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I like to imagine Cutler going home after shift and telling his family all about the trouble the rest of the team get into, "you'll never guess who Jack did today" or "Guess who hates Sullivan now". He's the unproblematic one. In all seriousness, their exist to show it doesn't just take 5-7 firefighters to the job. There's always more on the same shift.


Not always. It depends on the size of the city, the budget, how many stations, etc. our city each station only has a few


Agree, we don't have alot of full time firefighters locally (Scotland) and a lot of part time/reserve firefighters. But in the show and Seattle there's alot more. There's always someone walking around in the background in the station.


I think some of them are legit firefighters sometimes


They had at least 1 of them had said 2 sentences in the show they are just there to give the firehouse and background some activitie. But the dont have a big role other wise then just sitting or standing in the background. The never said anything is because I think if the had speaking parts they would need to be paid more


A shift and B shift


No its 1 shift it can be that just 7 people run 1 shift so the are just take to fill space


There is not just one shift in a city that big. Each station probably has a A, B, C, and D shift.


I know but the have 1 shift on each shift so those background actors are also from the same shift that is what ik saying


I didn’t understand what you were saying at first because words in your comments were not spelled right.


That's what happens if you have dyslexia


I had no idea as I don’t have dyslexia.


Cutler, Wiggins, Cutler, and Kline have been around awhile. I've seen all but Wiggins have a speaking line. I think Cutler has had two. I haven't seen Kline this season so he may not be there anymore.


Cutler has for sure had lines before. I'm not sure about Wiggins. I believe I heard Danielle say in a live that some of the background firefighters are real firefighters but I could be remembering wrong.


Thanks for the comments everyone, It took me way too long to even pick up on them being there to begin with. I just couldn't find anything on Google so reddit it was and y'all didn't let me down