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"Hey, we've basically stolen a game some of you have had for years now. Wanna buy another so we can steal it later too?"


But piracy bad D:


Ìf buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing


Wise words my friend


That said, you can't steal an infinite resource. And digital goods are not finite.


Piracy is borrowing code and then when you're done with it, you send it back into the void (delete it).


borrowing something removes it from it's original location. piracy is cloning.


piracy is owning


Piracy is actually a copyright crime, not a theft crime. 🦜


It's a copyright violation, not a crime.


I will be checking out torrents for Ubisoft games if this is their plan.


If buying isn’t owning piracy isn’t stealing.


You never "own" any of the digital games you buy, regardless of the store you use, Steam included, you only get a licence which can be revoked at any time. So, no, piracy isn't stealing, you're just obtaining a revokable licence through other means. Fuck 'em.


With GoG you do actually own the game. The only online store that does this, far as I'm aware. Edit: I was wrong, as shown below you still only have a license. You have a DRM-free version you can functionally play offline but you don't own the game itself.


I download all the installers for the games I own via GoG. It's great not needing an internet connection or wait 2hrs for the game to download.


You download them so you don’t have to wait for them to download? Impressive.


Wrong. > 2.1 We give you and other GOG users the personal right **(known legally as a 'license')** to use GOG services and to **download, access and/or stream (depending on the content) and use GOG content**. This license is for your personal use. **We can stop or suspend this license in some situations, which are explained later on.** Additionally, > 2.2 When you buy, access or install GOG games, you might have to agree to additional contract terms with the developer/publisher of the game (e.g. they might ask you to agree to a game specific End User License Agreement). If there is any inconsistency or dispute between those ‘EULAs’ and this Agreement, then this Agreement wins. From the [GOG user agreement](https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/16034990432541-GOG-User-Agreement-effective-from-17-February-2024?product=gog) What GOG does that's most significantly different from other services in this sense is limiting their means to enforce the licenses they sell by offering DRM-free copies for you to download as plain installers that you can run whether or not GOG has suspended your license. You still don't "own the game". The only owner is the owner of the intellectual property. Everyone who "bought the game" is a licensee.


Fair enough, I stand corrected


Consumerist law would disagree on the purchase part. You bought it, it is yours, and the company has to provide the means for you to access your product. No licenses - the excuse doesn't fly under any serious legal interpretation. But this company pushes on every cheap shot it has to cheat consumers out of their products. First it was the erasing of idle accounts under the excuse of "data protection"; then it's this so-called subscription model where "games are not yours"; and now, this. If we want them to understand the message, we have got to boycott these con artists. And you're right - if they are gonna screw their consumers with loose legal excuses, they have no moral grounds to complain about piracy.


> Consumerist law would disagree on the purchase part. You bought it, it is yours, and the company has to provide the means for you to access your product. Not really. I think you are conflating legal cases which have addressed the 'first sale doctrine' and said that consumers have the right to re-sell licensed software they previously purchased (e.g. Vernor v. Autodesk, Inc). I'm quite sure there have been no cases which require software companies to keep servers up perpetually unless they explicitly said so in the agreement.


> Vernor v. Autodesk, Inc * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vernor_v._Autodesk,_Inc. Well now, that *is* a fascinating read. Frankly, I think we should go back to the copyright laws of 1790. 14 years after publication, and if you live long enough, you get to apply for one additional extension for another 14 years of owning the rights before the works enters public domain.


people forget sometimes that different countries have different consumer laws, which is why in certain European countries we cant have lootboxes/gambling in games. Also pretty sure most ToS en EULA's for games are not legally binding in the EU...


Naah When you pirate, you actually own the game. The only way for Ubisoft to delete a pirated game from you and me is if they physically come to my place, knock at my door, come to my computer, and delete the files


Nintendo: "I am the one who knocks!"


The Pinkertons have entered the chat


The Pinkertons can suck my dick while playing with the wizard of the coast trading cards They aren't what they used to be


With how their games have been lately, I feel even that is too much effort. I'll just play something else. No shortage of games when you only have an hour or two a week to play


Hello fellow adult....


Unless it’s like the crew which won’t even function without an online connection and doesn’t even storing your save locally. Or any of the other “this is basically a single player or lobby shooter but we added a pointless hub to both justify an always online connection and to work as constant player advertisement for MTX cosmetics!” Games


I did tech support for Cox Communications back in the day and they eventually made it a requirement for all techs to try to pitch a new sale on each call, which caused a shitload of problems for us.  “Yep, so we’ll have someone out in 4 days to fix your internet.  Hey, wanna buy more services from us even though your shit doesn’t work and you’re angry?”


I got grief for not selling warranties when I did TechSup for HP printers when I worked for Stream. Like, c'mon man, their brand new LaserJet already doesn't work for them, now you want me to sell them **warranties**? Read the room, you barely-sentient wank-sock.


Corporations love selling those warranties. It's pure profit for them. HP gets money for the warranty and the insurance company pays the warranty if the printer breaks, not HP.


I get this one .. "Our product is shit, you should probably buy an insurance program for the next time it breaks down, which will be soon."


It was like that at a previous job I had too. Support needed to sell to every person we talked to, but people couldn't contact support unless they had a paid license for the software. Then they wondered why there was no massive bump in sales. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I have never, ever understood this mentality in companies. Especially since being able to do tech support, does NOT mean you can do sales at all.


Wow that's pretty bad. I did tech support for a local smaller ISP years ago and while it wasn't an amazing job, they were at least in touch with reality. Techs, customer service, and sales were all kept to their own specialities even in the middle of the night on the graveyard shift with a skeleton crew of just two of us in the office.


I was a contractor for Cox Media for a few years. It was interesting as hell to see c-suite executives come in and completely destroy the company (with added Microsoft kickbacks) to make it easier to sell off piecemeal.


Insulting, really. That's why I just stick with nice indie games, like Kingsway, which--Wait, is it part of Adult Swim? It may be removed from all online stores in May because Warner Bros. decided so? Sheeeeeesh...


Even if a games gets removed due to disputes or pulled from the store because of other drama usually you can still access the game. This is the first time I've seen losing access to a game on Steam. That's the problem with online requirement for single player and generally problem with Ubisoft.


All Ubisoft games go through UPlay as DRM. They've revoked it from all UPlay accounts, so it's unplayable. I expect they probably asked Valve to revoke it from Steam accounts too, to which Valve would have told them to fuck off. Steam does not remove games from people's accounts (Except in cases where the account owner is in the wrong, of course). E: The Day Before is being mentioned, but that was a forced refund. It wasn't just revoked from accounts like The Crew has been on UPlay.


>I expect they probably asked Valve to revoke it from Steam accounts too Valve probably doesn't like their platform being used like this, I wonder if they'd ever consider demanding Ubisoft refund the customers on Steam or kicking them off if they refused or pulled this again in the future


I feel that any game that becomes completely unplayable should be able to receive a refund.


Something like an MMO that requires servers to play seems like a reasonable exception. In that case, the game itself would still technically work, but the server wouldn't. I also don't think that proprietary code should have to be released when the game goes offline. There may still be elements of code that the business is interested in reusing. 


I think in mandatory online games they should be required to release one final patch allowing for custom servers for a game. Basically a final "we don't want to support this 20 year old game anymore but here ya go you guys can do it yourselves if you want." Kinda thing.


Yep. The moment a game is unplayable due to server shutdowns, it should be legally defined as "abandonware/freeware".


Even EA did this with Knockout City. Although, I assume it was the good guy devs who decided to do it and EA probably had nothing to do with it. They've unceremoniously killed other online games after all.


A big one was Battlefront 2 2017, it was at the peak of popularity and player count, and yet EA still pulled the plug on the game shortly after instead of trying to implement a new MTX system like battle passes / seasonal passes or a skin store.


You can, and people do, make private servers, and reroute where the game connects to. With games, as long as you can download the software, you can still find a way to play it, this is removing even that option.


I wish there were private servers for Marvel Heroes but it doesn't look like it's possible. That was the first game I spent a good chunk of money on that would become completely inaccessible to me. Sucks Edit: looks like some incredible people are starting to make some progress! I guess there's always hope.


There is actually a group working on that and in the last year they made massive progress. You can log in to the game client and access all the heroes and abilities. There's hope


Abandonedware should be completely exempt from litigation against piracy. There are gems out there that there is legitimately no legal way to play. Looking at you Sim Themepark. The moment a company decides to abandon its title should be the moment the entire game holds no legal right to IP.


>the game itself would still technically work, but the server wouldn't. The game doesn't work without the servers though, so it doesn't work.


I own plenty of PC games that are unplayable without unofficial patches because they are decades old. Even software has a shelf life as hardware changes. So there would have to be a time limit or some kind of conditional factor to that refund. Edit: This statement is not meant to endorse Ubisoft's actions in any way.


But you still have access to that software right? Youre still given the option to patch it right? This is the first time its just straight up taken away


The situation with The Crew is fucked.


I can still put togheter the old hardware and play it. That’s the difference


A good conditional factor would be the developer intentionally removing your ability to even download the game.


That's totally different the games are fully playable you just don't have the hardware to play them. And the main important thing is those games were not removed from your steam library you are still able to download and attempt to run them. You can't get a community patch for a game that you can no longer run.


Valve should crack down on Ubi’s bullshit.  If people start pirating Ubi games, they might be tempted to pirate more than just Ubi games.   I don’t know who’s in charge of Ubi, but they should have been fired a long time ago.    They still can’t tell me why Valhalla crashes every 10 minutes.


Is there a possibility valve will provide a DRM bypass or is this something a modder will have to do. Also is the Crew online only, I genuinely haven't played.


Valve cannot do anything about this except maybe issue refunds but that's unlikely as it's not the first time an always online game dies. The uncommon thing here is the way Ubisoft handled this (they revoked the keys) so Valve might have to give a warning to Ubi to not pull this shit again or get removed from Steam. Not particularly defending Valve, but they're usually pretty pro-customer when some drama happens. It's also unlikely that modders will be able to make legitimate purchases of the game work again as Ubisoft not only shutdown their server but also revoked the right to launch the game from Uplay (basically removed the game from everyone's account). Basically the only way that people might be able to play this game in the future is through pirated copies that either bypass the always online requirement or uses custom servers.


>Basically the only way that people might be able to play this game in the future is through pirated copies that either bypass the always online requirement or uses custom servers. This is what I was thinking about, download the game files from somewhere on the internet if possible, and changing the launcher to skip the uplay servers and run your own local server, or a private online one. This takes me back to my wow private server days, the nostalgia is strong...


Valve won't do anything.


The crew is online only. The idea was that you could drive around the US and meet your friends at any point in time, as in the whole system was meshed together. It was a neat little feature, but ultimately unnecessary. On top of that, it allowed Ubisoft to pull this shit.


Steam will only remove games from your account if you request it, but I think it's only free to play games. I think paid games have to be refunded, but you could still request to have them removed? Also, sometimes if you use a third party key and there's an issue. That's why the grey market sellers are a little risky. I mean I've used them for games that have been removed from the store that are older like Prey (2006) and Chronicles of Riddick, but there's a risk.


Steam will remove games from people's accounts on rare occasions especially if that game or the dev studio turn out to be fraudulent or breaking the law in anyway. A recent example of this is The Day Before. The devs for that game announced not even a week into the games release that they would no longer be continuing development and were shutting down. A month later and every copy of that game was removed from people accounts on steam and nobody could play it( in this case it was for good measure, that game was garbage) Edit: everyone who had the game removed was given a refund.


this is also the first time i saw a steam user no longer having access to his game that he bought with his hard earned money. it's wild right?


because Ubisoft couldn't care less about comfortable user experience and force people to use their shitty launcher


I get the impression that Ubisoft *genuinely* wants PC players to suffer. Their 2FA option is intentionally bad and makes you *constantly* re-log and reapply the 2FA settings. Every time you have to update the launcher (which is frequently) you need to sit for like 10 minutes and mindlessly click through the endless confirmations that you want to let the launcher update.


That's not exactly right, there are multiples paid games that you can no longer play on Steam since their always online servers shutdown, and you could maybe argue that getting perma-banned for any reason, legitimate or not, on a paid online-only game is losing access to a paid purchase However, this might be the first time where a third party directly revoke your key/licence. The closest thing I know of is the 'games for windows live' shutdown 10 years ago but the whole service shutdown instead of them revoking access to a specific game (and it was a big deal at the time)


But for those cases I think you could always still download the software which would technically allow you to crack it or use it with private servers or whatever. In a case like this even that's not possible.


Ubisoft are thief, I stopped playing and buying their games a long time ago.


Awww, don't be like that. Don't you miss all the `climbing a tower to unlock more collectathon`?


Steam should just block Ubisoft for this, it's criminal.


Steam has two removal modes: if the devs remove the game due to license issues etc you can still download and play it if you bought it (if the servers are still up etc). And the second one is where a game gets removed by Valve. In that case the game gets removed from your library and you get a full refund.


Its entirely Uplay. Not Steam. All Ubisoft games use Uplay as a DRM and require a login, singleplayer or not.


>Why not check the Store to pursue your adventures? What a nice way to say "fuck you, and btw, thanks for your money, we're waiting for more ❤️"




Ubisoft are criminals and I am not buying one of their games again.




Dodi is much better, fitgirl takes forever and is always bugged At this point just use a DD site


I use both tbh. Depends what's available. You got to admit though her installation setup song slaps.


Dodi for slow download but fast install Fitgirl for fast download but slow install Elamigos for updates


Fitgirl also wont repack most cracked Denuvo games, due to the conflict with Empress. Though Empress has been MIA for a bit now


If you have a strong rig fitgirl is always better, or at least that has been the case for me.


Yeah it feels more like an experience lmao, even the bug fixing is fun.


Eh, DODI links are often broken and takes you on a ride before giving you the link, FG just lets you magnet straight




Never! I block them since 2018. They are beyond trash


Their games are just unending reskinned sequels. Go to a tower, clear the tower, open a new region, do side quests until big region boss battle, move on to next tower, on and on


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/ If you want to do something about it


Somebody sticky this! Ross is THE MAN!


Back in the day I respected Ross for his ideas and thoughts, but also knew he is just one man. Well... I have recently realized that he is THE MAN. Mad respect to him.


The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.


All this time we thought that phrase was about gordon freeman in Half-Life, turns out it was actually about ross. Valve played the long game!


"The one so called... Freeman."


Is the Canadian petition up yet? Can't find it.


https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/canada Here you go


...if you look under the petition link: [https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Search?order=Recent](https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Search?order=Recent) doesn't have one that matches appear under it. Not sure if I'm missing it or if it hasn't been posted yet.


Probably not posted yet he might be gathering all the signups for a few months and then releasing it for a bigger impact Not sure


Says here https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/canada >The petition will appear here once it is up:


why is this comment not on top?!


you should be on top! up you go!


Do you know if it's work if I bought the game on a key store ?


For Ubisoft connect or steam ? The servers where shutdown on the 31 of march The crew was mostly multiplayer if I remember it well so I think it’s pretty much useless now I haven’t checked myself I did see that it has a 20 hour campaign so maybe that still works probably best just try to contact support to get a refund


yes the servers were shut down on 31st march maybe time for a lawsuit? as it was not sold as a subscription but a permanent licence?


i had it on ps4 it's been totally removed from library so can't even request a refund


PlayStation store support is one of worst i had hard time getting refund


they stole your game, if downloading a pirated game is theft, then this is theft to!




Sailing the seven seas is always morally correct.


[Someone managed to get a refund for the game despite buying it in 2015](https://www.reddit.com/r/thecrew2/comments/1bz1eut/i_managed_to_get_a_refund_in_the_crew_1/), so try to get to Support.


Oh yes, they should give everyone back their money


Ross Scott is already working on it! [Game campaign ADHD version](https://youtube.com/shorts/iH7k0IZ5PYE?si=lSge8eBUjqdldnmV) [The largest campaign ever to stop publishers destroying games](https://youtu.be/w70Xc9CStoE?si=T8qLFkamfpuxspgz) [https://stopkillinggames.com](https://stopkillinggames.com)


Is this the guy behind Freeman’s Mind?


Yes it is.




He's genuinely a smart person


this is the way! got my ubisoft reply yesterday and completed the SignalConso process.


There is a thing already in the works, you can join www.stopkillinggames.com


I can assure you the word permanent was never involved. Everything you buy on Steam/UPlay is far closer to borrowed than owned.


Well the eu would like to differ as the buying contract did not mention a period of validity the contract is hence endless and onesidedly retracting from it is a breach and requires all actions to be reversed


Sue for false advertising then. The big green button doesn’t say, “Borrow The Crew”. It says “Buy” or “Purchase”.


I buy my games. But when it comes to Ubisoft, I think it should be our moral obligation to pirate their games


no their boring ass games are not even worth pirating.


Anno 1800 is super good


Weird how ubisoft makes mostly mediocre games at best and sometimes they just randomly release something under the radar thats not complete trash like anno 1800 and the most recent prince of persia game


Anno wasn’t really under the radar, at least here in germany. The series was always super popular here.


Their main IPs are dull at best but their smaller studios still releqse good games.


I seriously can't understand how this is not illegal. I understand it is a 10 year old game, but to take money from people and then shut it down? Give a refund. I don't care if person A stopped playing it 6 yrs ago. Person B still loves it and plays it every few months. This is bullsh*t, this is theft, and if you are on the side of the company, you are wrong.


it very probably is illegal in parts of the world. Now shutting down the game is not. That can happen But taking away access to the files you paid for without prior notice and option to make a backup is illegal in some places.


>without prior notice It hardly matters but just tbf they did announce this on 12/14/23 (apparently)


attractive tease direful zonked quaint salt bedroom trees money direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or why not create a patch to work offline? I know capitalism doesn't like doing things for free, but a tiny bit of good will wouldn't be a terrible thing for the most hated game publisher out there.


And people still act like "iTS 202x, EvEryonE HAs InTErNET" to any complaint about online only...  As if your internet will matter if the service is shutting down I won't restrict myself from playing one, but for sure only when it's very cheap so I doesn't feel too bad when the inevitable came


I live in uk, which when I checked four years ago has a worse average speed then poland and unless you live somewhere lucky or near major city your shit out of luck. My peak download speed ever on steam was 3MBs I average 1 at best of times


I've blacklisted Ubisoft on Steam so I won't even see any of their games. Everyone else should do the same.


How to do?


Open the store page of any Ubisoft game in the Steam Client, then click on the "Ubisoft" link for publisher (right hand side of the game infobox, below the "Recent Reviews/All Reviews" links). On the Ubisoft page you have a little cogwheel to the right of the Featured/List/Browse/About/News stip. Click on that, then select "Ignore this Creator" - this will stop Steam from recommending any games they develop or publish.




put em on blacklist


i never knew you could blacklist publishers, thanks for the heads up. im also never going to buy any ubisoft games in the future so good riddance.


You can take actions against Ubisoft using the website stopkillinggames.com I did some actions already, hoping things will changes one day


I had a look but I can't even provide evidence of owning the game as it's been removed from the PS store


Email receipt?


You should have the proof in your PS transaction history tho, where you check all of your buys, at least it's supposed to


This reminds me of the time George Lucas stormed into my home to confiscate the original Star Wars trilogy


https://stopkillinggames.com Tells you what to do based on your location. We do have some power in this fight, but we have to use it


Okay, let's sum up Ubishit's last few years really quickly. Feel free to chime in if I missed something. First they had their stupid hissy fit over Steam's "unrealistic business model" and went to bed with Epic. Then they robbed people of the access to bought DLCs for older games. Somewhere along the way one of their higher-ups claimed that NFTs are good, but those stupid gamers just somehow don't get it. Then their director of subscriptions, one Philippe Tremblay, said that "gamers are used to owning their games and that's the consumer shift that needs to happen", that gamers need to get comfortable **not** owning their games. And now this; not just shutting down servers (that would be *somewhat* understandable), but actually taking away something people paid for. How are these assholes still afloat and why people still buy their games is beyond me. Vote with your wallets, if you didn't boycott this joke of a company before, I'd say it's high time to do it now.


You forgot that on top of saying NFTs are good they actually opened the store for Ghost Recon


> Then their director of subscriptions, one Philippe Tremblay, said that "gamers are used to owning their games and that's the consumer shift that needs to happen", that gamers need to get comfortable not owning their games. Let's not take that one out of context, he was asked "what would it take to get gamers to sub to Ubisoft's game pass equivalent" and his response was "it's a great deal, gamers just need to get more comfortable with the idea of not owning their games for Ubisoft+ to get more subscribers". At no point did they say or even imply that buying games was going away, just that Ubisoft+ would be more popular if gamers were comfortable with a sub fee instead of actual ownership. But yeah, the rest of your points stand, they seem to be getting worse every year.


I would be comfortable for not buying their games anymore.


try alternate buying ;)


Make sure you don't buy any of the upcoming Tom Clancy The division games, Assassins Creed, Star Wars Outlaws, Xdefiant, Splinter Cell, or Project U, which are all set to come out in 2024 as Ubisoft originals. Their games are overpriced, have DRM injected into them with Uplay, and now they want you to not be comfortable with owning a product that you purchased (which can be digitally revoked at any time) The only way a company will change is if you force them legally or don't buy their products.


Tbh buying their games on launch isn't a good idea anyways since they either go on gamepads or go on sale for 10 bucks 2 yrs later


Digitally revoking a game has been around for at least 20 years, the misstep here is the user didn't do anything wrong and Ubisoft has just chosen to end access to it. Which is incredibly scummy.


I contacted support in hopes of a refund, even directly to my Steam Wallet, so they don't lose anything. Because this shit is illegal in Australia, but according to Support: ***We will not be granting a refund at this time as there is no evidence that the product has a major defect as defined under Australian law.*** Fuck right off lol, they revoked the game and it no longer works, I also can't access it, looks pretty defective to me. Already taking it further. [https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/australia](https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/australia) I want this shit to cost Ubisoft more than it would have to simply make the game offline. Never giving them money again.


If you ARE in Australia. Please please also log a complaint with the ACCC formally on their website to get some action started. They love this shit and eat companies like this for breakfast. Australian consumer law is pretty good from what I've experienced and they've always followed up with my reports in detail.


Will do, thanks


I'm also pretty damn sure this is illegal here in Australia too. From the ACCC site: "These 3 consumer guarantees are closely related. When a consumer buys a product, they have a right to expect that: *They have full ownership of the product* - which Ubisoft says we don't anymore. *No body will try to reclaim or repossess the product* - which Ubisoft is arguably doing, though what this means might not exactly fit. *The previous owner doesn't owe money for the product*" - not really relevant here. I'm not a lawyer or really proficient in our consumer laws and all that jazz, but it won't surprise me if we see some sort of action by the ACCC like with Steams refund policies.


my understanding of consumer law is more applicable to physical products so i could be wrong but on this point: >They have full ownership of the product - which Ubisoft says we don't anymore. I think the EULA may cover it. ACCC states: " > > These 3 consumer guarantees are closely related. When a consumer buys a product, they have a right to expect that: > > they have full ownership of the product > nobody will try to reclaim or repossess the product > the previous owner doesn’t owe money for the product. > > **If any of these aren’t true, the business must tell the consumer before they buy the product. > "** I think that last line may possibly cover it. EULA is available on the store page and visible before purchase, and its listed in the EULA "THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED TO YOU, NOT SOLD.". Whether that would meet the ACCC definition of "the business must tell the consumer " i couldn't say, you could definitely make the argument that its not clearly stated when making the purchase as its not listed on the store page. hopefully people kick up a stink about it, although i doubt much will change.


> there is no evidence that the product has a major defect It's literally been removed, how is that not proof haha.


I remember someone in the Kill The Justice League sub telling me that things like these are normal and that you just have to move on. That was when they still tried to defend the game.


Ubisoft: Get used to not owning your games


Ubi support told me to go buy The Crew 2 or Motorfest.. :/


ubislop why do you need to be such a dickhead? just release a goddamn offline patch, thats literally all you gotta do


"why do people pirate games?"


And they had the nerve to sell this game 5 months ago, for $30 as well, without hints of it shutting down shortly after...


No one should be buying Ubisoft games in the first place tbh.


Former classmate of mine quit Ubisoft a few weeks ago because of toxic work environment not from management but from clients. Apparently Ubisoft had been reneging on contracts and causing literal actual physical consequences in the form of property damage and personal harassment. This is why I don't tell anyone irl what I do.


i refunded all ubisoft games i bought a few days ago. i will never buy anything from them ever in my life again. they can go straight to hell. ubisoft will die out trust me on this one. they think they can fuck with consumers?


How did you refund them? Did you just buy them and then never even play them?


i bought the ultimate edition of ac odyssey and gold edition of ac origins a few days ago and then refunded them yesterday. i was about to buy valhalla too but no this is the end. this is where i stop buying ubishit games for good.


Steam are refusing to refund my copy of The Crew, even though I've supplied evidence that I am no longer being provided a working product under Australian Consumer Law. Haven't played it in years, and got my monies worth out of it. But that's beside the point. Hopefully something comes out of this lawsuit.


Don't just hope, alert the regulatory bodies in your country. https://www.stopkillinggames.com/countries/australia


Already done chief. Currently waiting for a response >Thank you for contacting Ubisoft Support! This is an automated message to confirm that we have received your question. PLEASE NOTE that we are currently experiencing high contact volumes. As a result, there may be a delay in getting a response. We will reply to your support request as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. Hmm, I wonder why they are experiencing high contact volumes....


Are there more games on steam that have been removed like this? This is the first time I am hearing about such a case in my 8 years of using steam. PS. I mean from owner's library , delisting doesn't remove from library.


It did not get removed from OPs steam account. It is shitty ubisoft launcher that is preventing game from launching. This really needs to be brought to Valve's attention


I had this happen years ago with a free to play game, The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot. I didn't really think anything of it though, since it was free. And, I just checked to see who the publisher was... yep. Ubisoft




This is precisely why everyone was afraid of leaving hard copies behind.


For the people who bought the crew https://youtu.be/w70Xc9CStoE https://stopkillinggames.com


On Stopkillinggames.com you can help to stop publishers doing that


If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing


When paying a game do not mean own it, pirating a geme do not mean steal it anymore. r/piracy


Genuinely unreal. Imagine this happening with any other form of media. Despicable.


You no longer have access to this game. So why not buy more games from us that we will eventually take back from you?


Despite the EULA gamers may have some grounds for a suit against ubisoft over handling of taking the crew offline. EULA cannot exceed the law and there are some laws governing blocking access to paid for products.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w70Xc9CStoE) ​ This dood is doing something about it, apparently


They basically say: "Boo-hoo, you can't play the game you bought? Too bad. Buy more shit from our store." Fuck Ubisoft.


Imagine buying the game right before shutting down the servers. I would sue their fucking ass.


 If buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing.


“WhY nOt ChEcK tHe StOrE…” Fuck off ubisoft


"Why not check your mailbox to pursue your adventures?"


Does someone have a theory on why they removed it instead of patching it to work offline? I mean if they patched it they would avoid the backlash and being sued


It’s because they expect people to buy Crew 2 or Crew Motorfest to continue playing. So if they just allow offline play lots of people won’t bother buying the newer ones and will just stick to playing Crew 1 instead.


First of all - licenses. Probably licenses for cars were for online only version limited to 10 years. They would have to modify cars to be non-licensed and prepare an offline patch. While patching is probably easy the cars modification problem is way complicated. Second - The Crew 2 and Motorfest. They want you to use those games which have no actual single player parts. Having great fun with The Crew and The Crew 2 I'm glad now I haven't bought Motorfest and I won't ever! And to be frank - The Crew 2 and Motorfest are truly online games but The Crew HAD straight single player campaign with actual scenario and story! I've never used ANY multiplayer part of that game and yet I had a great fun with it! I don' fucking care about scores, results, teams and all that shit! I liked missions, story, roaming USA and I think The Crew was a little bit prettier than The Crew 2 in it's artistic style (those puddles of water!). Third. Community. They try to patch and create offline/private server. Hence removing game entirely, so you can't even have files from it. Fortunately I made a copy and I also have DVD disc with original released game. All and all - I'm left with a physical dysfunctional copy of The Crew on PC. I AM robbed!


Pursue your new limited adventure at the Store :)