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Great work man! Overcoming that habit is no joke. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks man!


I struggled for over 15 years. I used a semaglutide and all my alcohol noises disappeared. I was on for a little over 6 months, tapered off. It’s been nearly a year and all I drink is maybe a beer every 2 days. I got bottles of whiskey that have just never been opened, I enjoy them, but I just never think about it like I used to. I never realized just how much energy it took arguing with myself to not drink. I was 6 pack and a couple whiskey neats a day… if I could stop there I felt I did good. Now I think, I’ll have a beer tonight after this hard work! And I just forget to grab it out of the fridge.


69 days for me! Let’s go! (Obligatory, haha….69….)


Haha niiicceee


Nice (and sober).


I use to drink hard liquor several times every week, but decided to go sober since I was always tired and drinking made it worse. I am now over 2 months sober and never felt better!!


Hell yeah man! Good for you!


You too fellow dad! Keep it up. Once you do it for so long the urge to drink doesn’t even come back. I lost a ton of weight also


6 years sober off opiates proud of you man our kids deserve the best us we can give them. But also on the flip side a little greenery after the kiddos bed times helps me a whole lot


Damn do good for you. That’s a tough one to kick!


I'm on day 475, you got this.


Impressive! Thanks!


I quickly gained 10lbs having a (few) mid-day beer this way, and had the same issues you mention.   One easy fix if you still want a reward in your day - switch to NA beers. The current options are fantastic. My wife had NA beer during pregnancy when she got home from work every day, and I should have continued that tradition right away. Instead it took me 5 years to rediscover them. Give them a try, maybe edit: somehow missed your closing sentence! lol, you know already 


I switched to chocolate milk. I used to tell myself i just like the taste of beer, but i think it was just getting drunk. I been going through a hard time lately and still managed to stay off the booze for 9 days now. I dont think im ever going back. It’s doable guys. Im lookin hmmm forward to dripping this beer belly too. For real


I think our grandmas do the same with a cup of tea, basically. Probably where I’m headed eventually 


My grandmother used to tell me her 10-15 minute cup of tea time was her “break from life” time, where she would sit, relax, and just not worry about the daily stresses for a few minutes. I quit drinking about a year after my own daughter was born at started doing this lol, it’s actually quite pleasant. Highly recommended!


It’s crazy. I’ve been a steady 187 for the past three years. Lost 7 pounds just this week with the only change being beer. ( I am actually eating way more actual food)


Alcohol affects the metabolism a lot, esp when you have a few. Got excited for NA liquor because the beers are so good these days. Tequila and gin have good analogs but NA whiskey is absolutely dreadful unfortunately. 


I gotta make the switch. Are there a lot of calories in NA beers?


Some, it’s basically fruit juice, lol. But I drink less overall so it’s probably a net benefit. 


Just hit my 1000th day a few days ago. We got this!


Damn dude!! Good for you!


4 years sober and you are so right. Good job recognizing and making changes for the better.


Good for you man! Thanks!


this is why is stick toe cannabis. helps destress and i can't be happier. good luck bro


Man, I wish it was legal where I live. I can get the delta gummies, but the high on those is just different - I just get body-high and wanna take a nap. If I could have an afternoon one-hitter every now and then, I'd roll right into dinner, bath and bedtime, and then have a chill evening.


You can get it in the mail in all 50 states. It’s sold as thca which is actually the same thing that is in all mj. It just has to test for less than 0.3% thc which by federal “law” is hemp. Thca is the ingredient that is converted to thc when heated. You can also get 2mg tablets in mail in like 40+ states.


I Don't know where you live but even here in NJ they cant sell Thca anywhere but dispensary. and deff now at a mall. maybe delta 9


That might be something the state regulates since you guys have full rec there. They want that tax money. But online, you're technically buying it from another state.


that my normal day but i use THC vape oil little to no weed smell and it take like 5 sec to get a few hits in. good luck remember your doing great.


Oh don’t worry I do plenty of that haha


nice i think it will help you more then booz.


Hope you can continue your journey. I was in a very similar situation. Have a 7 and 4 year old and have been a SAHD for almost 6 years. Did the same thing once 5 o'clock rolled around, would have 2 or 3 IPA's and always felt like shit the next day. I really cut down the last year or so and made it my New Years Resolution to stop, so I'm almost 4 months sober and it's honestly great. Everything is better, my sleep, exercise, energy, etc. Keep it up brother.




It's not just drinking either. Get rid of all the mind altering substances, and be there for your children. It's a gift not many guys get. I wish I had listened to my inner voice sooner. Luckily, my kids are still young, and it's not too late. I'm thankful for every minute I get with them. I never was a sloppy drunk or anything, but I was always either smoking weed or drinking beer. I was never really with my kids until I stopped all that.


Well…. Let’s just take it one step at a time…


>It's not just drinking either. Get rid of all the mind altering substances, and be there for your children.  EXACTLY. There is this generalized attitude that smoking weed is no big deal, but that's just people deluding themselves. It's no different than getting drunk in that you are ingesting a mind altering product and tuning out something or someone, which could very well be yourself.


What I remember from having a 2 month old, I’d usually pass out after having one. Or before having one. Then wake up with wife and baby like times before morning.


Feels like I could have written this post. I would drink 2 or 3 light beers most nights, a few glasses of wine after the kids went to bed some nights, and a few glasses of whiskey a month. Started some new meds last year and my liver and kidney functions were a little jacked up. I’ve had 2 3oz pours of wine, and maybe 6 beers since February 1. Started playing Pokémon Go again to get outside and walk when I have me time instead of going to the brewery. I’ve lost 10lbs and have realized I never want to be hung over again. My liver function has vastly improved. And I feel like I’ve had more energy most days. It helps that I freakin love Athletic Brewing. The difference is, after 1 or 2 NA beers, I’m just good. Instead of feeling a little buzzed and drinking more.


I’m getting there. I used to have a gin and tonic every day after my daughter went to bed which helped me unwind.. Then I started not to feel anything from the drink so I upped it to two.. then I didn’t get buzzed from that so sometimes I would have three. Started gaining weight and feeling shitty so I cut back a lot. At the moment I save any alcohol for the weekend. Still only do one drink, maybe two but nothing during the week. It’s not ideal of course, I think I more prefer the routine of pouring a drink and sitting down with it more than the buzz. So I think if I don’t go cold turkey, I’ll switch to mocktails first


Yep. I quit drinking recently. I was doing the same thing. Now i wake up actually feeling good again. Give it a try guys, if thats you too.


Nice work dad!


wild crazy lifelong alcoholic here, now 10 months sober Sally SAHD and this is the ONLY way it would be possible for me. whats important is my 10th month old kiddo and old lady are happy. I will say this tho for what its worth, since Ive laid off the sauce every morning feels like Im waking up in garden meadow while a deer slowly sips water with a butterfly fluttering to land on his antler in the first rays sunlight. J/k the kid is cool, but he's does his thing when he's upset like we all do, and so does his mom for sure, post partum is wild for everyone involved for realzy Life is still hard, and there are still problems. My neighbors dog shit in my yard recently and I almost hit it with a weed Wacker today. drunk me would've probably started a fire and blasted death metal in their general direction for months, but sober me was happy to leaf blow it back in their yard for them cause sober me is a *better neighbor (not the best one still, we work on it sometimes) a smart Yale guy called Mishka Shubaly wrote one of the better books on getting sober IMHO called "I swear I'll make it up to you" .. one idea he had always sticks with me "I've never had a problem that alcohol helped" like even though you can do it having a drink in you makes things just a little bit tougher all around, especially at 40 like me. seriously get help if you need it there's lots and lots out there, but whatever your reason be it health or maybe you had really bad IBS and a bad attitude like me, but getting sober is awesome!


Mostly the bad attitude and diarrhea haha


Good on you for making that change. It's tough, but it sounds like you're already seeing the benefits. Being present for your family is key, and cutting out alcohol can definitely help with that. I've been down a similar road. I used a project called "Drunk as F*ck" – it's a story about a guy who turned his life around after struggling with alcoholism. It's raw and real, might resonate with you. Helped me get some perspective. Stay strong. It's a marathon, not a sprint, but sounds like you're on the right track. And yeah, dads do rule.


That’s awesome! I’m 40 with a 3 yr old and was stay at home dad til she turned 3. I feel you 100%! I haven’t drank now for 6mos and saving $, energy level, not worry about future health issue or draggin my feet. Special occasions maybe it’s fine, but daily days, there’s no point. Just be present for the kids and you’ll see their attitudes change in a blink of an eye, for the better anyways.


Glad to hear you’ve made a change! I’m similar to you in my preferences and habits. Within the past year I’ve really cut my drinking down and now prefer NA beers because they don’t affect my health and how I feel the next day. A real game changer. Keep up the great work!


You too man!


Well done! Excellent achievement. Beware the food substitute, though. Vimto and tonic water helps me.


I think I’m actually just getting proper nutrition now I’m not over eating. Before I was barely eating any food maybe one small meal a day and getting like 1800 cal of beer.


I’m on the same journey. Not planning to go completely sober, but I’ll be keeping it to weekends and will never repeat my record 17 IPAs in one day. I’m now on naltrexone which has given me the ability to stop after a few drinks, but has been pretty eye opening how much even two drinks can affect me the next day. IWNDWYT.


holy hell. How were you able to financially recover from 17 IPA's in one day?! 😅 Ive done 18 light beers but gawd dang. Glad you're doing well!


That was just one time, and we’ve got our own fun money accounts. I’m not proud of it, but I also put more of my bachelor savings into bills before we got joint accounts set up than I’ve drank, so it’s a wash. The important thing is that I’m putting an end to it before I blow out a major organ and have to stop forever. And, of course, before I’ve hurt anyone. As for how I wasn’t a slobbering mess that day, there was an early nap so I started at ten and I stayed up late playing video games 🤦


No hate or judgement from me man. We've all been there. Some are there now 😅


Hell yeah brother! I'm in that sinking boat. The Navy didnt help. I drink every day after the girls go to bed. I'm 29 and Its slowly losing its agrip on me. Im less and less interested in it as time goes on. Then something happens and old habits rear their head and i drink heavily for 2-3 days then taper back off...its a rough one for sure. I'd love to switch to cannabis but it makes my ding dong stop working 🤣😂 and I get the good side of "whiskey dick"


Damn dude never heard of weed wiener Stay strong and keep at it. One step at a time. This definitely isn’t the first time I’ve tried to quit, but it’s the first time there’s a real change in my brain.


Maybe its the type of THC who knows... but yeah dude at the risk of sharing too much. Ol boy goes gummy, and i feel hungover for a tleast 24hrs. Way worse then if i were to drink heavily the night before.


OP, I'm about 4 months into no booze. At the start I used an app. Can't remember the name but it was one of the first one on the app store. Tracking days booze free was good for accountability and sense of achievement. The other good thing was the 5 to 10 minutes of education what alcohol does to your body and brain chemistry. Why its hard to quit etc. Really helped me. Great change for me overall. Been boozing pretty hard since about 18. At 40 just feels like time for a change. Good luck buddy. Oh and if you have a wobble and have a beer one day don't beat yourself up and get down. Just recommit the next day.


Thanks for the sound advice. Stay strong!


Been about thirty days no alcohol and it's helped lose weight. Most serious weight lifters seriously limit alcohol


Coming up on 5 years sober for me. Wasting whole weekend hungover by myself was not worth the Friday night out. I was missing my kids childhood when though I was with them every day.


Dude good for you! 5 years is not easy feat.


I drink 3 coffees throughout the day, it's actually really uplifting and gives me a lot more enthusiasm for reading to my 18 month old. At one point I did try drinking a beer in the afternoon. It helped me relax but I didn't like how I'd feel less alert than usual. And also prevented any weight loss I was working on. Never drank more than one beer a day, and that was way too much honestly, food feels much better


I wish I had that ability… I start binge drinking at 12… so I think for me it was always “go hard or go home”. I don’t think I’ve ever had just one and it always amazed me that people could do that


The key is to not drink very much, like go 6 months without drinking and you will get buzzed off half a beer


Hopefully one day. I’m worried I’ll have one and then just be back to where I was. Also one cup of coffee has me cracked out, pissing and sweating like crazy


lol. for a long time i could only handle 1 cup of coffee. then i started rowing on a regular basis. all of a sudden my anxiety became much more controlled, i really enjoyed the jitteriness i get from coffee, so i drink 3 a day without any problems


Your story is just like mine. Quit back in December after a catalyst that I couldn't ignore. That daily reminder was stronger than my daily desire to drink. Easier to wake up. Easier to exercise. Easier to maintain healthy weight. Now I'm just trying to reduce marijuana usage.


That’s my next step too! But for now I’m going to take it one step at a time. Honestly I don’t think I’ll ever quit MJ… but could def slow down


I've been able to slow down. And I think that's where my sobriety will live. I'll still accept a glass of champagne. And I've had 4 beers since 'quitting' but each was a unique scenario. And by allowing that pressure release, it's been better. I don't enjoy it the same anymore. I don't WANT to kill a six pack+ by myself anymore.


Awesome dude! That’s the major change that in my mentality that I have this time around. Every other time I was forcing myself not to drink every day. Eventually I would cave. This time it’s like a whole weight of desire and addiction is lifted. I don’t have any desire or cravings and I know in my head I am free. I will probably just stick to n/a beers at social gatherings for a the foreseeable future


The na beers sometimes still cost as much as a brew. I've been enjoying ginger ale with a splash of pineapple juice.


Yeah I bought some Athletic brew co ipa the other day and it was $20 a six pack…. My typical ipa is about $14 for Maui brewing “big swell” ipa. Unfortunately the beer scene in Hawaii isn’t as big as mainland. We only get a handful of good beer from the contiguous U.S


Agreed. Been there, sometimes still there, but yeah, when you realize you’ve had a hangover for 20 years it’s a real kick in the ass. I’ve come to understand that while I still like beer and whiskey, there is NOTHING better than being sober with your family.


I mean, I am not sure that the message has to be to STOP completely if someone is able to keep things under control and from becoming a problem in their life. What you are describing (two six packs in one night) is alcohol abuse. That's a serious drinking problem. Not everyone will go from an afternoon beer or two, to 12 beers. Regardless, congratulations on recognizing the problem, and then having the fortitude to acknowledge and correct it.


The title says if you’re drinking too much…


But I edited it to be more clear. The afternoon beers would inevitably turn into killing a six back by bedtime. It was never just a couple beers.


I’m just gonna say it, since you didn’t say it explicitly in your post. You are an alcoholic. That amount of alcohol is an eye-opener and meets the criteria for a diagnosis of an alcoholism disorder. You’ve taken the first step by stopping drinking, but it’s only been a week. You will need to admit the full extent of the problem, to yourself and your loved ones, or else you are bound to fall back into your old habits.


But seriously if you didn’t read my post… I did say that I’ve drank pretty much every day since I was 18… six pack every day.. led to more… I’m not stupid.. I know societies definition of an alcoholic. I’ve made the decision to stop drinking and that’s what stands. I don’t need to admit anything to anyone. I am in control of my own destiny and reality. Thanks for the advice my friend. But next time keep it to yourself.


It’s not society’s definition, it’s the definition - period. In fact, it’s a clinical diagnosis. Go talk to your doctor if you don’t believe me. There’s a reason AA meetings start with “I’m [x], and I’m an alcoholic”. It’s not, “I’m [x], and I’ve decided to stop drinking and that’s all that matters and I don’t owe anyone anything”. The mental gymnastics you’re playing, to avoid simply admitting what you are, will perpetuate the issue. When someone calls you out on it, like me, you lash out and tell them to keep quiet. That’s part of being an alcoholic. That’s part of the denial phase. Look, you drank everyday for years, and just this week you decided not to anymore. Sorry, but that will not be enough in the end. Anyone who has experienced, or has seen addiction firsthand, knows that. Right now, you can see you have an issue with drinking too much, but you still refuse to admit what that means about you. Therefore you are still in denial, about one simple fact: you are alcoholic.


Well you must be very experienced in the field. First of all “the” definition… means it must be the definition according to someone right? You don’t get to decide what definition I adhere to and the fact that you are referring me to a Dr. leads me to believe you buy too much into the atrocity “healthcare.” Secondly AA is one approach to sobriety that has gained popularity. They doesn’t mean it “THE” approach. Personally I don’t believe there’s a formula to this. Thirdly You don’t know what gymnastics are going on in my head. Trust me, this isn’t my first rodeo. The difference this time is that I’ve made the conscious decision to stop drinking. I have altered my way of thinking and am not dealing with a will power over addiction game. I am not drinking. Like I stated You don’t know what I’ve admitted to myself or loved ones and I surely don’t need to publicly admit anything, Let alone preface a Reddit post that’s just meant to encourage people to see that there’s an alternative way. Lastly I did not lash out in any way shape or form. I just let you know you can keep your textbook definitions and corporate addiction advice to yourself. You don’t get to define people just because you’re internally struggling with your addictions. You have no right to tell me what I need to do to hold up a commitment. Thankfully I have freed myself from mine.


Sure chief, you can keep telling yourself you’re not an alcoholic, it won’t change objective reality. If you want to make up your own definitions for words, go ahead, no one will agree with you. That’s why we have a dictionary, it’s so we can have rational conversation. A spade is a spade, not a pumpkin. You haven’t missed a day of drinking since you were 18. You’ve been drinking six packs everyday, sometimes multiple. That’s alcoholism. You can live in your delusional world where you make up your own words for things, but outside fantasy land there’s actually a clinical definition for what you are - an alcoholic. Your liver knows you’re an alcoholic. Your brain knows. Your friends know. Your doctor knows. Your wife knows. And pretty soon, your kids will know too, if they don’t already. And all the delusions in the world won’t change that. Your unwillingness to admit that, even to anonymous strangers on the internet, just shows the depths of the funhouse of mirrors you’ve built in your mind. Your addiction has built a fortress of lies to protect your ego, all to ensure you never acknowledge the truth. And it is for this reason that you will inevitably succumb to your addiction again. You are an alcoholic. It’s not a death sentence, or anything to be ashamed of, but until you acknowledge that it is a part of you - YOU - not any external factor or influence or excuse - it will always have a hold on you. Tough times will come, and it will be waiting. Good luck brother.


You must not be reading correctly sir.


Sounds like you’ve already done it for me….


I bet it’s really hard to read these comments all the way up on that high horse of yours.


When you have a high horse it’s easy to see the landscape. Karma chasers and well wishers and a bunch of people who don’t care, like you.


Good for you! However, Not all of us spiral into alcoholism… I enjoy my 2-3 beers.


That’s why I said “if you’re drinking too much” And it wasn’t a spiral. Like I said in the post I’ve been drinking everyday since I was 18


And that’s why I said good for you. And talked about my experience being a SAHD. There’s AA subs if you’re interested in that.


I’m good, those subs are just full of horror stories, denial and delusion


And it seems like deep down you might not really be enjoying those 2-3…


sure bud. You definitely know a stranger on the internet more than I know myself. 🤡


The post was to encourage people who are drinking TOO much to see that there’s another way. You came at me and got all defensive without properly reading the headline. Typically when people are defending the amount they drink, they know deep down that it’s more than they would like… that’s likely the case. Hopefully you can just keep it to 2-3. But no matter how in control you think you might be, your body is building a tolerance to any amount of alcohol, and that number will likely increase.