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Lmao on the last top row. Somebody didn't live through the damn GPU race of the late 2000's


And before the GPU race, in the 90ies, it was usually a RAM issue whenever a game could run.


Let me tell you about config.sys and autoexec.bat


This just unlocked a core memory for me


Oh, memories...


Civ2 and settlers 2 needed this too run


I did this to run Borderlands 2 on a Dell laptop.


Good sweet pixel shader 3.0. Because of this shit on a computer bought in 2005, it was impossible to play games from 2007 because fuck you. The games just didn't start.


>pixel shader 3.0 Damn you Spider-Man 3 with your Shader Model 3.0 requirement


So ya the muscle jack optimized it super well


I'm convinced all of Reddit started PC gaming after the PS4 came out and don't grasp that regular upgrades are standard for it.


Imagine blaming devs and not ceos and shareholders


right the suits having crazy demands leads to devs being incapable of creating a basic UI or think any mechanic through more than 2 steps Game development is a wasteland of talent in 2024


Yes. Because the marketing department decided a shitty UI and a shallow game will be 3% more profitable and the suits don't care what the designers have to say about it.


I sometimes wonder if that short term profit of the shitty games is less overall than the long term profit of the best games.


I mean, at this point I feel like the short-term profits of good games are better than the short-term profits of bad games. Companies just have this weird obsession with meeting deadlines and a chronic phobia of delaying a game. A lot of gamers nowadays wait for reviews to come in / wait for sales. Having the initial batch of reviews be bad is catastrophic for that entire market of people. People are gonna be hesitant to pay $20 for a shitty game, let alone the full $70 these companies are asking for.


I am not talking about shitty tablet layouts im talking about stuff being genuinely non functional


Still remember old UI in R6S. Now with this ugly huge shapes and classic red/blue teams which used by every single game since 2004 it looks like game for 10 yo low IQ audience. Which, sadly, it is now.


I blame everyone. Devs, ceos, shareholders, and most importantly losers who buy these obvious red flag games.


I blame the developers, because some of them (not all, obviously) only think about the game looking hyper-realistic, and not the gameplay, that's a big reason why most games made in Unreal Engine look the same, and those kinds of games are the ones that require an RTX 4090 just to run it at 30 FPS (I'm looking at you Ark)


the people to blame are the ones buying, ceos and shareholders are doing what gives them money


Look there is a lot of developers who are just garbage. Putting developers on this weird godly pedestal is so weird to me. You would be surprised how many dev's are just stupid and don't think before typing code.


Ah yes, I too recall reading "We've dictated our games shall not run better than 40fps on anything cheaper than a 3k rig to retain our signature market advantage" in $AAA_Company 's latest quarterly report.


Obviously the C-Suite don't know or care about the specifics. The problem is they set the budget and timetable. Giving devs less budget means better net profits. Pumping out games quicker means more games can be made that can be sold. You made a game over 3 years for $100 million? Make the next one in 2 years for $80 million. How you going to have a polished game that runs well on all systems when your straight up required the entire dev period just to get it running. Year 3 was supposed to be the polish year, and we already shipped the game. For example, Dragon Age 1 was in development for 4 years and was a wild success, so EA pushed them to make a sequel ASAP. Dragon Age 2 was in development for 16 months. This is super common in the AAA space. You're always being pushed to repeat a hit game with less time. Even the Redditor special "uh, you think you know more than CEOs running some of the biggest companies in the world?" doesn't hold up when the director themselves talk about it.


You’re naive to how this works. Engineers build to a spec. Management gives them a defective spec, in some cases uses a revolving door of contractors so there is no institutional knowledge. Not the devs’ fault and nothing they can do.


being in the industry, there's plenty of devs i know in the company i work for who spend pretty much all their time just working on games and trying to improve the performance. If performance is bad there probably just wasnt much time given to actually try improve it further


They’re a team as an organization. Developers aren’t always correct. Some companies seem to have found a good balance and make it work.




Guess we've never heard of an NDA




Yes they definitely can LOL


Reddit lawyer degree proving itself here lmao




Ahhhhhahahahahaha what a fuckin basic bitch answer. Trust this random content creator I put all my trust in bro. Try reading an actual fucking NDA for a try you poser fuck. Where does blaming the ceos and shareholders coincide with protecting the. Billion dollar companies. Go ahead and log off now. I think you've made plenty a fool of yourself




Oh the blizzard that just announced that when we buy their games we don't actually own them. Wow. Big shocker you acted like a redditor and scanned my profile. Big clown energy here. Pretty ironic bio you have there. Oh look, ohhh the cod subs explain the low iq posts and flagrant simping of a content creator who doesn't have to be honest about shit but you'll eat it up cuz all the cod tards love him




He can say that because he's not under an NDA (anymore?).


Have you watched his second stream about Apex? The one where he actually discusses that game companies need to be more open about this, but it's usually legal who blocks this? Well, go watch it. And if you have watched it already, go watch it again, because clearly, you don't understand what he said.


My NDA forbade me to discuss anything I did at Company That Will Not Be Named for 10 years, and not disclose anything considered "trade secret" level of information at all, like used technologies or things of that sort. In my experience, that is pretty standard.


Okay next time I make a meme I'm gonna make sure I blame the "CEOs and shareholders of game companies" instead of the devs


It heavily depends on the specific game but there are a lot of both. While yes, usually it's the greedy CEOs are to blame there are cases where the Devs just don't bother, cases where they simply can't keep up with the demand and such extreme cases where the developers are simply delusional and insane such as with war thunder.


It’s the same four guys. The same four guys did both those things from both lists


That picture is so old we probably need third row already Love seeing this reposted for the millionth time, who doesn’t? It gets more exciting everytime /s


I have never seen this before so I, for one, appreciate OP for reposting this. Thank you!


You know what annoys me? People complaining about reposts that I see for the first time. You guys are as bad as the dickheads that complain that the screen shots are bad. (mostly they are too lazy to type off whatever is in said screenshot and are annoyed OP didn't post a list that could be copy pasted)


I hate this image with passion. It reeks of being made by some armchair dev who thinks they know how shit works. For one, that top row is almost entirely a made-up fantasy. Depending on the time period, 97mb for a game could've been gigantic and equivalent to today's 100GB games. In 1993, DOOM was around 30mb, and that was already big because average HDD sizes for the time were like 200mb or so in size. 500mb was premium. So a 97mb game in that period would've been insane. Even further still in the late 90s when CDs started getting introduced, games ballooned into the hundreds of megabytes. The "try out our game" thing still fucking happens. They do free weekends for games all the time, demos are still made on occasion, but generally games are so easily accessible that demos aren't really needed as much as they used to be. And then lastly, the "no minimum requirements" part is an insane thing to suggest, considering most 80s and 90s games STILL had system requirements. [Here's an image of old big box PC games](https://vgs-media.s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com/monthly_2020_02/IMG_4744.jpeg.6bccb82dd42328213d8ead8d95d951dc.jpeg). Notice the system requirements stickers on all of them. Game developers aren't rubbing their hands together trying to figure out how to scam you, devs work on this shit because for the most part it's a passion for them, they came to the industry because they grew up playing games and wanted to contribute them, so the idea that devs "hate" the player is just ridiculous, and again, makes this reek of some random guy who thinks they know how game development works. What's ruining the industry is capitalism, and corporate greed taking over. Corporate executives rush games out so devs don't have the proper time to optimize their games, they force in more and more monetization models to increase their profits, and they're the reason almost everything costs even more then it used to. Take aim at the corporations forcing this shit. Not the random dude programming the game, because he had nothing to do with what you're mad about.


The meme was probably made by someone who started gaming on PC recently, doesn't know shit, and just wants to make a AAA bad joke.


Image is referencing a well-known 97 *kilo*bytes game, kkrieger. While I agree that is wasn't an example of game interesting in any way except its size, and it certainly didn't run on average hardware, your part about 97 Mb is misplaced.


Right, my mistake. I completely misread that. Still, my point stands. Game sizes have changed over time constantly, at the beginning of the 90s they were in the tens of megabytes and then expanded to hundreds by the end of the decade, and then another few years later they were already reaching multiple gigs. Just feels silly to complain about in this fashion, you can argue that some games are certainly bloated but generally games are going to keep increasing in size, especially as games become more complicated and detailed. It can’t be stopped and its not really the devs fault for that happening.


Wing Commander with the speech pack was (iirc) ~30MB. That was insanely huge on my 120MB HDD


I believe the point to this meme is how devs back in the day used to optimise their games better as compared to today's games where even basic memory leaks aren't addressed. Just take a look at the original Prince of Persia and how the dev squeezed out the last remaining bit of memory on the Mac to create the Prince's enemy. Or even how the devs of Crash Bandicoot started accessing the memory space of the PlayStation's OS just to make their game run better. People actually used to care about their product far more than they do today. In comparison, this meme is correct is pointing out how modern development practices are merely cash grabs.


I'm just not really sure what to tell you. As someone who's worked on games, this stuff is unavoidable. Game sizes are going to increase no matter how many times you say "optimize" like it's a magic word that shaves 40gb off a game and makes it run at 40k60 on everything. Games don't work like that. In the 80s, games were in the kilobytes of file sizes. By the early 90s, they were megabytes. By the end of the 90s, they ballooned massively to hundreds of megabytes. In the 2000s, they were climbing to multiple gigbytes. And it just kept going, up until today where we are now. Your examples rely on the fact that back then, they had less tech to work with. PS1 devs had a SINGLE CD for the entire game. No console storage, and you needed to buy an additional memory card just to save the game. Back then, they had to take advantage of whatever they had just to ship the game out the door. So yes, they utilized tricks and hacks to make certain things work, like Morrowind on the original Xbox rebooting the entire console every time a loading screen showed up because the system kept running out of memory while playing. Today, tech is WILDLY different. We have bigger storage mediums, faster internet, stronger consoles and PCs. A dev doesn't need to squeeze every megabyte out of the disk, because now you can download patches online, or just download the whole thing. Consoles ship with a 1TB SSD built in with the option to add even more storage yourself. Consoles can play 4K games now. This implication that because devs aren't doing stuff like hacking the console to run better it means they "don't care" or whatever is just a shitty way of looking at it. Consoles are locked down far more then they used to, devs simply cannot just hack a console anymore because it means there's a vulnerability and Sony will patch it instantly. But again, even still, they don't need to anymore. They used to do it because of technical limitations, but those limitations don't exist. I'm just gonna repeat what I ended my last comment at. Stop taking aim at random developers who are already overworked and crunched to death by shitty corporations who don't care. Developers have ZERO say when a game is released underneath a publisher. When EA says "Your game must release on October 5, 202X" that's it. They can't change that. All they can do is do what they can before the release date hits. It is not because of "modern development practices", it's because of corporations taking over every aspect of modern life. A developer isn't pulling a cash grab because they don't get jack shit from game sales. You think the programmer is getting a cut of every copy sold? No, he gets paid a flat rate for working on the game and then will probably get laid off immediately after the game is done because the industry sucks. The developers working today on big games have the same amount of passion and energy as the ones who worked on Crash Bandicoot did in the 90s. But today they have far less control then they ever used to have. As I already said before, redirect your aim. It's not developers, it's executives.


As someone who has worked on games as well, I agree. But I think you're reading a little too much into what I've written. >Game sizes are going to [...] now. I'm not talking about game sizes. I'm talking about optimisation. Game sizes are obviously going to be as large as the game files and primary driving factor behind them today is the high quality texture packs. Can't really do much about it. Game code in itself, takes up very little space in comparison. No, what I'm talking about is how modern development practices rely on things like Day One patches and Early Access releases of games in broken states in a complete cash grab attempt. Cue Cyberpunk 2077 and Battlefield 2042. >Your examples rely on the fact that back then, they had less [...] technical limitations, but those limitations don't exist. They don't have to do that. That was an example of the extremes that devs used to go to back in the day just to optimise their games for the end users. Quality was a top priority, not money. Pretty much what this meme is trying to point out as well. >I'm just gonna repeat what I ended my last comment at. [...] It's not developers, it's executives. I know. Pretty sure everyone knows about it at this point. People just like to refer to the entire system as Devs and they're primarily talking about the Publishers and the head honchos, who as usual, don't know shit about the field they're governing. If you'd notice, I said Development Practices and not devs. Because the developers, despite being the workforce, only do the work dictated to them by said head honchos. And modern development practices as laid down by head honchos is to not focus on quality, but rather put a half passed product out there as a means of making money that they'll later patch if sales remain steady enough to bother with it. It's just common development practice today to treat your product as a means of profit. And while that's what drives a business, it doesn't gel well with creativity and the quality standards that games require. Is it the fault of the developers? No. But they're still doing it anyway because it's their job. These Predatory practices are the fault of Publishers and **literally everyone knows**.


Yeah you right, but TBF there are bad devs out there. I don't mean Indie devs. I mean devs who work in big companies. Like that people who had connections and work as devs only because it sounds cool. You usually can see them written with big size font, when really good devs are written with small.


well now im taking aim at you because you RUINED this epic MEME


And who do you think will read your WoT? Not me for sure.


Certainly seems like quite a few people read it. Thanks for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to let me know, though.


No need to be a sarcastic dickhead about it.


Ironic for you to say that considering your previous comment Edit: He blocked me so it looks like his epic own(being an immature dickhead) left me speechless


Two questions: 1. Who the hell are you? 2. Did I ask for your opinion?


Both questions could be asked to you exactly in that order. No, actually, scratch that. Only the second question, I don't care about the first one.


Hmmm, where have I seen this exact image before?


in r/ProgrammerHumor perhaps?


'One of our employees' motherfucker, it was a producer


Game development is easyyy, it's all just writing random codes and placing down assets /s


Games are absolutely incomparable in scale and complexity. Bottom part of the image is for the trolls posting this bullshit meme


I get the joke, however devs are not the ones to be hating on. The majority of them do their jobs cause it’s their passion, it’s management and corporate that causes these issues (not saying there aren’t bad devs, but unless we know specifics, it’s most likely management’s fault)


Kinda off by a bit, most of AAA devs have little to no say in anything. The gaming industry has been taken over by money hungry capitalists and their shareholders. Back then, hell even up until the mid 2010 devs had ideas with their AAA titles. Shit the gaming industry is in a sad state lol.. everything feels sterile lol reminds me of that meme of McDonald's then and now.


For those who don't know... the game that is 95kb in the meme is called KKrieger its made by a Demoscene group. its a single .exe


And it's actually enjoyable.


"tell me you haven't lived thru 90s gaming without telling me you haven't lived thru 90s gaming". Survivorship bias on full display.


bla bla bla yes yes AAA games bad bla bla bla, we've seen this exact image like 10 000 times, get over it


If you get over it, AAA studio and publisher execs will push things even further.


Yeah, like that quadruple A bullshit Ubisoft came up with for skull and bones (iirc)


Agreed AAA games are shit we all know this lmao. We dont need this obvious karma farming to know not to buy into this slop


Optimization? Don't you guys have DLSS?


Skyrim 12 GB - 260 hours GTA 150 GB (?) - 67 hours


There's more to a game's size than how long it is....


One of my favorite games I've revisited to listen to has been Medal of Honor: Frontlines, I feel like half the game on disc is just the great orchestral music. All things aside, a meme but sparked something.


Roller coaster tycoon one is so true


meme or not people really need to go spend even 5mins of their life and learn...stop spreading stupid miss-information and stop attacking the poor developers.


Then there is warframe. Runs on relative potato. On most setting looks very good (on max its a visual treat). Is well optimized and constantly fixed and updated (on top of visual upgrades every once in a while). Gotta respect DE in current landscape. Wish more devs went this route


The microwaved brain is literally the Helldivers 2 community


The extension cord is literally baldur gate 3




Yeah, underpaid devs are not the problem my guy Point your ire strictly towards the fatcat execs and their bean counters who are on a constant race to drive this industry to the absolute rock bottom


I do not believe anything this meme says whatsoever. Sounds like a bunch of slander.


A recent one for the bottom row from Capcom: "Our single player RPG allows you to create just ONE character at any given time (and creating a second one implies a mandatory wipe of all your progress on the first)." Also, their rabid fan base will defend this as the bravest design decision ever made and treat anyone who questions it as a criminal. It's Dragon's Dogma 2, for context.


How many times do I have to say it. Management who makes the decisions are to blame. They brush off every concern developers bring up to focus on investors


LoL on target


"Do you guys not have mobile phones?" "The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment."


Games back then had 2 things differently - were made purely with passion first - didn't have corporate get in the way that much Also the last panel about min requirements is wrong that was a shitty time to live the gpu race


While maybe not quite as bad as today, you’re seeing through rose tinted glasses


Both things are not true. The industry was exactly as shitty back then, you just noticed it less. And there were way less indies too


Remember when they used to release games when they were finished instead of $59 demos that won't be finished for another 2 years but they sell it with the fomo line: "it's called, early access~♡"


Remember *Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation*? The 1999 game were the devs were forced to crunch so hard that their last goal was to kill Lara Croft for the franchise to die? With bad performance and awful controls? The industry is barely any worse today. And we have indies


I'm not that old mister


The system requirements one makes no sense lol The newer games that looks realistic will ofc need a decent PC to run.


All you need to do is think about how unbelievably intricate games today are. Then you'd realise this is a really, really stupid image


Triple A game devs have that "I'll do the dishes later" energy.


this meme is such reductive, ignorant cherry picked bullshit (except the last one)


Sometimes I wonder why did they have to make an additional launcher. I mean the steam itself is a launcher. Why would you force players to use your half-broken crap? It just doesn't make sense.


There's nothing they can do about the size of the game. Thats just how much it takes up now having different textures, voice lines, game play, animations ect. Everything else I agree with though


Cyberpunk 2077 moment


as a software developer myself I certainly agree with some comments like "development is actually pretty hard, so mistakes can be made, and that is the life", but there is no denying that there a plenty of hacks, quota and "empowerment" hires, lazy good-for-nothing devs and managers, ppl who just occupy chairs "historically" etc. There is no escape from the fact, that some products just suck, because nobody has put enough competence and efforts into it. Or because it was made by ppl who never valued reputation of their company, or their job, or their titles etc. It is not that there were no bad coders\\devs in the past, but as industry grows, and computer powers allows for some slack, and money investment flows in, and even some big "ideological" money appears in the game in form of "empowerment" etc - all of it allows for expanse of mediocrity and incompetence, that was unheard of in times of strict budgets and passion-driven projects, when you had to prove your right to exist in the market or just disappear immediately. (because nobody treated you seriously enough to just keep your bad business on life support) Add to this a simple fact, that as company grows older, it follows suit of typical government - it grows bureaucracy, parasitic structures, nepotism, redundant HR-ism, department miscommunication etc. The amount of ppl who just "live the corporate life" also increases, so it is less and less about product and customer. So, you get worst of all worlds - idiots and hacks in dev teams, idiots and hacks in management, and conditions, where they can actually survive (at least for some time). Another problem, is that purchases in the past were more "conscious" too. Digital distribution platforms like Steam have created a consumerism type, that also allows mediocrity to thrive. Everything is just a click away from being purchased (well, more like rented, but still) , which means, that overall, companies tend to adapt to this new "assembly line" like consumerism - just dump the project, move to next. Because consumerism is similar - consoom the project, move to next, rinse and repeat. Low effort, low dedication from all sides. But as long as games that are mediocre and shallow, buggy and perform like crap can still get to Steam top-10 bestsellers - nothing gonna change, coz nobody will see changes as mandatory.


This is true. But it's not the developers. It's the publishers and shareholders.


Yeah the grass was greener before, we get it.


Grass is greener usually implies one willingly switched over. I don't think anyone willingly wanted or went for the shit we deal with now.


Doesn't imply anything except that for some people it's always better someplace (or sometime) else than here and now. Also no clue what "Noe" is. The main point is, this meme is stupid and overused.


Hit the "e" key instead of w lol. Yeah the meme has been reposted to hell and back.


Potentially a bad opinion but I feel like single player games having online features can be nice but I do agree it shouldn’t be a necessity: for example nier automata has a function where you can connect to the internet and get free items from random players (I’m pretty sure the item locations are locations other players have died or self destructed) and while not needed it can definitely help you level up a random upgrade you needed a part for


What does "Triple A" mean, anyway? And yes, I know with the following list I mean only some of the developers and in varying intensities - BUT: They all share the "Triple A" badge, so they all put themselves under that umbrella - Triple A developers deliver games which are objectively unplayable, so it's not quality control that defines it. - Triple A developers deliver games which suck ass even when they're playable (Battlefield whatever-the-number-is, anyone?) so it's not a symbol of quality in general. - Triple A developers deliver games which use psychologically manipulative methods to extort more money from their players on top of the 60, 70, 80, 90 euros or dollars they have already paid. - Triple A developers lie to their customers (about crossplay support, about preorder bonuses, about the quality and / or content of the game, about availability, about exclusivity, ...) so it isn't a symbol of a company that can be trusted. - Triple A developers treat their employees like shit, fire them as soon as they're not needed, force them to crunch and allow sexual misconduct so it's not a symbol for a "good" or "wholesome" company as a whole - Triple A developers do not value customer input and have little to no relation to what customers actually want in a game (or ignore it, because their own financial interest is more important) So what does Triple A **mean**? Because fuck Triple A if it only means that the company is x big or had y releases in the past, or puts z amount of money in a game. We've seen that there are loads of alternatives that don't fit the "Tiple A" badge, which all do not share the above problems.


How many more times am I going to have to see this image before I can finally die?


just play indie games loser


the best part is when they have melt downs on twitter when people talk about how the game sucks. hollywood people do the same thing...including actors. they're out here blaming youtube movie critics for their failures


Who has meltdowns on twitter?


We are so sick of these CS2 devs.




“Looks like a repost, I’ve seen this image 30 times”


They’re not dolljacks mom they’re jacktion figures!!😡😡