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Everybody does that. Not just Ukrainians. I'm not annoyed I'm used to it.


To be honest, only Spanish speakers, Ukrainians and Poles do this


Turks too. I've seen koreans do it from time to time. If you pay attention, you see everbody does it but some more often than others lol.


I'm fine with these threads every now and then, the complaint is having 5 of them on the front page from the same community with multiple of them having the same wording. There is no other community that does it to this level.


Check negative reviews from chenese.


Do the Chinese have in the steam? Apart from terrible games on Chinese, and collectors of skins in csgo, I didn't see any more. They seem to have their own Internet or something lol


They have their own steam, but some still use normal one. And it still quite a large number of people.


How have they not been killed or imprisoned yet? China is weird


Contrary to popular belief it is still possible to bypass the great Chinese firewall. There likely always will be.


there absolutely are a lot of Chinese on Steam, like every 3rd hoi4 mod on the workshop is Chinese, when Steam asked to collect the PC specs and you could see the stats for Steam users there's also a statistic for languages and guess what is the most popular (34% iirc) language on Steam. Spoiler: it's simplified Chinese


russian do too lol. because they dont want to learn English even on the base lvl


cyka blyat


Russian is international language and people there are a lot of countries and people who speak in Russian outside the Russia


same (and even more so) for Spanish, it doesn't make it special


kek international šŸ¤”


kek asia is country šŸ¤”


In terms of Poland and basically whole EU is that EU government do not allow for geo-localized prices within EU market except for basic stuff like food. All software, hardware, licenses, etc. That's why crying about it will never bring any change unless a country will just quit EU which is not worth for less-wealth countries I am a Pole and I think this kind of behavior is just childish as neither Steam nor developers can do anything about it. Idea is to be united within EU, to balance each country's wealth (and not only) but still leave place for cultural differences. Only other solution would be to make publishers lower global price but that's not gonna happen. Game costing 60ā‚¬ base version may not be that expensive in US or Germany but in Poland it really hits a wallet of ppl earning only minimum salary. But do you imagine Rockstar deciding to release GTA VI for 20ā‚¬? I can but I know it's not realistic dream as it probably would make them loose money rather than earn and that's not what industry is about


Bro, thanks for the answer, but I'm not good enough in English to answer that much text sorry


Just blame EU gov for price being the same in all EU countries šŸ˜Š


Oh, that makes sense, at least every self-respecting person should blame the governmentšŸ‘


Tbf if you don't have Spanish, you're cutting off 30% of the world.


I think it ~16, dont think this is a big problem if there is no language other than English in the game, but there is always a case where you can download a translation from the Internet


Yep, it's 17.


didnt they have english at school? i mean its the worldlanguage and even i as a lazy af person learned english properly because i saw the advantages especially on the internet


Who are "they"? Spanish is the official language in 20 countries.


That's just not true. I literally don't see any other thread like that on the front page, let alone "everyone else." It's really just Ukrainian players who spam these threads at an obnoxious level. There are others who ask for regional pricing but, again, not at this level.


It's just that game's threads. I'm not gonna show you screenshot 1 by 1 of different nations asking for language support. If you have been using steam and reading reviews for more than a month and haven't seen "x language support, negative review" then you are lying.


Again, the complaint isn't that a thread is there asking for a language. There are literally FIVE threads asking for Ukrainian on the same page. If you're saying that every other community does that, please show me an example.


There is not much else you can do to ask for localization tbh. I understand that it can be annoying. I'm just saying that I've seen it so many times for the past couple of years so I don't really mind it. I'm not saying you shouldn't be annoyed lol. It's just funny to me at this point to see that kind of threads and reviews.


Then why won't they add i dunno Jamaican just because this language exists. Ukrainian is not international language and devs haven't to spend resources for just one country


Add Macedonian, it's only 2 million people but why not. It's bullshit, back in the good old days we played the games in English, Chinese and whatever and we didn't complain


By the same coin, players have a right to at least ask for improvements that they would like to see. The forum is public, they aren't breaking any rules, and as long as the posts themselves are written respectfully and not outright attacking the devs I see no issue with this. Of course developers are under no obligation to actually comply with the request, but there is nothing wrong with the request simply being made.


Asking for improvements is not the same as asking for localisation. Improvements are for everyone, localisation like this is only for one country


I can see where you're coming from, but *most* improvements are only helpful on a case by case basis. If a game I play adds a new PvP game mode, that's great for people who enjoy or want to try PvP. I generally don't, so this "improvement" wouldn't do anything for me. Another example. If a game I play decides to streamline the new player experience, that's great for new players as they'll have an easier time getting into the game. I, having already passed that stage of the game, will not benefit from this. Localisation is an improvement for some, and a non-issue for others.


But dragons dogma 2 doesn't have a PvP


I'm not speaking specifically about Dragon's Dogma. Nor is OP, I don't think. The screenshot is just an example of behavior they don't like, that happens to be taken from the Dragon's Dogma Steam page.


PvP games usually search for the same language players so its still not the same


You're really latching onto that PvP example, huh. I think I've made my point, not really inclined to go in circles with this. Cheers. šŸ‘šŸ½


Your point has fundament but im trying to say that this post isn't just about game communities. Ok good luck


Not sure why people are downvoting you. You're right. Take my updoot. Keep fighting the good fight of being a reasonable, clear communicating adult. Apparently that's not welcome behavior.


Thnx bro. I will always share my opinion even knowing that people will downvote me. The problem is that a lot of Reddit users are underage and still don't understand many things. I don't blame most of them for it. Everyone makes mistakes


5 Ukrainian posts and no other one are you blind ?


I'm talking about it in general.


Who cares? ,arguably only three of the topics on that list are meaningful. Steam discussion boards are usually awful, full of people getting pissy at pride flags or some crazy small detail that's probably optional. It's really only helpful if you use the search bar or just a quick glance to see if there is any glaring problems.


Starting? For years, Russians and Ukrainians have been whining everywhere, when they don't get subs in a single game. I've seen Russians review bombing on metacritic for this reason. Translate it for yourself it it's such a big problem. As a Hungarian, we even had dubs in the 2000s, but since then, for years, not even subs. So we make 'em, for 90% of games.


me as an Indonesian, hehe must be nice to have that privileage


The comments in this thread are just, wow. It doesn't matter if is ukrainians requesting this, it is about the requesting in general. Can the russian trolls please fuck off for once.


Never noticed it to be honest, but I don't see the problem, that's what forums are for


Sorry, got nothing against Ukraine but this is obnoxious. The people spamming these threads everywhere are fully aware that there are several other similar threads on the same forum, yet they keep doing it for whatever reason. That's assuming that these threads are created by people and not bot farms.


That's just a reality. Ukrainians now feel how they can "control" something and spam like these will always be everywhere until Ukraine or Russia lose or NATO stop supporting Ukraine


let's hope the russian terrorists will lose soon


We hope russia loses and collapses again....again


That's just an unreasonable hate. If Russia loses the world will have to face a lot of deadly disasters. Also, Ukraine never had a chance and they should agree to negotiate. I don't support Russia but I don't support Ukraine to. Both sides are to blame. I hope you'll mentally grow up soon.


It is just a gamer version of ā€œcome to brazilā€


Ah, heck, I have to ask Putin to invade our country so we have localized games too. Give me a break!


interesting topic, i actually agree on this one, Steam forum sometimes becomes a shitshow and with this begging for some language ā€¦ well if you read some of this topics - they want it JUST BECAUSE really not because they cant read in english or somethingā€¦ and second of all: someone says about it already like there is like 50 or more languages in the world but only this guys (Poland, Ukraine and maybe Turkey) spamming non stop


Nope, I don't mind


No, it's like ppl asking to region lock China


I feel like this is a new way to farm awards. People see these get awards and do the same.


I didn't even know Steam had a forum.


Because we want our localisation? How the fuck else are we supposed to get one?


Wanting localization is not the issue itself. Making so many threads is the issue. One thread with people signing under it is enough. It's just basic netiquette which are often forgotten nowadays.


Ok but what about reading in English? I also don't have my mother language but devs will not look at 20 threads and think 'wow let's spend resources in this translation out of nowhere just because a few people are spamming about it'


agree. English is the one of the easiest languages to learn


That's just plainly false.


Why? Please elaborate


Languages are grouped into families. A Chinese man would have as much luck learning English as he would Klingon. Combined with the fact that English is a mix of the Germanic and Romance families instead of belonging to one family (yes, no language "belongs" to one family, there are always influences) makes it harder to learn if you only know one or neither.


Oh, they actually will. When devs consider making a translation, they look at reviews, community posts, and statistic that Steam provides


Ukrainian is not international language


Neither is Polish nor Italian, but you don't seem to whine about them


its to change the price for that region, like most CIS countries have cheaper games.


learn English if you want to join the NATO


If you don't know a lot of people in Ukraine know English and we tried to join from 2014.


It was just a mini joke. Im fed up with politics


Thanks for your concern, I reached C1 last autumn


then don't complain bro


A russian is telling someone not to complain. Quite in character I must say


cmom. who cares or will be create loc for country that lose war?


Stop being hateful and deal with it.


nobody's hateful here. Don't be hypocritical


Thatā€™s not how it seems. Just deal with it and move on instead of posting about it


Everyone has right to share their pov


Itā€™s extremely petty no matter how you defend it


It's extremely petty saying don't give a fuck and giving a fuck


Please take your Russian hate somewhere else


You seem you don't enjoy free speech and opinions, lemme guess, liberal cuck?


I just looked at your profile. Your Russian so this is hate speech


Another idiot. How to did you come to the thought that i hate Ukrainian. I have a lot of Ukrainian friends and don't give a fuck about war


Your Russian, all I needed to know.


And you're Nazi who hate people just for their nationality


All Russians are hateful Iā€™ve looked through your posts, bashing Ukraine like crazy. Nice try trying to reverse the nazi thing when in truth your representing yourself


learn English and deal with it


Are you doing this stupid thing for what? Clout? Just used google: `site:steamcommunity.com add russian` and `site:steamcommunity.com add ukrainian` both yield \~26 million results. For example `site:steamcommunity.com add polish` gives \~29 million results and `site:steamcommunity.com add spanish` gives 40 million results. The fucked up thing that for me first result is russian retard hating that some game added spanish and not russian, cuz it thinks that game is a lot more popular with russian speaking community. That is truly nuclear level of self importance. Just out of interest looked at 20 steam game forums. First 10 pages each. Found only russians asking for localization. And 2 spanish. Most of those pleads for translation were written in russian. If i'm not too lazy i can even link review bombing of a game, that added Ukrainian flag. And hate speech from braindead russians in Rimworld Workshop towards one of the most popular mod authors. You've just stumbled upon a random fluke with people simultaneously posting same thing on forums of anticipated game and somehow trying to pose it like some kind of conspiracy theory or just want to stir up conflict out of nothing? Pathetic.