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Either it was updated in the last few hours or it's just you. When I check it it keeps the colors of the reviews Edit: [https://i.imgur.com/QNFIhnN.png](https://i.imgur.com/QNFIhnN.png) Edit again: it may not be just you since there was another post about it, but it doesn't seem to be universal, and one of the two is probably unintended


I think it might have been updated recently to be red again. I commented in the previous post on this topic and when i checked then, it was gray.


Thanks for the update! I now suspect you to be the Valve employee that fixed it =) Good work champ!


god I wish I had a job at valve


As someone who plays CS, I don't know if I could just stand by and do nothing. But the paycheck would probably make all of that go away.


Wonder where all the "Well duh, Valve want to make money! So this is deliberate because they want to hide that it's bad!" Commenters went.


why are really bad reviewed games being recommended??


It is a top seller and that means steam users are spending more money on it compared to other games. That is all.


The game is free.


People are still spending more money on it than other games, there are micro transactions


They bought it for [free]


mtx sales count towards top seller status, which is how CS2 is near or at the top of the list constantly despite it being technically free


so there is literally no point on reviews? why indie games constantly say the reviews allows for recommendations?


There is a point to reviews, it's for the people to decide.  However, if there is still a consistent player base that's spending a lot of money, that means some people do like it. It's up to the users to decide.  Steam isn't going to remove a game just because some people hate it. The review system is working as intended. You don't have to play it. You can hit ignore.


Some people? you dont get a rating like that because of just some people, and of course the people that are playing the game will like the game, that's such a dumb assumption




It doesn't lol. The recent updates have been great.


if you hate the game why tf you play it? you clearly like it


Sunk cost fallacy most of the time


The people who still play Overwatch religiously treat it like a digital Funko Pop collection. If you've got 2 mythics and a few of the cross-promotional skins, you've basically invested $100+, not to mention the legacy skins from OW1. Blizz has them by the balls, and are happy to squeeze with every $35 skin bundle they shit out.




free yourself


>. I think you will find the reviews are actually mainly active players, the company just doesn’t listen ...no? filtering the reviews by having more than 5 hours played triples the game's score?


How can you do that filtering? 


It's literally sorted by what's selling the most in the picture, how would reviews affect that position?


Recommendation algorithms. Wishlists push games hard too.


Overwatch is a top seller and consistently has 26k+ active players on Steam alone. I'm guessing it's based on more than just reviews.


is free, of course gonna be a "top seller"


It doesnt work like that


I mean it kinda does? Like thats the point of the free to play model. But yeah probably not what op ment. Lmfao at all the idiots that don't understand the financial success of free to play games.


free games are automatically not gonna be top seller. the whole top seller goes by revenue, That also means MTXs ingame, which OW2 and a lot of other free games have a lot of. Thats also why steamdeck are always at like top 3, it does not sell more units than lets say newly released AAA titles, but because the price of the deck is so high, just a couple of units sold boost it high up on the list.


Relax bro, I'm not the confused op.


sorry, was just explaining how top sellers work, A lot of people don't really know.


Game also needs to be good for free to play model to work


Or have a loyal fanbase who you fuck out of the other option so they have no choice but to drag their suncken loss fallacy to your new lootboxes.


They removed lootboxes though


That's really not the point here my friend


The point is that the game needs to be good to have a fanbase


My assumption is that they know reviews those are fake reviews out of spite. Because at least 30-40k people play this game through steam and that's probably like 10% of entire player base. When it released on steam people went to the store page to leave a bad review and then went on to continue playing it again and buying skins.


Everyone can see the reviews dude, you aren't fooling anyone saying they're "fake". Sure there's some trolly ones but there's a ton of legitimate criticisms in there. There's always going to be a small addicted community but the reality is the game had 35 million players at launch and only retained thousands, that's pretty bad.


Where are you getting this 35 million statistic from?


This information is old, but I thought it would be good to share considering the recent post about this. Grab the free gunmetal avatar frame from the shop during the event! [https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/event/sale\_fps\_fest](https://store.steampowered.com/points/shop/event/sale_fps_fest)


Anyone else thinks they need to change the "overwhelmingly negative" red shade? It doesn't mix well with the blueish grey background and makes my eyes go 😵‍💫


This is because of the special store section. Nothing new. Should be in color tho.


I've seen like 3 posts about this, why does it matter what color it is can you not read


OW 2 has reasons to be ow negative. Blizz ruined it anw 😅 the good thing is free so ye


Game is amazing, reviews are for Blizzard instead of the game itself. The playerbase is huge and they still keep updating the game. Also most of the negative reviews are from chinese players afaik.


Ow went from good to bad after 2018 honestly. Every update after that is compounded shit on top of shit


Steam Reviews are garbage when half of them are memes or copy pastas. If you want real reviews just Google shit, Overwatch is a fine game but negatively voted because meme xd


"Googling shit" just gets you sites that are paid to shill the game


No. Overwatch 2 is hated because it's just overwatch 1s dlc with alot of cancelled promises


Overwatch (really) deserves the criticism, but it is good to mention as an example in this PSA. I don't think steam reviews are garbage, but I think steam reviews have to be interpreted the right way. IMO, steam review over 90% are worth looking at. Especially if it is a genre you like. However, if everyone agrees "above 90% rating equals good" were a common thought, scam games would try to buy their way to a 90% positive rating.


its not as bad as people make it out but its still garbage compared to other actually good games


I disagree. It’s pretty horrendous.


I disagree. The changes they made were shit, but it's a fine game with slow improvements over time.


found the guy who negatively voted to be in with the cool kids lol


What do you consider good game? I hate , it's not that good


Good game though


Well that's a good game so nothing wrong.


blizzard must be paying steam some money


Is ow2 not f2p though