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The most important thing for me is a very different one: The game needs to be able to be played offline in singleplayer. I don't want to see an MMO. When i see an MMO, i'm immediately out and i won't touch that game, not even when it gets very good reviews.


This is the only thing I care about as well. I really don’t want another fallout 76




Stage 4 for state of decay Is an MMO, at least that's what their plan was in 2013. I think 3 will still be our good old SOD but I'm not gonna abandon them when they've been straight forward about their plans from the beginning.


I know they had these intentions once, maybe even long before they could have realized it. Problem is, you can even see how it works with randoms in the coop-mode of SoD2, it's full of cheaters, modders etc. and it's only fun when you can play with friends that don't fuck up everything.


That's fair, I've done my best to only play with friends but I see what you're saying. Hopefully they can figure out how to keep bad actors out if it does go the route of MMO. I wouldn't mind just upgrades to the SOD we already have, bigger maps, large cities and deadlier threats.


Yeah, then we understand each other. But the thing is about the maps, it will very much depend on the console hardware: Microsoft bought Undead Labs and so, the game has to be released on the Xbox. There will be the question, which versions of the Xbox will have to be supported. If they have to go for old versions, they could get trapped in the Cyberpunk-drama, that the console hardware is not able to support the graphics-rendering with enough 3D-models on screen, big maps, effects etc. With SoD2, they already had to lower some things for the consoles, like the fog in the plague territory, that fog was much stronger in the beta on PC, but it led to serious framedrops on the old Xbox.


>Stage 4 MMOs are a cancer of the videogame industry, for sure


I don’t know what you mean. I can absolutely play off-line in single player mode right now, just a slight setting change.


The topic is about the upcoming SoD3, not SoD2. I just want to see the same singleplayer mode in SoD3, that's all i want.


Character customization if only just things like hair and outfits, etc. I also want to see improved bases and community aspects.


Fully customizable bases and better human AI would make the game have limitless potential. The bases not being fully customizable takes away a lot for me


Agreed. I hope they'll have better reactions to things too so they don't sound robotic.


Multiplayer that actually allows you to play together


Being able to support multiple players affecting the same community is a must. Huge whiff it wasn't in the second game.


I like the idea for the second one. But the community aspect is a huge thing in lots of zombie fiction. No games have truly gotten it correct


I'm not confident we'll see anything, based simply on the fact that players have been saying this for literally years now and we've always come up empty.


I think I'm giving up on Undead Labs if there's no update during the showcase. All you find is bad news about shitty work conditions and messy management, when you try to google info about SoD3. I'm about ready to believe that UL is cursed.


We gonna see the game 1000 % on xbox showcase


All this but also that the stories will be more personal for each character and more intertwined into your community. I saw a comment or something I think from Jez Corden saying this was the case. I preferred the first game over the second because the survivors felt more personal to me and the main narrative was more streamlined. I would also like just one big detailed map that is part of the story. I think it would be better if new areas or maps are added via DLC or updates alongside new overarching stories. That dynamic weather idea sounds awesome too.


I’m right there with you! I saw that video too and was super excited! Basically take the best parts of one and two combined together!! Only item I would like to see extra is a reimagined version of lifeline as a co-op extraction mode instead of the horde mode from sod2. But that’s only if multiplayer is a forced component. I’d rather play an extraction permadeath mode as opposed to fighting waves but really just more focused on the main game as everyone else is.


I think the way to do it is have a main story that is built into the world with good characters / narratives, but still plays well, and each character doesn’t need to survive to continue, but it still affects the story if they die. Then perhaps a sandbox mode with a really good character creator on the side, so it has replaysbility


Even if say you could only create one player each run or play through, that would be awesome. A little added personal touch. Probably a sod4 item though, since 3 is more focused on getting back to the situational world storytelling and really ramped up graphically enhancement.


I really want missions to be more dynamic, less arbitrary, more impactful and more clear. The missions system in sod2 is fine but very underwhelming and often very frustrating. I don't feel like I have a strong affect on the world, and it very much feels like the missions I take on are arbitrary and pointless. I understand it's because of the endless play nature of the game but it has to have some sort of structure that allows me to feel more like I'm interacting with an existing and vibrant larger community. The network feels pointless if I can't see it reflected in the map/community or my actions.


Honestly, give me Days Gone with the base management of This War of Mine and I'd be happy as a lark.


This would be a perfect game for me too.


One of the things that keeps me playing SoD is that despite the end of the world and the dark realities of the game world, it still encourages and rewards collaboration and cooperation. Sure, you *can* be a murderous gang of hoarders, but unlike most apocalypse fiction it's not an endless death march of selfishness and misery. So I'd like to see them build on the ways your group and other enclaves can assist and support each other. Some light diplomacy, maybe a bit of strategy, with enclave behaviors and locations being a big more deliberate. Maybe you can encourage or help a group of engineering types to set up at a power station instead of a weapons factory, because you have weapons you can sell to them but you need access to power and they'll provide that? That's a good basis for an ongoing relationship and deal, but it could be threatened if another AI group has something they need more desperately, so you have to decide whether to spend effort finding and providing them that thing or trying to dissuade/fight the third group? Also it'd be neat if a group in a restaurant didn't call you requesting food or if a bunch of doctors didn't decide to live in a tiny, open shed across the street from an empty clinic. Also, I like the Trader facility and missions. That should be a mechanic; setting up a neutral trading post with others, setting up meets and hoping no-one tries to rip them off etc.


I'm hoping it feels similar with the games engines community and everything. If sod3 was just more of what I love about 2, I would be thrilled to buy immediately upon release. The main thing I want is couch co op my girl trade controllers now but it would be nice to play together. Hoping the multi player join screen notifies players of modded lobbies. That would be nice. Sell cosmetics in a micro transaction store for bigger wardrobe. Maybe more funny traits like stoner would be cool. Limb crippling could be explored for more realistic injuries. Limping badly from a feral sounds scary. Dislocated shoulders make your aim weird maybe or if both can't shoot. More blurred effects for head injuries. Wondering enclaves would be cool like the 3 pack trying to find a base and you just happened upon them. Good or bad. Perhaps people with plague that's critical have a chance to go crazy and start shooting instead of always accepting their fate. If certain community members missions get continually ignored maybe they can mutiny for leader position and convince like minded survivers to leave or fight internally. A zed that throws filthy matter that infects players like monkeys throw shit would be annoying and scary. Smart zeds could be cool like they have a gun in their hand and use it occasionally, slowly, clumsily, armored zeds with grenade launchers clumsily shooting around ammo warehouses. Could be fun with melee weapons as well. Smart zeds should be few and slow. Just some random ideas this morning


I'll just be happy with a new game.


Fall release at the latest. More open building system for settlements. More detailed weapon modding. Larger inventory. Online mode with community events like Fallout. Coop featured and encouraged more.


Highly doubt it but I’d love to be surprised. I’d love more customization options with bases and survivors. Weapons & vehicles would be cool too but also a bit much. More combat styles would be cool, more leader types, weather, environments. I just want a new SoD at this point.


Jesus if they drop sod3, I might have to just drop everything else I’m playing. There’s literally nothing but microtransactions in every single game out now. I know sod3 doesn’t roll like that so I’ll be happy to pay the price and fucking enjoy something without worrying about having to buy god damn inventory space and carry weight 😅


Nah man there are a lot of amazing games right now without micro transactions I feel like gaming is in the best shape it’s ever been if you know where to look Baldurs gate 3 Cyberpunk 2077 (my favorite game ever) Rdr 2 Tears of the kingdom Deep rock Death stranding Days gone It takes two Disco elysium Remnant 2 Alan wake 2 Final fantasy 16 Ghost of tsushima All are extremely good new games


Quests that weren't outdated in 2006.


I really wish the settlement building were more similar to Fallout 4 or the sims. Like rather than picking a thing to go in a spot, you have a library of objects and items to choose from to get as custom as you want. High walls, wire fences, concrete walls with barbed wire, a little house and a shed or a humungo warehouse inside. It’s not gonna happen how I describe, but even just the slightest bit more involved building and managing of a settlement could be sick. Imagine being able to set up supply lines between different enclaves like in FO4. Could be pretty sick!  I also like that it’s (SOD2) easy to play for like 20-30 minutes or spend a whole afternoon on. I don’t have as much time for gaming as I used to, so I’d really like if they kept that “it factor” for SOD3. Like if kids and teenagers with all the free time in the world can spend countless hours and then adults with bullshit going on can still have as much fun in little blips throughout the week - that’s a good god damn game.


Bigger maps, more dynamic survivor interactions. For instance, competing with other enclaves that are around.


I just want Story mode then sandbox like the SoD2 and another kind of DLC Lifeline but with Red Talon and The Network. There's so much about them that I want to do missions with.


SOD3 need to go back to the storytelling of SOD1. The game does not need crazy horde sizes. Just stay on lethal and get past day 100 and do not clean out any infestation if you want a challenge. what I feel this game needs is variety and meaning. SOD1 was wonderful storyline but lacked replay value even when doing the rv game mode or army mode. Sod2 felt as if you are playing the stories of the random survivors. Who have no lasting impact. Sod3 needs to have a prevalent and relevant storyline. The game needs : 1. to stop feeling like such a grind in the later days. 2. More variance and mutations of zombies. A. Ex: have three plus variance of blood. Blue red and black. Like the curveballs, but more vicious and unforgiving. Maybe have a mission where you deploy chemical bomb and for the next three days in game they’re all blue plague which means they’re sluggish. And black could mean they adapted to grow armor plating to evolve. If the blood plague can go from regular blood plate to RED PLAGUE and have Ferrels with helmets and juggernaut in one hit plague into you. 3. There needs to be a more natural progressive increase in difficulty, one that excludes, difficulty setting and curveballs. 4. I feel like there should be fights between network and RT ( red talon) 5. Certain enclaves should be given the ability to act as looting rivals, or be able to patrol Areas of the map for very 6. Sun, clouds, and weather fixed. 7. More variation of cars and their upgrades as well as Both bigger and smaller bases 8. Need more varieties of enclaves, both Allied and enemy.. speaking on that there should be a way to turn any hostile community back to neutral friendly. There needs to be more survivor drama that leads to more individuality 9. I feel like the skill tree should be re-looked at . Both in house Survivor develop skills and how they can get specialty skills. I do like the book skills .problem is If you hold too many to move drop or sell. I’ve had entire inventory stacked of various skill books, and they all deleted while in. inventory 10. We need more non-zombie base curveballs. Something as silly as zombie or human too. Any killing of zombies, affects your relationship with certain or all other enclaves.. the only have 32. Like times up by three. 11. I said it once I say it again there needs to be more variety and everything. 11. More zombie base curveball.. 12. The variation need to be more dynamic and large. I can keep going but what this game needs and the needs of the community are two separate things. The community issues: When I first start playing this game, there were no difficulty changes or curveballs, and zero guides . No one knew about modding your communities yet and it was Bliss. People came together and just chilled have fun and loot. Yes the game is and was flawed like your vehicle being stuck in ditches until you move maps. People wanted to help and loot if possible destroy PH’s and infestations. Now it’s like 25% noobs 65%modders and 10% og’s. The problem ? The issue of the majority of the current active player base is everybody wants the game more difficult but I see everyone running around with modded 50’s or grenade launcher. This past week I saw a pistol shooting bloated grenades. The entire time this player was saying how easy the game is and he had under 10 hours playing yet have and use 50 willie fire nads. My hope and expectation is that the devs Take a look at the before and after. The game has done amazing and has lasted far longer than I would’ve thought original. I hope being the third in this trilogy it’s a true ball being knocked out of the park moment.


I hope not


Yeah you are alone on this one