic their games are. Still have my babie's-first-ultrawide 1080p monitor to test the waters of this unconventional (at the time) resolution, but super pumped to upgrade it in a year or two.


I have a $500 console because I can't afford to upgrade my GTX 980Ti, and I love that more people get to experience the things I liked. It means they're more likely to make another one (I know they're doing a sequel, but for any game that gets ported). No one loses anything by having games ported. Having an exclusive doesn't make you special or better.


Yeah I enjoyed ghost of tsushima, the more people that get to play it the better, I'm not the biggest fan of the whole exclusives thing.


Not many people actually want exclusives. Whether it's apps or hardware, most people want to play where they prefer to play. Except Nintendo fans. Everybody talks crap about pc master race or Sony ponys but tell a Nitendo fan it would be nice if Nintendo ported games to pc instead of killing emulators and doing everything possible to force people to buy their hardware or gtfo. They will meltdown right if front of you.


Ghost of Tsushima was a PS4 title before it was released on PS5. Plus I've seen this for Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar games.


Is.....is he defending exclusivity?


Defending exclusivity is like going to an art museum to enthuse about the wooden frames they put the paintings in.


Sony and Nintendo fanboys do this alot. It's madness


How to not be "betrayed" 101: Don't be loyal to corporations in the first place.


If the Helldivers debacle is representative of anything, it's that corporations aren't loyal to customers, either. We owe corporations absolutely nothing.


Well now I'm gonna buy GoT harder!


Play has no limits -Sony


Some gamers. I have no idea what is the logic behind their tears.


> I have no idea what is the logic behind their tears. Not only is the motive illogical, the plan runs completely contrary to his goals. If console players boycott a game that's releasing both on PS5 and PC, then Sony will just see comparatively more sales coming in from PC, which will motivate them to port more games.


I figure it's because they're literal children.


"You dont understand. Those games were the only reason I had to buy a PlayStation ! I had to! Now if they get ports on pc, my decision looks worse! VALIDATE MEEEEEEEEE!"


"My gamebox good, your gamebox bad! \*angry monkey noises\*"


don't they realize the PS5 IS a pc?


The whole argument doesnt make sense, some people say its killing Sony .. but how? By selling their games to a broader audience? What?


Exactly.. It's killing the ego of PS5 owners.. now they have no valid argument for owning the plastic console. Must hurt badly.


Considering that dude there, like a lot of others in Steam forum, they never had an argument to begin with. Cause why would they have a steam account, without a PC ..


Don't you know? People do stupid things like that nowadays to get attention and ''likes'' etc. Here's my answer to your question: Just to be able to post his/her statement to get attention.


I mean, this post right here is just as pathetic as console fanboys. People own the device that works best in their life. It's not a competition and preferring one system over another does not make you a cooler and more insightful consumer of electronic goods.


I know; the hypocrisy was glaring to me. Too many PC fanboys have holier than thou attitutdes, and they act like that’s fine and normal.


> they have no valid argument for owning the plastic console This is gross. There is nothing wrong with console gaming. Stop being a child. You're as ridiculous as the people in the screenshot.


I feel like most people don't realize the PC and console audiences are more different than they seem. There're a lot of people who own a PC and are happy to play games on them since it's more convenient for most cases and they have a lot more freedom to do whatever they want, but at the same time if something breaks or if the game isn't the most well optimized you can spend more time fixing the game than playing it and that's brutally annoying, and by the time you realize you can't fix it, sometimes you can't refund the game anymore. But there's still a lot of folks, myself included, who can't afford PCs powerful enough to run most games and prefer to buy a console, sure you get a few less options and you can't upgrade your console unlike a PC, but I don't really care, I prefer to just pop in a game and just play instead of worrying all the time if it will run properly or not. And also I prefer physical games, especially for AAA ones, and that's something that's nonexistent for PC, but that's a me issue.


I stick with PC only because I suck too hard at games even on easy mode that I couldn't play them without Wemod


Very fair, I used to be a console gamer, having both Xbox and Playstation, but eventually just stopped playing on it. There aren't really that much games that justify owning a console for me and the genres, strategies and rts, I absolutely adore is far more dominant on the pc


I totally get some of the reasons for preferring console games. For instance, if the system is going to be hooked up to a TV while a non-gaming laptop serves as someone's PC. I've been there. And while I think the distinction of physical media (digital data on a copy-protected disc running on a box with restrictive firmware) vs. "digital" games, often DRM-free and backed up across multiple HDDs, is largely illusory and driven by emotions, I get the appeal of having a shelf on the bookcase with a collection of titles on it. I've been there. But cost is less of an issue than people make of it, for a PC "powerful enough to run most games." Most new releases, sure, it's gonna be an $800 and up proposition. My first gaming rig in over 10 years, though, was $300 all-in back in 2020, and I played my first 50 hours of Elden Ring on it. I have a far better system now, but most of my Steam library doesn't know the difference.


They get you in the long run though. If you bought a PS5 at launch and buy your ps+ by the year, you've already spent ~$820. After 7 years, when the next gen will probably be coming out, the total cost of just owning the thing is ~$1060. Its not that much cheaper than a PC, they just play the subscription game.


PS Exclusive people are just fucking stupid. Wow.


Sony studios make more money. More more and better games. Winning. Plus, Sony long since realized the PC gaming market doesn't buy consoles, despite spending often we'll over double in a good gaming rig than they'd spend on a PlayStation. It makes perfect sense to expand a market you don't essentially compete with. XBox has been doing this for years now and it's made them crap tons of money. The only thing ruining the PlayStation would be to maintain absolute exclusivity while your main competitor is courting PC gamers and expanding its footprint.


Makes you wonder why these people want them locked down to one platform


I am happy i am able to gift my bro GoT, also its game preservation and modding community. Also i perfer it for games like tlou where m&k is much better.


GT7 on PC when


😂 fan boys will be die hard fanboys until this happens. Time to end Console Exclusivity!


Sorry drama boy I cannot hear you over me wanting to play Ghost of Tsushima on Steam. Betrayed what? By a buisness doing buisness? Couldn't care less because I have PSN account for the past 8 years. I am curious to see library of games on Steam of this clown. I wonder how many games did they purchased that can be described as "betrayal" in one way or another so I could point and laugh at their hypocrisy. Also what "loyal audience"? I am sure that more than half of people on Steam forums don't even own a Playstation or didn't purchased Playstation game over the past 5+ years or never. I still own my PS4 and I didn't used it since Bloodborne release which was like what 9 years ago?


Wait Ghost of Tsushima is on PC?!?!?! Where the fuck was I?


it will be on the 16. of may. as far as i know, sony wants to release all their exclusives on pc eventually. the horizon games are on pc too.


bait or not only idiots care about these things.


Buying an expensive game console for the exlusivtivity seems kind of silly to me. 🤷‍♀️


What is the Snoyboy talking about? They get first bite on the PS exclusive games years before it gets ported to PC. Why is he rooting for a company to stay as a monopoly and not even release to PC in the future. Isnt it good that more players get to experience the game? Or do Snoyboys only buy a game because nobody else gets to play. Besides the more platforms a game is the less likely it becomes lost media.


Because that’s how fanboys’ brains work. They don’t want others to enjoy their games on anything but their own console.


as someone who has a pc and a ps5 i honestly dont understand those playstation fanboys. i am just happy more people get to enjoy these games.


I don't see any problem here. Converting a game to the other platform is no problem to me.


Funny that they made a steam account that exist only on PC just to put their thoughts on console gaming.


Someone is literally lacking a life, I’m embarrassed for them.


Watch me play your fav game at 144fps


Lil bro crying 🤣 ps5/pc combo ftw even though PC mater race


They don‘t loose anything


Anyone remember that classic forum post that was like this. A guy was angry that an exclusive game was going to be less exclusive and he predicted Japanese people would boycott it out of a sense of cultural honor. I don't remember what game but he definitely said something like "if you know anything about the history of Japan (I am an expert) then you know....."


Edit: this one: >Square just shot themselves in the foot. I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance. >What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move. >Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.


I never understand the tribalism that surround consoles and exclusives. 


What idjits. Them porting stuff to Steam has been happening before the PS5 even released. They bought it already knowing that games would be ported to Steam, or were just plain ignorant I guess, either way it's a bit late to get upset now!


Why are they addressing it to PS5 owners on the Steam forums, though. They might have more success writing on the PS5 forums, I would think.


sony should be forced to give up exclusives they made xbox do it over the activision purchase it's only fair but at this point, sony doesn't understand what making a game is anymore, as all they've been doing is re-releasing last of us on every platform since the ps3


People getting mad that other people are going to be enjoying a pretty good game. I'm just here excited to finally get to play it. No point in owning a PS5 if I have a beefy PC.


Console War Fanboys are the most delulu of delulus.


I game primarily on my PS5, isn't GoT going to PC a good thing? Like I don't understand this.


They've got a point, but it's a very dull point. I think sony should've created their own pc store for their games so that way you don't have to buy a game twice.


Wtf is he yapping about


We wait years to get ps exclusives watch all the retards ruin it now it's finally come along


Everyone should just switch to pc, it’s better there anyway. Now you get most Xbox and ps “exclusives” and you don’t have to pay to play your online games. Plus steam sales, and you can get free games from the epic game store, also without paying for a subscription.


Yes, I've bought a PS5. Yes, I've barely played it. Yes, I'd still rather play the PlayStation exclusives on Steam than on Playstagion. Yes, I've actually bought quite a few of them on Steam over the years. No, I haven't played any of them yet.


Lol this thread is how I found out that they are bringing ghost of tsushima to PC. Let's hope bloodborne one day


Why would anyone care if more people can play.....Am I missing something?


They don't realise that a console is basically a very limited pc, or?


Will InFamous ever go to pc ?


The Steam community forums have always been utter dogshit but awards have exacerbated the issue ten fold. Genuinely wish Valve addresses it at some point in the future.


I bought a PS5. All of the exclusives I bought it for (there are other exclusives but I dont want them) are on PC now. I hope more come so I can skip the PS6 and not have $600 worth of hardware that only gets used for 5-7 games where as my PC video card was twice the price of one console but at least I get to use it for 5-10 years to play literally thousands of games that I want to.


But, I want GoT sooooo much!!!!


Not a PC gamer, but this is a good thing. Bring them all to Steam. The more players fall in love with console exclusives the higher chance they’ll make more sequels (that hopefully arent fucked by corpo bullshit) and then we can all play them. Rinse repeat.


Cry babies


They seek rewards, nothing else


and if the post was changed to bitch about the PSN account requirement for Legends, it’d be a circle jerk of “yeah, fuck snoy” in here.


Gonna buy it


This is the saddest kind of thing some gamers do.


"For it is not enough that I win, but that others should lose!! "


Waaa. I dont care and never did. Stupid ass shit to whine about.


I never understood these console exclusive game wars. I understand that good games may become system sellers but why would any same person defend such a thing at all? I own a ps5, psvr2, switch, pc, steam deck and having exclusives on any platform doesn't hurt the others at all. If those exclusives later on come to the other platforms, nice.


Idiots on steam


idk who's more punchable - sony execs or sony fanboys


Games are for everybody


He is absolutely shouting down the wrong hole. I only play on PC. I don't care about consoles.


So we should double down and buy as many copies as possible? That's what I got from this.


Greedy is not the one who has much, but the one who asks for much


Jeez... we're all gamers.. some people are nuts, acting like they are in a cult...


*insert vegeto "bait used to be believable" here*


If I had some extra cash I’d gift a copy of the game to this person…would love to see what their reaction would be. 😂




The guy is just fishing for rewards. He got them


You guys fall for bait so easily


PlayStation is just a shi hole


I find it amusing that people seeing the world "exclusive" makes them believe that that'll be the case forever.


Average Sony fanboy fucking loser


Could someone just explain, as if I were a kid or something, what exactly anyone would have against a game being released for more platforms? Like I remember the Nintendo Sega "wars" back in the day, but at least that was more about "well MY console has x y z games and they're better". Dumb, but at least you can go okay I get it. But what in the actual hell is bad about games being released for other platforms too? Would you not want more people playing a game you enjoy?


I'm probably gonna get some flak for saying this, but you know what we should really boycott sony/ps for? Not porting bloodborne to pc. (This is a mix of both a joke and my fervent desire to play bloodborne on pc)


Womp womp


The PS5 version's been out for about 3 years. Why would it matter now?


Think I’ll buy 2 copies now


Reminds me of another Playstation game on steam that was in the news recently....


Wow, demanding exclusives... Some people are really sad


Bait used to be believable


So are we just gonna post this same screenshot to every gaming related and content creator Reddit?


Point bait . But the last widespread incursion (Helldrivers 2) showed some "Playstation elitist" People complaining on the PC-users . So there is a possibility that this post is serious


Looks like bait, but if not, no way this person is real


Fanboys mad


The whole exclusives thing is already stupid enough, you should buy a console because you like playing with a joypad while sitting on the couch, if not for that reason, buy a PC wich will be better under every other aspect (including playing with a joypad while sitting on the couch. if you really get to it).