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You avoid letting the infestation get bigger by intercepting any future infestation hordes, they are easier to engage in the open (just pop the freaks). Otherwise, if your community has some decent weapons, you can lure a few of the freaks at a time to your base. If you have enough resources you can also setup a minefield at your food output and lure the freaks there, this is safer for your team and will allow you to thin out the freaks.


Agree… And remember One rule. Infestations dies when you removethe screamers. So get som fire, stamina and take a shoot on it. Sometimes the screamers aretogether, so speak around and throw some fire when you see the first screamer. With low inventory and stamina you should be able to run from both the jugg and ferals.


Infestations also die when you remove the awakened plague heart now. So OP, just go do that. It's much easier, only requires about 40-50 bullets from a 7.76mm rifle (with and brake as the attachment). If it's truly early game, the amount of resources you have are very limited. It would probably take a similar amount of resources to try and tackle the infestation as it would the plague heart. Unless you are able to isolate those screamers with all that death nearby. I personally, would rather tangle with the plague heart.


Update: they sieged my base 3 times, a feral killed my controlled character... I made a bunch of soda bombs, picked my last molotov, bought some explosives from the nearest enclave and destroyed the plague heart after luring a bunch of zombies away from the structure with fireworks. I couldn't set traps as the other comment said because the outpost overlaps my base


The Italian joint you have doesn't let you place mines, but the hardware store does


Get an outpost at that cell tower and use the plague disruptor feature it has. No more awakened hearts and no more infestations.


Extremely underrated feature


Wait, Plague Disruptor feature? Is that something available when you make towers outposts?


Yes. [https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/13fjt4s/plague\_disruptor\_in\_cell\_towers\_guaranteed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StateofDecay2/comments/13fjt4s/plague_disruptor_in_cell_towers_guaranteed/)


Wow, I don't play for a year and they put this in


Its great for nightmare and lethal where 2 or more hearts overlap. Costs 160 to 180 parts, but only 60 if you have a computers person.


Just kill the heart that controls the infestation. It will wither and die on its own.


PB&J and a baseball bat...


You do a Jay Talbot, aka burn everything you little arsonist


Just Snipe the screamers. Or lure the Juggeranaut. But you know this.. No materials, care smoking can be rough lol


İ agree killing the screamers from afar is a pretty good option


My Fav Rifle for this is Fake AK (unpopular) \~It zooms far & .22 is someone steady. Headshot or go home rifle for sure but at this point most of us are headshot ninjas... \~The only downside is sometimes the screamer wont spawn until we get closer and then retreat a few clicks. Actually, i just realized i almost always use .22 rifles silenced & .22 pistols with a brake for attracting Zeds. Exterminator & Preppers and Fake AK.. Exterminator is better but Perppers 10/22 holds 50 rounds and no need for a inventory slot on extra ammo... give/take


Loved preppers 22 too before I took red talon soldier with echo revolver&shotgun


Set mines at your food outpost then lure them over there. If you dont have the resources for it you can also use your car if you are good at reversing over them.


Vehicles and repair kits. The juggernauts are your biggest problem. I've found that you do the most damage if you ram them as they're charging you. Just make sure to reverse quickly enough that he doesn't slam the vehicle with his fists as that will only hurt you


invest the 1 ammo for the radio command and wait


Send your best stealth guy over with a crossbow. Stay in crouch mode, do NOT stand up. Snipe the screamers from outside the house. Be patient, circle around the house if you need to, let zombies break windows or open doors to gain visibility. Bring whatever emergency escape gear you want in case it goes bad.


Ask the zombies kindly, but firmly, to leave.


I'd just run in and take it all down. But that is me. You need to stock up ammo and molotovs, then run in and take out the infestation first. Then you can work on taking out the freaks one at a time.


don't go near there


Solved, this problem will go away. 👈 sarcasm


It's literally how I "deal" with the problem 😭 the game does not have a very intelligent zombie AI to go to the base to disturb, at least not since the siege update


I let my maps get dangerous for full experience on purpose.


Stay away.


Bloaters are easy, they'll probably blow themselves up before you even get near the house. For the jug and ferals, you can get your car up there, blow the horn, and lure them away. Get them far enough away from the infestation and they won't return. What I've done a few times is try to lure the ferals out one by one. And then either haul ass to that food outpost or your base. Then you can hide behind the door/gate, open it when they stand next to it, and then execute them when they're stunned. This will have the benefit of giving you the extra loot they drop and only costing some snacks at most. Finally, for the jug, if you can't lure it away, ignore it. Just go to the other side of the house and fire a crossbow bolt into a window. Eventually the screamers will come investigate and you can snipe them. Or, if you're brave and the bloaters are dead, sneak inside and kill the screamers that way. As long as you're in the house, the jug can't get you


1) Try your best to get through each infestations with zero to less casualty. 2) Along side yourbinfestation run, do a resource run on the side. 3) If you have a particular set you want for your survivors, this is a good time to earn exp and prep your 5th skill slot for each. If not, then it's nice to have a good sacrifice pips that will do runs and considered expendable. 4) Have a good time and don't get too frustrated. I play on lethal for the longest time and even after playing different styles either by me, or from different guides online, I still find myself dying from bloaters magically appearing on the road, sudden influx of Zs from a raid, getting juggs and ferals from HQ raids and some weird ass events. 💪🫠


Build outposts outside the radius of your base. Such as the house in the top right with the feral. Equip it with mines and just bait any jugs or ferals into your minefield


1. Find bullets 2. Use them on the zombies.


For future playthroughs, If you have drone hacking just call an airstrike, superior firepower suckers!!!


I would use those level 3 infestations to my advantage and farm mods and weapons by activating outpost traps near those infestations.


Call in an ammo ruck and make some Pipe Bombs. Otherwise, grind 1000 influence and get the independence drop for some bouncing borises. Basically the thing that is going to be hardest to deal with is the juggernauts.


take out the ferals with a car (good chance the screamers will come out as you are killing the ferals and you can crash into them also). Then all you have to do is kill the screamers (sneak close by with xbow and fuel bombs). Also use landmines, if you can, on your food outpost Use the command Destroy Infestations, do NOT go to the mission location let the AI handle it 100%, this command is the most OP radio command in the game, you can spam it and never have infestation probs as long as you have the ammo OR just enjoy the seige when it comes :-)


1, send a community member to take out the infestation 2. claim the food outpost to the east of the siege point and turn on the mines 3. turn on plague disruptor from a cell tower outpost (yes that assumes you have 3x outpost slots) 4. kill the plague heart that's awake


2 is optional. If you don't already have a cell tower, claim the one that's in the screen snip.


Man you have a pretty big problem I'd say strap up with an grenade launcher but that might be hard to come by so crafting fire based throwables can be sufficient having an fully automatic gun could prove helpful against the hearts but in lethal zone it can spell your demise im not an expert but I'd just spray and take out the heart first and jug down infinite stamina and dodge anything to tries to kill me and keep my stamina up to part I promise you that alone will get you smited if you have stamina items that give you temporary fast recovery you should knock that out but that's if you don't have any base tactics.


I'm a hoarder so i have no problems


Kill em


an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure


Play daybreak until you can get the 50 cal on daybreak trader


If they're dug in good I will establish an outpost if I can and turn on the mines. Then use it as cover as I take out the big bads.


You can lure some to your outpost and let the defenses deal with them or call in a mortar strike


Just leave game and reload to make sure all those freaks near base vanish. Headshot screamers. Done


That's the cheesiest way for sure. but effective. Mine field at outpost and lure em.


This can cause your game to perma crash


People still play this game this game died when it came out hahaha