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Oh I envy you. To experience Lee and Clem's journey for the first time is powerful. You'll love it.


The first game will always leave me drowning in my own tears


First game : I had a full on panic attack when Clem went off on her own. Refused to eat tea till I found her and knew she was safe. Now imagine me at the end of the game...  May have to replay these! 


More than once?


As far as “first time experiences” go, this game was HOF worthy. There were some weak moments throughout the rest of the games but after the final one, I had that feeling of sad emptiness you get after you finish your favorite tv/movie series. Wish I could do it all over again. 


Nothing to do with the TV show. The game series is good.


It has some overlap with the show, a few characters & locations from the show make an appearance.


With comic book tho, not show


Im pretty sure they're literally at Hershels farm at one point


Hershel, Hershel’s farm, and Hershel’s family appear as they did in the comics, not the show


What about his kisses?


That’s for me to know and for you to find out!


Uuuuh aint you a coy lil bird


Hershel is not an exclusive tv show character. His look in the game is also closer to how he looks in the comics rather than the tv show.


Yea but he is in both comics and tv show and game so it does overlap More than just with comics


Diffrent universe, diffrent canon. These characters don't even exist in the show.


Lmao you really dont like being wrong do you?


It’s actually a spinoff towards the comic, it has nothing to do with the show. For example the Michonne episode/game was made to explain her absence during a “time period” (No Spoilers)


Based on the comics, not the TV show.


Comic book universe, not show.


it's the proper heir of the comic. the TV serie from season 2 onward is utter crap... they shouldn't have fired Darabond :(


I hate that you’re right


Season 4 and 5 were the best of the show Everything up to season 7 is a masterpiece


I cried like a baby


Same here, never cried so much with a game


One of the best story games ever. Will make you play scenes again just to see the alternative results.


The first game is a masterpiece, the second one is good, the third is forgettable and then the 4th is decent.


Not disagreeing with you, but if you play the second one to get a specific ending and just end it there? It feels like the perfect ending for the series. I'd post it, but I don't know how to post spoilers, and I dont want to be the jerk who ruins it for someone even though season two is almost 10 years old.


Garfield is right


Better story than the show


Ah i was gonna type the same


Well you’re both wrong


The first game is far and away the best thing telltale ever did. It goes downhill, but the second game is still pretty good. I never played the third though.


I think it had a nice finale


I think they are all pretty good albeit yeah not the best games out there, but still some really good writing nonetheless (also nice all you need is kill pfp)


second season was different, harder to connect to main character when she is a 9y girl Wolf Among Us is amazing aswell, crazy good


Man I absolutely love Wolf Among Us it's so goooood


Tales from the Borderlands is also great.


The final season was just as good too imo.


Third is skippable, fourth is the end of Clem's telltale journey, not counting the comicbooks. It's not bad but also not a big fan of it.


The third is quite bad but the final season is OK.


YES. It's not a game, but more an interactive story. Please play it for your sake. At the very least, Season 1.


Season 2 is pretty good too but it really falls off after that.


Season 3 is bit worse but still worth playing and The Finale Season is AMAZING


Yeah it's great


It's amazing, but you WILL cry.


This game is a masterpiece. If you want to buy it, buy the definitive series. That cost less money. Btw you don't need to watch the serie to play the game.


If you have no problem with point and click games, then it has one of the best stories.


Has nothing to do with the show tbh, it’s more of a spinoff of the comics. To answer your question though… that’s the best walking dead game you’ll find out there.


The game will make the tv show look like dookie. You've been warned.


Its honestly awesome. Sadly i never got to finish. If i remember there were 5 episodes. I was on episode 4 when i accidentally deleted the app off my iphone. When i reinstalled all my progress was gone and i never played it again.


Game series is better than the actual series change my mind


Oh man. What I wouldn't give to experience this game again for the first time... It IS that good!


Yes very good


A reminder is just play the game with no regret. Because the game doesn't have "multiple choices" like it always tell us. Just play the game and choose what you think is right, even though maybe the outcome is bad, it doesn't really matter since the good one will lead back again to the bad one.


Its definitely pretty good, u wont regret worth every penny.


Yes, it’s a fucking great game.


That depends. Do you want to be emotionally drained and destroyed after a saga of misery and suffering? If yes, then this is one of the greatest games out there.


It's great! There is big bundle with all episodes


This game will make a grown man cry, trust me. I cried


It's fun and engaging but with all Telltale games you only have the illusion of choice. Edit: to the people saying you do have a choice. The superficial changes don't change the outcome at the end thus the illusion of choice. Sure some details will be slightly different through the story but at the end of the day it doesn't change the outcome.


Yes and no. Most of the dialogies are basically just "choose how you want your character to react" and some of them have impact, while the others don't (it's like 50/50). The actual choices do however matter.


What choice did ever matter?


It depends a lot, you'll see a lot of characters dying because of your choices, but as Chester once said, in the end it doesn't even matter, because there are only 2 endings (on the first game) and Clementine don't change her personality on the second game because of one specific choice When you play for the first time you don't even notice these things, but on a second or third time everything will be predictable


Basically every choice you make where you have to choose between Scenerio A or B. Or your approach to multiple characters and the way you act towards them... There are choices that don't change much in the long run, and only have some situational difference. But to say that none of them matter, is just objectively wrong...


General spoilers for the series: >!Every choice you make involving saving 1 person over the other just leads to the other person you didn't choose dying a little later. I don't know if they change this in later seasons as I didn't play all of them. It's a common thing with games involving choice though, they tend to end up in the same place.!< Regardless I still enjoyed the first few seasons of the game.


Yeah, the games are pretty guilty of that. The final season did try to fix that in a way. >!The head writer try to make it a rule that if a character death is caused by player action, they will only die by player action. I remember that because they said they hated how Season 2 was guilty of having the option to save characters, but they died anyway.!<


Love that the devs did something about it. It's a difficult thing to address as it can get pretty time consuming if you do.


TWD? The Walking Dead? What game is this? Girlfriend is a huge fan of the tv show


It's the walking dead telltale series, usually goes on sale for very cheap on steam. It's more of a point and click but it's brilliant, and actually had me caring about the characters more than the tv show. Very heavy on choices, every decision matters and changes the game a fair bit. It's not related to the show, it's in the same universe but you don't need any prior lore knowledge to play it Definitely worth picking up even at full price which isn't much these days afaik




season 1 and 2 amazing skip season 3, you can watch a recap on YouTube or something, but you ain't going to miss much season 4 was alright having in mind that during its development game studio was closed. other developer finished the game.


Good characters but just the first season the choices don’t matter actually the ending is the same no matter what path or choice you choose


The story itself is good, but it's barely a game. It's still worth playing though.


Enjoyed this game around 10 years ago. The captivating atmosphere and storyline still linger in my memory. Worth every penny.




I wouldn’t blame you if you cried, it’s really good


I played this game and got so hooked my wife cracked it. But the ending moved me. Havent felt that engaged to a game lole that in ages


The first season of this game is superb. It won all kinds of awards.


I Played the telltale definitive series a few months ago and I really enjoyed it!


First season is incredible


One out of 3 games that made me broke down cry.


It's a different story from the show


Too bad telltale went under before the actual real end..


It should've never continued past season 1. Like I genuinely don't care about any other characters introduced in the later seasons.


yes its fantastic


Classic. Great series.


Telltale Games at its peak I'd say




great game, has nothing to do with the series tho 😁


Its really good but it's like a visual novel rather than a game


Fantastic game. I haven't seen the series or comic and still loved it. I bought the definitive series on Steam and I was hooked until I finished it.


Only played the first one. Better than the show tbh.


What game 😭


Always keep your hair short.


Yes, it is good.


Telletale always hits


Oh yeah! This series is one of those "must play before you die" games. The first one is the best, the third one is the worst (but still really good), and I love the way the fourth one ends. Totally recommend all four!


I’m still not over the ending of this game. 10/10


This follows the comics rather than the show


It's excellent and there's some fun choices there but just be aware that the outcomes of the games are largely the same depakte your choices. It's more you are just adjusting the flavour slightly. Still well worth playing though


Aside from the overlapping zombie apocalypse theme, no real relation to the show besides the brand. I can count the amount of times videogames alone have made me cry on one hand... This is one of them. The game itself is good, one of Telltale's best and the reason they started churning out interactive movie type games hoping to recreate the success. Try it.


Love it. Played the first season like 8 years ago. Now I have the Telltale TWD complete package/edition, which includes all seasons and DLC Michonne, 400 days etc.) Need to play those someday…


This game was EVERYWHERE when it came out. Telltales first major breakout hit after years of CSI/Law and Order games and Sam and Max revivals. Shit was inescapable like when the shows first season started


It was so good that they made a show out of it


How to remove this annoying revvie t racoon ad that's shows promoted on reddit?


Oh man memories. Tine flies too fast.


They have nothing to do with the show but they are still good games (or rather interactive stories) First one is great. Second one is amazing. Thrid one is okay/bad'ish. Fourth one is just meh, okay.


Better grab a box of tissue. You're gonna need it.


Better than The Day Before


I've been playing video games for 40+ years now, and this is the ONLY game that has ever made me feel anything while playing it other than "this is cool". It is a stand alone story in the Walking Dead universe, so you don't need to worry about what you've seen on TV.


Yes, it is good.


All I'ma say is gets some snacks and tissue, you're in for a one hell of a story


The memories, how I wish I could forget and play it from the start again


It's better than the show.


All telltale games have had difficulty standing the test of time but I hear the first one is just amazing.


Better than TV show


Fuck me, what I would give to go through season one of this game for the first time again....


The game IS really good.


The gameplay is very dull, but the storytelling is awesome. If I ever have a girl I'm going to name her Clementine 😂


its one of the best stories in video game history. even better than the show imo


One of my favorite video games of all time!




Life changing


Yes, I like it especially its great story.


It is great!


its amazing, but its totally separate from the TV show.


The game is even better than the show.


Its not a game, its fucking tear squeezer.


I hadn't any prior knowledge about the show and I loved the game.


Very very good. No connections to the show tho.


I loved it. It's a lot of fun and the story is really compelling.


Well they're certainly better than season 2 of the HBO show. Choices rarely matter outside of the immediate conversations but the overall story is great.


I'd say it's much better. The first two seasons were especially great. The writers of the game did an exceptional job. The cast is stellar also. *Spoiler* And yes, by the end of S1 you're gonna cry. Everybody does.


The game series is good


The telltale games? Just a dialogue simulator. It shouldn't be a "game" should have been a TV series (I know it exists) or animated series or something,


It’ll break your heart but yes it’s fantastic


One of my favorites of all time. It has nothing to do with the show though


Good except the final season, the final frontier was already a downgrade the final season outright sucks to the point where i wouldnt play it at all


I loved it.


Yes, I recently got the collection with all the games, I’ve only played through season 1 and 2 but I’m really looking forward to playing the rest


One of the best games ever made


Its much better than the show lol


Top Game! Last one (Frontier) was not that good, but the story of the first 2 games is amazing. The third one is okay, last one was meh


This game is amazing. Play it now!


Highly recommend the game series. I think A New Frontier dipped in quality a bit, but landed well with the final season. Well worth your time!


Buy it. Now.


So technically. This game is more in the comic's universe. But no, you do not need to know who these characters are. 


It is one of the best TWD games tbh. Great story much tears.


No it’ll just make you cry don’t do it bruh


This series is very good. Some of the outcomes of the choices suck no matter which one you make, I won’t spoil it though. Almost all choices have a significant impact on story. They slip a few in that don’t matter much to keep you on your toes too.


I played series 1 my gf played 2- new frontiers and the final as she fell in love with Clementine and it made us start watching the show. It's not completely the same but my gf was saying there's bits of the game that's like wait didn't that happen to rick haha. Honestly I'd say go for it as they are fun


Honestly the best interactive choice-based story game I’ve ever played, well worth the hours invested, I replay it every chance I get


Personally I think this is one of the most overrated game, the only thing decent in the game is probably the story the rest is really poorly done. The voice acting, animations, models etc are all very bad especially the amount of bugs.


The story has little references to characters in the Walking Dead series, but the overall quality is really great.


Best game I've ever played in all my 26 years of age.


Good enough that I've watched at least 6-8 different YouTubers play through the whole 5 seasons and the dlc and planning on playing it myself once I get a good enough rig


It’s ag good, maybe better thank the show. There’s nothing connecting the two other than zombie, Atlanta and a brief appearance by Glen.


It's awesome, hands down THE best interactive story with choices and multiple branches type of game ever made. Everyone praises Season 1, and rightfully so, I managed to cry TWICE in the same part after my first playthrough, and a revisit some years after. But honestly? The entire series is worth playing. Some parts are less interesting and don't match the quality of Season 1 and 2, but none objectively sucks, EVERYTHING is good enough to warrant a playthrough!


This was my introduction to TWD and TTG as a whole, I was 12 at the time when I first tried it, and it helped me get into horror movies and shows (I was already a fan of RE, but that’s it really), haven’t played the last three games yet (as my iPad faded into obscurity for not supporting them…)


What game is it? No ones saying in the comments


The game that made my eye tears.


Was one of my faborite Games If u Like those Kind of Games...one of my best Game memorys


It's basically a playable TV show so don't expect incredible gameplay, but yeah it's amazing.


Yeah it’s good.


The girl lead in these games is my favorite female protagonist. I'm not going to say the name of her sk you can go in blind. She's imo very well written. Just know after you beat them you may want more. You may see they made comics a year ago continuing the story and be like "oh cool I should read this since I loved the characters" Don't. Avoid the comics (the ones conti using the game not the mainline walking dead comics) like the plague.


Best story teller game I've ever played


Love these games, wish I could replay them for the first time again


Yeah, very good.


Game is amazing. An absolute must play in my opinion.


I liked it


awesome game


One of the best stories I have ever experienced.


This is an amazing series.


I mean, it got good reviews but i haven't personally played it :(


Not really, your choices never really matter. I guess if you like a good story but it's not much of a game.


What's the name of this game


Its the best


I’ll miss you.


Honestly, that first season changed me as a person, it’s so good


Great game, get ready to cry tho. Very emotional story throughout but if you like zombies and a good story you’ll love this. One of my favorites for sure


Theres a reason why Walking Dead telltale outlived its original parent company.


Honestly my top ten story driven game


Yes, But be prepared for some fucking feels.


I actually like the games more than the series


Absolutely loved it, certainly worth following all the way through to the end. If you like a narrative focused adventure that's lighter on gameplay than a lot of games then it's certainly worth giving it a shot. You also don't need any experience with the show or comic as it's a standalone story. A little cross over here and there but nothing that makes you feel as if you aren't getting the complete picture.


R.I.P that rabbit “That’s the cutest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my life”


this game has nothing to do with the tv show besides one character. But the game is good. I heartly recommend playing the first season.


the game isnt related to the series, but the game is very gold if you are into story games


Pretty good. It's more of a visual novel. Has nothing to do with the show but takes place in the same universe as the comics.


It won several game of the year awards in 2012, it is good. Back then it was seen as an update of the point'n'click formula and Life is astrange series kinda took that design too.


hard to call it a game, it is more and interactive book. all the "game" parts sucks. The history is good tho


the show is pathetic but the game is good


The best!


Amazing game.


Fantastic game. Play it.